6 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Website Dengan WIX Pada Siswa SMK Informatika Ciputat: Sutrisno, Okta Irawati, Iis Istiqomah, Santi Rahayu, Jupron

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    Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi mengharuskan para pelajar dapat menguasai keterampilan yang diperlukan. Pembuatan website merupakan salah satu keterampilan dari pemanfaatan produk teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Untuk mempermudah dalam pembuatan website dan Supaya membuat website lebih menarik serta tidak membutuhkan waktu terlalu lama maka perlu memanfaatkan platform. Akan tetapi tidak semua pelajar mengenal dan pernah menggunakan Wix. Seperti halnya pelajar di SMK Informatika Ciputat. Target yang ingin penulis capai dari kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu menjadikan program kemitraan masyarakat antara pihak SMK Informatika Ciputat dan pihak Universitas Pamulang serta menjalin kerjasama antar kedua belah pihak. Selain itu, penulis juga ingin memberikan ilmu yang bermanfaat bagi para pelajar.

    Development of Problem Solving-Based Modules Assisted by Tracker Software to Improve Students' Problem-Solving Skills in High School

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    This study aims to 1) produce problem solving-based modules assisted by software tracker to improve valid problem-solving abilities; 2) produce problem solving based modules assisted by tracking software to improve practical problem solving skills; 3) find out the potential effects of problem solving-based modules assisted by tracker software to improve students’ problem solving skills. This study used research and development (RD) methods which refer to the ADDIE development procedure. includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. One of the ADDIE's stages is modifying the development stage using Tessmer's evaluation. If it consists of self-evaluation, expert review, one to one, and small group. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires/questions. The research subjects were class X IPA students at SMA Negeri 3 Sungai Lilin. Based on the analysis, the data is stated to be valid, practical and has the potential to influence students. The results obtained 1) The expert review stage showed the average value from the three experts, namely 91.11% for material aspects, 93.33% for media aspects, and 81.11% for language aspects. 2) The one-to-one stage has a percentage value of 84.44 % which is categorized as practical. 3) The small group students’ response questionnaire has a score percentage of 87.778% which is categorized as practical. and 4) the field test stage shows an average value of 44 .2563 in the pretest and 83.9063 in the post-test. Therefore, it can be concluded that the problem solving-based module assisted by tracker software can be stated as valid, practical, and effective to improve students’ problem-solving skills


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    Jumlah penduduk miskin (Poor People) di Kabupaten Banyumas pada tahun 2021 adalah 232.900 jiwa atau 13,66 %. Dari data Bapedalitbang Kabupaten Banyumas diketahui bahwa pada tahun 2023 terdapat 43 desa miskin prioritas ekstrim di Jawa Tengah. Desa Tamansari merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Karanglewas Kabupaten Banyumas yang berpredikat miskin ekstrim. Dilain pihak Desa Tamansari memiliki potensi produksi tanaman pangan seperti ubi pohon/singkong, yang sangat besar yaitu sebanyak 19.888,5 ton/tahun, namun singkong tersebut belum diberdayakan secara maksimal. Adanya unit-unit usaha pengolahan singkong masih sangat sederhana seperti pembuatan lanting, pembuatan ceriping, pekong (Keripik singkong) dan sejenisnya yang nilai tambahnya masih rendah. Melalui penerapan inovasi teknologi produksi tepung singkong termodifikasi (mocaf) menggunakan bimo CF hasil riset tim pendamping dari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, terbukti singkong dapat ditingkatkan nilai tambahnya. Tepung dibuat melalui proses pengecilan ukuran, perendaman dengan sitrat yang diikuti dengan perendaman dengan bimo CF selama 48-72 jam. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengeringan, penepungan dan pengayakan. Inovasi ini, dibutuhkan peralatan mesin slicer, fermentor, pengering surya dan kabinet, penepung dan pengayak. Harga produk tepung mocaf yang dihasilkan mencapai 15.000/kg dari sebelumnya singkong mentah sekitar Rp 2.500/kg. Keunggulan teknologi ini adalah menghasilkan tepung yang berwarna lebih putih dan bisa menjadi pengganti tepung terigu untuk produksi aneka pangan olahan turunan, seperti mie dan aneka produk bakeri (biscuit, egg rolls, muffin, brownies, dan pie).The number of poor people in Banyumas Regency in 2021 is 232,900 people or 13.66%. From data from Bapedalitbang Banyumas Regency, it is known that in 2023 there will be 43 extreme priority poor villages in Central Java. Tamansari Village is one of the villages in Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency which is rated as extremely poor. On the other hand, Tamansari Village has the potential to produce food crops such as cassava/cassava, which is very large, namely 19,888.5 tons/year, but the cassava has not been exploited optimally. The existence of cassava processing business units is still very simple, such as making lanting, making cerping, pekong (cassava chips) and the like whose added value is still low. Through the application of technological innovations in the production of modified cassava flour (mocaf) using bimo CF as a result of research by the accompanying team from Jenderal Soedirman University, it has been proven that cassava can increase its added value. Flour is made through a size reduction process, soaking with citrate followed by soaking with bimo CF for 48-72 hours. Then proceed with drying, flouring and sieving. This innovation requires slicer machine equipment, fermenters, solar dryers and cabinets, flour and sieves. The price of the mocaf flour product produced reached IDR 15,000/kg compared to previously raw cassava of around IDR 2,500/kg. The advantage of this technology is that it produces flour that is whiter in color and can be a substitute for wheat flour for the production of various processed food derivatives, such as noodles and various bakery products (biscuits, egg rolls, muffins, brownies, pies)

    Difficulties and strategies of learning English reading skills in large classes: a systematic literature review

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    Reading in large classes can lead to many difficulties demanding for various teaching strategies to overcome any difficulties. This research aimed to find the difficulties found in large classes of reading and analyzed the strategies used to overcome them. It used a systematic analysis method that identifies existing literature available online. The data collection was carried out through systematic literature review stages: 1) framing questions for a review, 2) identifying relevant work, 3) assessing the quality of studies, 4) summarizing the evidence, and 5) interpreting the findings. The results show that students learning English in large classes particularly in secondary schools are always constrained in making inference, finding main idea, retention of detail information, understanding vocabulary, and locating reference. Concerning the strategies, junior and senior high school students must be involved in joyful and meaningful group fun activities for reading. However, at university level, the self and autonomous learning style must be implemented. The finding implies on the need for collaborative learning method and also group fun activities for reading. It can be also helped by utilizing the technology and digital platform to make the students have more experiences in learning reading in large class

    Alex Parker’s struggle to achieve her self actualization portrayed in Danielle Steel’s Lightning

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    In this thesis, the writer analyses Danielle Steel’s Lightning novel .The study focuses on main character that is Alex Parker and her stuggle to face her life by suffering breast cancer and her husband’s betrayal. The aim from the thesis is to describe Alex Parker’s character in novel Lightning and show Alex Parker’s struggle to meet her needs based on Abraham Maslow Hiearchy of Humans Needs theory. Since studying on the character, this thesis basically use character and characterization analysis. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs theory is also used by the writer as the main theory. This theory consists of five stages: the first is physiological needs, he second is safety needs and the security needs, the third is love and belongingness needs, the four is self esteem needs and the last is self- actualization needs. The result Alex Parker is managed to struggle through several stages to deal with her problem. The first is the betrayal from her husband that can be resolved when she gets better lover. The second is she recovered from her breast cancer. In conclution, Alex Parker can fulfil her need until the higher need that is self – actualization


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    AbstrakKegiatan penjualan produk olahan kangkung di daerah Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo, Kecamatan Balikpapan Tengah. dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo. Penjualan produk olahan kangkung saat ini masih secara konvensional dengan menawarkan ke toko-toko sekitar Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo dan pasar tradisional daerah Balikapapan. Proses penjualan produk olahan kangkung masih cukup terbatas di daerah Balikpapan. Masyarakat Balikapapan masih kurang mengetahui keberadaan Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo  sehingga  masih belum cukup luas cakupan pemasaran produk olahan Kangkung. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka dilakukan perancangan sebuah website penjualan produk olahan kangkung untuk Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo dengan nama SIKANGBEJO dengan menggunkan framework codignigter. Pengembambangan website ini menggunggunakan metode waterfall, yang terdiri dari enam aktifitas, yaitu requirement definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, dan operation and maintenance. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu website penjualan yang digolongkan menjadi tiga aktor yaitu admin, user, dan pengguna umum yang memliliki peran sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing aktor. Dengan adanya website SIKANGBEJO, kegiatan pemasaran akan lebih efektif dan efisien, serta masyarakat Balikapan dapat lebih mengetahui Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo sehingga dapat meningkatkan omset penjualan pada Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo.Kata Kunci : Kampung Kangkung Sumber Rejo, Produk olahan kangkung, SIKANGBEJO, Website