18 research outputs found

    Nilai Filosofis Budaya Matrilineal Di Minangkabau (Relevansinya Bagi Pengembangan Hak-hak Perempuan Di Indonesia)

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    This research is a qualitative research to find an essence of matrilineal culture in Minangkabau tradition from the philosophical perspective of Feminism. Method of data collection is dividing research areas in West Sumatra into two big groups that are Minang Pesisir and Minang Bukit. Then, collecting data through direct interview and observation to get data about matrilineal system in West Sumatra. Data which has collected then be analyzed using interpretation and hermeneutics method and described as a concept to develop the rights of enforcer process of woman in Indonesia. This research is to develop the woman movements and law concerning femininity in Indonesia that is more suitable with the personality and cultural of Indonesia because it lifted from local and cultural wisdom in Indonesia. The expectation is that it will be able to more suitable to the agenda of offering values of feminist appropriate for public of Indonesia


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    This research is a qualitative research to find an essence of matrilineal culture in Minangkabau tradition from the philosophical perspective of Feminism. Method of data collection is dividing research areas in West Sumatra into two big groups that are Minang Pesisir and Minang Bukit. Then, collecting data through direct interview and observation to get data about matrilineal system in West Sumatra. Data which has collected then be analyzed using interpretation and hermeneutics method and described as a concept to develop the rights of enforcer process of woman in Indonesia. This research is to develop the woman movements and law concerning femininity in Indonesia that is more suitable with the personality and cultural of Indonesia because it lifted from local and cultural wisdom in Indonesia. The expectation is that it will be able to more suitable to the agenda of offering values of feminist appropriate for public of Indonesia


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    This research is a qualitative research which aims to understand the real position of woman in Javanesse culture based on the story of shadow puppets (wayang kulit purwa) performance and to know the values of feminism which relevant with the a woman's life in Java. The results of this study indicate that shadow puppet purwa is a phenomenal piece of art that have stories that can be used as a metaphor for human life. The values of feminism taught in shadow puppet which is that women in puppets depicted in figure Dewi Shinta, Srikandi and Kunti are the attitude of devotion and respect for her husband both in joy and sorrow, loyal and obedient to her husband though it should be a co-wife, always maintain purity, religious, and skilled defending her husband in trouble. Those values are widely used as the teaching of women's lives in Java that uphold the values of loyalty towards her husband and patience and sincerity live and life

    Internet memes with feminist content as a communication media of philosophical meaning through building a deep understandings on women’s positions

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    This research departs from interest and curiosity about women's issues and positions as represented in internet memes. The purpose of this research is to uncover the hidden philosophical meaning behind internet memes with feminist themes, chosen using a purposive sampling technique. This research thus provides a feminist internet meme analysis using the theoretical framework of critical discourse Sara Mills. This qualitative research is divided into four sections, after opening with an overview of internet memes, their philosophical background, and Sara Mills critical discourse to looking at the issue of women's positions. The first section discusses internet memes with a Western cultural background; the second section the analysis of internet memes with an Eastern cultural background; and the third section argues the analysis of internet memes with a background in Islamic culture. The fourth section will provide a philosophical reflection on feminist as reflected in internet memes from Western, Eastern and Islamic cultures as viewed from critical discourse Sara Mills. The research seeks the philosophical meaning of internet memes with feminist themes by using a Sara Mills critical discourse framework. This approach will offer a deep understanding of women’s positions within their cultural backgrounds, as depicted through internet memes to communicate the philosophical meaning of feminist issues


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    In Indonesia now, media, both printed and television pays attention to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Good Corporate Governance (GCG) more than even before. However, the reality of business life is quite different from the image presented in the media. This study tries to describe unethical behaviour of firms in Indonesia that documented in printed media and classify them to be measured qualitatively. News of CSR issued from January 2005 to December 2007 was gathered and analyzed using qualitative content analysis method with negative or deviant case analysis. Negative case analysis is an analysis to see something of the opposite. It used because of ethical relativism (ethical beliefs differ from one society to another society, even among people with one another). The results show that there are some unethical behaviors of firms. These unethical behaviors can be classified into unethical behavior directed internally to firm and those directed externally to Governments and society at large

    Pemikiran Kierkegaard Tentang Manusia Agony dan Proses Penyembuhan Diri

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    Satu hal yang tampaknya terabaikan dalam situasi manusia kontemporer yaitu derita batin (agony). Manusia mengalami situasi batin yang agak kacau, tidak stabil, tertekan dan yang kerap kali berada dalam pengawasan superego yang menjadikan tubuh menjadi lentur patuh. Pola hidup era modern mensyaratkan kepastian, disiplin, ketaatan, keterukuran, dan semua berada dalam kontrol kekuasaan dengan basis data algoritmik dan sistem yang ketat. Situasi ini belum mereka sadari karena derita batin itu mesti ditutup karena untuk kebutuhan bertahan hidup. Bila derita batin tidak diatasi, akan terjadi katastropi baik bagi diri dan relasi dengan yang lain. Hidup bisa berada dalam situasi bahaya. Kierkegaard dalam konteks ini memberikan suatu energi baru dengan gagasan rekoleksi dan repetisi bagi manusia agony untuk bisa mengenal lebih dalam dirinya. Penelitian ini berciri kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode-metode filosofis yaitu verstehen, komparasi, dan interpretasi. Penelitian ini akan berupaya mengungkap sisi-sisi terdalam dalam kondisi manusia modern yang telah mengalami kerapuhan pada dimensi internal diri yang berimplikasi pada dimensi eksternal yakni kebertubuhan dan sosialitas. Hasil penelitian ini: (1) upaya refleksi diri terus-menerus diupayakan dengan menelisik situasi kedalaman batin untuk memahami problem yang mengarah pada diri sendiri; (2) rekoleksi dan repetisi menjadi proses penyembuhan diri

    Nilai Filosofis Budaya Matrilineal Minangkabau (Relevansinya Bagi Penegakan Hak-Hak Perempuan Di Indonesia)

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    Masyarakat Minangkabau merupakan tipe masyarakat yang unik dan menarik untuk dijadikan kajian ilmiah karena memiliki sistem kekerabatan yang matrilineal berbeda dengan daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia. Atas dasar pertimbangan itulah, maka peneliti mencoba menelaah secara ilmiah tentang nilai filosofis budaya matrilineal di Minangkabau sehingga bisa didapat pemahaman secara filosifis mengenai budaya matrilineal di Minangkabau serta relevansinya bagi penegakan hak-hak perempuan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan metode hermeneutika dan deskriptif yang menggunakan adat matrilineal Minangkabau sebagai objek materialnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan gambaran bahwa budaya matrilineal di Minangkabau menjadikan posisi perempuan menjadi lebih kokoh dan kuat di lingkungan sosial masyarakat sehingga perempuan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang penuh. Di samping itu lelaki Minangkabau juga memiliki posisi yang kuat sebagai mamak sehingga posisi perempuan di Minangkabau tidak minjadi mutlak. Pemahaman seperti ini sangat sesuai dengan jiwa dan karakter bangsa Indonesia, sehingga budaya matrilineal Minangkabau sesuai untuk dijadikan pedoman dan dasar bagi penegakan hak-hak perempuan di Indonesia


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    The javanese society is a people that mostly embrace islamic religion. A history of islamic religion can not be released from influence and guardian from Wali Songo especially Sunan kalijaga. The influence of Sunan Kalijaga’s ideas scattered almost in all indonesian society’s life especially javanese society. This research is done to know the influence of Sunan Kalijaga’s ideas towards leather puppet’s culture developt in Indonesia. The things of course inseparable because leather puppet and Sunan Kalijaga’s ideas is the same big influential towards javanese society life. This research is a qualitative research that use book that explains Sunan Kalijaga’s ideas and other books that related to leather puppet world. This research produces a conclusion that leather puppet as a Javanese culture in this time development by Sunan Kalijaga’s ideas


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    The tradisional children game in Indonesia, especially at java region is a game that bequeathed according to heredityly from generation to generation. The tradisional children game in java usually done with the group models and involve many people. Tradisional game can be made as very effective media for study especially for children pre school age. Tradisional game as a media that very effective to give character education for a children. Tradisional game also can be worn to increase ability especially for learn how to socialized, patience, sportifity and willpower, also develop psikomotorik growth. Tradisional game also contain philosophical values to be able to realize philosophy of God and kosmologis. The existing values in tradisiona children’s game practicallydoesn’t get attention from parents. This matter happens because of modern game begins to enter in children life at java. Practically tradisional game can causses the loss of tradisional game influence in children life.so it must get special attention from parents


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif untuk menemukan esensi budaya matrilineal adat Minangkabau menurut Filsafat Feminisme. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan membagi daerah penelitian di Sumatera Barat ke dalam dua kelompok besar yaitu Minang Pesisir dan Minang Bukit. Selanjutnya peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara dan observasi langsung ke daerah tersebut untuk mendapatkan bukti dan data tentang sistem matrilineal di Sumatera Barat. Data yang sudah terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode interpretasi dan hermeneutika yang selanjutnya dijabarkan ke dalam suatu konsep yang dapat dipakai sebagai bahan masukan bagi perkembangan proses penegakan hak-hak perempuan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi perkembangan gerakan- gerakan wanita dan undang-undang tentang kewanitaan di Indonesia dari sisi yang lebih sesuai dengan kepribadian dan budaya masyarakat Indonesia sendiri karena diangkat dari kearifan lokal dan budaya lokal masyarakat Indonesia sehingga diharapkan akan lebih sesuai dalam rangka menawarkan nilainilai feminis yang sesuai untuk masyarakat Indonesia