45 research outputs found

    Continuous dynamic response along a pre-existing structural discontinuity induced by the 2001 eruption at Mt. Etna

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    The intrusive process of the 2001 Mt. Etna eruption was accompanied by marked ground deformation and relevant seismic activity recorded between 12 and 17 of July (INGV-CT, 2001). At the same time, extensometer data evidenced the re-activation of a dry surface failure zone on the high south-eastern sector of Mt. Etna; this fracture system, formed in 1989, has been related to the propagation of a shallow blade-like dike along a NNESSW discontinuity (Bonaccorso and Davis, 1993; Bianco et al., 1998). The NNW-SSE discontinuity represents a complex low cohesion structure in which deformation may concentrate. Displacement measurements recorded on the surface fracture and the constraints obtained from seismicity show that the intrusion phase of the 2001 eruption has forced the NNE-SSW structure to move continuously with prevalent left-lateral displacement from a depth of 2–2.5 km b. s. l. to the surface with a compositive slip of about 3–5 centimeters.Published56/ (2004)ope

    Rapporto sull'attivita scientifica. 2002

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Pubblicazioni, rapporti e rendiconti prodotti a partire dal 2001 dal personale che afferisce alla sezione. Aggiornamento: dicembre 2002

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    Printed from http://www.mi.ingv.it target=NewWindow>www.mi.ingv.it (March 2004)Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Breve profilo dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica (1936-1963)

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Multidisciplinary Approach Yields Insight into Mt. Etna Eruption

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    On July 17,2001, lava began pouring down the slopes of Mt. Etna in Sicily signaling the start of the volcano's first flank eruption in nearly 10 years. Etna typically experiences long periods of explosive and effusive activity at the summit, which lies 3350 m a.s.l., interspersed with shorter flank eruptions. During the latter, large volumes of lava can threaten local populations. The Catania Section of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) routinely monitors the volcano with an array of integrated multidisciplinary techniques. During the 2001 flank eruption, researchers obtained the deepest insight yet into the mechanisms that control this fascinating volcano. In particular, by studying ground deformation, seismicity, gravity changes, and geomagnetism, researchers were able to forecast 3 to 4 days in advance the intrusion of a new feeder dike in the upper part of the volcano and follow the propagation of dike emplacement and fissure opening, as well as estimate the volume of the intrusion. During the eruption, volcanology gas geochemistry and petrology were used to distinguish two different magmas erupting at the same time from both this new feeder dike and the summit feeding system, which has been active since January 2001. Effusion rate measurements and thermal mapping of the flow field provided insight into the maximum length the lava flow could reach from the lower vent, and researchers were able to follow the process of tube formation along this flow. The previous flank eruption on Etna occurred between 1991 and 1993, when 235 million of lava poured from within the Valle del Bove (VDB) and formed a lava flow field over 8.5 km long that threatened the town of Zafferana. Since then, eruptive activity at Etna has been restricted to the summit area. A progressive increase in the activity occurred between June 1998 and February 1999, with a succession of 21 paroxysmal episodes from the Southeast Cone (SEC). Then, on February 1999, a fire fountain episode from the SEC indicated the start of the 1999 summit eruption, which produced two lava flow fields. During 2000, there were 66 fire fountain events from the SEC accompanied by small lava flows. Lava flow emission started again from the north base of the SEC in January 2001, and on May 9,2001, small fire fountaining episodes were observed on the summit and northern flank of the SEC.This activity gradually increased in frequency and intensity before the 2001 flank eruption

    Discovering geothermal supercritical fluids: a new frontier for seismic exploration

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    Exploiting supercritical geothermal resources represents a frontier for the next generation of geothermal electrical power plant, as the heat capacity of supercritical fluids (SCF),which directly impacts on energy production, is much higher than that of fluids at subcritical conditions. Reconnaissance and location of intensively permeable and productive horizons at depth is the present limit for the development of SCF geothermal plants. We use, for the first time, teleseismic converted waves (i.e. receiver function) for discovering those horizons in the crust. Thanks to the capability of receiver function to map buried anisotropic materials, the SCF-bearing horizon is seen as the 4km-depth abrupt termination of a shallow, thick, ultra-high (>30%) anisotropic rock volume, in the center of the Larderello geothermal field. The SCF-bearing horizon develops within the granites of the geothermal field, bounding at depth the vapor-filled heavily-fractured rock matrix that hosts the shallow steam-dominated geothermal reservoirs. The sharp termination at depth of the anisotropic behavior of granites, coinciding with a 2 km-thick stripe of seismicity and diffuse fracturing, points out the sudden change in compressibility of the fluid filling the fractures and is a key-evidence of deep fluids that locally traversed the supercritical conditions. The presence of SCF and fracture permeability in nominally ductile granitic rocks open new scenarios for the understanding of magmatic systems and for geothermal exploitation.© The Author(s) 201

    Multidisciplinary Approach Yields Insight into Mt. Etna Eruption

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    On July 17,2001, lava began pouring down the slopes of Mt. Etna in Sicily signaling the start of the volcano's first flank eruption in nearly 10 years. Etna typically experiences long periods of explosive and effusive activity at the summit, which lies 3350 m a.s.l., interspersed with shorter flank eruptions. During the latter, large volumes of lava can threaten local populations. The Catania Section of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) routinely monitors the volcano with an array of integrated multidisciplinary techniques. During the 2001 flank eruption, researchers obtained the deepest insight yet into the mechanisms that control this fascinating volcano. In particular, by studying ground deformation, seismicity, gravity changes, and geomagnetism, researchers were able to forecast 3 to 4 days in advance the intrusion of a new feeder dike in the upper part of the volcano and follow the propagation of dike emplacement and fissure opening, as well as estimate the volume of the intrusion. During the eruption, volcanology gas geochemistry and petrology were used to distinguish two different magmas erupting at the same time from both this new feeder dike and the summit feeding system, which has been active since January 2001. Effusion rate measurements and thermal mapping of the flow field provided insight into the maximum length the lava flow could reach from the lower vent, and researchers were able to follow the process of tube formation along this flow. The previous flank eruption on Etna occurred between 1991 and 1993, when 235 million of lava poured from within the Valle del Bove (VDB) and formed a lava flow field over 8.5 km long that threatened the town of Zafferana. Since then, eruptive activity at Etna has been restricted to the summit area. A progressive increase in the activity occurred between June 1998 and February 1999, with a succession of 21 paroxysmal episodes from the Southeast Cone (SEC). Then, on February 1999, a fire fountain episode from the SEC indicated the start of the 1999 summit eruption, which produced two lava flow fields. During 2000, there were 66 fire fountain events from the SEC accompanied by small lava flows. Lava flow emission started again from the north base of the SEC in January 2001, and on May 9,2001, small fire fountaining episodes were observed on the summit and northern flank of the SEC.This activity gradually increased in frequency and intensity before the 2001 flank eruption.Published653 - 6565V. Sorveglianza vulcanica ed emergenzeN/A or not JCRrestricte