169 research outputs found

    Ergatic dynamic control systems

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    Synthesis and analysis of systems containing a man in their control circuits are considered. The concepts of ergonomics and ergatic systems are defined, and tasks and problems of ergonomics are outlined. The synthesis of the structure of an astronautic ergatic organism is presented, as well as the synthesis of nonstationary ergatic systems. Problems of selecting the criteria for complex systems are considered, and the results are presented from a study of ergatic control systems with any degree of human participation

    Alternative fast quantum logic gates using nonadiabatic Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana transitions

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    A conventional realization of quantum logic gates and control is based on resonant Rabi oscillations of the occupation probability of the system. This approach has certain limitations and complications, like counter-rotating terms. We study an alternative paradigm for implementing quantum logic gates based on Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana (LZSM) interferometry with non-resonant driving and the alternation of adiabatic evolution and non-adiabatic transitions. Compared to Rabi oscillations, the main differences are a non-resonant driving frequency and a small number of periods in the external driving. We explore the dynamics of a multilevel quantum system under LZSM drives and optimize the parameters for increasing single- and two-qubit gates speed. We define the parameters of the external driving required for implementing some specific gates using the adiabatic-impulse model. The LZSM approach can be applied to a large variety of multi-level quantum systems and external driving, providing a method for implementing quantum logic gates on them.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Impedance-Matching Hearing in Paleozoic Reptiles: Evidence of Advanced Sensory Perception at an Early Stage of Amniote Evolution

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    BACKGROUND: Insights into the onset of evolutionary novelties are key to the understanding of amniote origins and diversification. The possession of an impedance-matching tympanic middle ear is characteristic of all terrestrial vertebrates with a sophisticated hearing sense and an adaptively important feature of many modern terrestrial vertebrates. Whereas tympanic ears seem to have evolved multiple times within tetrapods, especially among crown-group members such as frogs, mammals, squamates, turtles, crocodiles, and birds, the presence of true tympanic ears has never been recorded in a Paleozoic amniote, suggesting they evolved fairly recently in amniote history. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the present study, we performed a morphological examination and a phylogenetic analysis of poorly known parareptiles from the Middle Permian of the Mezen River Basin in Russia. We recovered a well-supported clade that is characterized by a unique cheek morphology indicative of a tympanum stretching across large parts of the temporal region to an extent not seen in other amniotes, fossil or extant, and a braincase specialized in showing modifications clearly related to an increase in auditory function, unlike the braincase of any other Paleozoic tetrapod. In addition, we estimated the ratio of the tympanum area relative to the stapedial footplate for the basalmost taxon of the clade, which, at 23:1, is in close correspondence to that of modern amniotes capable of efficient impedance-matching hearing. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Using modern amniotes as analogues, the possession of an impedance-matching middle ear in these parareptiles suggests unique ecological adaptations potentially related to living in dim-light environments. More importantly, our results demonstrate that already at an early stage of amniote diversification, and prior to the Permo-Triassic extinction event, the complexity of terrestrial vertebrate ecosystems had reached a level that proved advanced sensory perception to be of notable adaptive significance

    Extending the footprint record of Pareiasauromorpha to the Cisuralian : earlier appearance and wider palaeobiogeography of the group

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    Pareiasauromorpha is one of the most important tetrapod groups of the Permian. Skeletal evidence suggests a late Kungurian origin in North America, whereas the majority of occurrences come from the Guadalupian and Lopingian of South Africa and Russia. However, Pareiasauromorpha footprints include the ichnogenus Pachypes, which is unknown from strata older than late Guadalupian. A revision of several Pachypes-like footprints from the Cisuralian-Guadalupian of Europe and North America confirm the occurrence of this ichnogenus and of the ichnospecies Pachypes ollieri comb. nov. beginning in the Artinskian. This is the earliest known occurrence of Pachypes and it coincides with the Artinskian reptile radiation. Based on a synapomorphy-based track-trackmaker correlation, P. ollieri can be attributed to nycteroleter pareiasauromorphs such as Macroleter. Therefore, the earliest occurrences of pareiasauromorph footprints precede by at least 10 myr the earliest occurrence of this group in the skeletal record. Moreover, the palaeobiogeography of the group is extended to the Cisuralian and Guadalupian of western Europe

    Клинико-экономическая оценка применения генно-инженерных биологических препаратов и таргетных синтетических препаратов при анкилозирующем спондилите в условиях системы здравоохранения Российской Федерации

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    Objective: clinical and economic evaluation of the use of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) and targeted synthetic DMARDs (tsDMARDs), Janus kinase inhibitors (iJAK), for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS).Patients and methods. Among comparison technologies for further analysis were included: adalimumab (ADA), golimumab (GLM), ixekizumab (IXE), secukinumab (SEC), tofacitinib (TOFA), certolizumab pegol (CZP), upadacitinib (UPA), etanercept (ETC). The efficacy and safety of the bDMARDs and tsDMARDs included in the study were evaluated based on the results of a systematic search and analysis of data on the comparative clinical efficacy and safety of their use. Any phase III randomized controlled trials of drugs used to treat active AS in adults (age ≥18) were considered as an investigational treatment versus placebo or versus another active drug. Analysis of the economic consequences of the use of bDMARDs and tsDMARDs for AS treatment was carried out only taking into account drug therapy. For the clinical and economic evaluation of the use of bDMARDs and tsDMARDs, the cost minimization indicator was calculated. As a criterion for clinical and economic efficiency and for the analysis of the impact on the budget, the cost per responder (CpR) indicator was estimated, which was calculated based on the cost of treating AS by the time the response was achieved according to the ASAS20/40 criteria and BASDAI50.Results and discussion. The results of the meta-analysis indicated a greater effectiveness of bDMARDs and iJAK compared with placebo in terms of the frequency of achieving ASAS 20/40, BASDAI 50 criteria. From an economic point of view, compared with the reference (minimum) value (ETC biosimilar, Erelzi®), the difference in the treatment cost of 1 patient with AS during the year varied widely (from +4.22 to +40.29%) and depended on the selected therapy option. At the same time, UPA 15 mg was characterized by the lowest cost of a course of treatment in the first year among original drugs. Among the original drugs, the lowest CpR values before reaching the ASAS20 criterion were in ADA (380,986.58 rubles), ETC (426,868.81 rubles), GLM (559,619.28 rubles) and UPA 15 mg (582,003.89 rub.), according to the ASAS40 criterion – for ADA (534,518.49 rubles.), ETC (726,347.45 rubles) and UPA 15 mg (557,753.73 rubles), according to the BASDAI50 criterion – for ADA (488,911.11 rubles), ETC (636,386.99 rubles) and UPA 15 mg (640,204.28 rubles).Conclusion. The study confirmed the clinical and economic feasibility of using various options for treatment of AS in real practice, including bDMARDs and iJAK. At the same time, the use of original drugs is not always associated with significant costs per 1 patient who responded to treatment. The creation of full-fledged patient registries will make it possible to introduce a system for monitoring clinical outcomes depending on the chosen treatment strategy, as well as smooth out the assumptions and limitations that are used in the study of the clinical and economic aspects of medical technologies, which will save resources and increase the availability of drugs for patients with rheumatic diseases.Цель исследования – клинико-экономическая оценка применения генно-инженерных биологических препаратов (ГИБП) и таргетных синтетических базисных противовоспалительных препаратов (тсБПВП) – ингибиторов Янус-киназ (иJAK) – для лечения анкилозирующего спондилита (АС).Пациенты и методы. К технологиям сравнения для дальнейшего анализа были отнесены: адалимумаб (АДА), голимумаб (ГЛМ), иксекизумаб (ИКСЕ), секукинумаб (СЕК), тофацитиниб (ТОФА), цертолизумаба пэгол (ЦЗП), упадацитиниб (УПА), этанерцепт (ЭТЦ). Эффективность и безопасность ГИБП и тсБПВП, включенных в исследование, оценивались по результатам систематического поиска и анализа данных о сравнительной клинической эффективности и безопасности их применения. Рассматривались любые рандомизированные контролируемые исследования III фазы препаратов, которые используются для терапии активного АС у взрослых (возраст ≥18) в качестве исследуемого лечения по сравнению с плацебо или с другим активным препаратом. Анализ экономических последствий применения ГИБП и тсБПВП для лечения АС проведен только с учетом медикаментозной терапии. Для клинико-экономической оценки применения ГИБП и тсБПВП был рассчитан показатель минимизации затрат. В качестве критерия клинико-экономической эффективности и для анализа влияния на бюджет оценивался показатель стоимости на 1 пациента, ответившего на терапию (cost per responder, СpR), который был рассчитан исходя из затрат на лечение АС к моменту достижения ответа по критериям ASAS20/40 и BASDAI50.Результаты и обсуждение. Результаты метаанализа свидетельствовали о большей эффективности ГИБП и иJAK по сравнению с плацебо по частоте достижения критериев ASAS20/40, BASDAI50. С экономической точки зрения по сравнению с референсным (минимальным) значением (биосимиляр ЭТЦ, Эрелзи®) разница в затратах на лечение 1 пациента с АС в течение года варьировалась в широких пределах (от +4,22 до +40,29%) и зависела от выбранной терапии. В то же время среди оригинальных лекарственных препаратов (ЛП) наименьшей стоимостью курса лечения в 1-й год в расчете на 1 пациента характеризовался УПА 15 мг. Среди оригинальных ЛП наименьшие показатели СpR до достижения критерия ASAS20 были у АДА (380 986,58 руб.), ЭТЦ (426 868,81 руб.), ГЛМ (559 619,28 руб.) и УПА 15 мг (582 003,89 руб.), по критерию ASAS40 – у АДА (534 518,49 руб.), ЭТЦ (726 347,45 руб.) и УПА 15 мг (557 753,73 руб.), по критерию BASDAI50 – также у АДА (488 911,11 руб.), ЭТЦ (636 386,99 руб.) и УПА 15 мг (640 204,28 руб.).Заключение. Проведенное исследование подтвердило клинико-экономическую целесообразность использования в реальной практике различных вариантов лечения АС, включающих ГИБП и иJAK. При этом применение оригинальных препаратов не всегда сопряжено со значительными затратами в расчете на 1 ответившего на лечение пациента. Создание полноценных регистров пациентов позволит внедрить систему мониторинга клинических исходов в зависимости от выбранной стратегии лечения, а также сгладить допущения и ограничения, которые используются при изучении клинико-экономических аспектов медицинских технологий, что будет способствовать экономии ресурсов и повышению доступности лекарственной помощи для пациентов с ревматическими заболеваниями