432 research outputs found

    International perspective on healthcare provider gender bias in musculoskeletal pain management:a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction Chronic pain affects millions of individuals worldwide. Healthcare provider gender bias in the management of these individuals has societal and individual ramifications. Yet, a thorough and comprehensive literature summary on this topic is lacking. Therefore, this study aims to systematically: (1) identify and map the available scientific and grey literature as it relates to healthcare provider gender bias in the assessment, diagnosis and management of (chronic) musculoskeletal pain and (2) identify current gaps that necessitate further research. Methods and analysis This scoping review will be conducted in accordance with recent guidelines, and the results will be reported via the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. The following databases will be searched: PubMed (National Library of Medicine), Embase (Elsevier), Scopus (Elsevier), CINAHL Complete (Ovid), Academic Search Complete (Ebscohost), Pre-Prints Database (National Library of Medicine) and Rehabilitation Reference Center from inception to August 2022. Additionally, relevant grey literature will be identified. All screening will be done by two independent reviewers during two stages: first title/abstract screening followed by full-text screening. Data will be extracted from the bibliometric, study characteristics, and pain science families of variables. Results will be descriptively mapped, and the frequency of concepts, population, characteristics and other details will be narratively reported. Additionally, results will be presented in tabular and graphical form. Ethics and dissemination As this study will neither involve human subject participation nor utilisation of protected data, ethical approval is not required. This study's methodological approach follows current recommendations. Study findings will be disseminated through conference presentations and international peer-review journal publication. In addition, infographics available in English, Spanish and German will be disseminated. Registration details This project will be registered in Open Science Framework prior to data collection

    The rate of convergence of new Lax-Oleinik type operators for time-periodic positive definite Lagrangian systems

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    Assume that the Aubry set of the time-periodic positive definite Lagrangian LL consists of one hyperbolic 1-periodic orbit. We provide an upper bound estimate of the rate of convergence of the family of new Lax-Oleinik type operators associated with LL introduced by the authors in \cite{W-Y}. In addition, we construct an example where the Aubry set of a time-independent positive definite Lagrangian system consists of one hyperbolic periodic orbit and the rate of convergence of the Lax-Oleinik semigroup cannot be better than O(1t)O(\frac{1}{t})

    Exchange bias in La0.7Sr0.3CrO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/La0.7Sr0.3CrO3 heterostructures

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    In the recent past, heterostructures of magnetic oxide thin films have attracted a great deal of research excitement due to very interesting physical properties such as antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling, tunable exchange-bias, interfacial driven magnetic properties and high mobility electron gas across the interfaces. In this work, we report on the comprehensive magnetic properties observed from the heterostructures of (2 unit cells) La0.7Sr0.3CrO3/(8 unit cells) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/(2 unit cells) La0.7Sr0.3CrO3, which are epitaxially deposited on SrTiO3 substrate by plasma-assisted oxide molecular beam epitaxy. Using SQUID magnetometer, the magnetic properties are studied when the magnetic field was applied both in plane and out of plane. The Curie temperature of this structure is found to be at 290 K. Most significantly, at 2 K, we observed a complete up/down shift (along magnetization axis) of hysteresis loop when the sample was cooled under a magnetic field of ± 5000 Oe in the in-plane configuration. We believe that the strong antiferromagnetic (super) exchange coupling of Mn-Cr across the two interfaces is responsible for the observed exchange bias. We will present and discuss our in-detailed experimental findings collected on this heterostructure as a function of temperature and magnetic field

    Meridional variations of the springtime phytoplankton community in the Sargasso Sea

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    Meridional distributions of particle, pigment, optical, chemical and physical in situ oceanographic properties, as well as satellite-sensed sea-surface temperature and color imagery, are used to investigate phytoplankton community distributions and their relation to the near-surface water masses of the S bnargasso Sea. 0-H3059 Measurements were made during April of 1985 along a 1200 km transect on 70W (from 24N to 35N). The seasonal evolution of subtropical Mode water (18° water) is shown to be the primary factor controlling the spatial distribution and evolution of the phytoplankton community in the northern Sargasso Sea (31 to 35N). The springtime near-surface restratification of recently ventilated 18° water initiated a diatom-dominated phytoplankton bloom. As the bloom declined, the phytoplankton community evolved into a diverse assemblage. The consequences of these phytoplankton successions were observed both temporally and as spatial variations along the meridional section. South of the region of 18° water wintertime ventilation (south of 31N), phytoplankton concentrations were considerably less and appeared to be regulated by different processes than the northern region. In particular, influences of subtropical convergence fronts were observed. For the northern Sargasso Sea, the wintertime ventilation of 18° water is shown to be the primary new nutrient flux into the euphotic zone, comprising most of the expected annual new production for this region

    Impacto del mundo digitial sobre las representaciones gráficas del diseño arquitectónico: la experiencia 2014 en el Taller Virtual de Arquitectura IV. UPC

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    Este trabajo expone los resultados preliminares del Proyecto de Investigación 12C006-2013-16 “Las Representaciones Gráficas en la formación de alumnos de la carrera de Arquitectura-UNNE”. Se busca expresar el impacto del mundo digital sobre las representaciones y conocer las habilidades y destrezas del estudiante en relación con los sistemas de representación a través de cortes transversales en cinco momentos de la carrera de Arquitectura (nivel ingresantes, primero, segundo, cuarto y sexto años). A través de una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva-explicativa, nos explayamos en el taller Virtual Red Norte Grande, experiencia innovadora única de taller colaborativo en la cátedra Arquitectura IV, UPC.

    Las representaciones gráficas en la formación de alumnos de la Carrera de Arquitectura de la FAU-UNNE. Arquitectura IV-UPC

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es exponer los resultados preliminares del proyecto de investigación que estamos desarrollando, para conocer la manera en que los alumnos de arquitectura de nuestra universidad representan el objeto arquitectónico con métodos analógicos y digitales en la actualidad. Se busca contribuir a reformular y producir nuevas estrategias pedagógicas en el proceso de formación en representación para el diseño arquitectónico en la carrera de Arquitectura. Los resultados permiten conocer las habilidades y destrezas del estudiante en relación con los Sistemas de Representación a través de cortes transversales en cinco momentos de la cursada de la carrera durante los ciclos lectivos 2013 a 2016. Fundamentalmente nos explayamos en el Taller Virtual Red Norte Grande, experiencia innovadora y única del taller en Arquitectura IV UPC

    Detecci\uf3n de hongos entomopat\uf3genos del g\ue9nero Cordyceps ((Fr.) Link), 1833 (Ascomycotina: Pyrenomycetes) sobre hormigas del g\ue9nero Camponotus Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en plantaciones de cacao de Barlovento, estado Miranda, Venezuela

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    S\ue1nchez P, Morillo F, Caetano F, Iturriaga T, Guerra J, Mu\uf1\uf3z W. 2002. Detection of pathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps ((Fr.) Link), 1833 (Ascomycotina: Pyrenomycetes) on ants of the genus Camponotus Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in cacao plantations in Barlovento, Miranda State, Venezuela. Entomotropica 17(2):191-195. Samplings and direct collections on cacao plants yielded ants of the genus Camponotus Mayr attacked by pathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps ((Fr.) Link), 1833. These were obtained from cacao plantations in tropical wet forest areas in Barlovento valley, during 1999 and 2000. The samples were transferred to the Laboratory of Entomology (INIA-Miranda) and to the Department of Biology of the Universidad Sim\uf3n Bol\uedvar, for their evaluation and identification. Samples were also sent to the Department of Biology (UNESP-Brazil), where they were observed and photographed using SEM. 175 ants infected by fungi were collected. In all cases, two stromata located dorsally were found. These emerged from the foramen magnum and the pedicel, respectively. Cordyceps lloydi and C. unilateralis were identified. The frequency and abundance of infected ant specimens under natural conditions indicate an important effect of Cordyceps on Camponotus ants. These fungi may represent an interesting alternative for possible future use as biological control agent of ant pests.S\ue1nchez P, Morillo F, Caetano F, Iturriaga T, Guerra J, Mu\uf1\uf3z W. 2002. Detecci\uf3n de hongos entomopat\uf3genos del g\ue9nero Cordyceps ((Fr.) Link), 1833 (Ascomycotina: Pyrenomycetes) sobre hormigas del g\ue9nero Camponotus Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en plantaciones de cacao de Barlovento, estado Miranda, Venezuela. Entomotropica 17(2):191-195. A objeto de detectar la presencia de hongos entomopat\uf3genos e identificar las especies del g\ue9nero Cordyceps ((Fr.) Link), 1833, que atacan hormigas del g\ue9nero Camponotus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) presentes en plantas de cacao, ubicadas en el valle de Barlovento, se realizaron muestreos y colectas directas, en \ue1reas cacaoteras del bosque h\ufamedo y seco tropical, durante los a\uf1os 1999 y 2000. Las muestras fueron trasladadas al Laboratorio de Entomolog\ueda del INIA-Miranda y al Departamento de Biolog\ueda de la Universidad Sim\uf3n Bol\uedvar, para su evaluaci\uf3n e identificaci\uf3n. Adem\ue1s, se trasladaron al Departamento de Biolog\ueda de la Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP-Brasil), donde fueron observadas y fotografiadas en microscop\ueda de barrido. En total se colectaron 175 hormigas parasitadas, y en todos los casos se encontraron dos cuerpos de fructificaci\uf3n ubicados dorsalmente, que emerg\uedan, uno a trav\ue9s del foramen m\ue1gnum y el otro por el pedicelo. Las especies de Cordyceps identificadas fueron C. lloydii y C. unilateralis. La frecuencia y abundancia de individuos atacados, en condiciones naturales, indican un importante efecto de especies del g\ue9nero Cordyceps sobre hormigas del g\ue9nero Camponotus , y a la vez representan una interesante alternativa de estudio, bajo la \uf3ptica futura de usar a este hongo como regulador biol\uf3gico de hormigas Camponotus plaga

    Role of the Cys loop and transmembrane domain in the allosteric modulation of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

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    ​Allosteric modulators of pentameric ligand gated ion channels (pLGICs) are thought to act on elements of the pathways that couple agonist binding to channel gating. Using α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and the α4β2-selective positive modulators 17β-estradiol (βEST) and desformylflustrabromine (dFBr), we have identified pathways that link the binding sites for these modulators to the Cys loop, a region that is critical for channel gating in all pLGICs. Previous studies have shown that the binding site for potentiating βEST is in the C-terminal (post-M4 region) of the α4 subunit. Here, using homology modelling in combination with mutagenesis and electrophysiology, we identified the binding site for potentiating dFBr on the top-half of a cavity between the third (M3) and fourth transmembrane (M4) α-helices of the α4 subunit. We found that the binding sites for βEST and dFBr communicate with the Cys loop, through interactions between the last residue of post-M4 and F170 of the conserved FPF sequence of the Cys loop, and that these interactions affect potentiating efficacy. In addition, interactions between a residue in M3 (Y309) and F167, a residue adjacent to the Cys loop FPF motif, also affect dFBr potentiating efficacy. Thus, the Cys loop acts as a key control element in the allosteric transduction pathway for potentiating βEST and dFBr. Overall, we propose that positive allosteric modulators that bind the M3-M4 cavity or post-M4 region increase the efficacy of channel gating through interactions with the Cys loop

    Risk Factors in Patients with Kidney Cancer

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    Introducción: el adenocarcinoma renal descrito por Koing y conocido como tumor de Grawitz representa aproximadamente el 3 % de todas las neoplasias malignas en el ser humano y la proporción masculina femenina  de 2.1 resulta más frecuente en la zona urbana y la mayoría de los pacientes afectados se encuentran entre los 50 y 70 años a nivel internacional.Objetivo: identificar la influencia de determinados factores de riesgo en la aparición de esta enfermedad.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retroprospectivo donde se analizó el tratamiento quirúrgico del cáncer de riñón en el Hospital Provincial Universitario “Carlos Manuel de Céspedes”, desde Enero de 2008 a Enero 2013, distribuyendo los pacientes por edad y sexo, síntomas encontrados, tratamiento realizado, metástasis y tiempo de sobrevida. Resultados: se determinó que dicho cáncer fue más frecuente en el sexo femenino  entre 50 y 59 años. El síntoma predomínate fue el dolor lumbar y hematuria. Las metástasis más frecuentes fueron en Hígado y partes blandas. Los fallecidos fueron de 4 pacientes, 3 mujeres y un hombre.Conclusiones: el proceder terapéutico utilizado con mayor frecuencia fue la nefrectomía radical; la infección urinaria predomino como complicación. Resultó el carcinoma de células claras el tipo histológico que prevaleció. La supervivencia  fue mayor en el sexo masculino. El tumor renal derecho predomino sobre el izquierdo.Introduction: renal adenocarcinoma described by Koing and known as Grawitz tumor represents approximately 3% of all malignant neoplasias in human beings and the female – male ratio of 2.1 is more frequent in the urban area and the most affected patients are between 50 and 70 years internationally. Objective: to identify the influence of certain risk factors in the onset of the disease. Method: it was performed a retro descriptive and prospective study where it was analyzed the surgical treatment of kidney cancer in the University Province Hospital "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes", since January 2008 to January 2013, distributing the patients according to age and sex, symptoms, treatment, metastasis and survival time. Results: it was found that the cancer was more frequent in women between 50 and 59 years. The prevailing symptoms were lumbar pain and hematuria. The most frequent metastases were in the liver and in soft parts. The deceased were 4 patients: 3 women and a man. Conclusions: the mostly used therapeutic procedure was the radical nephrectomy; the urinary infection prevailed as a complication. The clear cell carcinoma was the histological type that prevailed. Survival was greater in males. The right renal tumor prevailed on the left tumor

    Tumor urotelial de vejiga en la infancia: reporte de un nuevo caso

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    Introduction: bladder tumors are rare in childhood, only 0.38% of cases belong to people younger than 20 years prevailing the mesodermic origin. Considering those of epithelial origin, more than 100 cases have been diagnosed since 1950, mostly with superficial lesions, benign behavior, more common in males (ratio male / female 5/1 to 7/1), and its etiology has not yet been clarified. Case presentation: it is reported the case of a 15-year-old black teenager who came to our hospital with a total painless haematuria with no other associated symptoms. After some studies like transabdominal ultrasound and cystoscopy with biopsy it was found that he had a malignant tumor of the vesical urothelium. Discussion: papillomatous vesical tumor in the right lateral side of the bladder, away from the urethral meatus with approximately 2 cm of diameter and narrow base similar to bladder mucosa coloration. Partial cystectomy was performed evolving without complications. Conclusions: urothelial tumors in the pediatric population are extremely rare, its biological behavior is less aggressive than the one in the adult population, and the election treatment is the Trans urethral resection.Introducción: los tumores vesicales son infrecuentes en la infancia, solo un 0,38% de los casos corresponden a menores de 20 años, prevaleciendo los de origen mesodérmico. Considerando aquellos de estirpe epitelial, algo más de 100 casos han sido diagnosticados desde 1950, tratándose, en su gran mayoría, de lesiones superficiales, de comportamiento benigno, más frecuentes en varones (cociente hombre/mujer de 5/1 a 7/1), su etiología aún no ha sido aclarada.Presentación de caso: se reporta el caso de un adolescente de 15 años de edad raza negra que acude a nuestro hospital por hematuria total indolora, sin otros síntomas asociados. Después de los estudios realizados como Ecografía transabdominal y Cistoscopia con biopsia se comprueba que presentaba una tumoración maligna del urotelio vesical.Discusión:tumoración vesical de aspecto papilomatoso, en la cara lateral derecha de la vejiga alejada del meato ureteral, de aproximadamente 2 cm de diámetro, de base estrecha y de coloración similar a la mucosa de vejiga. Se le realizo Cistectomía parcial evolucionando sin complicaciones.Conclusiones: los tumores uroteliales en la población pediátrica, son extremadamente raros, su comportamiento biológico es menos agresivo que el que tienen en la población adulta, el tratamiento de elección es la Resección Tran­suretral