20 research outputs found

    Biological characteristics of Chondrichtyes and their endangered status

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    U ovom seminarskom radu piŔem o skupini Chondrichtyes- hrskavičnjače, po meni vrlo zanimljivoj skupini kraljeŔnjaka. Cilj mi je istaknuti njihove posebne značajke i zanimljivosti, te upozoriti na njihovu ugroženost. Za početak iznosim neŔto o samom postanku i podjeli hrkavičnjača, njihovoj fiziologiji, zanimljivostima vezanim uz skupinu i pojedine vrste, te kasnije o razlozima ugroženosti i mjerama koje bi trebalo poduzeti da se njihova ugroženost smanji i raznolikost održi.In this paper I write about the group Chondrichtyes which is, in my opinion, a very interesting group of Vertebrates. My goal and the goal of this paper is to bring out many interesting characteristics of these species and also to worn about their endangered status. In the first chapters I write about the systematics, morfology and fisiology of these animals, about some interesting characteristics that the group, or a species has. Later on I focus on the main reasons of their endangered status and precaution measures that could help reducing this endandgered status and to keep their diversity in their natural habitats

    Biological characteristics of Chondrichtyes and their endangered status

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    U ovom seminarskom radu piŔem o skupini Chondrichtyes- hrskavičnjače, po meni vrlo zanimljivoj skupini kraljeŔnjaka. Cilj mi je istaknuti njihove posebne značajke i zanimljivosti, te upozoriti na njihovu ugroženost. Za početak iznosim neŔto o samom postanku i podjeli hrkavičnjača, njihovoj fiziologiji, zanimljivostima vezanim uz skupinu i pojedine vrste, te kasnije o razlozima ugroženosti i mjerama koje bi trebalo poduzeti da se njihova ugroženost smanji i raznolikost održi.In this paper I write about the group Chondrichtyes which is, in my opinion, a very interesting group of Vertebrates. My goal and the goal of this paper is to bring out many interesting characteristics of these species and also to worn about their endangered status. In the first chapters I write about the systematics, morfology and fisiology of these animals, about some interesting characteristics that the group, or a species has. Later on I focus on the main reasons of their endangered status and precaution measures that could help reducing this endandgered status and to keep their diversity in their natural habitats

    Ojačanje dentalnih polimera staklenim vlaknima

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    ZavrÅ”ni rad je koncipiran tako da u prvom dijelu daje kratki opis i definicije polimera i kompozita te polimernih materijala koji se koriste u dentalnoj medicini, pri čemu je naglasak na akrilatima. Između ostalog, razrađuje se problematika primjene akrilnih polimera prilikom izrade dentalnih proteza zbog čestih lomova istih. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada je opisan postupak izrade uzoraka i način ispitivanja osnovnih mehaničkih svojstava ā€“ žilavost, vlačna čvrstoća i savojna svojstva. Nadalje, prikazani su rezultati pomoću tablica i dijagrama, koji su se analizirali i usporedili. U skladu sa zadatkom rada, na temelju dobivenih rezultata ispitivanja izvedeni su odgovarajući zaključci o smislu ojačavanja dentalnih akrilata sa staklenim vlaknima

    Vitka logistika i vitko upravljanje opskrbnim lancem

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    Rad je koncipiran tako da u prvom dijelu definira logistiku, upravljanje opskrbnim lancem te sličnosti i razlike između ta dva pojma. Glavni dio razrađuje prikaz i definiranje relativno novog koncepta vitke logistike i vitkog upravljanja opskrbnim lancem temeljem relevantnih izvora, tako da se prvo opisuju značajke vitkog koncepta koji se u početku koristio samo u proizvodnji. Osim toga, definirani su alati vitkog koncepta koji se koriste u području logistike i upravljanja opskrbnim lancem te se navodi metodologija implementacije u izdvojenim ključnim logističkim aktivnostima. Kako bi se prikazala uspjeÅ”na primjena koncepta u praksi, navode se dva primjera studije slučaja. U novije vrijeme se u logistici i upravljanju opskrbnim lancem uz vitki koncept pojavljuje i zeleni pristup. U skladu s time, nastavak rada objaÅ”njava smisao zelenog pristupa, prikazuje koncept zelene logistike i zelenog upravljanja opskrbnim lancem, njihov utjecaj na vitku logistiku i vitko upravljanje opskrbnim lancem te rezultirajući kombinirani pristup pod nazivom vitka i zelena logistika, odnosno vitko i zeleno upravljanje opskrbnim lancem

    Effects of Driving Style and Vehicle Maintenance on Vehicle Roadworthiness

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    Vehicles that are non-roadworthy pose a hazard for all road users and can be one of the main causes of traffic accidents. Previous studies have analysed the impact of the driving style on environmental sustainability and road safety. Starting from this, there was a need to further investigate the relationship between the driving style and vehicle roadworthiness as well. Vehicles that do not comply with the prescribed requirements should be excluded from traffic at a periodic technical inspection. However, the causes of detected vehicle defects cannot be established at a periodic technical inspection. The paper therefore, examines the factors affecting vehicle roadworthiness. First, the failure rate and mileage of vehicles at periodic technical inspection regarding the type of ownership was examined. In addition, a questionnaire was conducted to collect data about the driving style and maintenance habits of different types of car owners. The paper argues that vehicles owned by legal entities were generally in a worse condition than the vehicles owned by natural persons, due to the increased vehicle exploitation, but also due to a more aggressive driving style. Finally, it was found that by modifying their driving style, the drivers can affect the condition of their vehicles, considering the same mileage and maintenance habits.</p

    Subjectivity and Technology in Work of Technicians in Periodical Technical Inspection Stations

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    The article deals with the subjectivity-technology theme and is based on qualitative study of technologically highly mediated techniciansā€™ work in two stations for periodical technical inspection of vehicles in Croatia. Specifically, it is studied how supervisors for periodical technical inspection of vehicles interpret the place and importance of their subjective judgements in contrast to technologically driven advancement of devices they use in everyday work activities. The main concepts guiding the analysis stems from the organizational research on work and technology according to which human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that things have for them. Other concepts included structural aspect of techniciansā€™ professional identity and work autonomy, organizational contingencies and social interactions as integral part of technical work. Four descriptively based themes emerged through the procedure of summing up the findings. They suggest strong and enduring intertwining of human factor and technology in contingent organizational context. Findings suggest that subjective judgements are regarded as necessary human activity permanently related to simultaneous use of devices in the process of inspection where recognizing complex task related appearances, and spotting unusual events are integral part of work. Finally, interactional patterns suggested communications as the integral part of the job, often as the most difficult, stressful but simultaneously indispensable condition for work to be done correctly

    Spinal shock after a ground-level fall

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    Falls are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) in patients older than 65. The worldwide annual incidence of SCIs is reported to be around 15 ā€“ 40/ 1000000

    Glass fiber reinforced dental acrylic resin

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    ZavrÅ”ni rad je koncipiran tako da u prvom dijelu daje kratki opis i definicije polimera i kompozita te polimernih materijala koji se koriste u dentalnoj medicini, pri čemu je naglasak na akrilatima. Između ostalog, razrađuje se problematika primjene akrilnih polimera prilikom izrade dentalnih proteza zbog čestih lomova istih. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada je opisan postupak izrade uzoraka i način ispitivanja osnovnih mehaničkih svojstava ā€“ žilavost, vlačna čvrstoća i savojna svojstva. Nadalje, prikazani su rezultati pomoću tablica i dijagrama, koji su se analizirali i usporedili. U skladu sa zadatkom rada, na temelju dobivenih rezultata ispitivanja izvedeni su odgovarajući zaključci o smislu ojačavanja dentalnih akrilata sa staklenim vlaknima

    A novel model for monitoring the human factor efficiency in processes

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    Modernizacija i digitalizacija, koje su sve veći zahtjevi druÅ”tva, utječu na brojne procese. U skladu s time, moderne tehnologije mijenjaju kompletan način poslovanja kako u stručnim, tako i u znanstvenim organizacijama. Iako je primjena softvera i bežične povezanosti u početku bila svojstvena isključivo proizvodnoj djelatnosti, u posljednje vrijeme sve je važnija za upravljanje različitim poslovnim procesima. Ovaj doktorski rad prikazuje primjenu takvih rjeÅ”enja unutar procesa donoÅ”enja odluka, pri čemu je naglasak na ljudskom čimbeniku jer precizna evaluacija tog segmenta doprinosi učinkovitijem radu. Također, smisao ovog istraživanja je rijeÅ”iti problem subjektivnosti. Iz tog razloga razvijen je novi model koji omogućava uspjeÅ”no praćenje učinkovitosti u skladu s izvedbom. Kako bi se ostvarilo oblikovanje navedenog modela, provedena je analiza procesa te su se utvrdili potencijalni gubici prema vitkom konceptu kako bi proces bio spreman za poboljÅ”anje.Modernization and digitalization, which are society demands, effect on many processes. Accordingly, modern technologies are changing the entire way of doing business both in professional and in scientific organizations. Although the software and wireless connection application in the beginning was initially inherent solely to production industry, it has become increasingly important for various business processes managing. This thesis shows such solution application within the decision-making process, with emphasis on the human factor, because accurate evaluation of that segment of the process achieves efficient work. Moreover, the purpose of this research is solving the subjectivity problem. For this reason, the new model is developed in order to enable successful performance monitoring. In order to provide appropriate model, it is necessary to conduct the process analysis and identify all types of waste according to the lean concept for possible improvement