7 research outputs found

    Razlike u oblasti kontrole koncentracije u pravu konkurencije Evropske Unije izazvane donošenjem uredbe br. 139/2004, naspram prethodne uredbe br. 4064/89

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    The autors want to show the difference which exists between the Regulation No 139/2004 and the Regulation No 4064/89, according to which they notice the improvements brought by the new regulation. The work basically concerns the area of the concentration but it only refers to the differences in the regulations. All new things which are made on the area of the concentration in 2004, and are not covered by new regulation, they are not discussed in this work. As far as the new things are concerned which are introduced by the Regulation No 139/2004, the impruvments and the simplifkations are noticed in the frame of the competition work, in the concentration area.Autori žele da prikažu razliku koja postoji između Uredbe br. 139/2004 i Uredbe br. 4064/89, na osnovu čega se uočavaju poboljšanja uvedena novom uredbom. Rad se okvirno tiče polja koncentracije ali se isključivo odnosi na razliku u uredbama. Sve novine koje su ostvarene na polju koncentracija 2004. godine a nisu obuhvaćene novom uredbom, ne razmatraju se ovim radom. Što se tiče novina koje su uvedene Uredbom br. 139/2004 uočavaju se poboljšanja i pojednostavljenja u okviru zaštite konkurencije, na polju koncentracija

    The world economic crisis influence to the Serbian economy prospect and situation

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    Economy of Serbia before the breakup of the SFRY was in deep crisis. This particularly applies to the period after the 1980th year. The growth rate of GDP declines from year to year, inflation is rising - from the early 80th double-digit to four-digit at the end of this decade, and parallel decline employment and labor productivity, while the deficit and external liquidity of the country are becoming alarming. Economic crisis, of course, was not a phenomenon that is mastered only Yugoslavia, but almost all socialist countries faced with crisis. The transition from socialism to capitalisam on a global scale was followed as a response to the crisis. The results of the transition of Serbian economy were very disappointing in the first ten years. Serious dilemma at the beginning of the transition process represented a choice of the way and the model of privatization of enterprises. Instead of a comprehensive privatization, supported social ownership. Followed years of economic sanctions, hyperinflation and war. As a result of social differences have become prominent, and the production and GDP growth were low or negative trend. With the political changes of October 2000. the running process of intensive economic reforms. The reforms have been most intense in the first three years, but they later came the swing in their intensity. The result of these processes is obvious socio-economic progress of Serbia. However, the relatively high rate of economic growth achieved by increasing fiscal and trade deficit, is unsatisfactory level of inflation, high unemployment, low domestic savings and high level of external debt. Macroeconomic imbalances and risks have been growing year after year, primarily due to unformed institutions, high public spending, the slow process of Serbian approaching the Europe union, insufficient export and inflow of foreign direct investment. Overall Serbian economy is still in the stage of reimbursing the deep fall caused during the nineties. The world economic crisis has arrived in Serbia at the end of 2008th year and it has interrupted the process of reforms. Our country is affected, primarily due to less availability of foreign capital, which reduce lending and knocked domestic demand. Matter further aggravates the decline in exports, which is driven by the decline in production and import demand in almost all European countries, our trading partners. After eight years of progress, world economic crisis has led to a significant decline of real wages, consumption and production. Doctoral dissertation, entitled "The world economic crisis influence to the Serbian economy prospect and situation", provides answers to the above challenges, and determine the manner and priorities for the exit from the economic crisis and further development of economy of Serbia. In this respect, the first examines the state of economy of Serbia until spilling the world economic crisis, and then gives insight into the impact of the crisis on the domestic economy. A key part of the work is the vision of the future economic development of Serbia and the manner of its realization

    Politika zaštite konkurencije kao faktor ekonomskog razvoja država u tranziciji

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    HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    The aim of this multicentric study was to assess the impacts of oxidative stress, inflam- mation, and the presence of small, dense, low-density lipoproteins (sdLDL) on the antioxidative function of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses and the distribution of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity within HDL in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). In 69 STEMI patients and 67 healthy control subjects, the lipoproteins’ subclasses were separated using polyacrylamide gradient (3–31%) gel electrophoresis. The relative proportion of sdLDL and each HDL subclass was evaluated by measuring the areas under the peaks of densitometric scans. The distribution of the relative proportion of PON1 activity within the HDL subclasses (pPON1 within HDL) was estimated using the zymogram method. The STEMI patients had significantly lower proportions of HDL2a and HDL3a subclasses (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively) and lower pPON1 within HDL3b (p = 0.006), as well as higher proportions of HDL3b and HDL3c subclasses (p = 0.013 and p < 0.001, respectively) and higher pPON1 within HDL2 than the controls. Independent positive associations between sdLDL and pPON1 within HDL3a and between malondialdehyde (MDA) and pPON1 within HDL2b were shown in the STEMI group. The increased oxidative stress and increased proportion of sdLDL in STEMI are closely related to the compromised antioxidative function of small HDL3 particles and the altered pPON1 within HDL


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    Abstract The author identifies the level of human capital development in Serbia, then he analyses the limitations of human capital development, and finally he proposes measures and activities needed for the improvement of human capital. The aim is to pave the way for human capital development in Serbia. Research uses the inductive and deductive methods, analysis and synthesis, statistical and comparative method. Human capital is viewed through four key components: education, health, work and socioeconomic environment. The level of human capital development in Serbia was identified through the prism of Human Capital Index from Human Capital Report of the World Economic Forum. Human capital development is observed in the context of economic growth speed. The conclusion of the paper is that human capital in Serbia is at a low level and that its improvement requires reform of education and health, employment growth, labour market reform and good socioeconomic environment. key words: human capital, education, workforce, socioeconomic environment, economic growth. JEL classification: I25, J24, O15 УНАПРЕЂЕЊЕ љУдСКОГ КАПИТАЛА У СРБИЈИ Апстракт Аутор у раду идентификује ниво развијености људског капитала у Србији, затим анализира ограничења развоја људског капитала, а на крају предлаже мере и активности неопходне за унапређења људског капитала. Циљ рада је трасирање пута развоја људског капитала у Србији. Као методи истраживања коришћени су индуктиви и дедуктивни метод, метод анализе и синтезе, затим, статистички и компаративни метод. Људски капитал се посматра кроз четри кључне компоненте: образовање, здравље, свет рада и друштвено-економско окружење. Ниво развијености људског капитала у Србији је идентификован кроз призму Индекса људског капитала из Извештаја људског капитала Светског економског форума. Развој људског капитала се сагледава у контексту убрзања привредног раста. Закључак рада јесте да је људски капитал у Србији на ниском нивоу и да његово унапређење захтева реформу система образовања и здравства, раст запослености, реформу тржишта рада и добро друштвено-економско окружење. Кључне речи: људски капитал, образовaње, радна снага, друштвено-економско окружење, привредни раст


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    The author identifies the level of human capital development in Serbia, than he analyzes the limitations of human capital development, and finally he proposes measures and activities needed for the improvement of human capital. The aim is to pave the way for human capital development in Serbia. Research uses inductive and deductive method, analysis and synthesis, statistical and comparative method. Human capital is viewed through four key components: education, health, work and socio-economic environment. The level of human capital development in Serbia was identified through the prism of Human Capital Index from Human Capital Report of the World Economic Forum. Human capital development is observed in the context of economic growth speed. The conclusion of the paper is that human capital in Serbia is at a low level and that its improvement requires reform of education and health, employment growth, labor market reform and good socio-economic environment

    The world economic crisis influence to the Serbian economy prospect and situation

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    Economy of Serbia before the breakup of the SFRY was in deep crisis. This particularly applies to the period after the 1980th year. The growth rate of GDP declines from year to year, inflation is rising - from the early 80th double-digit to four-digit at the end of this decade, and parallel decline employment and labor productivity, while the deficit and external liquidity of the country are becoming alarming. Economic crisis, of course, was not a phenomenon that is mastered only Yugoslavia, but almost all socialist countries faced with crisis. The transition from socialism to capitalisam on a global scale was followed as a response to the crisis. The results of the transition of Serbian economy were very disappointing in the first ten years. Serious dilemma at the beginning of the transition process represented a choice of the way and the model of privatization of enterprises. Instead of a comprehensive privatization, supported social ownership. Followed years of economic sanctions, hyperinflation and war. As a result of social differences have become prominent, and the production and GDP growth were low or negative trend. With the political changes of October 2000. the running process of intensive economic reforms. The reforms have been most intense in the first three years, but they later came the swing in their intensity. The result of these processes is obvious socio-economic progress of Serbia. However, the relatively high rate of economic growth achieved by increasing fiscal and trade deficit, is unsatisfactory level of inflation, high unemployment, low domestic savings and high level of external debt. Macroeconomic imbalances and risks have been growing year after year, primarily due to unformed institutions, high public spending, the slow process of Serbian approaching the Europe union, insufficient export and inflow of foreign direct investment. Overall Serbian economy is still in the stage of reimbursing the deep fall caused during the nineties. The world economic crisis has arrived in Serbia at the end of 2008th year and it has interrupted the process of reforms. Our country is affected, primarily due to less availability of foreign capital, which reduce lending and knocked domestic demand. Matter further aggravates the decline in exports, which is driven by the decline in production and import demand in almost all European countries, our trading partners. After eight years of progress, world economic crisis has led to a significant decline of real wages, consumption and production. Doctoral dissertation, entitled "The world economic crisis influence to the Serbian economy prospect and situation", provides answers to the above challenges, and determine the manner and priorities for the exit from the economic crisis and further development of economy of Serbia. In this respect, the first examines the state of economy of Serbia until spilling the world economic crisis, and then gives insight into the impact of the crisis on the domestic economy. A key part of the work is the vision of the future economic development of Serbia and the manner of its realization