2,131 research outputs found

    The analysis of gear shift indicator test results

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    Analizirani su rezultati dobijeni ispitivanjima prema Pravilniku (EU) 65/2012, koji se odnosi na indikatore promene stepena prenosa, na 59 različitih vozila. Osnovni parametri analize su vrednosti brzine vozila pri kojima indikator preporučuje promenu stepena prenosa i njihova odstupanja od standardnih brzina u kojima se menjaju prenosni odnosi u toku ispitivanja izduvne emisije prema Testu I UNECE pravilnika broj 83, pri čemu je zaključeno da standardne brzine treba revidirati. Analizirane su i relativne uštede goriva za slučajeve promene stepena prenosa prema indikatoru i prema standardnim brzinama (prosečna 5,2%, maksimalna 19,9%). Takođe, pokazano je da sledeći preporuke indikatora, automatski menjači u manuelnom modu pružaju mogućnost veće uštede nego manuelni menjači. Zaključeno je da se statistička analiza o tome u kojoj meri vozači poštuju preporuke indikatora može iskoristiti za unapređenje trenutno važećih ispitivanja samih indikatora, potrošnje goriva i izduvne emisije.The results of tests according to Regulation (EU) No 65/2012 regarding gear shift indicators on 59 different vehicles are analyzed. Primary parameters were the vehicle speeds at which the gear shift is indicated through gear shift indicator (GSI), and based on their deviation from standard gear shift points defined for type I emission tests in UNECE Regulation No 83, it is concluded that standard gear shift points need to be revised. Relative fuel savings when shifting according to GSI instructions compared to standard gear shift points were analyzed (average 5.2%, maximum 19.9%). It is also shown that automaatic transmission gave bigger fuel saving when manual mode is used according to GSI, compared to manual transmission, also used with GSI. It is concluded that statistical analysis on how drivers follow GSI instructions may be used to improve current test procedures for GSI efficiency, fuel consumption measurement and emission tests

    The analysis of gear shift indicator test results

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    Analizirani su rezultati dobijeni ispitivanjima prema Pravilniku (EU) 65/2012, koji se odnosi na indikatore promene stepena prenosa, na 59 različitih vozila. Osnovni parametri analize su vrednosti brzine vozila pri kojima indikator preporučuje promenu stepena prenosa i njihova odstupanja od standardnih brzina u kojima se menjaju prenosni odnosi u toku ispitivanja izduvne emisije prema Testu I UNECE pravilnika broj 83, pri čemu je zaključeno da standardne brzine treba revidirati. Analizirane su i relativne uštede goriva za slučajeve promene stepena prenosa prema indikatoru i prema standardnim brzinama (prosečna 5,2%, maksimalna 19,9%). Takođe, pokazano je da sledeći preporuke indikatora, automatski menjači u manuelnom modu pružaju mogućnost veće uštede nego manuelni menjači. Zaključeno je da se statistička analiza o tome u kojoj meri vozači poštuju preporuke indikatora može iskoristiti za unapređenje trenutno važećih ispitivanja samih indikatora, potrošnje goriva i izduvne emisije.The results of tests according to Regulation (EU) No 65/2012 regarding gear shift indicators on 59 different vehicles are analyzed. Primary parameters were the vehicle speeds at which the gear shift is indicated through gear shift indicator (GSI), and based on their deviation from standard gear shift points defined for type I emission tests in UNECE Regulation No 83, it is concluded that standard gear shift points need to be revised. Relative fuel savings when shifting according to GSI instructions compared to standard gear shift points were analyzed (average 5.2%, maximum 19.9%). It is also shown that automaatic transmission gave bigger fuel saving when manual mode is used according to GSI, compared to manual transmission, also used with GSI. It is concluded that statistical analysis on how drivers follow GSI instructions may be used to improve current test procedures for GSI efficiency, fuel consumption measurement and emission tests

    Modelovanie neistoty vo výpočte sklonov z LIDAR-ových DMR: prípadová štúdia vybraného malého územia v ČR

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    This paper summarizes the methods and results of error modelling and propagation analyses in the Olše and Stonávka confluence area. In terrain analyses, the outputs of the aforementioned analysis are always a function of input. Two approaches according to the input data were used to generate field elevation errors which subsequently entered the error propagation analysis. The main goal solved in this research was to show the importance of input data in slope estimation and to estimate the elevation error propagation as well as to identify DEM errors and their consequences. Dependencies were investigated as well to achieve a better prediction of slope errors. Four different digital elevation model (DEM) resolutions (0.5, 1, 5 and 10 meters) were examined with the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) rating up to 0.317 meters (10 m DEM). They all originated from a LIDAR survey. In the analyses, a stochastic Monte Carlo simulation was performed with 250 iterations. The article focuses on the error propagation in a large-scale area using high quality input DEM and Monte Carlo methods. The DEM uncertainty (RMSE) was obtained by sampling and ground research (RTK GPS) and from subtraction of two DEMs. According to empirical error distribution a semivariogram was used to model spatially autocorrelated uncertainty in elevation. The second procedure modelled the uncertainty without autocorrelation using a random N(0,RMSE) error generator. Statistical summaries were drawn to investigate the expected hypothesis. As expected, the error in slopes increases with the increasing vertical error in the input DEM. According to similar studies the use of different DEM input data, high quality LIDAR input data decreases the output uncertainty. Errors modelled without spatial autocorrelation do not result in a greater variance in the resulting slope error. In this case, although the slope error results (comparing random uncorrelated and empirical autocorrelated error fields) did not show any statistical significant difference, the input elevation error pattern was not normally distributed and therefore the random error generator realization is not a suitable interpretation of the true state of elevation errors. The normal distribution was rejected because of the high kurtosis and extreme values (outliners). On the other hand, it can show an important insight into the expected elevation and slope errors. Geology does not influence the slope error in the study area.Táto práca zhŕňa metódu a výsledky modelovania chýb a analýzu šírenia chýb vo výpočte sklonov z DMR získaných LIDAR-om v skúmanej lokalite okolia sútoku riek Olše a Stonávka. V terénnych analýzach výstupy uvedenej analýzy sú vždy funkciou vstupu. Na generovania pola výškových chýb boli použité dve rozdielne metódy podľa vstupných dát. Modelované chyby v nadmorských výškach následne vstupovali do analýzy šírenia chýb. Hlavným cieľom práce bolo tak ako aj poukázanie na význam kvality vstupných dát vo výpočte sklonov a odhad šírenej chyby z nadmorských výšok v sklonoch tak aj identifikácia chýb v DMR a ich dopad. Závislosti chýb boli vyhodnotené hlavne pre lepší odhad chyby v sklonoch. V simuláciách boli použité 4 vstupné DMR s rozlíšením 0.5, 1, 5 a 10 metrov s RMSE chybou do 0.317 metra (10 m DMR). Všetky DMR boli získané z mračna bodov získaných LIDAR metódou zberu dát. Šírenie chýb bolo modelované pomocou stochastickej simulácie Monte Carlo s 250 iteráciami. Článok sa zameriava na šírenie chýb z vysoko presných vstupných dát na malom území. RMSE chyba bola získaná v prvom prípade z dát získaných terénnym prieskumom (RTK GPS) a v druhom prípade z porovnania dvoch kvalitatívne rozdielnych DMR. V prvom prípade sa vypočítali chyby vo výškach pomocou náhodného generátora chýb bez autokorelácie chýb. V druhom prípade sa s pomocou semivariogramu namodelovalo autokorelované pole chýb vo výškach. Použitím vhodných štatistík boli odvodené výsledky simulácie a overené stanovené hypotézy. Tak ako sa očakávalo chyby v sklonoch sú vyššie s zvyšujúcou sa chybou v nadmorských výškach. Tiež závislosti chýb od vypočítaných sklonov boli preskúmané, kde sa potvrdila závislosť chýb na sklonoch. Na druhej strane geológia nemala žiaden vplyv na chybu v sklonoch. Chyby namodelované bez autokorelácie nevedú vo väčšine prípadov k štatisticky významnej odchýlke. Vzhľadom však k rozmiestneniu chýb v priestore (vysoká autokorelácia, zamietnutie normálneho rozdelenia pre vysokú špicatosť a extrémne hodnoty) nie je táto metóda vhodná. Napriek tomu dáva dobrú možnosť nahliadnutia do očakávanej chyby v sklonoch a nadmorských výškach

    Control System Simulation of Technical Equipment

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    AbstractSubmission is concerned to complete information system about quality, operation, automatic testing using mechatronic system and new evaluating method of vehicle subsystem. Presentation of statistic significant group of tracing commercial cars is used. Data about operational parameters were taken from this group. Numeric analysis is realized on the base of automatic collection and systematic recording of commercial car operation. Proposed new information system about operation and trial process allows verification according to proposed method. Critical components verified in laboratory conditions are detected by numeric analysis of reliability. Trial method is described and also numerically compared in three levels. Quality level increasing not only for final product, but also related automatic test laboratory for cars is the result of these principles respecting. The model of technical system operation is proposed by estimating the level of its elements’ reliability. Application of the repair cycle adaptive structure creates the basis of organizing the preventive maintenance and repair and increasing the operational efficiency of technical systems

    Experimental Analysis of Communitation Process of Power Semiconductor Transistor’s Structures

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    The paper deals with testing device designed for experimental examination of processes in power electronics devices during various switching modes is described. Through the use of auxiliary circuits additional switching modes (ZVS, ZCS) are realized except hard switching, and turning-off with reduced current respectively. The device´s advantage is possibility of fine dead time setting, allowing us analyzing the effects of phenomenon noted above, on measurements of commutation losses

    Simultaneous detection of vaccinal and field infectious bursal disease viruses in layer chickens challenged with a very virulent strain after vaccination

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    Infectious bursal disease virus is an important poultry pathogen. It is distributed worldwide and causes significant economic losses. In this study, a system was adopted for the simultaneous monitoring of vaccine and virulent strains using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). After the decay of maternal antibodies, chickens were vaccinated at the age of 37 days with a virus of intermediate virulence and challenged at 5, 10 and 14 days post vaccination (dpv). The challenge was done with IBDV strain CH/99. Sequencing of the hypervariable region of VP2 has shown that CH/99 belongs to the very virulent group of viruses. The vaccine virus could be found in the bursa of Fabricius, spleen, thymus and bone marrow until 24 dpv. The CH/99 challenge virus was found in the bursa and lymphoid organs when chickens were challenged at 5 and 10 dpv. When challenge was performed at 14 dpv, the pathogenic virus could not be found in the bursa and other lymphoid organs

    Sow fertility after insemination with varying doses of volume and spermatozoa count

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of increasing boar's reproductive exploitation by using AI doses of doubly reduced volume and sperm count in the intrauterine AI procedure. The experiment was conducted at a commercial pig farm in Serbia in 2014. Classic intracervical insemination (ICI) was performed by using 50 mL or 100 mL volume doses containing 4 x 10(9) or 2 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa. The same volumes and sperm numbers per dose were used with intrauterine insemination (IUI). Each dose combination was used to inseminate 30 sows. Intrauterine insemination with AI doses of reduced volume (50 mL) and sperm count (2 x 10(9)) did not produce a statistically significant difference (P lt 0.05) in the farrowing rate (76.7%) as compared with 4 x 10(9) spermatozoa in the same volume (83.3%) or with insemination by doses of 100 mL with a 2 x 10(9) (83.3%) or a 4 x 10(9) sperm count (86.7%). The number of live-born piglets (10.82) was larger following IUI using a 50 mL volume dose with a 2 x 10(9) sperm count as compared with ICI with the same AI dose volume and sperm count (9.85). The results show that the use of reduced AI dosages provides an opportunity for the swine industry to considerably exploit the reproductive potential of genetically superior boars

    The influence of breed and age on appearing of pyometra in bitches

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    Pyometra (chronic purulent inflammation of the uterus) is a frequent reproductive disorder in sexually mature bitches that usually occurs between the 4th week and the 4th month following estrus when the animal is not pregnant. The objective of this investigation was to examine the influence of the breed of bitch on the age when pyometra is diagnozed, and in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The average age of 321 examined bitches with diagnozed pyometra was 8.4 years. A statistically significant (P≤0.05) difference was established in the average age of bitches of big breeds (7.3 years) in comparison with the age of bitches of small breeds, at the time of pyometra occurrence (9.8 years). Bitches of mixed breeds were aged 8.8 years on the average when they were diagnozed with pyometra. Pyometra was diagnozed at the age between 7 and 9 years in 52% of the examined bitches of big breeds, while 51% bitches of small breeds were diagnozed with pyometra when they were considerably older (≥10 years). On the grounds of the results of these investigations, it can be concluded that the risk of pyometra occurring increases significantly after 5 years of age, but that breed has a significant effect on the age at which pyometra occurs in bitches