Biological characteristics of Chondrichtyes and their endangered status


U ovom seminarskom radu pišem o skupini Chondrichtyes- hrskavičnjače, po meni vrlo zanimljivoj skupini kralješnjaka. Cilj mi je istaknuti njihove posebne značajke i zanimljivosti, te upozoriti na njihovu ugroženost. Za početak iznosim nešto o samom postanku i podjeli hrkavičnjača, njihovoj fiziologiji, zanimljivostima vezanim uz skupinu i pojedine vrste, te kasnije o razlozima ugroženosti i mjerama koje bi trebalo poduzeti da se njihova ugroženost smanji i raznolikost održi.In this paper I write about the group Chondrichtyes which is, in my opinion, a very interesting group of Vertebrates. My goal and the goal of this paper is to bring out many interesting characteristics of these species and also to worn about their endangered status. In the first chapters I write about the systematics, morfology and fisiology of these animals, about some interesting characteristics that the group, or a species has. Later on I focus on the main reasons of their endangered status and precaution measures that could help reducing this endandgered status and to keep their diversity in their natural habitats

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