Production of fruit spirits and liqueurs : bachelor thesis


Voćne rakije su jedno od najraširenijih alkoholnih pića. Mogu se proizvesti od raznog voća, a tehnološki procesi koji ukljuĉuju postupak proizvodnje voćnih rakija su priprema sirovine, fermentacija i destilacija. Likeri su takoĊer jaka alkoholna pića koja se ovisno o tehnološkom postupku i vrsti sirovine dijele u više skupina, od kojih su jedna voćni likeri. Za proizvodnju likera je potreban voćni destilat u koji se potapa voće (maceracija) kako bi se liker aromatizirao. Cilj ovog rada bio je detaljno opisati sve jediniĉne procese tokom postupka proizvodnje voćnih likera, navesti potencijalne probleme koji se mogu javiti kao i moguća rješenja istih. Kako bi proizvod bio pogodan za tržište moraju se ispoštovati propisane zakonske norme, pa je rad popraćen i odreĊenim pravilnicima.Fruit spirits are one of the most widespread strong alcoholic drinks. They can be produced from various fruits, and the technological processes are preparation of raw materials, fermentation and distillation. Liqueurs are also strong alcoholic drinks that can be divided into several groups depending on the technological production process and the type of raw materials. One of them are fruit liqueurs that can be produced from different types of fruit. For the production of fruit liqueurs, fruits are macerated in fruit distillate in order to get the final liqueur aroma. The aim of this work was to describe in detail unit operations in the fruit liqueur production, to list potential problems that may arise and their possible solutions. In order to make product suitable for the market, the prescribed norms for that type of product must be respected, so the work is accompanied by certain laws and regulations

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