122 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of paediatric renal stone disease: a 22-year single centre experience in the UK

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    BACKGROUND: Whilst still rare, the incidence of paediatric stone disease is increasing in developed countries and it is important to evaluate the aetiology. We set up a dedicated renal stone service for children combining medical and surgical expertise in 1993 and now have a large case series of children to investigate the epidemiology. METHODS: A retrospective hospital note review of children presenting with kidney stones during the last 22 years (1993-2015) was conducted. All patients had a comprehensive infective and metabolic screen and were classified as metabolic, infective or idiopathic stone disease. RESULTS: Five hundred eleven patients (322 male) were reviewed. The median age of presentation was 4.4y for males (1 m-16.6y) and 7.3y (1-18.5y) for females with a median height and weight on the 25th centile for male and on 10th and 25th for female, respectively. One hundred seventy five (34%) had an underlying metabolic abnormality, 112 (22%) had infective stones and 224 (44%) were classified as idiopathic. Of the 175 patients with a metabolic abnormality: 91 (52%) had hypercalciuria (76 persistent and 15 transient), 37 (21%) hyperoxaluria, 38 (22%) cystinuria, 3 (2%) abnormalities in the purine metabolism and the remainder other metabolic abnormalities. Bilateral stones occurred in 27% of the metabolic group compared to 16% in the non-metabolic group (OR 0.2, p < 0.05). Urinary tract infection was a common complication (27%) in the metabolic group. CONCLUSIONS: In this paper, we present the largest cohort of paediatric stone disease reported from a developed country giving details on both, clinical and laboratory data. We show that in the majority of the patients there is an identifiable underlying metabolic and/or infective aetiology emphasizing the importance of a full work up to provide adequate treatment and prevent recurrence. Moreover, we show that stone disease in children, in contrast to the adult population, does not seem to be associated with obesity, as children have a weight below average at presentation

    Pathophysiology, current treatments and future targets in hereditary forms of renal Fanconi syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Renal Fanconi syndrome describes a general dysfunction of the proximal tubules characterized by urinary losses of water, electrolytes, low-molecular weight proteins, aminoacids and glucose. The heterogeneity of its underlying causes has complicated the understanding of renal Fanconi syndrome for many years. Recent studies of its isolated form, only affecting the proximal tubule and no other nephron segments, allow new insights into the understanding of pathophysiology and development of disease models. AREAS COVERED: In this review, we discuss the most recent insights into pathophysiology of renal Fanconi syndrome as well as novel disease and potential developments of new therapeutic strategies. EXPERT OPINION: The importance of fatty acid oxidation in proximal tubules in human disease has just recently been established. So far this has not yet led to pharmaceutical development of medicines, due to lack of understanding of the exclusive use of fatty acids by mitochondria in the proximal tubule for energy generation. Nevertheless, novel insights have resulted in potential targets for development of new therapeutic strategies

    Quantification of FAM20A in human milk and identification of calcium metabolism proteins

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    BACKGROUND: FAM20A, a recently discovered protein, is thought to have a fundamental role in inhibiting ectopic calcification. Several studies have demonstrated that variants of FAM20A are causative for the rare autosomal recessive disorder, enamel-renal syndrome (ERS). ERS is characterized by defective mineralization of dental enamel and nephrocalcinosis suggesting that FAM20A is an extracellular matrix protein, dysfunction of which causes calcification of the secretory epithelial tissues. FAM20A is a low-abundant protein that is difficult to detect in biofluids such as blood, saliva, and urine. Thus, we speculated the abundance of FAM20A to be high in human milk, since the secretory epithelium of lactating mammary tissue is involved in the secretion of highly concentrated calcium. Therefore, the primary aim of this research is to describe the processes/methodology taken to quantify FAM20A in human milk and identify other proteins involved in calcium metabolism. METHOD: This study used mass spectrometry-driven quantitative proteomics: (1) to quantify FAM20A in human milk of three women and (2) to identify proteins associated with calcium regulation by bioinformatic analyses on whole and milk fat globule membrane fractions. RESULTS: Shotgun MS/MS driven proteomics identified FAM20A in whole milk, and subsequent analysis using targeted proteomics also successfully quantified FAM20A in all samples. Combination of sample preparation, fractionation, and LC-MS/MS proteomics analysis generated 136 proteins previously undiscovered in human milk; 21 of these appear to be associated with calcium metabolism. CONCLUSION: Using mass spectrometry-driven proteomics, we successfully quantified FAM20A from transitional to mature milk and obtained a list of proteins involved in calcium metabolism. Furthermore, we show the value of using a combination of both shotgun and targeted driven proteomics for the identification of this low abundant protein in human milk

    A missense mutation in Ehd1 associated with defective spermatogenesis and male infertility

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    Normal function of the C-terminal Eps15 homology domain-containing protein 1 (EHD1) has previously been associated with endocytic vesicle trafficking, shaping of intracellular membranes, and ciliogenesis. We recently identified an autosomal recessive missense mutation c.1192C>T (p.R398W) of EHD1 in patients who had low molecular weight proteinuria (0.7–2.1 g/d) and high-frequency hearing loss. It was already known from Ehd1 knockout mice that inactivation of Ehd1 can lead to male infertility. However, the exact role of the EHD1 protein and its p.R398W mutant during spermatogenesis remained still unclear. Here, we report the testicular phenotype of a knockin mouse model carrying the p.R398W mutation in the EHD1 protein. Male homozygous knockin mice were infertile, whereas the mutation had no effect on female fertility. Testes and epididymes were significantly reduced in size and weight. The testicular epithelium appeared profoundly damaged and had a disorganized architecture. The composition of developing cell types was altered. Malformed acrosomes covered underdeveloped and misshaped sperm heads. In the sperm tail, midpieces were largely missing indicating disturbed assembly of the sperm tail. Defective structures, i.e., nuclei, acrosomes, and sperm tail midpieces, were observed in large vacuoles scattered throughout the epithelium. Interestingly, cilia formation itself did not appear to be affected, as the axoneme and other parts of the sperm tails except the midpieces appeared to be intact. In wildtype mice, EHD1 co-localized with acrosomal granules on round spermatids, suggesting a role of the EHD1 protein during acrosomal development. Wildtype EHD1 also co-localized with the VPS35 component of the retromer complex, whereas the p.R398W mutant did not. The testicular pathologies appeared very early during the first spermatogenic wave in young mice (starting at 14 dpp) and tubular destruction worsened with age. Taken together, EHD1 plays an important and probably multifaceted role in spermatogenesis in mice. Therefore, EHD1 may also be a hitherto underestimated infertility gene in humans

    Circuit-wide Transcriptional Profiling Reveals Brain Region-Specific Gene Networks Regulating Depression Susceptibility

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    Depression is a complex, heterogeneous disorder and a leading contributor to the global burden of disease. Most previous research has focused on individual brain regions and genes contributing to depression. However, emerging evidence in humans and animal models suggests that dysregulated circuit function and gene expression across multiple brain regions drive depressive phenotypes. Here we performed RNA-sequencing on 4 brain regions from control animals and those susceptible or resilient to chronic social defeat stress at multiple time points. We employed an integrative network biology approach to identify transcriptional networks and key driver genes that regulate susceptibility to depressive-like symptoms. Further, we validated in vivo several key drivers and their associated transcriptional networks that regulate depression susceptibility and confirmed their functional significance at the levels of gene transcription, synaptic regulation and behavior. Our study reveals novel transcriptional networks that control stress susceptibility and offers fundamentally new leads for antidepressant drug discovery

    Increased anxiety in corticotropin-releasing factor type 2 receptor-null mice requires recent acute stress exposure and is associated with dysregulated serotonergic activity in limbic brain areas

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    BACKGROUND: Corticotropin-releasing factor type 2 receptors (CRFR2) are suggested to facilitate successful recovery from stress to maintain mental health. They are abundant in the midbrain raphe nuclei, where they regulate serotonergic neuronal activity and have been demonstrated to mediate behavioural consequences of stress. Here, we describe behavioural and serotonergic responses consistent with maladaptive recovery from stressful challenge in CRFR2-null mice. RESULTS: CRFR2-null mice showed similar anxiety levels to control mice before and immediately after acute restraint stress, and also after cessation of chronic stress. However, they showed increased anxiety by 24 hours after restraint, whether or not they had been chronically stressed. Serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) contents were quantified and the level of 5-HIAA in the caudal dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) was increased under basal conditions in CRFR2-null mice, indicating increased 5-HT turnover. Twenty-four hours following restraint, 5-HIAA was decreased only in CRFR2-null mice, suggesting that they had not fully recovered from the challenge. In efferent limbic structures, CRFR2-null mice showed lower levels of basal 5-HT in the lateral septum and subiculum, and again showed a differential response to restraint stress from controls. Local cerebral glucose utilization (LCMRglu) revealed decreased neuronal activity in the DRN of CRFR2-null mice under basal conditions. Following 5-HT receptor agonist challenge, LCMRglu responses indicated that 5-HT(1A) receptor responses in the DRN were attenuated in CRFR2-null mice. However, postsynaptic 5-HT receptor responses in forebrain regions were intact. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that CRFR2 are required for proper functionality of 5-HT(1A) receptors in the raphe nuclei, and are key to successful recovery from stress. This disrupted serotonergic function in CRFR2-null mice likely contributes to their stress-sensitive phenotype. The 5-HT content in lateral septum and subiculum was notably altered. These areas are important for anxiety, and are also implicated in reward and the pathophysiology of addiction. The role of CRFR2 in stress-related psychopathologies deserves further consideration

    Mir-132/212 is required for maturation of binocular matching of orientation preference and depth perception

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to mediate post-transcriptional gene regulation, but their role in postnatal brain development is still poorly explored. We show that the expression of many miRNAs is dramatically regulated during functional maturation of the mouse visual cortex with miR-132/212 family being one of the top upregulated miRNAs. Age-downregulated transcripts are significantly enriched in miR-132/miR-212 putative targets and in genes upregulated in miR-132/212 null mice. At a functional level, miR-132/212 deletion affects development of receptive fields of cortical neurons determining a specific impairment of binocular matching of orientation preference, but leaving orientation and direction selectivity unaltered. This deficit is associated with reduced depth perception in the visual cliff test. Deletion of miR-132/212 from forebrain excitatory neurons replicates the binocular matching deficits. Thus, miR-132/212 family shapes the age-dependent transcriptome of the visual cortex during a specific developmental window resulting in maturation of binocular cortical cells and depth perception