6 research outputs found

    Goal Orientation and Sociometric Status of Volleyball Players

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    Ovim se radom nastojao ispitati odnos ciljne orijentacije prema postignuću u sportu te percepcije motivacijske klime sa sociometrijskim statusom u vršnjačkoj skupini. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 139 aktivnih odbojkašica s područja Primorsko-goranske županije, prosječne dobi od 13,5 godina. Korišteni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Upitnik ciljne orijentacije u sportu, Upitnik percipirane motivacijske klime u sportu, sociogram, te novokonstruirani upitnik kojim su se mjerile karakteristike pripisane osobama različitog sociometrijskog statusa. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruiran je Upitnik pripisanih karakteristika osobama različite ciljne orijentacije koji uz opis hipotetskog lika određene ciljne orijentacije prema postignuću u sportu sadrži i niz karakteristika na temelju kojih ga ispitanici procijenjuju. Faktorskom analizom je utvrđena dvofaktorska struktura novokonstruiranog upitnika, a istaknula su se dva faktora: Pozitivne odrednice suigrača i Negativne odrednice suigrača. Na temelju procjena ispitanika nastojalo se zaključiti koje osobine u većoj mjeri ispitanice pripisuju osobama različite ciljne orijentacije. Dobivena je pozitivna korelacija između individualne ciljne orijentacije i percepcije istovjetne motivacijske klime. Igračice različitog sociometrijskog statusa (popularna, odbačena, kontraverzna, zanemarena i prosječna) uglavnom se ne razlikuju u dimenzijama ciljne orijentacije i percepcije motivacijske klime. Jedina razlika je uočena usporedbom igračica odbačenog i kontraverznog sociometrijskog statusa, koje se značajno razlikuju u percepciji motivacijske klime orijentirane na izvedbu, pri čemu kontraverzne igračice svoje sportsko okruženje doživljavaju kompetitivnijim. Hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom dobiveno je da je ciljna orijentacija na zadatak značajan prediktor socijalnog utjecaja, no riječ je o vrlo malim efektima koje treba oprezno interpretirati. Dob djeteta kao i ciljna orijentacija na zadatak pokazali su se značajnim prediktorima trajanja treniranja odbojke.The purpose of the research was to investigate the relations between individual's goal orientation and perception of motivational climate and peer sociometric status. 139 volleyball players, average age 13,5, from Primorsko-goranska region participated in the research by fulfilling following measures: Task & Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, sociometric nomination method and new questionnaire developed in order to assess characteristics attributed to the people with different goal orientations. For the purpose of the research, the Questionnaire of different goal orientations characteristics was developed. The Questionnaire includes the description of hypothetic person and it's goal orientation as well as the list of characteristics used for an assessment. Factor analysis resulted in two-factor structure of the constructed questionnaire: Positive teammates characteristics and Negative teammates characteristics. According to the participant's responses, their attitudes and opinions of sports people with different goal orientation were observed. Positive correlation between goal orientation and perception of motivational climate is approved from the previous research. There is no difference between different sociometric status categories (popular, rejected, controversial, neglected and average) in goal orientations and motivational climate perceptions. The only observed difference in perception of performance motivational climate is between rejected and controversial players. Controversial players perceive motivational climate as more competitive than rejected players. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed task goal orientation is a significant predictor of social impact in a peer group, but small effects indicate the results have to be interpreted carefully. Players age and task goal orientation turn out to be significant predictors of volleyball participation lenght


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    Sport, odnosno tjelesna aktivnost, ima brojne pozitivne tjelesne i psihološke ishode, zbog čega je važno prepoznati individualne i grupne motivacijske faktore koji se nalaze u podlozi bavljenja sportom. Cilj rada je ispitati odnos ciljne orijentacije prema postignuću u sportu i percepcije motivacijske klime unutar odbojkaške ekipe. Također, nastojalo se ispitati koje karakteristike ispitanice pripisuju osobama različitih ciljnih orijentacija. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 139 aktivnih odbojkašica, prosječne dobi od 13.5 godina. Korišteni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Upitnik ciljne orijentacije u sportu, Upitnik percipirane motivacijske klime u sportu te novokonstruirani upitnik za procjenu karakteristika pripisanih osobama različitih ciljne orijentacija prema postignuću u sportu. Individualne ciljne orijentacije i percepcija istovjetne motivacijske klime bile su pozitivno povezane. Kada je riječ o procjeni osoba različite ciljne orijentacije prema postignuću, ispitane odbojkašice su hipotetskoj osobi ciljne orijentacije na zadatak pripisale više pozitivnih i poželjnih karakteristika nego osobi ciljne orijentacije na razultat. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na važnost odnosa individualne ciljne orijentacije prema postignuću i percepcije motivacijske klime unutar sportskog tima. Osobe uključene u sportske aktivnosti djece i mladih, kao i poticanje bavljenja sportom, trebali bi poticati intrinzičnu motivaciju te samodeterminarne forme motivacije poput ciljne orijentacije na zadatak. Također, trebali bi stvarati motivacijsku klimu poticajnu za učenje i napredak.Sport, or physical activity, has many positive physical na psychological outcomes, which is why it is important to recognize individual and group motivational factors in the basis of sport activities. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between individual goal orientation and perception of motivational climate within the volleyball team. Moreover, authors wanted to investigate which characteristics are assigned to the people with different goal orientation. 139 volleyball players, aged 13.5 in average, participated in the study. Following measures were used: Task & Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire and a new questionnaire developed in order to assess characteristics assigned to the people with different goal orientations. The results revealed the positive correlation between goal orientation and perception of corresponding motivational climate. When the perception of people with different goal orientation was assessed, participants were more likely to positively attribute the task-oriented person, rather than ego-oriented person. Study results point to the importance of relationship between individual goal orientation and perception of the motivational climate within sport team. People engaged in children and youth sports activities, encouraging them to participate, should promote development of intrinsic motivation and selfdetermined forms of motivation like task orientation. Furthermore, they should try to create motivational climate that supports learning and development

    Goal Orientation and Sociometric Status of Volleyball Players

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    Ovim se radom nastojao ispitati odnos ciljne orijentacije prema postignuću u sportu te percepcije motivacijske klime sa sociometrijskim statusom u vršnjačkoj skupini. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 139 aktivnih odbojkašica s područja Primorsko-goranske županije, prosječne dobi od 13,5 godina. Korišteni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Upitnik ciljne orijentacije u sportu, Upitnik percipirane motivacijske klime u sportu, sociogram, te novokonstruirani upitnik kojim su se mjerile karakteristike pripisane osobama različitog sociometrijskog statusa. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruiran je Upitnik pripisanih karakteristika osobama različite ciljne orijentacije koji uz opis hipotetskog lika određene ciljne orijentacije prema postignuću u sportu sadrži i niz karakteristika na temelju kojih ga ispitanici procijenjuju. Faktorskom analizom je utvrđena dvofaktorska struktura novokonstruiranog upitnika, a istaknula su se dva faktora: Pozitivne odrednice suigrača i Negativne odrednice suigrača. Na temelju procjena ispitanika nastojalo se zaključiti koje osobine u većoj mjeri ispitanice pripisuju osobama različite ciljne orijentacije. Dobivena je pozitivna korelacija između individualne ciljne orijentacije i percepcije istovjetne motivacijske klime. Igračice različitog sociometrijskog statusa (popularna, odbačena, kontraverzna, zanemarena i prosječna) uglavnom se ne razlikuju u dimenzijama ciljne orijentacije i percepcije motivacijske klime. Jedina razlika je uočena usporedbom igračica odbačenog i kontraverznog sociometrijskog statusa, koje se značajno razlikuju u percepciji motivacijske klime orijentirane na izvedbu, pri čemu kontraverzne igračice svoje sportsko okruženje doživljavaju kompetitivnijim. Hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom dobiveno je da je ciljna orijentacija na zadatak značajan prediktor socijalnog utjecaja, no riječ je o vrlo malim efektima koje treba oprezno interpretirati. Dob djeteta kao i ciljna orijentacija na zadatak pokazali su se značajnim prediktorima trajanja treniranja odbojke.The purpose of the research was to investigate the relations between individual's goal orientation and perception of motivational climate and peer sociometric status. 139 volleyball players, average age 13,5, from Primorsko-goranska region participated in the research by fulfilling following measures: Task & Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, sociometric nomination method and new questionnaire developed in order to assess characteristics attributed to the people with different goal orientations. For the purpose of the research, the Questionnaire of different goal orientations characteristics was developed. The Questionnaire includes the description of hypothetic person and it's goal orientation as well as the list of characteristics used for an assessment. Factor analysis resulted in two-factor structure of the constructed questionnaire: Positive teammates characteristics and Negative teammates characteristics. According to the participant's responses, their attitudes and opinions of sports people with different goal orientation were observed. Positive correlation between goal orientation and perception of motivational climate is approved from the previous research. There is no difference between different sociometric status categories (popular, rejected, controversial, neglected and average) in goal orientations and motivational climate perceptions. The only observed difference in perception of performance motivational climate is between rejected and controversial players. Controversial players perceive motivational climate as more competitive than rejected players. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed task goal orientation is a significant predictor of social impact in a peer group, but small effects indicate the results have to be interpreted carefully. Players age and task goal orientation turn out to be significant predictors of volleyball participation lenght

    Indirektni objekt i dativi u španjolskom jeziku : (korpusna analiza)

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se investigan las diferentes formas del complemento indirecto y de los dativos en la lengua española. El trabajo consta de dos partes: la parte teórica y la parte práctica. En la parte teórica del trabajo se comparan las definiciones del complemento indirecto, se estudian los pronombres con función de complemento indirecto, se expone la clasificación de los complementos indirectos, el esquema ditransitivo o triactancial y el esquema biactancial intransitivo. A continuación, se estudian los dativos expresivos y se expone su clasificación, la comparación de los complementos indirectos y los dativos expresivos. Después de la parte teórica, se pone en práctica todo lo ya expuesto anteriormente. Se trabaja con el corpus de la RAE llamado CORPES XXI. Se analiza la aparición del pronombre personal átono le en función del complemento indirecto o del dativo con los verbos dar, mandar, sacar, saber, acercar. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer si existe la conformidad entre los lingüistas respeto al tema y si se puede establecer la exactitud en cuanto a la definición, la terminología, la clasificación de los complementos indirectos y los dativos expresivos,y la diferencia entre ambos. El objetivo de la parte práctica del trabajo es, a partir de los datos de la parte teórica, analizar los contextos en los que aparecen los complementos indirectos y los dativos.U ovom završnom radu se istražuju različiti oblici indirektnog objekta i dativa u španjolskom jeziku. Rad se sastoji od dvaju dijelova: teorijskog dijela i praktičnog dijela. U teorijskom dijelu rada uspoređuju se definicije indirektnog objekta, proučavaju se zamjenice u funkciji indirektnog objekta, izložena je klasifikacija indirektnih objekata te opisana dvoprijelazna ili troaktantska konstrukcija i dvoaktantska konstrukcija. Zatim se proučavaju dativi interesa i izlaže njihova klasifikacija, nakon čega slijedi usporedba indirektnog objekta i dativa interesa. Nakon teorijskog dijela, sve što je već gore navedeno se u praktičnom djelu rada analizira na korpusu CORPES XXI. Analizira se pojava osobne zamjenice le u funkciji indirektnog objekta ili dativa s glagolima dar, mandar, sacar, saber, acercar. Glavni cilj ovog rada je proučiti sličnosti i razlike među različitim definicijama i klasifikacijama neizravnih objekata i dativa interesa te razlikovanja među njima. Cilj praktičnog dijela rada je, na temelju podataka iz teorijskog dijela, analizirati kontekste pojavnosti indirektnih objekata i dativa

    Stimulus and response conflict from a second language: Stroop interference in weakly-bilingual and recently-trained languages

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    International audienceThe aim of the present manuscript was to investigate the source of congruency effects in weak bilinguals (Experiment 1) and in early language learning (Experiment 2). In both studies, participants performed a bilingual version of a colour-word Stroop task. The standard finding is slower and less accurate responding when the word and colour are incongruent (e.g., “red” in blue) relative to congruent (e.g., “red” in red). This congruency effect occurs for the distracting colour words from both the first and second language. Both stimulus conflict (i.e., conflict between the meaning of the word and ink colour) and response conflict (i.e., conflict between possible response options) contribute to first-language congruency effects. According to some models of early language learning, only one of these two types of conflict should emerge for non-fluent languages. To separate stimulus and response conflict, we used a 2-to-1 keypress assignment manipulation. Interestingly, in one study both stimulus and response conflict were evidenced for the weakly spoken second language (English in native French speakers). In a second study, participants performed a short Croatian colour word learning phase before the Stroop procedure. Stimulus conflict was observed in response times and response conflict in errors for this recently-trained language. These findings suggest that the relatively low-proficient second language words are potent enough to affect semantic identification and response selection

    MUSICAL STROOP AND CONTINGENCY LEARNING 1 Incidental Learning in Music Reading: The Music Contingency Learning Task

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    International audienceThe present report investigated whether nonmusicians can incidentally learn musical skills needed for sight-reading. On each trial, participants identified a note name written inside of a note on the musical staff. In Experiment 1, each note was presented frequently with the congruent note name (e.g., “do” with the note for “do”) and rarely with the incongruent names (e.g., “do” with the note for “fa”). With or without deliberate learning instructions, a robust contingency learning effect was observed: faster responses for congruent trials compared with incongruent trials. Participants also explicitly identified the meaning of the note positions more accurately than chance. Experiment 2 ruled out the potential influence of preexisting knowledge on the contingency learning effect by presenting notes most often with an incongruent note name. Robust learning was again observed, suggesting that participants acquired sufficient knowledge of musical notation to produce automatic influences on behaviour (e.g., akin to the interference effect previously found in skilled musicians). A congruency effect was additionally observed in Experiment 2, however. Experiment 3 further explored to what extent this congruency effect might be due to prior music knowledge and/or spatial stimulus–response compatibility between note and response locations (analogous to the SMARC effect). Overall, our results open up new avenues for investigating the incidental learning of complex material, musical or otherwise, and for reinforcing learning even further