69 research outputs found


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    U članku se analizira repertoar Hrvatskog narodnog kazaliŔta u Osijeku u proteklih deset godina, koji pak producira fragmentaran pregled kulturno-menadžerskih ili pak redateljskih i glumačkih intervencija unutar premijernih kazaliŔnih izvedaba a koje imaju značajan učinak na trivijaliziranje i komercijaliziranje estetičkih i vrijednosnih problema kazaliŔnog čina. Iako jedina profesionalna scena u Osijeku, ona samo u iznimnom slučajevima nije i konformistička, nefleksibilna i iskazuje volju za preuzimanjem ekonomskog ili pak ideoloŔko-političkog rizika, za eksperimentom u smislu poticanja i ohrabrenja umjetničke inovativnosti.The article analyses the repertoire of the Croatian National Theater in Osijek over the last ten years and produces a fragmentary overview of interventions made by theatre management, directors or actors that have a significant effect on the trivialization and commercialization of aesthetic and value issues of play

    Catharsis and Method of Ā»Katarina ZrinskaĀ« by Ante Tresić Pavičić

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    Analysis of program-oriented texts by Ante Tresić Pavičić, most notably Early Homeland (Rana otačbina) from 1899 and Catharsis and Method of Ā»Katarina ZrinskaĀ« (Katarsa i tehnika Ā»Katarine ZrinskeĀ«) from 1900, in which the authorā€™s anti-modernist concept becomes obvious, reveals the elements which assert Tresić Pavičić as an exceptional erudite and a faithful follower of current events in European literature and science. This is mostly visible in the authorā€™s discussion on catharsis in historical tragedy, when he expresses his standpoints on dramaturgy in the context of the latest achievements of European philosophy and psychology


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    U članku se raŔčlanjuje manje poznata drama u četiri čina cvelferske autorice Mare Å vel-GamirÅ”ek naslovljena Đuka Ivanov, napisana na samom kraju tridesetih godina XX. stoljeća te se argumentirano smjeÅ”ta pod okrilje socijalno angažirane drame sa snažnim naturalističkim predznakom. Unatoč naznakama da je drama trebala biti uprizorena u zagrebačkom Hrvatskom narodnom kazaliÅ”tu za vrijeme intendature Julija BeneÅ”ića te Aleksandra Freudenreicha, Đuka Ivanov je prvi put objavljen tek 2015. godine u Osijeku. Mara Å vel-GamirÅ”ek poziva svojom dramom na obnovu tradicijskih vrijednosti, povratak ishodiÅ”tima, na čuvanje baÅ”tine, uviđanje beneficija koje nam zemlja isplaćuje za nepatvoreni mukotrpni rad. Time je ideja dramskog teksta prispodobiva s osnovnim postavkama Heimatkunsta, zavičajne umjetnosti, književnog fenomena koji se krajem prvog i početkom drugog desetljeća dvadesetog stoljeća nalazio u književnosti na njemačkom jeziku na svome vrhuncu kao jedan od antimodernističkih produkata.This article breaks down the less-known four-part drama by author Mara Å vel-GamirÅ”ek titled Đuka Ivanov, written at the very end of the thirties of the 20th century, and presents arguments that firmly define it as a socially engaged drama with strong naturalistic leanings. Despite hints that the play was meant to be staged at the HNK in Zagreb during the time of Julije BeneÅ”ić and Aleksandar Freudenreich, Đuka Ivanov was only staged for the first time in 2015 in Osijek. With her play, Mara Å vel-GamirÅ”ek calls for a renewal of traditional values, a return to roots, preserving heritage, and points out the benefits that the earth affords us for our genuine, backbreaking work. With this comes the idea of a dramatic text with the basic tenets of Heimankunst, a literary phenomenon that could be found at the peak of German literature at the end of the first and beginning of the second decade of the 20th century, as one of the products of anti-modernist movements

    MatoÅ”ev Prolog drami Prokletstvo Milana Ogrizovića i Andrije Milčinovića

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    On 7th May 1907, after publishing the play Prokletstvo in literary magazine ā€žSavremenikā€, the censorship approved performing the play in the Croatian national theatre in the theater season 1906/1907 under the condition that it would have passed through some radical changes. However, twenty days later all rehearsals were banned. Authors, Milan Ogrizović and Andrija Milčinović, show their brief union in resisting censorship publishing Prokletstvo into a separate book in year 1907 with MatosŹ¼ Prologue that critically assails the institutions that stopped the play. Content and repercussions of MatosŹ¼ editorial in Prokletstvo are the starting point of this article that outlines the cultural and political situation in Croatia in the first decade of the 20th century.On 7th May 1907, after publishing the play Prokletstvo in literary magazine ā€žSavremenikā€, the censorship approved performing the play in the Croatian national theatre in the theater season 1906/1907 under the condition that it would have passed through some radical changes. However, twenty days later all rehearsals were banned. Authors, Milan Ogrizović and Andrija Milčinović, show their brief union in resisting censorship publishing Prokletstvo into a separate book in year 1907 with MatosŹ¼ Prologue that critically assails the institutions that stopped the play. Content and repercussions of MatosŹ¼ editorial in Prokletstvo are the starting point of this article that outlines the cultural and political situation in Croatia in the first decade of the 20th century

    Dramatization of Ivana Å ojatā€™s Novel Emet

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    U članku se analiziraju i kompariraju supstancije sadržaja za predstavu Emet, praizvedene 10. studenoga 2018. godine u Hrvatskom narodnom kazaliÅ”tu u Osijeku u režiji slovenskog redatelja Same Streleca pri čemu se otkriva naklonost autorice dramatizacije Maje Gregl prema Brechtovom konceptu antiaristotelovskog, epskog teatra u transpoziciji pripovjednog teksta Ivane Å ojat u dramski.The article analyses and compares the substance of content for the play Emet, premiered on November 10, 2018 at the Croatian National Theatre in Osijek, directed by the Slovenian director Samo Strelec, revealing the Maja Greglā€™s (author of dramatization) fondness for Brechtā€™s concept of anti-Aristotelian, epic theater in transposing Ivana Å ojatā€™s narrative text into drama

    Milčinović vs. Ogrizović. Uzrok, povod, posljedica.

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    U članku se iznalaze i separatno obrazlažu uzrok i povod sukoba koji je razdvojio dvojicu estetski najkvalitetnijih autorskih osobnosti hrvatske književne moderne, proznog virtuoza A. Milčinovića te dramskog prvaka moderne M. Ogrizovića. Analiziraju se polemične rečenice ne samo spomenutog dvojca, nego skupine jakih hrvatskih autorskih imena, predvođenih A. G. MatoÅ”em, koji su se neposredno uključili u raspravu kojoj je atmosferu primarno sačinjavala hipokrizija. Zaključni dio posvećen je posljedici jednog turbulentnog sukoba koji je uvelike pridonio sustavnom promiÅ”ljanju stilski disparatne, heterogene i pluralističke hrvatske književne moderne


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    U članku se analizira repertoar Hrvatskog narodnog kazaliŔta u Osijeku u proteklih deset godina, koji pak producira fragmentaran pregled kulturno-menadžerskih ili pak redateljskih i glumačkih intervencija unutar premijernih kazaliŔnih izvedaba a koje imaju značajan učinak na trivijaliziranje i komercijaliziranje estetičkih i vrijednosnih problema kazaliŔnog čina. Iako jedina profesionalna scena u Osijeku, ona samo u iznimnom slučajevima nije i konformistička, nefleksibilna i iskazuje volju za preuzimanjem ekonomskog ili pak ideoloŔko-političkog rizika, za eksperimentom u smislu poticanja i ohrabrenja umjetničke inovativnosti.The article analyses the repertoire of the Croatian National Theater in Osijek over the last ten years and produces a fragmentary overview of interventions made by theatre management, directors or actors that have a significant effect on the trivialization and commercialization of aesthetic and value issues of play

    Remembered and forgotten scenes from Okrugić's play Šokice

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    The text of the popular play Å okica written in 1884 by Ilija Okrugić, together with the inserted folk songs, is being compared to the performances of Okrugićā€™s plays in the Croatian National Theater in Osijek, with the intention of exposing elements of the assumed thematic or folk character which does not correspond to recent sociological circumstances and which is therefore omitted in stage productions. Also, regarding the fact that the reasons for forgetting individual scenes from that folk ā€“ didactical and folk ā€“ documentary drama, should also be sought in the incoherent structure of the dramatic text which does not suit a contemporary recipient. On the other hand, in the realization of Okrugićā€™s play, we attempt to find the reasons why individual scenes were stressed, primarily those that are characterized by a sentimental, melodramatic tone, but also those in which that which is originally folk and true finds its echoes even today. Ultimately, this paper tries to show which of the typological and ethnological variations present in Okrugicā€™s Å okica are timeless, and which are considered to be primitive and unusable to the present day public


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    Članak istražuje načine na koje se odvija interakcija između osječkog kazaliÅ”ta i njegova okruženja u vrijeme Prvoga svjetskog rata, modele međusobnog uvjetovanja, status osječkog kazaliÅ”ta u mikrosredini te druÅ”tva u osječkom kazaliÅ”tu, kao i odnose između kazaliÅ”ta i gledatelja te kazaliÅ”ta i politike kako bi se nadopisao jedan manje poznat segment dugovječne povijesti Hrvatskog narodnog kazaliÅ”ta u Osijeku.This article explores the way in which Osijek's theater interacted with its environment during the time of the First World War, models of mutual conditioning, the status of Osijek's theater within its microcosm, the society in Osijek's theater, and the relationship between theater and patron as well as theater and politics, so as to flesh out a less-known section of the long history of the Croatian National Theater in Osijek
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