180 research outputs found

    A Modular Formalization of Reversibility for Concurrent Models and Languages

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    Causal-consistent reversibility is the reference notion of reversibility for concurrency. We introduce a modular framework for defining causal-consistent reversible extensions of concurrent models and languages. We show how our framework can be used to define reversible extensions of formalisms as different as CCS and concurrent X-machines. The generality of the approach allows for the reuse of theories and techniques in different settings.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2016, arXiv:1608.0313

    Mapping Fusion and Synchronized Hyperedge Replacement into Logic Programming

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    In this paper we compare three different formalisms that can be used in the area of models for distributed, concurrent and mobile systems. In particular we analyze the relationships between a process calculus, the Fusion Calculus, graph transformations in the Synchronized Hyperedge Replacement with Hoare synchronization (HSHR) approach and logic programming. We present a translation from Fusion Calculus into HSHR (whereas Fusion Calculus uses Milner synchronization) and prove a correspondence between the reduction semantics of Fusion Calculus and HSHR transitions. We also present a mapping from HSHR into a transactional version of logic programming and prove that there is a full correspondence between the two formalisms. The resulting mapping from Fusion Calculus to logic programming is interesting since it shows the tight analogies between the two formalisms, in particular for handling name generation and mobility. The intermediate step in terms of HSHR is convenient since graph transformations allow for multiple, remote synchronizations, as required by Fusion Calculus semantics.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, to appear in a special issue of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, minor revisio

    Static vs Dynamic SAGAs

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    SAGAs calculi (or simply SAGAs) have been proposed by Bruni et al. as a model for long-running transactions. The approach therein can be considered static, while a dynamic approach has been proposed by Lanese and Zavattaro. In this paper we first extend both static SAGAs (in the centralized interruption policy) and dynamic SAGAs to deal with nesting, then we compare the two approaches

    A General Approach to Derive Uncontrolled Reversible Semantics

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    Reversible computing is a paradigm where programs can execute backward as well as in the usual forward direction. Reversible computing is attracting interest due to its applications in areas as different as biochemical modelling, simulation, robotics and debugging, among others. In concurrent systems the main notion of reversible computing is called causal-consistent reversibility, and it allows one to undo an action if and only if its consequences, if any, have already been undone. This paper presents a general and automatic technique to define a causal-consistent reversible extension for given forward models. We support models defined using a reduction semantics in a specific format and consider a causality relation based on resources consumed and produced. The considered format is general enough to fit many formalisms studied in the literature on causal-consistent reversibility, notably Higher-Order ?-calculus and Core Erlang, an intermediate language in the Erlang compilation. Reversible extensions of these models in the literature are ad hoc, while we build them using the same general technique. This also allows us to show in a uniform way that a number of relevant properties, causal-consistency in particular, hold in the reversible extensions we build. Our technique also allows us to go beyond the reversible models in the literature: we cover a larger fragment of Core Erlang, including remote error handling based on links, which has never been considered in the reversibility literature

    Retractable Contracts

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    In calculi for modelling communication protocols, internal and external choices play dual roles. Two external choices can be viewed naturally as dual too, as they represent an agreement between the communicating parties. If the interaction fails, the past agreements are good candidates as points where to roll back, in order to take a different agreement. We propose a variant of contracts with synchronous rollbacks to agreement points in case of deadlock. The new calculus is equipped with a compliance relation which is shown to be decidable.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2015, arXiv:1602.0325

    Dynamic Choreographies: Theory And Implementation

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    Programming distributed applications free from communication deadlocks and race conditions is complex. Preserving these properties when applications are updated at runtime is even harder. We present a choreographic approach for programming updatable, distributed applications. We define a choreography language, called Dynamic Interaction-Oriented Choreography (AIOC), that allows the programmer to specify, from a global viewpoint, which parts of the application can be updated. At runtime, these parts may be replaced by new AIOC fragments from outside the application. AIOC programs are compiled, generating code for each participant in a process-level language called Dynamic Process-Oriented Choreographies (APOC). We prove that APOC distributed applications generated from AIOC specifications are deadlock free and race free and that these properties hold also after any runtime update. We instantiate the theoretical model above into a programming framework called Adaptable Interaction-Oriented Choreographies in Jolie (AIOCJ) that comprises an integrated development environment, a compiler from an extension of AIOCs to distributed Jolie programs, and a runtime environment to support their execution.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1407.097

    Dynamic Choreographies - Safe Runtime Updates of Distributed Applications

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    Programming distributed applications free from communication deadlocks and races is complex. Preserving these properties when applications are updated at runtime is even harder. We present DIOC, a language for programming distributed applications that are free from deadlocks and races by construction. A DIOC program describes a whole distributed application as a unique entity (choreography). DIOC allows the programmer to specify which parts of the application can be updated. At runtime, these parts may be replaced by new DIOC fragments from outside the application. DIOC programs are compiled, generating code for each site, in a lower-level language called DPOC. We formalise both DIOC and DPOC semantics as labelled transition systems and prove the correctness of the compilation as a trace equivalence result. As corollaries, DPOC applications are free from communication deadlocks and races, even in presence of runtime updates.Comment: Technical Repor

    A Theory of Formal Choreographic Languages

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    We introduce a meta-model based on formal languages, dubbed formal choreographic languages, to study message-passing systems. Our framework allows us to generalise standard constructions from the literature and to compare them. In particular, we consider notions such as global view, local view, and projections from the former to the latter. The correctness of local views projected from global views is characterised in terms of a closure property. We consider a number of communication properties -- such as (dead)lock-freedom -- and give conditions on formal choreographic languages to guarantee them. Finally, we show how formal choreographic languages can capture existing formalisms; specifically we consider communicating finite-state machines, choreography automata, and multiparty session types. Notably, formal choreographic languages, differently from most approaches in the literature, can naturally model systems exhibiting non-regular behaviour

    Behavioral theory for session-oriented calculi

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    This chapter presents the behavioral theory of some of the Sensoria core calculi. We consider SSCC, μ se and CC as representatives of the session-based approach and COWS as representative of the correlation-based one. For SSCC, μ se and CC the main point is the structure that the session/conversation mechanism creates in programs. We show how the differences between binary sessions, multiparty sessions and dynamic conversations are captured by different behavioral laws. We also exploit those laws for proving the correctness of program transformations. For COWS the main point is that communication is prioritized (the best matching input captures the output), and this has a strong influence on the behavioral theory of COWS. In particular, we show that communication in COWS is neither purely synchronous nor purely asynchronous

    A Modular Formalization of Reversibility for Concurrent Models and Languages

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    International audienceCausal-consistent reversibility is the reference notion of reversibility for concurrency. We introduce a modular framework for defining causal-consistent reversible extensions of concurrent models and languages. We show how our framework can be used to define reversible extensions of formalisms as different as CCS and concurrent X-machines. The generality of the approach allows for the reuse of theories and techniques in different settings
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