31 research outputs found


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    Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je predstaviti stranu programiranja koja omogučava zabavu korisnika, odnosno igrača kao i samog programera. Prikazuje spajanje različitih znanja unutar jedinstvenog projekta, potiče na razvijanje kreativnosti koja je potrebna kako bi se napravio što zanimljiviji dizajn, animacije, atmosfera, opisali likov i priča, sve to je potrebno kako bi se postigla zainteresiranost, ali i povezanost igrača s igrom. Tijekom izrade igre programer se upoznaje s ljudima iz različitih grana industrije u svrhu prikupljanja potrebnih informacija, bilo to vezano za potrebe izrade igre ili jednostavno povratne informacije osoba koje testiraju igru, istražuju eventualne probleme, daju određene savjete i slično. Konkretno ovim projektom je prikazano kako se s besplatnim resursima može izraditi sustav koji u konačnici pruža sate i sate užitka. U radu je opisan način izrade igrice korištenjem okruženja za izradu igara Unity3D (engl. Unity3D game engine) te programskog jezika C# koji se koristi u pogonskom alatu Unity3D. Ime igre je Dionyzus, žanr je otvoreni svijet, igra se iz trećeg lica te se radi o 3D igrici. Unutar igre je prikazan život Leona te njegov put prema otkrivanju tko stoji iza namještaljke u kojoj njegov najbolji prijatelj umire. Osim odrađivanja zadataka i izazova koji su predstavljeni igraču, moguće je slobodno istraživati grad te obavljati različite poslove neovisno o glavnoj priči.This graduate work is a game, made in Unity3D game engine. It is 3D game, open world, sandbox game based of GTA (Grand theft auto) series. This game was made as a demo which shows what can be done in Unity. Purpose of this graduation work is to enjoy and 1 have fun while testing, adding custom story line, as well as programming and adding some original features in world of gaming. It combines different types of knowledge, it encourages developing of different set of skills such as visuals and animation design, music composing, creating interesting atmosphere, describing characters and story line, all that is necessary to make future player interested in the game as well as connected to it. Throughout the game develop, programmer meets people from different industries with a purpose to gather all kinds of information, it could be anything connected to the game develop, getting feedback when it comes to bugs as well as listening to the different advises etc. With this project it was shown how with no investment it’s possible to create a game which offers hours and hours of fun time. Game shows life of Leon and his path to find out who is behind the set-up in which his best friend dies. Beside doing tasks and surviving through the challenges which lead to finishing story, player can freely explore the city and do side jobs which aren’t related to main story

    Scientific Conferences as a Medium of Academic Communication – a Case of INFuture

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    Scientific conferences provide opportunities for both formal and informal communication of academic insights among conference participants and make possible the sharing of those insights with the wider academic community as well as the wider public through the publication of conference papers in both print and digital form, and owing to all this they may be considered a significant medium of academic communication. Every system of communication consists of three basic elements: source of information, information user(s) and mediums or channels used for disseminating information. We analysed the system of academic communication using this basic structure, where we approached scientific conferences as a medium used for the dissemination of information. However, it is important to emphasise that in this basic scheme researchers represent the source of information and information users at the same time. Our analysis of academic communication includes both the dissemination and assimilation of scientific information taking place at conferences. Standard forms of activity and interaction at scientific conferences, ranging from oral communication during the giving of presentations, through written communication involved in the publication of papers as part of conference proceedings to one’s very presence at a conference, should carefully be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness as mediums of academic communication. We will present the results of our preliminary research through demonstrating correlations between the number of authors and number of papers presented at previous INFuture conferences, classifying authors by country, co-authorship, etc., and thus provide an introduction into a more detailed research into the communication space created as a result of scientific conferences and the role of that space in the communication within a particular academic community. A more extensive research project will include scientometric and bibliometric analyses, interviews and comparative analyses that should provide us with insights into the significance of conferences as a medium of academic communication and their impact on the academic community


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    Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je predstaviti stranu programiranja koja omogučava zabavu korisnika, odnosno igrača kao i samog programera. Prikazuje spajanje različitih znanja unutar jedinstvenog projekta, potiče na razvijanje kreativnosti koja je potrebna kako bi se napravio što zanimljiviji dizajn, animacije, atmosfera, opisali likov i priča, sve to je potrebno kako bi se postigla zainteresiranost, ali i povezanost igrača s igrom. Tijekom izrade igre programer se upoznaje s ljudima iz različitih grana industrije u svrhu prikupljanja potrebnih informacija, bilo to vezano za potrebe izrade igre ili jednostavno povratne informacije osoba koje testiraju igru, istražuju eventualne probleme, daju određene savjete i slično. Konkretno ovim projektom je prikazano kako se s besplatnim resursima može izraditi sustav koji u konačnici pruža sate i sate užitka. U radu je opisan način izrade igrice korištenjem okruženja za izradu igara Unity3D (engl. Unity3D game engine) te programskog jezika C# koji se koristi u pogonskom alatu Unity3D. Ime igre je Dionyzus, žanr je otvoreni svijet, igra se iz trećeg lica te se radi o 3D igrici. Unutar igre je prikazan život Leona te njegov put prema otkrivanju tko stoji iza namještaljke u kojoj njegov najbolji prijatelj umire. Osim odrađivanja zadataka i izazova koji su predstavljeni igraču, moguće je slobodno istraživati grad te obavljati različite poslove neovisno o glavnoj priči.This graduate work is a game, made in Unity3D game engine. It is 3D game, open world, sandbox game based of GTA (Grand theft auto) series. This game was made as a demo which shows what can be done in Unity. Purpose of this graduation work is to enjoy and 1 have fun while testing, adding custom story line, as well as programming and adding some original features in world of gaming. It combines different types of knowledge, it encourages developing of different set of skills such as visuals and animation design, music composing, creating interesting atmosphere, describing characters and story line, all that is necessary to make future player interested in the game as well as connected to it. Throughout the game develop, programmer meets people from different industries with a purpose to gather all kinds of information, it could be anything connected to the game develop, getting feedback when it comes to bugs as well as listening to the different advises etc. With this project it was shown how with no investment it’s possible to create a game which offers hours and hours of fun time. Game shows life of Leon and his path to find out who is behind the set-up in which his best friend dies. Beside doing tasks and surviving through the challenges which lead to finishing story, player can freely explore the city and do side jobs which aren’t related to main story


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    Rad istražuje različite znanstvene pristupe proučavanju i definiranju lažnih vijesti, s naglaskom na divergentnost tumačenja i analizu dobivenih rezultata. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja u okviru informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti definirati „lažne vijesti“. Glavna teza rada naglašava da lažne vijesti nisu zasebna vrsta informacija narušena integriteta, nego se pojavljuju kao oblik dezinformacije. Autori uspoređuju različite perspektive pristupu lažnim vijestima, ističući kako razumijevanje njihove prirode zahtijeva analizu širega konteksta informacijskoga i komunikacijskoga okružja. Zaključci istraživanja ukazuju na nužnost prilagodbe definicija lažnih vijesti, uključujući i slučajeve gdje lažne vijesti nisu nužno namjerne dezinformacije, nego rezultat nesporazuma ili nekritičkoga širenja netočnih podataka. Divergentnost pristupa uočena tijekom istraživanja sugerira da postoji potreba za integriranim i interdisciplinarnim pristupom kako bi se dinamika lažnih vijesti bolje razumjela. Konačno, istraživanje potiče na daljnje napore u razvoju strategija prepoznavanja i suzbijanja lažnih vijesti kao oblika dezinformacija koje uzimaju u obzir raznolikost formata njihove pojave.The paper explores various scientific approaches to studying and defining fake news, with an emphasis on the divergence of interpretations and the analysis of the obtained results. This research aims to define “fake news” within the field of information and communication sciences. The main thesis in this paper emphasizes that fake news is not a separate type of information with breached integrity but appears as a form of disinformation. The authors compare different perspectives on approaching fake news, emphasizing that understanding their nature requires an analysis of the broader context of the information and communication environment. The research conclusions point to the necessity of adapting definitions of fake news, including cases where fake news is not necessarily intentional disinformation but a result of misunderstandings or uncritical dissemination of inaccurate data. The divergence of approaches observed during the research suggests a need for an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to better understand the dynamics of fake news. Finally, the research encourages further efforts in developing strategies for identifying and tackling fake news as a form of disinformation, taking into account the diversity of formats in which they appear

    A fetal wave of human type 3 effector gamma delta cells with restricted TCR diversity persists into adulthood

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that the mouse embryonic thymus produces distinct waves of innate effector gamma delta T cells. However, it is unclear whether this process occurs similarly in humans and whether it comprises a dedicated subset of innate-like type 3 effector gamma delta T cells. Here, we present a protocol for high-throughput sequencing of TRG and TRD pairs that comprise the clonal gamma delta TCR. In combination with single-cell RNA sequencing, multiparameter flow cytometry, and TCR sequencing, we reveal a high heterogeneity of gamma delta T cells sorted from neonatal and adult blood that correlated with TCR usage. Immature gamma delta T cell clusters displayed mixed and diverse TCRs, but effector cell types segregated according to the expression of either highly expanded individual V delta 1(+) TCRs or moderately expanded semi-invariant V gamma 9V delta 2(+) TCRs. The V gamma 9V delta 2(+) T cells shared expression of genes that mark innate-like T cells, including ZBTB16 (encoding PLZF), KLRB1, and KLRC1, but consisted of distinct clusters with unrelated V gamma 9V delta 2(+) TCR clones characterized either by TBX21, FCGR3A, and cytotoxicity-associated gene expression (type 1) or by CCR6, RORC, IL23R, and DPP4 expression (type 3). Effector gamma delta T cells with type 1 and type 3 innate T cell signatures were detected in a public dataset of early embryonic thymus organogenesis. Together, this study suggests that functionally distinct waves of human innate-like effector gamma delta T cells with semi-invariant V gamma 9V delta 2(+) TCR develop in the early fetal thymus and persist into adulthood

    Intranasal Delivery of MVA Vector Vaccine Induces Effective Pulmonary Immunity Against SARS-CoV-2 in Rodents

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    Antigen-specific tissue-resident memory T cells (Trms) and neutralizing IgA antibodies provide the most effective protection of the lungs from viral infections. To induce those essential components of lung immunity against SARS-CoV-2, we tested various immunization protocols involving intranasal delivery of a novel Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)-SARS-2-spike vaccine candidate. We show that a single intranasal MVA-SARS-CoV-2-S application in mice strongly induced pulmonary spike-specific CD8+ T cells, albeit restricted production of neutralizing antibodies. In prime-boost protocols, intranasal booster vaccine delivery proved to be crucial for a massive expansion of systemic and lung tissue-resident spike-specific CD8+ T cells and the development of Th1 - but not Th2 - CD4+ T cells. Likewise, very high titers of IgG and IgA anti-spike antibodies were present in serum and broncho-alveolar lavages that possessed high virus neutralization capacities to all current SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Importantly, the MVA-SARS-2-spike vaccine applied in intramuscular priming and intranasal boosting treatment regimen completely protected hamsters from developing SARS-CoV-2 lung infection and pathology. Together, these results identify intramuscular priming followed by respiratory tract boosting with MVA-SARS-2-S as a promising approach for the induction of local, respiratory as well as systemic immune responses suited to protect from SARS-CoV-2 infections

    Brief research report: in-depth immunophenotyping reveals stability of CD19 CAR T-cells over time

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    Variability or stability might have an impact on treatment success and toxicity of CD19 CAR T-cells. We conducted a prospective observational study of 12 patients treated with Tisagenlecleucel for CD19+ B-cell malignancies. Using a 31-color spectral flow cytometry panel, we analyzed differentiation stages and exhaustion markers of CAR T-cell subsets prior to CAR T-cell infusion and longitudinally during 6 months of follow-up. The majority of activation markers on CAR T-cells showed stable expression patterns over time and were not associated with response to therapy or toxicity. Unsupervised cluster analysis revealed an immune signature of CAR T-cell products associated with the development of immune cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome. Warranting validation in an independent patient cohort, in-depth phenotyping of CAR T-cell products as well as longitudinal monitoring post cell transfer might become a valuable tool to increase efficacy and safety of CAR T-cell therapy


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    Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je predstaviti stranu programiranja koja omogučava zabavu korisnika, odnosno igrača kao i samog programera. Prikazuje spajanje različitih znanja unutar jedinstvenog projekta, potiče na razvijanje kreativnosti koja je potrebna kako bi se napravio što zanimljiviji dizajn, animacije, atmosfera, opisali likov i priča, sve to je potrebno kako bi se postigla zainteresiranost, ali i povezanost igrača s igrom. Tijekom izrade igre programer se upoznaje s ljudima iz različitih grana industrije u svrhu prikupljanja potrebnih informacija, bilo to vezano za potrebe izrade igre ili jednostavno povratne informacije osoba koje testiraju igru, istražuju eventualne probleme, daju određene savjete i slično. Konkretno ovim projektom je prikazano kako se s besplatnim resursima može izraditi sustav koji u konačnici pruža sate i sate užitka. U radu je opisan način izrade igrice korištenjem okruženja za izradu igara Unity3D (engl. Unity3D game engine) te programskog jezika C# koji se koristi u pogonskom alatu Unity3D. Ime igre je Dionyzus, žanr je otvoreni svijet, igra se iz trećeg lica te se radi o 3D igrici. Unutar igre je prikazan život Leona te njegov put prema otkrivanju tko stoji iza namještaljke u kojoj njegov najbolji prijatelj umire. Osim odrađivanja zadataka i izazova koji su predstavljeni igraču, moguće je slobodno istraživati grad te obavljati različite poslove neovisno o glavnoj priči.This graduate work is a game, made in Unity3D game engine. It is 3D game, open world, sandbox game based of GTA (Grand theft auto) series. This game was made as a demo which shows what can be done in Unity. Purpose of this graduation work is to enjoy and 1 have fun while testing, adding custom story line, as well as programming and adding some original features in world of gaming. It combines different types of knowledge, it encourages developing of different set of skills such as visuals and animation design, music composing, creating interesting atmosphere, describing characters and story line, all that is necessary to make future player interested in the game as well as connected to it. Throughout the game develop, programmer meets people from different industries with a purpose to gather all kinds of information, it could be anything connected to the game develop, getting feedback when it comes to bugs as well as listening to the different advises etc. With this project it was shown how with no investment it’s possible to create a game which offers hours and hours of fun time. Game shows life of Leon and his path to find out who is behind the set-up in which his best friend dies. Beside doing tasks and surviving through the challenges which lead to finishing story, player can freely explore the city and do side jobs which aren’t related to main story

    Demonstration of Pick and Place Operation with 3DOF Cartesian Robot

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    U zadatku ovog rada troosni kartezijski robot MAX R3 osposobljen je za izvršavanje operacije slijednog premještanja više predmeta u području svog radnog prostora. Robot je donacija tvrtke Schneider Electric i nalazi se u prostorijama Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva u Zagrebu. Izvršena je parametrizacija, konfiguracija i povezivanje svih upravljačkih komponenti robota (kontroler gibanja, servo pretvarači, HMI), a pri tome su korišteni programskih alata tvrtke Schneider Electric: SoMove i SoMachine. Napravljen je program za slijedno premještanje do 3 predmeta, uz mogućnost jednostavne nadogradnje kako bi se omogućilo premještanje i više od 3 predmeta. Korištenjem jednostavnog naponskog dijelila omogućeno je upravljanje motorima hvataljke pomoću kontrolera gibanja. Time je kontroler gibanja postao glavni čvor sustava za upravljanje robotom jer upravlja svim komponentama koje kontroliraju gibanje robota. Povezivanjem kontrolera sa HMI-om, dodatno je pojednostavljeno upravljanje robotom.In this project, a 3DOF cartesian robot MAX R3 is enabled to execute an operation of a sequential transfer of multiple objects in its workspace. The robot is a donation of the company Schneider Electric, and it is placed at the premises of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. Within the framework of the project, the parameterization, configuration, and connection of all of the robot’s control components (motion controller, servo drives, HMI) were performed. In that process, two software tools of the company Schneider Electric – SoMove and SoMachine – were used. Additionally, a program for sequential transfer of up to 3 objects was created, with a possibility of a simple upgrade that would enable transfers of more than 3 objects. By using a simple voltage divider, it is possible to control the motors of the robot’s hand via the motion controller. In that way, the motion controller is set up as the central nod of the robot’s control system, since it directs all the components involved in the motion control. The use of the robot is additionally facilitated by connecting the motion controller to the HMI