4,250 research outputs found

    P-22 Te Amo Mujer

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    Te Amo Mujer is a documentary film project exploring the story of Don Gustavo Jiménez, an old man who lives in a small village in the south of Mexico, and the grandfather of the filmmaker. The film seeks to use the narrative of Don Gustavo to explore the question of why we live where we live. The thesis of the film, or more accurately the suggestion, as the film is a very personal work, is that we live where we do, and how we do, out of love for the people that are closest to us

    Te Amo Mujer: a Film

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    Te Amo Mujer is a documentary film project exploring the story of Don Gustavo Jimenez, an old man who lives in a small village in the south of Mexico, and the grandfather of the filmmaker. The film seeks to use the narrative of Don Gustavo to explore the question of why we live where we live. The thesis of the film - or more accurately the suggestion, as the film is a very personal work - is that we live where we do, and how we do, out of love for the people that are closest to us

    Step up and down converter combined with motor inverter for powertrain applications

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    In the electric vehicle industry, the inclusion of a DC-DC converter between the battery and the inverter has shown to improve the efficiency of the propulsion system and reduce its size. Typically, a boost converter is used as DC-DC, which, although is simple to implement, has high losses, low power density and generates high-frequency electromagnetic noise. This thesis proposes a new step-up and step-down stage combined with the motor inverter that is able to increase efficiency, operate in soft switching, provide galvanic isolation and operate in a wider voltage range, optimizing the propulsion system significantly. The proposed topology is analyzed and a design method is presented to meet the main automotive requirements. Subsequently, the proposed converter is modeled in discrete time and continuous time. With these models, a control for the stage is proposed. In addition, a second control loop is added to improve the efficiency of the system. All the results obtained throughout this thesis are validated experimentally by means of two setups, agreeing previous theoretical and simulated results.En la industria de los vehículos eléctricos, la inclusión de un convertidor DC-DC entre la batería y el inversor ha demostrado mejorar la eficiencia del sistema de propulsión y reducir su tamaño. Por lo general, un convertidor elevador se usa como DC-DC, que, aunque es simple de implementar, tiene altas pérdidas, baja densidad de potencia y genera alta frecuencia ruido electromagnético. Esta tesis propone una nueva etapa elevadora y reductora combinada con el motor inverter que es capaz de aumentar la eficiencia, operar en conmutación suave, proporcionar aislamiento galvánico y operar en un rango de voltaje más amplio, optimizando significativamente el sistema de propulsión. Se analiza la topología propuesta y se presenta un método de diseño para cumplir con los principales requerimientos automotrices. Posteriormente, se modela el convertidor propuesto en tiempo discreto y tiempo continuo. Con estos modelos, un control para el escenario que se propone. Además, se añade un segundo lazo de control para mejorar la eficiencia del sistema. Todos Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de esta tesis se validan experimentalmente mediante dos montajes, coincidiendo resultados teóricos y simulados.A la indústria del vehicle elèctric, la inclusió d'un convertidor DC-DC entre la bateria i l'inversor ha demostrat millorar l'eficiència del sistema de propulsió i reduir-ne la mida. Normalment, s'utilitza un convertidor boost com a DC-DC, que, tot i que és senzill d'implementar, té pèrdues elevades, baixa densitat de potència i genera alta freqüència. soroll electromagnètic. Aquesta tesi proposa una nova etapa de pujada i baixada combinada amb el motor inversor que és capaç d'augmentar l'eficiència, operar en commutació suau, proporcionar aïllament galvànic i operar en un rang de tensió més ampli, optimitzant significativament el sistema de propulsió. S'analitza la topologia proposada i es presenta un mètode de disseny per satisfer els principals requisits de l'automoció. Posteriorment, el convertidor proposat es modela en temps discret i temps continu. Amb aquests models, un control per l'etapa es proposa. A més, s'afegeix un segon bucle de control per millorar l'eficiència del sistema. Tot el Els resultats obtinguts al llarg d'aquesta tesi es validen experimentalment mitjançant dos muntatges, coincidint anteriorment resultats teòrics i simulats

    El Paper de la LC-MS i la LC-HRMS en la Caracterització i Determinació de Polifenols i Àcids Fenòlics als Aliments

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2022, Tutor: Oscar Núñez BurcioPolyphenols and phenolics acids are widespread secondary metabolites found in foods derived from plants which have caught the attention of consumers over the last years due to the recognition of their antioxidant properties, their great abundance in our diet, and the probable role that these compounds are playing in the prevention of various diseases and modulating the activity of a wide range of enzymes and cell receptors. Not only cultivar but also growing area, cultivation techniques, soil management and degree of maturation among others parameters determine the variety of polyphenols and their concentration levels in fruit- and vegetable-based foods, so polyphenols can be used as sample chemical descriptors to develop food authentication methods and to prevent food frauds. Furthermore, polyphenols contribute to sensorial properties and color attributes of natural food products. The complexity of food matrices, the huge variety of chemical compounds and the great diversity of polyphenols that can be present in samples at low concentration levels, which also could differ in polarity and size, turned liquid chromatography into the most widely used separation technique and mass spectrometry as one of the most well balanced and accurate method for the determination of polyphenols in food matrices. Although conventional liquid chromatography and low-resolution mass spectrometry are still widely used for fast and competitive applications, using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry allow to obtain accurate mass measurements for the characterization, determination and identification of polyphenols in food products. The fast forward developing of new methods and techniques force researchers to look at the trends in literature to choose the better conditions to achieve their goals. Exploring the role of LC-MS and LC-HRMS in the determination of phenolic compounds in food and the trends in extraction methods, chromatographic and mass spectrometric parameters and data processing are the main purposes of this work

    Organizational climate and its impact on the senior management of forces of sales and marketing

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    Las ventas y el mercadeo son unos de los trabajos más antiguos que existen en toda la historia humana, es una habilidad que muchas personas desean tener ya que independiente de su profesión, todos deben cultivarla y ejercerla en cada una de las áreas personales, laborales y hasta sociales, ya que un buen vendedor no solo comercializa y vende productos y/o servicios, sino también vende su imagen, sus talentos para que su entorno tenga una referencia clara de quien es el.Sales and marketing are some of the oldest works that exist in all human history, is a skill that many people want to have as independent of their profession, everyone should cultivate and exercise in each of the personal, work areas and to social, since a good seller not only markets and sells products and / or services, but also sells his image, his talents for your environment has a clear who the reference

    Learning to Localize and Align Fine-Grained Actions to Sparse Instructions

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    Automatic generation of textual video descriptions that are time-aligned with video content is a long-standing goal in computer vision. The task is challenging due to the difficulty of bridging the semantic gap between the visual and natural language domains. This paper addresses the task of automatically generating an alignment between a set of instructions and a first person video demonstrating an activity. The sparse descriptions and ambiguity of written instructions create significant alignment challenges. The key to our approach is the use of egocentric cues to generate a concise set of action proposals, which are then matched to recipe steps using object recognition and computational linguistic techniques. We obtain promising results on both the Extended GTEA Gaze+ dataset and the Bristol Egocentric Object Interactions Dataset

    Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor Tools (MITT)

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    Podeu consultar la darrera versió a: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/124276This manual is a first draft to guide the practitioner through MITT program. MITT program is manly constituted by four blocks: 1- Magnetotellurics impedance tensor representation (Apparent resistivity and phase curves, Impedance tensor and Mohr diagrams); 2-Probability Density Functions of different indexes which account for the dimensionality; 3- Perturbed Method to determine the ‘Phase Sensitive strike angle’ for 2D; 4- Galvanic Distortion tools for obtaining the galvanic distortion parameters, twist, shear and anisotropy (with the exception of the gain) in a general 3D case. Given that the distortion parameters cannot be determined, the method is based on a constrained stochastic heuristic method, which consists of exploring randomly the full space of the distortion parameters. The constraints imposed assume the 2D (or 1D) tendency for the shortest periods of the regional impedance tensor. In this way a unique solution fulfilling the constraints is obtained. The method is based on Romero-Ruiz and Pous (2015).This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project CGL2010-17148. Ivan R. R. Mena was supported by FPI pre-doctoral (BES-2011-045358) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor Tools (MITT) 2.0

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    MITT program has been written in Python 2.7 and has only been tested in Linux OS. MITT program is manly constituted by four blocks: 1- Magnetotelluric impedance tensor representation (Apparent resistivity and phase curves, Impedance tensor and Mohr diagrams); 2-Probability Density Functions of different indexes which account for the dimensionality; 3- Perturbed Method to determine the ‘Phase Sensitive strike angle’ for 2D; 4- Galvanic Distortion tools for obtaining the galvanic distortion parameters, twist, shear and anisotropy (with the exception of the gain) in a general 2D/3D case. Given that the distortion parameters cannot be determined, the method is based on a constrained stochastic heuristic method, which consists of exploring randomly the full space of the distortion parameters. The constraints imposed assume the 2D (or 1D) tendency for the shortest periods of the regional impedance tensor. In this way a unique solution fulfilling the constraints is obtained. The method is based on Romero-Ruiz and Pous (2018a,b)

    A Mechanism of crystallization process of hemoglobin S

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     It has been studied as the qualitative consequence of a proposed mechanism of reaction for the formation of HbS molecular aggregations, as well as the mathematical model associated with it, for the particular case that the process of crystallization takes place at partial pressure and constant temperature. It is showed that the results mentioned in the study can be used to explain experimental existing data, although this data are small to decide between various options that are compatible with existing experimental models and experimental data. Also, qualitative consequences of to mechanism of reaction suggested for the formation of HbS molecular aggregations, as well as the mathematical model associated, are studied for a particular case in which to process of crystallization under constant oxygen, partial pressure and constant tem-peratures. The results of such study, which are able to explain the existing experi­mental data, are shown. However, this is latter very scarce for being able to decide among various existing choices compatible with the model and experimental data.  It has been studied as the qualitative consequence of a proposed mechanism of reaction for the formation of HbS molecular aggregations, as well as the mathematical model associated with it, for the particular case that the process of crystallization takes place at partial pressure and constant temperature. It is showed that the results mentioned in the study can be used to explain experimental existing data, although this data are small to decide between various options that are compatible with existing experimental models and experimental data. Also, qualitative consequences of to mechanism of reaction suggested for the formation of HbS molecular aggregations, as well as the mathematical model associated, are studied for a particular case in which to process of crystallization under constant oxygen, partial pressure and constant tem-peratures. The results of such study, which are able to explain the existing experi­mental data, are shown. However, this is latter very scarce for being able to decide among various existing choices compatible with the model and experimental data. &nbsp