167 research outputs found

    Securing Land Title/Ownership Rights: A Survey of the level of Compliance with Land Registration in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    This study aimed at assessing the level of compliance with land registration with a view to determining the extent of securing landed properties in Akwa Ibom State. Information regarding the procedures of land registration and issuance of Certificates of Occupancy were obtained through structured interviews and discussions with the Director, Lands Directorate, Ministry of Lands and Town Planning, Uyo. The data on land parcels surveyed and Certificates of Occupancy issued to respective applicants were obtained after a critical assessment of the public register where all interests in landed properties were recorded at the office of Akwa Ibom State Surveyor-General and Lands Directorate, Ministry of Lands and Town planning respectively. A comparative analysis of the data amongst the three senatorial districts in the State was done with the Analysis of Variance - one way classification (ANOVA). However, records revealed that a total number of 33,100 parcels of land were surveyed between 2000 and 2009 in the State. Of this number, only 1,933 parcels representing six (6) percent were completely registered and Certificates of Occupancy issued. The ANOVA result revealed a landmark variation in the distribution of these title documents across the three Senatorial Districts in the State. In conclusion, and based on available records, the level of compliance with land registration in Akwa Ibom State was far below expectation. By implication, securing landed properties, enhancing effective land markets and accessing credits for business developments could be undermined in the State. However, with the possibilities offered in the information technology (IT) in recent times, the development of a dependable and more automated land information management system where data storage, processing, and retrieval could be facilitated is highly recommended in the State. Keywords: Land Policy and Administration, Land registration, and Certificates of Occupancy

    Dimensionality in canonical correlation of settlements characteristics and levels of infrastructure in rural Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria in 2014

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    This study examines the relationship between rural settlements characteristics and access levels to infrastructural facilities in Akwa Ibom State. A total of 50 rural settlements were randomly selected and utilized for this study. Access levels to five basic social infrastructural facilities and six variables of settlements characteristics were examined simultaneously using multivariate method of canonical correlation analysis. The question this research set to address is: along how many dimensions are the settlements characteristics related to the levels of infrastructural facilities? Five canonical functions were produced out of which the first two were found to be significant at 0.001 levels. The first canonical correlation coefficient of 0.88 (0.86 adjusted), representing 78% overlapping variance for the first pair of canonical functions or variates was obtained while the second canonical correlation coefficient was 0.59 (0.50 adjusted) and thus, represent 34% overlapping variance for the second pair of canonical variates. These canonical correlations are highly significant and represent a substantial relationship between pairs of canonical variates. The result showed that in Akwa Ibom State, rural settlements characteristics and basic social infrastructure can be related at least in two major dimensions. This study therefore reaffirms the potentials of canonical correlation analysis as a useful tool for establishing empirically based linkages between two data sets

    Inter-Urban Trip Generation Models for the Urban Centers in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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      Abstract The study was conducted in Akwa Ibom State, a fast emerging State in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. The aim of the study was to model future patterns of trips in the study region. To achieve this, types and volumes of trips generated weekly on the inter-city roads of the region were determined; the influence of the socio-economic development factors on the various trips generated was analyzed.  Data on trip were obtained from travel survey while data on the socio-economic development factors were derived from existing records.  Multiple regression analysis was used. Eleven types of trips were identified namely; work, school, recreation, religious, medical, wedding, burial, market, personal business, visit to friends/relations and other trips. Models for future estimate of the trips were generated. Establishment of Surveillance Transportation Programme to constantly generate and maintain trip data for update was recommended. Keywords: Inter-urban, Trip generation, Models, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

    Applications of Hellmann-Feynman Theorem (HFT) to Angle Dependent Yukawa Potential of Diatomic Molecules

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    We have applied Hellmann-Feynman Theorem (HFT) to the bound state solutions of angle dependent Yukawa potential model for five selected diatomic molecules..

    Orange Peel Extract Mediated Silver Nanofluid as Corrosion Inhibitor for X80 Steel in Simulated Oilfield Scale Dissolver

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    Silver nanofluid was prepared by bio-reduction reaction between orange peels extracts (OPE) and silver nitrate and characterized by spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. Colloidal nanoparticles of sizes between 40 – 50 nm and spherical shape were obtained. The nanofluid was applied as anticorrosion additive to inhibit corrosion of X80 steel in simulated oilfield scale dissolver solution (1.0 M HCl) at various temperatures. The nanofluid (OPE-AgNPs) was 98.9 % and 84.3 % efficient at 30 ºC and 60 oC respectively as determined by weight loss measurement. In comparison with OPE, OPE-AgNPs shows better corrosion inhibition and higher resistance to thermal degradation. Some kinetic and thermodynamic models were used to characterize the inhibition process. OPE-AgNPs could be optimized and used as alternative anticorrosion additive for scale dissolution liquor in the industry

    Multiple familial trichoepithelioma: A case report and review of literature

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    Shoreline Change Detection in the Niger Delta: A Case Study of Ibeno Shoreline in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    This research presents remote sensing and Geographic Information System GIS based application in the analysis of Shoreline change in Ibeno L G Area Akwa Ibom State Satellite imageries of 1986 2006 and 2008 were used to extract the shoreline through heads-up digitization The rate of shoreline change was assessed using Linear Regression LRR and End Point Rate EPR methods The shoreline change detection was conducted using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System DSAS The result however indicated that the rate of erosion is found out to be very high with maximum value of -7 8m yr recorded at Itak Abasi community On the other hand some portions of the shoreline are accreting at an average rate of 2m yr Based on this result however it is concluded that Ibeno shoreline is eroding at an average rate of -3 9m yr Areas mostly affected by accretion processes are identified near Qua Iboe River Estuary and ExxonMobil Jetty where sand filling is usually done for settlement purposes This best explains the reason for the submersion of school buildings residential buildings and the persistent inundation of large portions of land in the area However acquisition of high resolution satellite images which is believed will facilitate regular assessment monitoring and modeling of the Nigerian shorelines has been recommended This will help to model the scenario and proffer proactive measures towards curbing the menace by ensuring effective environmental management practices timely emergency responses and salvage the immediate physical environmen

    Key decisions for an effective flipped classroom

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    Els patrons i glossari FLeD pertanyen al consorci d'universitats que conformen el projecte FLeD (fledproject.eu). Volem agrair als membres del projecte la revisió dels patrons així com als i les validadores per la seva inestimable contribució, en concret: Alessia Scarinci (Università degli Studi di Bari), Anna Serbati i Daniele Agostini (Università di Trento), Davinia Hernández-Leo, Laia Albó, Marc Beardsley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Kenan Dikilitas i Abdelnour Alhourani (University of Stavanger), Lina Morgado, Ana Paula Afonso, Claúdia Gomes (Universidade Aberta), Pilar Pineda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsuth, Lyubka Alexieva, Veronica Racheva, Blagovesna Yovkova (Sofia University).El projecte Erasmus + FLeD (Learning design for flexible education) té per objecte el disseny d'escenaris d'aprenentatge flexible efectius. A tal efecte, s'han confeccionat un conjunt de patrons de disseny d'aprenentatge (entesos com un recurs reutilitzable per a resoldre una situació problemàtica habitual tot oferint solucions pràctiques). El patró base (FLeD meta pattern) busca oferir indicacions per a dissenyar escenaris d'aprenentatge basats en l'aula invertida efectius. D'aquest se'n deriven tres: 1) "Self-regulation and prior preparation in online flipped classrooms" en el que s'ofereixen indicacions per a un ensenyament en línia altament flexible, 2) "Team regulation and management in blended flipped classrooms" en el que es donen solucions per a una flexibilitat mitja en l'ensenyament semi presencial, i 3) "Exchange of constructive feedback in face-to-face flipped classroom" en el que s'orienta sobre l'aplicació de l'aula invertida amb certa flexibilitat en l'ensenyament presencial. Finalment, es proporciona un glosari de termes emprats en els patrons