66 research outputs found

    Sisäinen viestintä muutostilanteessa : Case: Suomenselän Osuuspankki

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksen oli selvittää, miten sisäinen viestintä on onnistunut fuusioitumisprosessin aikana Suomenselän Osuuspankissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena tammikuussa 2016. Kyselyssä oli mukana myös toisen fuusioitumisprosessin osapuolen eli Pyhälaakson Osuuspankin henkilöstö ja hallinto. Opinnäytetyö koostuu toiminnallisesta, empiirisestä ja teoreettisesta osiosta. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu muutoksesta, johdon ja esimiehen roolista muutoksessa, muutosvastarinnasta ja muutoksen aikaisesta sisäisestä viestinnästä. Työn empiirisessä osiossa esitellään työssä käytetyt tutkimusmenetelmät ja tutkimuksista saadut tulokset. Työn toiminnallisessa osuudessa Suomenselän Osuuspankkiin on laadittu dokumentti, johon on kirjattu Suomenselän Osuuspankin muutoksen aikaisen sisäisen viestinnän tärkeät asiat. Kyselyn tulokset osoittivat, että sisäinen viestintä on onnistunut molemmissa pankeissa henkilöstölle ja hallinnolle kokonaisuudessaan hyvin. Kuitenkin, kun kyselyiden tuloksia tarkastellaan eri taustamuuttujien avulla, voidaan niiden välillä havaita eroja. Tarkempi tulosten tarkkailu osoitti, että toimihenkilöille suunnatussa viestinnässä oli havaittavissa joitakin puutteita ja tulevaisuudessa sitä olisi hyvä tuoda enemmän henkilöstön tasolle. Suurin osa henkilöstön ja hallinnon jäsenistä kokee muutoksen positiivisena asiana ja heidän keskuudessa ei ollut havaittavissa suurempaa muutosvastarintaa. Toimeksiantaja saa tästä työstä hyödyllistä tietoa miten muutosprosessin viestinnässä onnistuttiin ja mihin tulee kiinnittää huomiota mahdollisissa tulevissa muutoksissa.The aim of this thesis was to look into the success of the internal communication implementation during a merger process in Suomenselän Osuuspankki. The study was carried out as a quantitative questionnaire in January 2016. The questionnaire was also sent to Pyhälaakson Osuuspankki which was the other party in the merger. This thesis consists of action-based, empirical and theoretical sections. The theoretical framework of the project consists of change, the role of management in the change situation, resistance to change and internal communication in change. In the empirical section of this thesis the methods and results of the study are presented. In the action-based section of this research the important points of the internal communication flow during the change in Suomenselän Osuuspankki were compiled into a document. The results of the study show that the internal communication implemented with personnel and administration has succeeded well in both of the banks. However, when the effect of background variables on the results were examined some differences can be observed. Closer investigation of the results shows some defects in the internal communication targeted at personnel. To develop further, in the future internal communication should be brought closer to the level of the personnel in the organisation. The majority of the personnel and administration find the organizational change to be a positive element and amongst them no considerable resistance to change can be discovered. This thesis gives the client useful information about the success of the internal communication flow and the factors worth consideration in the forthcoming changes in the organization

    Prevalence of Prenatal Brain Abnormalities in Fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease: Systematic Review.

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    OBJECTIVES: Studies have demonstrated an association between congenital heart defects (CHD) and postnatal brain abnormalities and neurodevelopmental delay. Recent evidence suggests that some of these brain abnormalities are present even before birth. The primary aim of this study was to perform a systematic review to quantify the prevalence of prenatal brain abnormalities in fetuses with CHD. METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library were searched. Reference lists within each article were hand-searched for additional reports. The outcomes included structural brain abnormalities (MRI), changes in brain volume (MRI, 3-D volumetric MRI, 3-D ultrasound and Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance), metabolism or maturation (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance) and blood flow (Doppler ultrasound, Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance and 3D Power Doppler ultrasound) in fetuses with CHD. Cohort and case-control studies were included. Cases of chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, case reports and editorials were excluded. Proportion meta-analysis was used for analysis. Between-study heterogeneity was assessed using the I(2) test (Registration number: CRD42015025546). RESULTS: The search yielded 1,943 citations; and 20 studies were included in the review (n = 1175 cases, 221 in the meta-analysis). Three studies reported data on structural brain abnormalities, while data on altered brain volume, metabolism and blood flow were reported in 7, 3 and 14 studies, respectively. The three studies reporting data on structural brain abnormalities were suitable for inclusion in a meta-analysis (221 cases). The prevalence of prenatal structural brain abnormalities in fetuses with CHD was 28% (95% CI 18%-40%), similar prevalence in fetuses with tetralogy of Fallot of 25% (95% CI 14%-39). These abnormalities included ventriculomegaly (commonest), agenesis of the corpus callosum, ventricular bleeding, increased extra-axial space, vermian hypoplasia, white matter abnormalities and delayed brain development. Fetuses with CHD were more likely, than those without CHD, to have reduced brain volume, delay in brain maturation and altered brain circulation, most commonly in the form of reduced middle cerebral artery pulsatility index and cerebroplacental ratio. These changes are usually evident in the third trimester, but some studies have reported them as early as the second trimester. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of known major aneuploidy or genetic syndromes, fetuses with CHD are at increased risk of brain abnormalities, which are present antenatally

    Influence of substrate properties on the impact resistance of WC cermet coatings

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    This research delivers a generic understanding of the design and integrated performance of the coating-substrate systems under impact loading, and comprehends the understanding of underpinning failure mechanisms. Repeated severe impacts to the coatings often result in poor performance by cracking and delamination from the coating-substrate interface. The durability of coatings thus depends on the choice of coating and substrate materials, coating deposition process, and service conditions. The design of thermal spray coatings thus requires an optimization of these parameters. This investigation provides insight into the role of coating and substrate properties on the impact resistance of coated materials, and maps the relation-ship between the impact resistance ofWC cermet coatings on a variety of substrates. Results indicate that the delamination resistance of the coating during impact loading not only depends upon the hardness and rough-ness of the substrate material, but, more importantly, substrates with a higher work-hardening coefficient indicate a higher delamination resistance

    Contact fatigue failure evaluation of post-treated WC-NiCrBSi functionally graded thermal spray coatings

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    Functionally graded thermal spray coatings applied to industrial components, which are subjected to contact fatigue or repeated impact loading, can reduce components weight and internal stresses whilst improving the adhesive strength to combat surface and sub-surface crack propagation. However, defects within the coating microstructure, which cannot be removed by the functionally graded approach, can compromise components reliability in high stress tribological applications. Post-treatments such as vacuum heating and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIPing) have been shown in scientific studies to improve the coating microstructure, however, the influence of post-treatment on thermal spray coatings in rolling/sliding contacts have been seldom reported. This paper reports the rolling contact fatigue (RCF) analysis of functionally graded WC–NiCrBSi coatings deposited by a JP5000 system and subjected to post-treatment. HIPing was carried out at two different furnace temperatures of 850 and 1200 ◦C, whilst vacuum heating was performed at the elevated temperature of 1200 ◦C. The rate of heating and cooling was kept constant at 4 ◦C/min. RCF tests were conducted using a modified four-ball machine under various tribological conditions of contact stress and configuration, in both full film and mixed elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication (EHL). Test results reveal that the performance of coatings was highly dependent on the changes within the coating microstructure. Coatings HIPed at 1200 ◦C displayed relatively improved RCF performance over the as-sprayed coatings at stress levels of 2 and 2.7 GPa in full film lubrication. Improvement in RCF performance was attributed to the densification and homogeneity within the coating microstructure