861 research outputs found

    Towards Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in Nigeria: Prospect and Challenges

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    The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) according to analysts is the world biggest promise to mankind. It is a global mission with eight (8) vocal points of:  Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and women empowerment; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development. In order to achieve these objectives, MDGs goals are sub-divided into eighteen (18) clear cut targets and forty-eight (48) indicators believed to be necessary as acid-test facilitator for the achievements of these laudable goals. These laudable goals are expected to be achieved between the years 1990-2015. Nigeria being a member of global committee of nations in the time past and recent adopts various developmental plans such as  VISION 2010,NEEDS,7-Points Agenda, VISION 20:2020, SURE etc within the framework of MDG to serve as driving force to achieve these laudable projects. Achieving these goals involves a lot of commitments. The essence of this paper is to examine through the use of non-parametric statistical test, the extent to which these goals (MDG) have been achieved and make relevant suggestions to aid speedy achievement of these goals. Keywords: Enrolment Rate, Gender Equality, Millennium Development Goals, Poverty Reduction, Targets and Indicator

    Methylene Blue Dye Adsorption in Aqueous System using Microcrystalline Cellulose obtained from Sugarcane Bagasse

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    Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was prepared from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) after alkali extraction with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The prepared MCC was treated with methylene blue solution. Batch experiments were performed to investigate the effect of contact time, initial dye concentration, pH and adsorbent dosage on methylene blue adsorption. The result shows that the adsorption of methylene blue dye onto the adsorbent was influenced by adsorbent dose, dye concentration, contact time and pH values. For higher removal of dye from simulated wastewater, adsorbent dose of 0.4g and dye concentration of 200 mg/l gave optimum adsorption with percentage removal (% R) of 87.19. The adsorption capacity of methylene dye increased with increase in contact time. Also, the duration and pH for optimum adsorption were at 120 mins and pH 9 respectively. The experiment data fitted well into Freundlich isotherm. The results of this work revealed that microcrystalline cellulose from sugarcane bagasse is a potential alternative non-conventional adsorbent for treating dye effluent

    Legitimación Procesal Pasiva de las Personas Jurídicas

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    El tema que trataré es el de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas, aspecto de la ciencia del derecho que se ha discutido sin descanso en la doctrina y en la jurisprudencia internacional y, en particular, en la nacional, ahora en torno a los daños contra el medio ambiente, campo este en el que, especialmente, se manifiestan las desventajas existentes entre el necesario crecimiento económico y la imprescindible conservación de los valores naturales. De cara al siglo XXI, es necesario y obligatorio dar una respuesta; por ello, en este trabajo se efectuará un estudio sobre bajo qué presupuestos las Personas Jurídicas pueden ser sujetos del Derecho Penal y bajo qué condiciones pueden resultar penalmente responsables y, en su caso, qué sanciones se les aplicaría. Estos son los motivos que me han llevado a elegir este tema con la esperanza de que su desarrollo contribuya positivamente como un elemento más a la protección del medio ambiente

    225Autologous stem cell collection in polycythemia vera

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    Cluster Approximation for the Farey Fraction Spin Chain

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    We consider the Farey fraction spin chain in an external field hh. Utilising ideas from dynamical systems, the free energy of the model is derived by means of an effective cluster energy approximation. This approximation is valid for divergent cluster sizes, and hence appropriate for the discussion of the magnetizing transition. We calculate the phase boundaries and the scaling of the free energy. At h=0h=0 we reproduce the rigorously known asymptotic temperature dependence of the free energy. For h0h \ne 0, our results are largely consistent with those found previously using mean field theory and renormalization group arguments.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    A noncommutative Sierpinski gasket

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    A quantized version of the Sierpinski gasket is proposed, on purely topological grounds, as a C*-algebra A infinity with a suitable form of self-similarity. Several properties of A infinity are studied, in particular its nuclearity, the structure of ideals as well as the description of irreducible representations and extremal traces. A harmonic structure is introduced, giving rise to a self-similar Dirichlet form E. A spectral triple is also constructed, extending the one already known for the classical gasket, from which E can be reconstructed. Moreover we show that A infinity is a compact quantum metric space

    Influence of Uncertain Business Environment on Entrepreneurship Decision Making In Nigeria

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    Influence of uncertain business environment on entrepreneurship decision making is theoretical in nature. The paper pose that the business environment is full of  challenges, these challenges are referred to as business variables, these variables  are divided into two: controllable variables and uncontrollable variables, an entrepreneur must try in as much as possible to diagnose this uncertain business environment before investing the scarce resources. The paper has the following objectives: To determine the impact of environment on business decision, to evaluate the risk associated to investment opportunity and to examine the factors that can hindered the prospects of business in an environment. These factors could be technology, economic system, legal, competitors, and manpower etc. the paper also look at selected areas for examination such as: concept of business, concept of entrepreneurship, characteristics of business, decision making process, types decision, identification of business ventures, product life cycle, entrepreneurship and environmental scanning, SWOT analysis, plant location and layout decision. The study is significant because it has contributed to the body of knowledge, prospective entrepreneurs will also find the article useful as a guide to further study in the field of entrepreneurship, students, individual researcher will also find the articles useful, the paper has equally  helped to understand the implication of investing in an uncertain business environment in Nigeria. It is not as a result of expansion or capital, but it is traceable to inability of an entrepreneur to analyzed business environment before investing the scarce resources. This paper has equal spell out step by step that entrepreneur need to follows in order to judiciously invest these scarce resources. The paper contains about 28 pages includes references. Such as title, introduction, abstract, objectives, significance, major topics on the influence of uncertain business environment on entrepreneurship decision making, summary, conclusion and recommendations Keywords: Uncertainty, Business Environment, Entrepreneurship, Decision-Making, SWOT Analysi

    Syrjäytymisestä selviytymiseen Suomessa : Köyhyydestä ja sosiaalisista mahdollisuuksista kertovan laadullisen seuranta-aineiston (2006–2012) kuvaus

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    Syrjäytymisestä selviytymiseen Suomessa -tutkimushankkeessa kerättiin kolme laadullista seuranta-aineistoa. Ensimmäinen osa koostuu Arkipäivän kokemuksia köyhyydestä -kirjoituskilpailun 134 kirjoituksesta vuodelta 2006 ja samojen henkilöiden uusista kirjoituksista vuodelta 2012. Yhteensä kirjoituksia on 268. Toisen kokonaisuuden muodostavat saman kirjoituskilpailun 13 kirjoitusta vuodelta 2006 ja samojen henkilöiden haastattelut vuodelta 2012. Nämä kaksi kokonaisuutta on arkistoitu Yhteiskuntatieteelliseen tietoarkistoon. Kolmas aineisto koostuu diakoniarahaston avustushakemuksista joko vuodelta 2007 tai 2008 sekä näiden perusteella vuonna 2012 kerätyistä kahdestakymmenestä haastattelusta. Aineiston avulla tutkitaan ihmisten prosessinomaista selviytymistä köyhyydessä ja köyhyydestä. Sosiaalipoliittisessa tutkimuksessa selviytymisen käsitteellä ei ole systemaattista ja vakiintunutta sisältöä. Käsittelemme selviytymisen käsitteen erilaisia lähestymistapoja, kuten selviytymistä yksilön ominaisuutena ja toimintakykynä ja esittelemme aiheesta tehtyä aiempaa tutkimusta. Käymme sitten läpi aineiston keruuta ja siihen liittyviä valintoja sekä pohdimme aineiston pätevyyttä ja tutkimusetiikkaa. Syrjäytymisestä selviytymiseen Suomessa -aineiston esittely on suunnattu pääasiassa seuranta-aineistoa käyttäville tutkijoille