Demonstration of Pick and Place Operation with 3DOF Cartesian Robot


U zadatku ovog rada troosni kartezijski robot MAX R3 osposobljen je za izvršavanje operacije slijednog premještanja više predmeta u području svog radnog prostora. Robot je donacija tvrtke Schneider Electric i nalazi se u prostorijama Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva u Zagrebu. Izvršena je parametrizacija, konfiguracija i povezivanje svih upravljačkih komponenti robota (kontroler gibanja, servo pretvarači, HMI), a pri tome su korišteni programskih alata tvrtke Schneider Electric: SoMove i SoMachine. Napravljen je program za slijedno premještanje do 3 predmeta, uz mogućnost jednostavne nadogradnje kako bi se omogućilo premještanje i više od 3 predmeta. Korištenjem jednostavnog naponskog dijelila omogućeno je upravljanje motorima hvataljke pomoću kontrolera gibanja. Time je kontroler gibanja postao glavni čvor sustava za upravljanje robotom jer upravlja svim komponentama koje kontroliraju gibanje robota. Povezivanjem kontrolera sa HMI-om, dodatno je pojednostavljeno upravljanje robotom.In this project, a 3DOF cartesian robot MAX R3 is enabled to execute an operation of a sequential transfer of multiple objects in its workspace. The robot is a donation of the company Schneider Electric, and it is placed at the premises of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. Within the framework of the project, the parameterization, configuration, and connection of all of the robot’s control components (motion controller, servo drives, HMI) were performed. In that process, two software tools of the company Schneider Electric – SoMove and SoMachine – were used. Additionally, a program for sequential transfer of up to 3 objects was created, with a possibility of a simple upgrade that would enable transfers of more than 3 objects. By using a simple voltage divider, it is possible to control the motors of the robot’s hand via the motion controller. In that way, the motion controller is set up as the central nod of the robot’s control system, since it directs all the components involved in the motion control. The use of the robot is additionally facilitated by connecting the motion controller to the HMI

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