17 research outputs found

    Analisis Peranan Sektor Industri Terhadap Perekonomian Jawa Tengah Tahun 2000 Dan Tahun 2004 (Analisis Input Output)

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    This research aim to analyse role of industrial sector to other economy sectors in Central Java and the role in Central Java economy. Research method, which applied that, is Input Output Analysis Model (Analysis I-O), accompanied by analysis of role of production sector and output creator of Central Java economy, backward and forward linkage index analysis, and key sector analysis. Data which used that is I-O table of Central Java year 2000 and year 2004 with classification 19 sector is obtained from Central Java BPS. Research result indicate that industrial sector role is seen enough dominant in Central Java economy in the year 2000 and 2004. From the result, author suggests government so that more give priority to industrial sectors that become key sector in Central Java in the year 2000 and 2004


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    Nanofluida mempunyai potensi untuk menggantikan fluida pendingin konvensional. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai invensigasi nanofluida Air-Al2O3 dengan menggunakan model radiator. Al2O3 anopartikel diperoleh dari proses bayer dan solgel. Bahan alam bijih bauksit diekstraksi hingga menghasilkan senyawa Al2O3. Al2O3 ditambah sukrosa, dipanaskan, kemudian dikalsinasi sehingga diperoleh Al2O3 nanopartikel berukuran 6,31 nm dengan menggunakan metode karakterisasi Surface Area Meter. Al2O3 nanopartikel didispersikan dengan air dengan konsentrasi 0,03 % volume, 0,08% volume dan 0.13% volume per 300 ml air sehingga diperoleh nanofluida Air-Al2O3 yang kemudian diaplikasikan pada model radiator. Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian yaitu makin besar konsentrasi Al2O3 nanopartikel yang dimasukan, makin besar penurunan suhu yang terjadi. Penurunan suhu terbesar sebesar 3?C pada konsentrasi Al2O3 nanopartikel 0,13% volume. Kapasitas panas nanofluida menurun seiring ditabahkan konsentrasi nanopartikel Al2O3, sementara nilai laju perpindahan kalor meningkat seiring dengan kenaikan selisih suhu fluida sebelum dan sesudah didinginkan dengan nilai laju perpindahan kalor tertinggi terjadi pada nanofluida Air-Al2O3 0,13 %volume yaitu sebesar 70,15 J/s. Kata kunci: Al2O3 nanopartikel, nanofluida Air-Al2O3, model radiator, koefisiensi kerj

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Auditor Switching Secara Voluntary (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2016

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    Auditor switching is a change of public accountant who performed by a company. There are several company do a voluntary auditor switching outside the rule of auditor switching KMK No. 359/KMK.06/2003 which has been revised to be PMK No.17/PMK.01/2008. This research aims to examine about the factors that affect companies do auditor switching. Variables are used in this research is management changes, audit opinion, KAP size, client size, and financial distress. The data used in this research is the financial statement of manufacturing company listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) on 2012-2016. Data collecting method which used in this research is method purposive sampling that basic on criteria. Based on method purposive sampling, total sample is as much as 38 company. Hypothesis in this research are tested by logistic regression analytical method. The result of this research indicate that the independent variables that affect the voluntary auditor swiching is audit opinion. While the other independent variables such as management changes, KAP size, client size, and financial distress doesn’t affect the voluntary auditor switching

    How to Improve Students Learning Outcomes Using Problem-based Learning with Hypnoteaching Method

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    Paradigm of learning began to change according to the current development. Students will have to start with more complex problems and require good abilities and skills. One of the efforts that teacher can do is to choose the right learning model and method for students. Selection of learning models is adjusted to the characteristics of students based on the results of the diagnostic assessment. Diagnostic assessment is used to see the characteristics of students and determine the appropriate treatment for these students. The appropriate learning model is problem-based learning. Problem-based learning uses problems as learning media; and serves students to actively think, communicate, search and process data, and draw conclusions from a problem. The learning method used is hypnoteaching. Hypnoteaching is used to make learning more interesting and fun. The advantage of hypnoteaching method can create a supportive learning atmosphere by giving positive suggestions to students. This study uses classroom action research in only one class with 2 cycles. Data collection is done by observation to see learning activities and tests to see an increase in student learning outcomes. Keywords: problem-based learning, classroom action research, hypnoteaching method, learning outcome

    Antibacterial and Toxicity Activities of Indonesian Herbal Medicine Extracts Used for Postpartum Treatment

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    Postpartum treatments have been used by local women in Indonesia for some time now. One commonly used postpartum treatment is the consumption of a traditional herbal medicine called PHM-1 during the first 40 days after childbirth. In addition, a second medicine known as PHM-2 is taken for days 41-80. However, sufficient scientific evidence about the benefits of this postpartum herbal medicine does not exist. In this study, the antibacterial abilities of PHM-1 and PHM-2 therefore was evaluated and showed positive potential for both. Low IC50 values were obtained against pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Ralstonia pickettii, and Staphylococcus epidermidis and compared with chloramphenicol as a positive control. The antibacterial activity of both PHM-1 and PHM-2 against R. pickettii had the highest inhibitory activity as evidenced by the lowest IC50 values of 11.16 and 6.26 μg/ml, respectively. Furthermore, an in vivo acute toxicity test showed that PHM-1 produced a low LD50 value of 3.28 g/kg BW for both of male and female mice. These results support the use of both PHM-1 and PHM-2 as antibacterial treatments for postpartum women

    REMAP-RT in the Circulatory System Material to Improve Students Cognitive Learning Output

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    Learning outcomes are still a benchmark of learning success, with good learning outcomes signifying mastery of knowledge that can be implemented in life. Students require to be accustomed to reading before beginning learning, to be able to manage information from learning resources.. This study aims to study the Remap-RT learning model to improve student learning outcomes by looking at the results of pretest and posttest students of class VIII E Muhammadiyah 2 Kalasan. The method used in this research is CAR (Classroom Action Research). The subject in this study was a student at VIII E of SMP Muhammadiyah 2. Data obtained by using the test twice in both cycle, cycle I and cycle  II. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest the average value of class VIII E in the last cycle is higher than the first cycle. Based on these findings it can be concluded that there is an improvement in the learning process and differences in student learning outcomes using the Remap-RT learning model