1,415 research outputs found

    Governance urbana i polítiques d'inclusió sòcio-espacial : una anàlisi comparada entre els casos del Raval i de la Trinitat Nova /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaDurant les últimes dècades se succeeixen un seguit de transformacions socials que sotmeten el govern de les ciutats a fortes pressions de canvi: les agendes de política pública local tendeixen cap a l'ampliació i l'aprofundiment i emergeixen noves formes de govern en xarxa o govern relacional. Tal com ha advertit la teoria de la governance urbana, per tant, processos estructurals de canvi social estan pressionant cap al canvi la política i les polítiques públiques locals. No obstant això, aquesta perspectiva pot ser qüestionada en base a dues constatacions: primer, les tendències de canvi polític en l'àmbit urbà coexisteixen amb fortes línies de continuïtat; segon, aquestes tendències de canvi poden prendre, en realitat, direccions diverses. Partint d'aquestes premisses, la tesi que se sosté és que els factors estructurals són insuficients per a interpretar els processos de canvi polític urbà; si bé aquest tipus de factors condicionen els processos de canvi polític, la intensitat i la direcció d'aquests processos responen, en realitat, a l'agència dels actors que protagonitzen la vida política local. En l'àmbit sectorial de les noves polítiques d'inclusió sòcio-espacial (o de regeneració urbana) es poden observar amb claredat aquestes tensions entre el canvi i la continuïtat i entre les diverses alternatives per al canvi. Certes tendències de transformació social semblen estar ubicant el fenomen dels barris exclosos en una posició central en l'agenda pública, de la mateixa manera que estimulen l'adopció de noves formes de govern en aquest tipus d'àrees urbanes. La descentralització, la transversalitat, la cooperació público-privada i la participació ciutadana esdevenen característiques clau d'aquesta innovació. Ara bé, les polítiques d'inclusió sòcio-espacial poden acabar prenent característiques molt diferents, tant per la intensitat de la innovació com per les opcions substantives i operatives de fons en que es basen. En un pla empíric, aquesta tesi pretén demostrar l'existència de dos grans models d'inclusió sòcio-espacial a la ciutat de Barcelona. Les polítiques de regeneració urbana en el Raval, en el centre històric de la ciutat, i el Pla Comunitari de la Trinitat Nova, en la perifèria urbana, són considerades com a expressives d'aquests dos grans models. Malgrat tenir elements significatius en comú, cal destacar les grans divergències substantives i operatives entre els dos casos estudiats. Es pretén demostrar que aquestes divergències responen al fet que la xarxa d'actors que ha participat en un i altre procés és significativament diferent. Si bé ambdós casos reflecteixen l'emergència de noves formes de governança urbana a la ciutat, les distintes configuracions de la xarxa d'actors d'un i altre procés s'han traduït, finalment, en l'adopció de models substantius i operatius d'inclusió sòcio-espacial significativament diferents.During the last decades, several processes of social transformation are taking place. Traditional local government is being transformed in response to them. Local policy agendas are widening and new modes of interactive governance are emerging. According to the theory of urban governance, structural processes of social change do explain processes of local policy change. However, two facts force us to question this theoretical perspective: first, urban policy change coexists with strong tendencies of policy stability; second, urban policy change might take diverse directions. Starting from these premises, my thesis is that structural forces are not sufficient to understand processes of urban policy change. Although structural factors do affect processes of policy change, the intensity and the direction of these processes lie in the agency of local political actors. Urban policies of socio-spatial integration greatly reflect these kind of tensions. Some structural processes of social transformation are pressuring to put the socially excluded neighbourhoods in the centre of local policy agendas. Emerging socio-spatial integration policies are based on several policy innovations such as decentralization, inter-sectoriality, public-private partnerships and citizen participation. However, these policies might take significantly different forms. Empirically, I try to demonstrate that two models of socio-spatial integration have been developed in Barcelona. Urban regeneration policy in El Raval - a neighbourhood in the historical district - and the Community Plan of Trinitat Nova - at the urban periphery - are considered examples of these two models. Even though they have several aspects in common, one can observe significant differences between these two policies, both in their operative and substantive dimensions. I try to demonstrate that such differences are provoked by the fact that their policy networks are considerably different. Despite these two cases both reflecting the emergence of new modes of urban governance in Barcelona, different policy networks have ultimately formulated significantly different socio-spatial integration policies

    Photo-abilities (working title)

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    This photographic exhibition revolves around the idea of ability. Physical and cognitive processes are reviewed and explored in the context of creative work. The photographs depict prototypes currently being used by people with severe functional limitations in Brighton, UK. This visual approximation to the object of study constitutes the first step of a larger collaborative research project between Ivan Garbayo and Patricia Prieto-Blanco. Ivan Garbayo is an Occupational Therapist who has been working with in this field for over a decade. By applying the principles of accessible design to visual production tools, he aims to both facilitate access as well as to foster social, economic and sensory inclusion of people with severe functional limitations. By applying visual research methods to this investigation, Patricia Prieto-Blanco aims to both reach wider audiences as well as to facilitate an interdisciplinary discussion about ability and creative expression. Audio-visual resources are valuable tools of stimulation that can be productively used to foster interaction and communication when working with people with severe functional limitations. But, what happens when the receivers become the producers? The aim of the photographic series is to both raise awareness as well as to foster an exploration of socio-cultural inclusion and embodiment

    Hemispheric Integration: An Essential Step For Coping With The Economic And Managerial Challenges Of The 21st Century In The Americas

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    This paper examines the series of adjustments that need to take place --at the macro and micro level-- in order for the Western Hemisphere to adapt to today’s dynamics of the global business environment.  This discussion is based on the contention that given current trends in the global economy, it is imperative for the countries of the Western Hemisphere to integrate themselves in an economic bloc to exploit economies of scale and be better able to compete with other regions.  Furthermore, the paper analyzes the implications that such an economic bloc will have on managers, organizations and their labor force, business alliances, and government/education/ business cooperation efforts

    Task Technology, Individual Differences and Satisfaction - A Two-Country Study: Venezuela and U.S.A.

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    The purpose of this study was to measure the moderating effects of individual differences on the relationship between task technology and job satisfaction, and to determine cultural differences if exist between fire service employees in Venezuela and U.S.A. Technology was measured by a qualified instrument (TMI) developed by Hitt and Middlemist. Individual differences was measured by a higher order needs instrument developed by Hanckman and Oldham. Job satisfaction was measured by the Job Description Index developed by Smith et al. The organizations used in this study offered some similarities in their working conditions, procedures, technologies, and equipment and tools. They also presented some differences identified as culturally and environmentally bounded. This study did find some relationship between task technology and job satisfaction in one of the samples, although it was negative. It did not find that individual differences moderated this relationship. Some evidence was found indicating that the fire service has multiple subtasks that are substantially different. This is worth of further research to examine the same relationship for each "sub-job" separately. This study also found that cultural and environmental differences exist that affect employees' reaction to their jobs.Business Administratio

    Residual Vibration Reduction On A Three Mode Flexible System Using Input Shaping

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    Mucocele submandibular en un perro mestizo del municipio de Florencia Caquetá-Colombia. Descripción de caso clínico

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    An approach to clinical case corresponding to mucocele extravasation in submandibular gland in a mongrel canine Florence Township, Caqueta in the Colombian Amazon is presented. In the region, this kind of casuistry is not common and there are no statistics. According to Welch (2009) are some predisposing breeds like the German Shepherd, Poodle, Silky Terrier and the Dachshund, occurring in greater proportion in males; coinciding with the author. The canine considered Creole in the clinical case addressed through surgery, presents phenotypic characteristics that might be associated with Dachshund and German Shepherd which can be considered a factor related to the alteration.Se presenta un abordaje de caso clínico correspondiente a un mucocele de la glándula submandibular en un perro mestizo del municipio de Florencia, departamento de Caquetá en la Amazonía colombiana. En la región, este tipo de casuística no es común y no existen estadísticas al respecto. De acuerdo con Welch (2009) hay algunas razas predisponentes como el Pastor Alemán, Caniche, Silky Terrier y el Teckel, presentándose en mayor proporción en los machos; coincidiendo con esta autora. El perro considerado como criollo en el caso clínico abordado a través de intervención quirúrgica, presenta características fenotípicas que lo podrían asociar con Teckel y Pastor Alemán lo cual puede considerarse un factor de relación con la alteración

    Supervisors' Responses to Employees' Poor Performance: the Role of Situational and Personal Factors

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    Business Administratio