60 research outputs found

    Recommendation System of Component Selection for Aquascape With SMART Method

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    AbstractThe increasing enthusiasm of aquascape hobbyists is one of the factors in the development of the beauty industry of artificial underwater ecosystems in the aquarium. The aesthetic value offered by aquascape is one of the allures for its connoisseurs. The art of organizing ecosystems in water is a simple definition of an aquascape. The complexity of the arrangement can then be described through the presence of various themes. The selection of tools, flora and fauna, and other ornaments to form a unified ecosystem are things that are of concern so that an ecosystem in artificial water has good aesthetic value and can be categorized in a certain theme. By using a decision support system (DSS) or decision-making system, the results can provide better decisions and minimize the possibility of errors. One method of decision making in the scope of decision support system (DSS) or decision making system is Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART), where this method can determine product recommendations based on several product variants offered as a form of marketing analysis. This method is able to provide recommendations for more than one decision and provide results with the best accuracy. System testing was conducted to 50 users and it was found that the recommendation system based on the questionnaire application was able to provide a good percentage of conformity between the user's wishes and the recommendations given. That is, 51% of correspondents rated it very appropriate, 27.5% of correspondents rated accordingly, 19.5% of correspondents rated neutral, and only 2% of correspondents rated it inappropriateKeywords: Aquascape, Decision Support System, SMART, Recommendatio

    Development of teaching materials based on learning video using movavi education set at Yayasan Perguruan Tunas Karya Batang Kuis

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that has recently hit various countries including Indonesia has resulted in major changes in various fields, including in the development of the education sector. The teaching and learning process has turned from face-to-face into an online method. However, there are several obstacles experienced by schools that implement an online learning system, one of them was the ability of teachers who do not understand various learning application platforms. In addition, the material provided by the teacher is not maximally acceptable to students because most teachers provide learning material from the pages of textbooks or teacher writings (scans, photos, or presentation files). For this reason, it is necessary to have variations in the provision of teaching materials to students by making interesting and creative learning videos using the Movavi Education Set. With learning videos, students can do lessons at home, repeat it, and can ask the teacher some points from it if they don't understand. By using Movavi Education Set, teachers are also free to be creative in making learning videos that can be shared through commonly used communication applications such as e-mail, WhatsApp, line, google classroom and other applications


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    This study aims to describe the innovation and obstacles of Implementation Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at junior high school number 7 of Palembang. This type of research is qualitative in a descriptive way. The key research instruments are observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The data source for this research is the results of interviews with the assistant principal of  academic affairs and curriculum sector as well as 10 teachers who teach using the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The results found by researchers are : 1). Innovation from the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at Junior High School Number 7 of Palembang has been running and implemented in accordance with the content of merdeka belajar  curriculum, which focuses on the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project (P5). An innovative project of an independent school curriculum is called "Merdeka dari Sampah", 2). The implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at Junior High School Number 7 of Palembang is very effective for teachers and students, 3). There are no obstacles to implementing the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at Junior High School Number 7 of Palembang

    Network Device Monitoring System based on Geographic Information System dan Simple Network Management Protocol

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    Network infrastructure monitoring is an important part of an institute to maintain the stability of computer network devices. One of the functions of computer network monitoring is to find out the data traffic generated in network application. Simple Network Management Protocol is one of protocols for monitoring the data traffic in network device. However, network device administrators still have problems when they want to monitor their network infrastructure, such as device location and data traffic information of network device that is only temporarily stored in the monitoring system, and physical location of network device is not contained in the monitoring system. In order to make it easier for them how to monitor network devices, the Researcher intends to combine Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and SNMP into a web-based monitoring application. Geographic Information System application can display the physical location of network devices, whilethe SNMP application using for monitoring the data traffic in network device,finding out the data traffic that can be generated in real time, and displaying data traffic of network device that has been monitored in to graphical form based on the time and network device used

    Academic Majors Recommendation Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis

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     In determining an academic majors, the mere information about the departments is not sufficient as the base of taking the decision as one would only know popular majors without being aware of his/her potential. There are also limited recommendations obtained through counseling guidance. By using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) methods, prospective students get the recommendations of academic majors by putting their preference criteria for the majors. The criteria used are affordable study costs, accreditation of majors, department facilities, student potential to the majors, student interest in majors, future goals, parental advice, self-desire, peer influence, report card scores, previous achievements, passing grade majors and length of study. The Spearman's Rank Correlation method was used to determine the results of the correlation ranking recommendations from the teacher (guidance and counseling teacher) and the system where the weights obtained from the teacher (guidance and counseling teacher) and from the students who filled it through the system. Based on the correlation of the system ranking with the guidance and counseling teacher ranking to 25 students majoring in Natural sciences class XII, the average value of accuracy was 88% with a standard deviation of 0.13. As for the students majoring in social sciences, the average value of accuracy was 97% with a standard deviation of 0.03. From this research, it can be concluded that the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Multi Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) methods can be used in helping to solve decision-making problems in the recommendation system of academic majors

    Utilization of Information Technology as a Marketing Medium for Agricultural Products at BUMDes Liang Muda STM Hulu Deli Serdang

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    The use of ICT has penetrated into various sectors including in the field of government at the village level, both in village information management as well as village-owned businesses in the form of Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes). Efforts to run BUMDes in a professional manner have not been carried out properly due to limited human resources in managing BUMDes especially the use of ICT in efforts to increase BUMDes income. This is experienced by BUMDes Liang Muda Village. The method of implementing community service activities consists of problem analysis, website analysis and development, website testing, socialization and training on website use, evaluation and exchange of opinions. The community service team facilitates the creation of village websites and provides assistance to village officials in managing and utilizing it for information dissemination and village promotion. The existence of a village website for the needs of BUMDes can facilitate the dissemination of information in the village so that it can be known by the wider community. Development of a website follow the development of the situation can be carried out in the future to support the BUMDes of Liang Muda Village so that it can be used to help the village community's economy

    On the Difference of Atom-Bond Sum-Connectivity and Atom-Bond-Connectivity Indices

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    The atom-bond-connectivity (ABC) index is one of the well-investigated degree-based topological indices. The atom-bond sum-connectivity (ABS) index is a modified version of the ABC index, which was introduced recently. The primary goal of the present paper is to investigate the difference between the aforementioned two indices, namely ABSABCABS-ABC. It is shown that the difference ABSABCABS-ABC is positive for all graphs of minimum degree at least 22 as well as for all line graphs of those graphs of order at least 55 that are different from the path and cycle graphs. By means of computer search, the difference ABSABCABS-ABC is also calculated for all trees of order at most 1515.Comment: 16 pages and 5 figure

    Análisis de las Habilidades Emocionales para el Emprendimiento de PYMES en la Provincia de El Oro

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    The research aimed to analyze the relationship between emotional skills and entrepreneurship of SME managers. For this work, use a quantitative type approach applied to a group of SME entrepreneurs in the province of El Oro, whose results were tabulated and analyzed using the multivariate technique of factorial and correlational analysis, whose results were values ​​greater than 0.9, what indicate precise and optimal consistency in the instruments; On the other hand, in the correlational analysis, it obtained as a result the values ​​that indicate that the categories as a whole, the statistically affected correlations, consequently, that demonstrated the relationship between the categories used in the research, in this case, the categories that correspond to emotional skills and entrepreneurship. For all this, it is necessary that the emotional skills that were considered in the study are not specific attributes in entrepreneurs, but rather, they are simultaneously harvested in each of the skills that strongly explain the action of entrepreneurship.La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre las habilidades emocionales y el emprendimiento de administradores de pymes. Para este trabajo usaron un enfoque de tipo  cuantitativo aplicado a un grupo de emprendedores de pymes en la provincia de El Oro, cuyos resultados fueron tabulados y analizados mediante la técnica multivariante del análisis factorial y correlacional, cuyos resultados fueron valores superiores a 0,9, lo que indico fiabilidad y consistencia óptima en los instrumentos; por otro lado en el análisis correlacional, dieron como resultado valores que indicaron que las categorías en su totalidad presentaron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas, en consecuencia quedo demostrada la relación existente entre las categorías usadas en la investigación, en este caso categorías que correspondieron a las habilidades emocionales y el emprendimiento. Por todo esto, resulta necesario que las habilidades emocionales que fueron consideradas en el estudio, no sean atributos aislados en los emprendedores, sino más bien, se cosechen simultáneamente en ellos cada una de las habilidades que explican fuertemente la acción de emprender

    The Registry and Follow-Up of Complex Pediatric Therapies Program of Western Canada: A Mechanism for Service, Audit, and Research after Life-Saving Therapies for Young Children

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    Newly emerging health technologies are being developed to care for children with complex cardiac defects. Neurodevelopmental and childhood school-related outcomes are of great interest to parents of children receiving this care, care providers, and healthcare administrators. Since the 1970s, neonatal follow-up clinics have provided service, audit, and research for preterm infants as care for these at-risk children evolved. We have chosen to present for this issue the mechanism for longitudinal follow-up of survivors that we have developed for western Canada patterned after neonatal follow-up. Our program provides registration for young children receiving complex cardiac surgery, heart transplantation, ventricular assist device support, and extracorporeal life support among others. The program includes multidisciplinary assessments with appropriate neurodevelopmental intervention, active quality improvement evaluations, and outcomes research. Through this mechanism, consistently high (96%) follow-up over two years is maintained