546 research outputs found

    Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater at the Middle Basin of Ganges in India

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    This paper shows the situation and mechanism of arsenic contamination of groundwater at the worst contaminated areas in UP (Uttar Pradesh) state, India, which is obtained from the integrated arsenic mitigation project by University of Miyazaki under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Partnership Program (JPP). The project has been executed from 2008 until now. The integrated mitigation, such as the raising awareness of villager, installing of alternative water supply units and healthcare of arsenocosis patients, have been executed at the 2 villages. The symptom of the arsenocosis patients was not so severe, which will be, therefore, improved by drinking arsenic-safe water supplied through arsenic removal units, installed by this project. We have obtained following results for the situation and mechanism of arsenic contamination of groundwater, objected in connection with the installation of arsenic removal units:(1) Groundwater is almost contaminated with arsenic in deep tubewell (depth: about 30m), but scarcely in shallow tubewell (depth: about 10m). (2) Arsenic contaminated groundwater is under the reduced condition with the oxidized condition for no-arsenic contaminated groundwater. (3) Arsenic concentration shows almost linear correlation with concentrations of Fe2+ and NH4+-N. (4) Ground is composed of sand with high arsenic content at around 25m depth. (5) Arsenic exists mainly in the phase of reducible fraction or weak acid soluble fraction but no oxidizable fraction in the ground

    Pemphigus Vulgaris Confined to the Gingiva: A Case Report

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    Pemphigus Vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune intraepithelial blistering disease involving the skin and mucous membranes. Oral mucosa is frequently affected in patients with PV, and oral lesions may be the first sign of the disease in majority of patients. In some patients, oral lesions may also be followed by skin involvement. Therefore, timely recognition and therapy of oral lesions is critical as it may prevent skin involvement. Early oral lesions of PV are, however, often regarded as difficult to diagnose, since the initial oral lesions may be relatively nonspecific, manifesting as superficial erosions or ulcerations, and rarely presenting with the formation of intact bullae. Lesions may occur anywhere on the oral mucosa including gingiva; however; desquamtive gingivitis is less common with PV than other mucocutaneous conditions such as pemphigoid or lichen planus. This paper describes the case of a patient presenting with a one-year history of painful gingival, who is finally diagnosed as having PV

    Surgical Treatment by Partial Petrosectomy for a Middle-Ear Carcinoid with Progressive Extension: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We herein report a 59-year-old male patient with a recurrent carcinoid tumor of the middle ear 7 years after a tympanomastoidectomy. The CT and dynamic MRI demonstrated an extensive tumor close to the carotid artery canal and the jugular bulb, and the tumor was removed by a partial petrosectomy with a transmastoid approach. The histopathological findings revealed a solid and trabecular tumor with cells positive for cytokeratin, chromogranin A, synaptophysin, and CD56. The MIB-1 antibody for the Ki-67 antigen was positive in 6.6% of the tumor cells. The relevant literature is reviewed in regard to the present case

    Experimental Study of Slat Noise from 30P30N Three-Element High-Lift Airfoil in JAXA Hard-Wall Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

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    Aeroacoustic measurements associated with noise radiation from the leading edge slat of the canonical, unswept 30P30N three-element high-lift airfoil configuration have been obtained in a 2 m x 2 m hard-wall wind tunnel at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Performed as part of a collaborative effort on airframe noise between JAXA and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the model geometry and majority of instrumentation details are identical to a NASA model with the exception of a larger span. For an angle of attack up to 10 degrees, the mean surface Cp distributions agree well with free-air computational fluid dynamics predictions corresponding to a corrected angle of attack. After employing suitable acoustic treatment for the brackets and end-wall effects, an approximately 2D noise source map is obtained from microphone array measurements, thus supporting the feasibility of generating a measurement database that can be used for comparison with free-air numerical simulations. Both surface pressure spectra obtained via KuliteTM transducers and the acoustic spectra derived from microphone array measurements display a mixture of a broad band component and narrow-band peaks (NBPs), both of which are most intense at the lower angles of attack and become progressively weaker as the angle of attack is increased. The NBPs exhibit a substantially higher spanwise coherence in comparison to the broadband portion of the spectrum and, hence, confirm the trends observed in previous numerical simulations. Somewhat surprisingly, measurements show that the presence of trip dots between the stagnation point and slat cusp enhances the NBP levels rather than mitigating them as found in a previous experiment

    Comparative Effects of Verapamil, Nicardipine, and Nitroglycerin on Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury

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    The aim of this experiment was to establish whether verapamil, nicardipine, and nitroglycerin have (1) infarct size-limiting effects and (2) antiarrhythmic effects in in vivo rabbit hearts during ischemia/reperfusion. Rabbits received regional ischemia by 30 min of left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion followed by 3 hours of reperfusion under ketamine and xylazine anesthesia. The animals were randomly assigned to the following 4 treatment groups: a control group, a verapamil group, a nicardipine group, and a nitroglycerin group. A continuous infusion of verapamil, nicardipine, or nitroglycerin was initiated 5 min prior to ischemia. Infarct size/area at risk decreased in verapamil, and nitroglycerin. The incidence of ischemia-induced arrhythmia decreased in nicardipine, verapamil and nitroglycerin. The incidence of reperfusion-induced arrhythmias decreased in verapamil and nitroglycerin. From the present experimental results, verapamil and nitroglycerin rather than nicardipine did afford significant protection to the heart subjected to ischemia and reperfusion in a rabbit model

    Tensile and compressive plastic deformation behavior of medium-entropy Cr-Co-Ni single crystals from cryogenic to elevated temperatures

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    The equiatomic Cr-Co-Ni medium-entropy alloy has the face-centered cubic (FCC) structure. Bulk single crystals of this alloy were grown and tested in tension and compression between 14 K and 1373 K with the loading axis parallel to [1⁻23]. At room temperature, the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for {111} slip is 65 ± 5 MPa and does not exhibit a tension-compression asymmetry. It does, however, increase significantly as the test temperature decreases. A dulling of this temperature dependence occurs below 50 K, which may be due to the inertia effect. When the measured values above 50 K are extrapolated to lower temperatures, a value of 225 MPa is estimated for the CRSS at 0 K. This is larger than that (168 MPa) previously determined for the equiatomic Cr-Mn-Fe-Co-Ni high-entropy alloy using a similar procedure. The stacking fault energy of the present Cr-Co-Ni is estimated to be about 14 mJm⁻², which is sufficiently low to account for deformation twinning both at 77 K and room temperature. Twinning at 77 K occurs on conjugate (1⁻1⁻1) planes at an onset shear stress of 482 MPa after primary slip and propagates in the form of Lüders deformation. At room temperature, twinning occurs uniformly throughout the gauge section on primary (111) planes at an onset shear stress of 381 MPa after primary and subsequent conjugate slip. Thin layers with the hexagonal close-packed stacking are observed in association with twinning both at 77 K and room temperature

    Oxidative damage and brain concentrations of free amino acid in chicks exposed to high ambient temperature

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    High ambient temperatures (HT) reduce food intake and body weight in young chickens, and HT can cause increased expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides. The mechanisms by which HT act, and the effects of HT on cellular homeostasis in the brain, are however not well understood. In the current study lipid peroxidation and amino acid metabolism were measured in the brains of 14 d old chicks exposed to HT (35 °C for 24- or 48-h) or to control thermoneutral temperature (CT; 30 °C). Malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured in the brain to determine the degree of oxidative damage. HT increased body temperature and reduced food intake and body weight gain. HT also increased diencephalic oxidative damage after 48 h, and altered some free amino acid concentrations in the diencephalon. Diencephalic MDA concentrations were increased by HT and time, with the effect of HT more prominent with increasing time. HT altered cystathionine, serine, tyrosine and isoleucine concentrations. Cystathionine was lower in HT birds compared with CT birds at 24 h, whilst serine, tyrosine and isoleucine were higher at 48 h in HT birds. An increase in oxidative damage and alterations in amino acid concentrations in the diencephalon may contribute to the physiological, behavioral and thermoregulatory responses of heat-exposed chicks

    ZnO nanorods prepared via ablation of Zn with millisecond laser in liquid media

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    ZnO nanomaterials with controlled size, shape and surface chemistry are required for applications in diverse areas, such as optoelectronics, photocatalysis, biomedicine and so on. Here, we report on ZnO nanostructures with rod-like and spherical shapes prepared via laser ablation in liquid using a laser with millisecond-long pulses. By changing laser parameters (such as pulse width and peak power), the size or aspect ratio of such nanostructures could be tuned. The surface chemistry and defects of the products were also strongly affected by applied laser conditions. The preparation of different structures is explained by the intense heating of liquid media caused by millisecond-long pulses and secondary irradiation of already-formed nanostructures

    Defects in ZnO nanoparticles laser-ablated in water-ethanol mixtures at different pressures

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    The effect of liquid medium and its pressure on the photoluminescence of ZnO nanoparticles prepared via laser ablation of Zn targets in various water-ethanol mixtures is studied. As the ethanol content increases, the photoluminescence of the product changes, while metallic zinc is observed to emerge in nanomaterials prepared in ethanol-rich environments. The applied pressure had a less profound effect, mainly affecting materials produced in water or water-ethanol, and much less those generated in pressurized ethanol. Tuning the reactivity of the liquid and pressurizing it during laser ablation is demonstrated to be promising for tailoring the emission properties of the product

    Oral Administration of L-Citrulline, but not L-Arginine or L-Ornithine, Acts as a Hypothermic Agent in Chicks

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    Some amino acids are important regulators of key metabolic pathways and necessary for several physiological functions. However, little is know about thermoregulatory functions of amino acids. In this study, therefore chicks were either centrally or orally administered with L-citrulline (L-Cit), L-arginine (L-Arg) or L-ornithine (L-Orn) to monitor changes in rectal temperature. In Experiment 1, the amino acids (L-Cit, L-Arg and L-Orn) were administered into the left ventricle of the chicks by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection at a dose of 1 μmol/10 μl to monitor the effects of these amino acids on rectal temperature during 120 min of the experimental period. In Experiment 2, chicks received the same amino acids by oral administration at a dose of 15 mmol/10 ml/kg body weight. In Experiment 3, chicks received three doses of L-Cit (3.75, 7.5 or 15 mmol/10 ml/kg body weight) by oral administration. I.c.v. injection with any of the amino acids studied did not alter body temperature, but oral administration of L-Cit significantly reduced body temperature. Importantly, the highest does effectively reduced body temperature. These results suggest that peripheral L-Cit has a hypothermic function in chicks, which may be a new candidate to minimize high body temperature in poultry during summer heat stress. Key words: body temperature, chick, L-arginine, L-citrulline, L-ornithin