128 research outputs found

    Role of the caffeic acid oxidation products on the iron mobilization at the soil-root interface

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    Previous results show that the reduction of Fe(III) by caffeiic acid (CAF) is strongly influenced by the pH of the reaction medium (DEIANA et al., 1995). In particular, it has been found that al pH > 3.8 the reducing activity of CAF towards the Fe(III) ions in solution is low, but it increases when Fe(III) is complexed as Fe(III)-polygalacturonate. The mobilization of the Fe(II) ions, which form upon the Fe(III) reduction, has been shown to depend mainly on the nature of the Fe(III)-polygalacturonate complexes (DEIANA et al., 1994a). In particular, it bas been observed a high redox activity of CAF towards Fe(III) when the metal ion is coordinated by the carboxilic groups of the macromolecule. The Fe(III) reduction has been found to decrease when an oxydrilic group was inserted in the Fe(III) coordination sphere. The Fe(II) produced partly diffuses into the external solution and partly is still strongly held by the polysaccharidic matrix. The oxidation of CAF by Fe(III) gives rise to the formation of products (OP) with different polymerization degree, some of which are similar to those found in natural systems (DEIANA et al., 1994b). In order to determine the role of these products in the Fe(III) reduction as well as in the mobilization of the Fe(II) produced it was set up an electrochemical method to synthetize these products (DEIANA et al., 1994b). Here are reported some results about the interaction which establish between the CAF oxidation products and iron in both oxidized and reduced form

    A relação inversa entre o preço e a dimensão das propriedade rurais em mercados especificos

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    Orientador: Bastiaan Philip ReydonDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaResumo: Esta dissertação tem por objetivo colocar em evidência a relação que existe entre a dimensão de uma propriedade rural negociada e seu preço de mercado. Isto é, o que se observa na prática é que o preço por hectare de um imóvel de grande área é menor que o preço por hectare de um imóvel de menor área, e vice-versa. Pretende-se mostrar e discutir as causas da existência de uma correlação negativa significativa e quantificar a relação entre o preço por hectare e a área dos imóveis negociados.O referido trabalho que encontra como parâmetro o estudo do mercado de Terras, trás como pano de fundo a teoria pós-keynesiana interpretada e desenvolvida por Reydon (1992) em sua tese de doutorado e que teve sua demonstração empírica apresentada por Plata (2001) no seu doutoramento. Estas teorias têm como marco inicial a historicidade de Polanyi, que abordou sobre a criação e institucionalização dos mercados, entre eles o Mercado de terras. A dissertação deve relacionar os aspectos econômicos que influenciam no preço da terra e mostrar que a mesma pode ter dois fins, produtivo ou especulativo. Teoricamente se mostra que a terra pode ser compreendida como um ativo que apresenta uma dupla utilização: tanto na atividade produtiva quanto na especulativa e que seu preço é formado pela capitalização das rendas futuras obtidas com a terra nestas atividades mais os custos de manutenção deste ativo no portfólio dos agentes. No entendimento então de vários autores, fator relevante que torna o tamanho da propriedade uma variável central. Para tanto se pretende entender, demonstrar e quantificar as causas mais importantes dentro da relação inversa do tamanho da propriedade e seu preço.A partir desta perspectiva de análise, pode-se compreender de forma mais articulada os impactos das políticas econômicas e agrícolas no mercado de terras. Isto além de viabilizar uma interpretação mais adequada dos movimentos do preço da terra, sendo que os resultados positivos apresentados nas regressões, então confirmando as hipóteses levantadas, acabam por dar suporte na decisão de futuras políticas agrícolas que tenham alguma relação com o mercado de terrasMestradoEconomia Regional e UrbanaMestre em Desenvolvimento Econômic

    Progetto e realizzazione di un traduttore per il linguaggio EDIF orientato a sistemi FPGA

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    Realizzazione di un tool che traduce il linguaggio EDIF, utilizzato per la descrizione di circuiti elettronici, in un linguaggio compatto e intuitivo. Sono stati utilizzati i tool Bison e Flex per l'implementazione dell'analisi sintattica del linguaggio. E' stato utilizzato il tool ISE di Xilix per generare le netlist e i file EDIF studiati. I metodi del traduttore sono stati realizzati in C


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    Introdução e objetivos: A imunização é conhecida como uma das intervenções em saúde que mais obtiveram sucesso, estando sempre em crescente desenvolvimento. A incorporação de uma nova vacina afeta os custos, o que justifica a importância da avaliação econômica dessas vacinas no programa de imunização, além de auxiliar os gestores na tomada de decisão mais consciente1. A análise de impacto orçamentário (AIO) é uma ferramenta importante para os gestores, uma vez que possibilita a predição do impacto financeiro global da incorporação da tecnologia estudada2. Ela sintetiza o conhecimento disponível e fornece um conjunto de previsões específicas, gerando melhor visualização por parte do gestor e consequentemente facilitando a tomada de decisão3. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar o levantamento das variáveis necessárias para a AIO em vacinas, uma vez que não se tem uma padronização para esse tipo de análise. Metodologia: As variáveis propostas pela Diretriz metodológica: análise de impacto orçamentário2 e o Principles of Good Practice for Budget Impact Analysis3, foram avaliadas, sendo mantidas ou excluídas, e outras foram incluídas, sempre levando em conta a aplicabilidade em vacinas. Resultados e discussões: As variáveis levantadas, que se mostraram necessárias para AIO de vacinas são: população elegível; incidência da doença; custo do tratamento; custo da comercialização da vacina; custo de implementação; custos evitados; perda técnica; cobertura vacinal e orçamento do Programa Nacional de Imunização. Conclusões: A adaptação da AIO para vacinas é importante, uma vez que as atuais diretrizes para a tal análise não apresentam aplicação para esse tipo de tecnologia. A primeira etapa consiste no levantamento das variáveis necessárias para a análise, realizado nesse trabalho, baseando-se nas diretrizes citadas

    Assessment of the Glutenin Subunits Diversity in a Durum Wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum) Collection from Morocco

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    Landraces and old wheat cultivars display great genetic variation and constitute a valuable resource for the improvement of modern varieties, especially in terms of quality. Gluten quality is one of the major determinants of wheat quality, and it is greatly influenced by variation in the high molecular weight and low molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS and LMW-GS). Identification of novel allelic variants for either of the two groups of the gluten-forming proteins could greatly assist in the improvement of wheat gluten quality. In the present study, the allelic composition of the HMW- and LMW-GS of ninety-five durum wheat accessions was evaluated. These accessions included Moroccan cultivars and landraces and North American cultivars and were all conserved in the National Gene Bank from Morocco. In total, 20 cataloged alleles and 12 novel alleles were detected. For the HMW-GS, two alleles were found at the Glu-A1 locus, and seven different allelic variants were identified at the Glu-B1 locus. Among them, two alleles were new (alleles Glu-B1cp and co). Additionally, two of the analyzed accessions exhibited the Glu-D1d allele, suggesting the presence of the Glu-D1 locus introgression. For the LWM-GS, eight, ten and two alleles were identified at the Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-B2 loci, respectively. Among them, two new allelic variants were identified at the Glu-A3 locus, and seven new allelic variants were identified at the Glu-B3 locus. Overall, the Moroccan landraces exhibited a greater genetic diversity and a greater number of glutenin alleles compared to the Moroccan and North American durum wheat cultivars. The novel germplasm and glutenin alleles detected in this study could contribute to the improvement of durum wheat quality and the expansion of modern durum wheat genetic diversity

    Effects of the functional Gpc-­B1 allele on soft durum wheat grain, milling, flour, dough, and breadmaking quality

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    Background and objectives: Utilization of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) can be enhanced by increasing grain and flour protein content. One strategy to increase protein content is by introducing the functional Gpc-B1 allele from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccoides). Findings: Introduction of the functional Gpc-B1 allele into soft kernel durum increased grain and flour protein by 17 g/kg, increased dough strength as evidenced by SDS sedimentation volume and Mixograph dough mixing parameters, and increased straight-dough pan bread volume. When grown under arid conditions, high protein (151 g/kg) samples had decreased loaf volumes indicative of inelastic doughs. The functional Gpc-B1 allele was associated with decreased test weight, a small increase in SKCS hardness, and a modest increase in flour ash; otherwise, milling performance was not affected. Conclusions: Introgression of the Gpc-B1 functional allele from dicoccoides into durum wheat can improve dough strength and breadmaking quality. The effect tends to be consistent over environments but overall, Gpc-B1 made only a modest improvement in durum wheat breadmaking quality. Further studies with concomitant selection at other loci are needed to see the effects of Gpc-B1 among elite germplasm. Significance and novelty: Durum wheat production and consumption will increase as bread quality improves. The functional Gpc-B1 allele contributed to improved breadmaking quality. The present report is the first to examine the effect of this allele on breadmaking in durum wheat

    Performance of two potentiometric fluoride determination methods in hard dental tissue

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    A comparison between two ion selective electrode (ISE) potentiometric methods is reported for determining the amount of fluoride in hard dental tissue after placement of fluoride-releasing dental restorations. The two methods are: (1) the direct method involving linear calibration (LC), and (2) a spiking method involving multiple standard additions (MA). Results showed that measurements performed by the LC method underestimate the amount of fluoride released by up to 30%. Recovery tests demonstrated that the use of MA and blank correction procedures is useful for an accurate and sensitive ISE determination of fluoride in hard dental tissues

    Processing and bread-making quality profile of Spanish spelt wheat

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    Spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. spelta Thell.) is an ancient wheat that has been widely cultivated for hundreds of years. Recently, this species has been neglected in most of Europe; however, the desire for more natural and traditional foods has driven a revival of the crop. In the current study, eighty-eight traditional spelt genotypes from Spain, together with nine common wheat cultivars and one modern spelt (cv. Anna Maria) were grown during a period of two years in Andalucia (southern Spain). In each, several traits were measured in to evaluate their milling, processing, and end-use quality (bread-making). The comparison between species suggested that, in general, spelt and common wheat showed differences for most of the measured traits; on average, spelt genotypes had softer grains, higher protein content (14.3 vs. 11.9%) and gluten extensibility (alveograph P/L 0.5 vs. 1.8), and lower gluten strength (alveograph W 187 vs. 438 × 10−4 J). In the baking test, both species showed similar values. Nevertheless, the analysis of this set of spelt genotypes showed a wide range for all measured traits, with higher values than common wheat in some spelt genotypes for some traits. This opens up the possibility of using these materials in future breeding programs, to develop either new spelt or common wheat cultivars

    Sorption of chrysoidine by row cork and cork entrapped in calcium alginate beads

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    Abstract Azo-dyes, molecules characterised by the presence of the azo-group (–N N–), are widely used in textile, leather, rubber, plastic, and food industries. Water-soluble azo-dyes are greatly resistant to biodegradation, and are characterised by a high thermal and photo stability due to their complex structures. The release of these molecules into the environment is of crucial concern due to their toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic characteristics. Biosorption has been demonstrated an effective method to remove pollutants from wastewaters thus solving ecological tasks, being a low cost process and the sorbent biodegradable. The main requirements of an efficient sorbent are thermal, chemical and mechanical stability, and rapid sorption. In this work, the ability of both row cork and the same sorbent entrapped in a biopolymeric gel of calcium alginate, on the removal of chrysoidine from aqueous solutions was examined. The influence on the sorption of pH, initial dye concentration, and particle size, as well as the efficiency of the entrapment, have been investigated. The maximum sorption was found for cork samples of fine particle size (FC), in both row and entrapped forms, at pH 7; conversely, at pH 4 the difference is significant (0.12 mmol/g for row cork and 0.20 mmol/g for entrapped cork), evoking a cooperation of alginate in binding the positively charged chrysoidine molecule