7 research outputs found

    Design of IoT-based System for Smart Temporary Waste Shelter

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept where all products can interact with each other to help human activities by utilizing the internet. The IoT system can help solve problems such as the schedule-based retrieval system at a temporary shelter in Indonesia. This paper creates a web-based geographic information system along with the IoT-based waste temporary shelter prototype. The prototype also integrated with an Arduino Microcontroller so that it can sort the waste automatically into three types of waste, then record data in the form of height and weight, and send the results of the data to the database so that the geographic information system can display the results of the data. Node-RED serves as an Application Programming Interface (API) that sends data from the server to the database belonging to a web-based geographic information system. The results of the performance analysis are that the prototype has sorted waste well, and the system also produced good QoS by ETSI standards when looking at the network traffic from the MQTT server to the database, and from the end-user to the web. As for the QoE results for tools and systems have produced good results according to the ITU-T standard

    Joint Routing and Congestion Control in Multipath Channel based on Signal to Noise Ratio with Cross Layer Scheme

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    Routing protocol and congestion control in Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) have important roles in wireless mobile network performance. In wireless communication, the stability of the path and successful data transmission will be influenced by the channel condition. This channel condition constraints come from path loss and the multipath channel fading. With these constraints, the algorithm in the routing protocol and congestion control is confronted with the uncertainty of connection quality and probability of successful packet transmission, respectively. It is important to investigate the reliability and robustness of routing protocol and congestion control algorithms in dealing with such situation.  In this paper, we develop a detailed approach and analytical throughput performance with a cross layer scheme (CLS) between routing and congestion control mechanism based on signal to noise ratio (SNR) in Rician and Rayleigh as multipath fading channel. We proposed joint routing and congestion control TCP with a cross layer scheme model based on SNR (RTCP-SNR). We compare the performance of RTCP-SNR with conventional routing-TCP and routing-TCP that used CLS with routing aware (RTCP-RA) model. The analyses and the simulation results showed that RTCP-SNR in a multipath channel outperforms conventional routing-TCP and RTCP-RA


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    Komunikasi adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting saat ini. Komunikasi berupa voice saat ini tidak hanya berupa melalui jaringan tradisional telepon biasa yaitu melalui POTS atau jaringan circuit switch tetapi sudah dapat melalui jaringan paket yang dikenal dengan VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Komunikasi VoIP dengan SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) paling sering berupa client dan server dimana client jika ingin melakukan koneksi VoIP maka harus mendaftar melalui server VoIP dan baru kemudian melakukan hubungan ke user VoIP lain yang terdaftar di server tersebut. Mengingat dari pengertian SIP sendiri adalah komunikasi peer-to-peer yang dimungkinkan untuk tidak menggunakan server. Maka model komunikasi secara peer to peer dilakukan dimana sekumpulan user VoIP SIP yang ingin melakukan komunikasi mengadakan komunikasi satu sama lain tanpa menggunakan server VoIP. Komunikasi VoIP antara user SIP satu dengan user yang lain dapat menggunakan P2PSIP (Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol). Dalam komunikasi peer-to-peer sangat erat dengan algoritma DHT (Distribution Hash Table) untuk pengaturan penyambungan dan pemisahan maupun routing client dalam sebuah jaringan peer-topeer.Hasil yang diperoleh yang paling baik dilihat dari parameter QoS (Quality of Service) layanan untuk delay, PDD, dan MOS adalah Peer-to-Peer SIP. Sedangkan untuk nilai throughput, jitter, dan packet loss adalah Client-Server SIP.Kata kunci : Peer to Peer, P2SIP, SIP, Distribution Hash Tabl


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    Komunikasi adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting saat ini. Komunikasi berupa voice saat ini tidak hanya berupa melalui jaringan tradisional telepon biasa yaitu melalui POTS atau jaringan circuit switch tetapi sudah dapat melalui jaringan paket yang dikenal dengan VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Komunikasi VoIP dengan SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) paling sering berupa client dan server dimana client jika ingin melakukan koneksi VoIP maka harus mendaftar melalui server VoIP dan baru kemudian melakukan hubungan ke user VoIP lain yang terdaftar di server tersebut. Mengingat dari pengertian SIP sendiri adalah komunikasi peer-to-peer yang dimungkinkan untuk tidak menggunakan server. Maka model komunikasi secara peer to peer dilakukan dimana sekumpulan user VoIP SIP yang ingin melakukan komunikasi mengadakan komunikasi satu sama lain tanpa menggunakan server VoIP. Komunikasi VoIP antara user SIP satu dengan user yang lain dapat menggunakan P2PSIP (Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol). Dalam komunikasi peer-to-peer sangat erat dengan algoritma DHT (Distribution Hash Table) untuk pengaturan penyambungan dan pemisahan maupun routing client dalam sebuah jaringan peer-topeer. Hasil yang diperoleh yang paling baik dilihat dari parameter QoS (Quality of Service) layanan untuk delay, PDD, dan MOS adalah Peer-to-Peer SIP. Sedangkan untuk nilai throughput, jitter, dan packet loss adalah Client-Server SIP

    Shadowing and Mobility Effect on Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocol in MANET

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    ABSTRAKPada makalah ini, kami membandingkan protokol routing proaktif Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) dan protokol routing reaktif Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) dan Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) pada model propagasi Shadowing dan pergerakan pada mobile adhoc network (MANET). Terdapat dua skenario pengujian, yaitu dampak dari kecepatan pergerakan pengguna dan variasi waktu jeda pengguna dengan mobilitas Random Way Point (RWP). Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar kecepatan maka kinerja throughput akan menurun, sedangkan delay dan Normalized Routing Load (NRL) akan meningkat. Semakin lama waktu jeda, semakin lama topologi berubah, akibatnya parameter throughput meningkat sedangkan delay end-to-end dan NRL menurun. OLSR proaktif menunjukkan kinerja terbaik dibandingkan dengan protokol lain berdasarkan parameter throughput, sedangkan AODV reaktif mengungguli penundaan end-to-end dan parameter NRL.Kata kunci: Protokol perutean, shadowing, Mobility, MANET ABSTRACTIn this paper, we compared the proactive routing protocols Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and the reactive routing protocols Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) in shadowing propagation and mobility model on mobile adhoc network (MANET). There are two test scenarios, such as the impact of user movement velocity and variations in user pause time with Random Way Point (RWP) mobility. In user velocity testing, the greater the speed, the throughput performance will decrease, while the delay and Normalized Routing Load (NRL) will increase. The pause time test describes the dynamics of changing network topology. The longer the pause time, the longer the topology changes, as a result, the throughput parameter increases while the end-to-end delay and NRL decrease. The proactive OLSR shows the best performance compared to other protocols based on throughput parameters, while the reactive AODV outperforms for end-to-end delay and NRL parameters.Keywords: routing protocol, shadowing, Mobility, MANE

    Interoperabilitas NDN-DPDK dan Forwarding NFD dalam Video Streaming berbasis NDN pada Virtual Machine

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    The Named Data Network (NDN) is a future network concept that addresses some of the issues present in the current internet architecture. One of the main advantages of NDN is the use of content caching at each router, enabling faster and more efficient data access. As internet network technology develops, the demand for video content continues to increase every year. Therefore, video optimization and delivery require high access speeds so that clients can run content from the server seamlessly. This research incorporates NDN-DPDK (Named Data Network-DData Plane Development Kit), which is designed as hardware acceleration, and uses NDN's default forwarder, Network Forwarding Daemon (NFD), which allows a wide variety of experiments with NDN architecture. The implementation and analysis of video streaming performance will use Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as RTT, throughput, and startup delay to measure the quality of video streaming on the network side. In addition, CPU measurements are made on the router closest to the client to evaluate the traffic load required by the forwarder to transmit data. The results of implementation and analysis in this study obtained video streaming quality on the second accessor with an RTT time of 4 seconds, throughput above 0.4 MBps, a video startup delay of 8 seconds, and 100% CPU usage

    Implementation of QR Code Attendance Security System Using RSA and Hash Algorithms

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    The quick response (QR) code-based attendance application contributes to reducing paper usage and attendance input errors. However, in its implementation process, the QR-code-based attendance at a Bandung school demonstrates weaknesses. Absent students can fake their attendance for themselves or friends. This type of attack is known as fake QR code generation. This research proposes a security authentication system using the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) encryption algorithm and the secure hash algorithm 1 (SHA-1) to secure QR code-based attendance applications from fake QR code generation attacks. The RSA algorithm encrypts QR code data to maintain privacy, while the SHA-1 algorithm ensures data integrity. Based on this method, the mutual authentication process between the QR code data generated by the student and the attendance reading application by the teacher can be established. The results obtained from a series of tests showed that the security system in the student attendance recording application that had been implemented at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Al-Mukhlishin could detect and prevent fake QR code generation attacks. The test was conducted by changing the impact of the key length on RSA-1024 bits and RSA-2048 bits. The results showed that in RSA-1024 bits, energy consumption of 0.14 J and time of 1.66 s is more efficient than that in RSA-2048 bits, with energy consumption of 0.19 J and time of 2.09 s. Interestingly, if a higher level of security is required, the key length should be increased at the expense of some energy and time efficiency