28 research outputs found

    Evaluation of MVNO model implementation in remote and border areas using the consistent fuzzy preference relations method

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    Law No. 36 of 1999 concerning Telecommunication has brought many changes, especially in the development of telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia. However, the penetration of telecommunications services in the forefront, outermost, and backward regions is still relatively low. The government has made various efforts in terms of minimizing the gap in telecommunication services between urban and rural areas through various programs. However, an acceleration is needed so that the service disparity can be immediately overcome. One of the telecommunications products that can be applied to overcome these barriers is the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO). This study evaluates the most appropriate type of MVNO model to be applied in Indonesia by implementing the Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations (CFPR) method. This method is able to accommodate expert opinion through a series of scientific steps so as to produce weights for each alternative type of MVNO model. The results obtained are that the most appropriate model to be applied in Indonesia by taking into account the criteria given. The implementation of this model is expected to be able to encourage the optimization of BTS USO that has been declared by the government.Law No. 36 of 1999 concerning Telecommunication has brought many changes, especially in the development of telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia. However, the penetration of telecommunications services in the forefront, outermost, and backward regions is still relatively low. The government has made various efforts in terms of minimizing the gap in telecommunication services between urban and rural areas through various programs. However, an acceleration is needed so that the service disparity can be immediately overcome. One of the telecommunications products that can be applied to overcome these barriers is the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO). This study evaluates the most appropriate type of MVNO model to be applied in Indonesia by implementing the Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations (CFPR) method. This method is able to accommodate expert opinion through a series of scientific steps so as to produce weights for each alternative type of MVNO model. The results obtained are that the most appropriate model to be applied in Indonesia by taking into account the criteria given. The implementation of this model is expected to be able to encourage the optimization of BTS USO that has been declared by the government

    Analysis of Position Angle of Arrival in Multipath Fading Channel using Correlated Double Ring Channel Model for VANET Communications

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    Correlated Double Ring channel modeling in the mobile to mobile communication system (M2M) and vehicular based communication system was pointed out. This modeling required the transmitter and receiver were randomly moving and surrounded by scatterers in a static ring. The scatterers’ positions were placed randomly at the radius of the ring of transmitter and receiver. Received signals were measured based on complex envelope parameters. Two signals propagation scenarios were implemented, they were signals of Rayleigh and Rician distributed. In order to calculate the Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope values, there were some parameters involved which were Angle of Arrival (AoA) and velocity of transmitter and receiver that created Doppler effects. The effects of AoA parameter were investigated towards envelope complex values of Rayleigh and Rician according to predetermined various velocities and scatterers’ positions were divided into four positions criteria. The simulation result shows that for scheme 2 at velocity 40 m/s, distribution magnitude for Rayleigh is 0,1 and Rician is 0,5. It concludes that Rician distribution always outperforms Rayleigh distribution for all predetermined velocities and this scheme give the largest magnitude over all. This is because of the closest distance between scatterers of transmitter and receiver. Also, certain velocities range over all scatterers’ positions, the magnitude of Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope have similar graphic tendency.Correlated Double Ring channel modeling in the mobile to mobile communication system (M2M) and vehicular based communication system was pointed out. This modeling required the transmitter and receiver were randomly moving and surrounded by scatterers in a static ring. The scatterers’ positions were placed randomly at the radius of the ring of transmitter and receiver. Received signals were measured based on complex envelope parameters. Two signals propagation scenarios were implemented, they were signals of Rayleigh and Rician distributed. In order to calculate the Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope values, there were some parameters involved which were Angle of Arrival (AoA) and velocity of transmitter and receiver that created Doppler effects. The effects of AoA parameter were investigated towards envelope complex values of Rayleigh and Rician according to predetermined various velocities and scatterers’ positions were divided into four positions criteria. The simulation result shows that for scheme 2 at velocity 40 m/s, distribution magnitude for Rayleigh is 0,1 and Rician is 0,5. It concludes that Rician distribution always outperforms Rayleigh distribution for all predetermined velocities and this scheme give the largest magnitude over all. This is because of the closest distance between scatterers of transmitter and receiver. Also, certain velocities range over all scatterers’ positions, the magnitude of Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope have similar graphic tendency

    Optimation Free Space Optic (FSO) Design with Kim Model Using Space Diversity

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    The development of communication services in remote rural areas is difficult to use cable-based systems such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and FTTx. One solution to solve this problem is to use a wireless system such as radio communication. Free Space Optic (FSO) communication system is a better choice compared to radio communication because of the flexibility of frequency usage. One of the problems of the FSO communication system is the range not too far. The range of the FSO can be increased by using the space diversity method. This study compared FSO systems that not use space diversity and FSO systems that use space diversity in three weather conditions, namely clear, haze, and fog. In taking data results using Kim model propagation with variations in the range between 100 – 2000 meters. The modulation used in this study is external modulation. The result of the analysis of FSO performance after adding space diversity, the range of FSO increases as far as 1200 meters when the condition is clear. During the haze condition, the FSO range increase as far as 800 meters. During the fog condition, the FSO range has increased as far as 300 meters. By adding space diversity, the Q-factor value has increased, and BER (Bit Error Rate) has decreased.The development of communication services in remote rural areas is difficult to use cable-based systems such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and FTTx. One solution to solve this problem is to use a wireless system such as radio communication. Free Space Optic (FSO) communication system is a better choice compared to radio communication because of the flexibility of frequency usage. One of the problems of the FSO communication system is the range not too far. The range of the FSO can be increased by using the space diversity method. This study compared FSO systems that not use space diversity and FSO systems that use space diversity in three weather conditions, namely clear, haze, and fog. In taking data results using Kim model propagation with variations in the range between 100 – 2000 meters. The modulation used in this study is external modulation. The result of the analysis of FSO performance after adding space diversity, the range of FSO increases as far as 1200 meters when the condition is clear. During the haze condition, the FSO range increase as far as 800 meters. During the fog condition, the FSO range has increased as far as 300 meters. By adding space diversity, the Q-factor value has increased, and BER (Bit Error Rate) has decreased


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    One problem causing reduction of energy in satellite communications system is the misalignment of earth station antenna pointing to satellite. Error in pointing would affect the quality of information signal to energy bit in earth station. In this research, error in pointing angle occured only at receiver (Rx) antenna, while the transmitter (Tx) antennas precisely point to satellite. The research was conducted towards two satelites, namely TELKOM-1 and TELKOM-2. At first, measurement was made by directing Tx antenna precisely to satellite, resulting in an antenna pattern shown by spectrum analyzer. The output from spectrum analyzers is drawed with the right scale to describe swift of azimuth and elevation pointing angle towards satellite. Due to drifting from the precise pointing, it influenced the received link budget indicated by pattern antenna. This antenna pattern shows reduction of power level received as a result of pointing misalignment. As a conclusion, the increasing misalignment of pointing to satellite would affect in the reduction of received signal parameters link budget of downlink traffic

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja FBMC-OQAM Pada Transmisi Citra QR Code Menggunakan Ekualisasi Zero Forcing

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    Wireless communication applications in the future require high data rate and efficient spectrum services. To be able to provide a high bit rate we can use plural modulation or multicarrier. The use of FBMC OQAM modulation aims to provide increased performance compared to the previous modulation, namely OFDM, this is due to the use of FBMC with its orthogonality properties and the use of OQAM which has a stronger advantage over the dispersion effect and has a high data rate. To get the information signal issued, ZF (Zero Forcing) equalization is used. Simulation results show that FBMC OQAM with ZF can reduce BER from 0.4275 at SNR 0 dB to 0.01231 at SNR 25 dB. Whereas the OQAM without ZF FBMC has a BER value of 0.513 at SNR 0 dB to 0.5212 at SNR 25 dB. This shows that the FBMC OQAM using ZF has a lower BER value than the FBMC OQAM without ZF.  Keywords : FBMC, OQAM, ZF, SNR, BERAbstrakAplikasi komunikasi nirkabel di masa depan menuntut pelayanan data rate yang tinggi dan spektrum yang efisien. Untuk dapat menyediakan laju bit yang tinggi dapat menggunakan modulasi jamak atau multicarrier. Penggunaan modulasi FBMC OQAM bertujuan memberikan peningkatan unjukkerja dibandingkan dengan modulasi sebelumnya yakni OFDM, hal ini karena penggunaan FBMC dengan sifat orthogonalitasnya dan penggunaan OQAM yang memiliki keunggulan lebih kuat terhadap efek dispersi serta memiliki kecepatan data yang tinggi. Untuk mendapatkan sinyal informasi yang dikirimkan, digunakan ekualisasi ZF (Zero Forcing). Hasil simulasi menunjukkan FBMC OQAM dengan ZF dapat menurunkan BER dari nilai 0,4275 pada SNR 0 dB menjadi 0,01231 pada SNR 25 dB. Sedangkan pada FBMC OQAM tanpa ZF memiliki nilai BER 0,513 pada SNR 0 dB menjadi 0,5212 pada SNR 25 dB. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa FBMC OQAM menggunakan ZF mempunyai nilai BER yang lebih rendah dibandingkan FBMC OQAM tanpa ZF. Kata Kunci : FBMC, OQAM, ZF, SNR, BER

    Analysis And Performance Comparison of Microwave And WiFi 802.11ac Based Backhaul For Long Term Evolution Network In Urban Area

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    Increasing user requirements for LTE networks, data traffic from eNodeB to core network is also increases, therefore, the recommended solution for meeting this high data traffic is to use a backhaul network design. Backhaul is the path or network used to connect eNodeB with the core network. In this research, backhaul technology used is wi-fi 802.11ac backhaul and microwave backhaul. In this study begins by collecting existing data, then perform capacity calculations to find out the number of eNodeB needed and to find out the capacity of the backhaul links to be designed, then determine the antenna height to achieve LOS conditions, then calculate the desired performance standards and calculate the backhaul network link budget on microwave and wi-fi technologies. Based on the calculation results in terms of capacity, the total user target is 90,167 users and has a throughput capacity per eNodeB of 61 Mbps. In the link-capacity calculation, the total link capacity is 427 Mbps. From the simulation results that using microwave technology, the average RSL value is -30.90 dBm, the value meets the -57 dBm threshold standard and the value of availability does not meet the standard of 99.999% because the average value obtained is 99.998095%. Whereas for wi-fi technology, the average RSL value is -39.24 dBm and meet the -72 dBm threshold standard, for the average availability value meets 99.999% standard, with a value of 100%. From the results of the two technologies, can be conclude that the wi-fi technology is more suitable for the use of backhaul network design in Ciputat Sub-district.Increasing user requirements for LTE networks, data traffic from eNodeB to core network is also increases, therefore, the recommended solution for meeting this high data traffic is to use a backhaul network design. Backhaul is the path or network used to connect eNodeB with the core network. In this research, backhaul technology used is wi-fi 802.11ac backhaul and microwave backhaul. In this study begins by collecting existing data, then perform capacity calculations to find out the number of eNodeB needed and to find out the capacity of the backhaul links to be designed, then determine the antenna height to achieve LOS conditions, then calculate the desired performance standards and calculate the backhaul network link budget on microwave and wi-fi technologies. Based on the calculation results in terms of capacity, the total user target is 90,167 users and has a throughput capacity per eNodeB of 61 Mbps. In the link-capacity calculation, the total link capacity is 427 Mbps. From the simulation results that using microwave technology, the average RSL value is -30.90 dBm, the value meets the -57 dBm threshold standard and the value of availability does not meet the standard of 99.999% because the average value obtained is 99.998095%. Whereas for wi-fi technology, the average RSL value is -39.24 dBm and meet the -72 dBm threshold standard, for the average availability value meets 99.999% standard, with a value of 100%. From the results of the two technologies, can be conclude that the wi-fi technology is more suitable for the use of backhaul network design in Ciputat Sub-district

    Performance Analysis of FBMC O-QAM System Using Varied Modulation Level

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    Communication channels that are affected by various disturbances will cause a high Bit Error Rate (BER). To maximize the performance of the channel in the future, Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) technique is used as a renewal of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). FBMC has better spectrum efficiency properties due to the nature of orthogonality which only divides bandwidth for sub-channels. The purpose of the research was to knowing the performance of FBMC Offset QAM (FBMC O-QAM) which has a variation of modulation levels of 4-QAM, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM. The Zero Forcing (ZF) method is used to detect the original signal sent by the transmitting antenna. System performance in this study was measured by parameter Bit Error Rate (BER) and channel capacity. The results showed that the FBMC O-QAM system with ZF has decreased BER value on each modulation. At the time of modulation 4 QAM has a BER value of 0.0008945 with an SNR value of 20 dB. Modulation 16 QAM also experienced the same thing when the SNR value of 20 dB has BER value of 0.001856, and at modulation 64 QAM has BER value of 0.01766 at a SNR of 20 dB. Besides decreasing the BER parameters, the FBMC O-QAM ZF system has own characterize in channel capacity. For the 4-QAM has 4.808 b/s/Hz, 16-QAM has 4.627 b/s/Hz, and 64-QAM has 3.903 b/s/Hz at SNR 20 dB. It conclude that 4-QAM has a best channel capacity enhancement. The value of channel capacity generated based on simulations using Zero Forcing shows an increase in value along with an increase in SNR, but has a smaller value compared to channel capacity in theory

    Planning of Indoor Femtocell Network for LTE 2300 MHz on Railways Carriages Using Radiowave Propagation Simulator 5.4

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    The indoor communication system is a system to solve the problem of weak signals received by placing a Femtocell Access Point (FAP) indoor area. The design of an indoor cellular communication network system is carried out using the Radiowave Propagation Simulator 5.4. The parameters observed were Received Signal Level (RSL) and Signal to Interface Ratio (SIR). The case study is the passenger carriage of the executive, business and economy passenger class. The research includes link budget calculations based on coverage and capacity by considering the type of train carriage material and train passenger capacity. The calculation results based on capacity obtained 1 FAP for executive and business class train passenger cars, while economy class train passenger cars obtained 2 FAP. The best scenario for executive class namely scenario 1A, the receiver gets average RSL of approximately -32.26 dBm and SIR of 0 dB. The best scenario for business class namely scenario 2A, the receiver gets average RSL of approximately -32.57 dBm and SIR of 0 dB.  The best scenario for economy class namely scenario 3A, the receiver gets average RSL of approximately -29.80 dBm and the receiver gets average SIR of approximately 6.97 dBThe indoor communication system is a system to solve the problem of weak signals received by placing a Femtocell Access Point (FAP) indoor area. The design of an indoor cellular communication network system is carried out using the Radiowave Propagation Simulator 5.4. The parameters observed were Received Signal Level (RSL) and Signal to Interface Ratio (SIR). The case study is the passenger carriage of the executive, business and economy passenger class. The research includes link budget calculations based on coverage and capacity by considering the type of train carriage material and train passenger capacity. The calculation results based on capacity obtained 1 FAP for executive and business class train passenger cars, while economy class train passenger cars obtained 2 FAP. The best scenario for executive class namely scenario 1A, the receiver gets average RSL of approximately -32.26 dBm and SIR of 0 dB. The best scenario for business class namely scenario 2A, the receiver gets average RSL of approximately -32.57 dBm and SIR of 0 dB.  The best scenario for economy class namely scenario 3A, the receiver gets average RSL of approximately -29.80 dBm and the receiver gets average SIR of approximately 6.97 d

    Aplikasi Perhitungan LOSS Sambungan SKSO Dengan Menggunakan Handphone Berbasis Java (J2ME)

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    Dunia Teknologi Informasi (TI) telah berkembang pesat salah satunya adalah bahasa pemrograman. Ada beberapa bahasa pemrograman, diantaranya adalah Java. Program Java yang digunakan adalah Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) digunakan untuk menjalankan dan mengembangkan aplikasi-aplikasi Java pada perangkat semacam handphone, PDA (Personal Digital Assistance) Palm, dan poket PC. Hasil studi pemanfaatan handphone sebagai media perencanaan di perhitungan link budget di ilmu telekomunikasi menunjukkan hasil ada peningkatan efisiensi dan kecepatan waktu dalam proses perhitungan. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan hal yang sama, namun untuk perhitungan loss sambunganDunia Teknologi Informasi (TI) telah berkembang pesat salah satunya adalah bahasa pemrograman. Ada beberapa bahasa pemrograman, diantaranya adalah Java. Program Java yang digunakan adalah Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) digunakan untuk menjalankan dan mengembangkan aplikasi-aplikasi Java pada perangkat semacam handphone, PDA (Personal Digital Assistance) Palm, dan poket PC. Hasil studi pemanfaatan handphone sebagai media perencanaan di perhitungan link budget di ilmu telekomunikasi menunjukkan hasil ada peningkatan efisiensi dan kecepatan waktu dalam proses perhitungan. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan hal yang sama, namun untuk perhitungan loss sambunga

    Studi Perancangan Jaringan Worldwide Interoperability For Microwave Access (Wimax) Di Area Banyumas

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    At present the need for higher internet connection along with the age which is growing so fast. Then there is the latest breakthrough in telecomunications that is WiMAX technology is a wireless broadband technology reffered the IEEE 802.16 standard. WiMAX technology comes with a network of excellence in aspects of data access speed, wide area coverage and the presence of QoS is can allocate frequencies in accordance with user needs using OFDM technology. WiMAX technology can reach area far as 50 kilometers, also allows user equipment (customer premise equipment or CPE) to get a broadband connection without having a direct path (non line of sight, NLOS) to the base station (BS) and provides a total data rate of up to 75 Mbps. Results of this Final project assumed that the area where will be design is Banyumas district. Then final project results of the PRX -100.31 dB; the Total Margin of 23.56 dB; Path los of 134.5 dB; gamma (?) of 4.375; Frequency correction factor (?PLf) of 0,36; antenna correction factor (?PLh) is -3,25; Radius Cells (d) is approximately 1995 meters; area of cell is at 10,34010495 km2 and the number of cells 133Saat ini kebutuhan akan internet semakin tinggi seiring dengan perkembangan jaman yang semakin maju. Maka ada terobosan terbaru dalam bidang telekomunikasi yaitu WiMAX yang merupakan teknologi broadband  wireless dengan standar IEEE 802.16. Teknologi jaringan WiMAX hadir dengan keunggulan di aspek kecepatan akses data, luas daerah jangkauan dan hadirnya QoS yang dapat mengalokasikan frekuensi sesuai dengan kebutuhan user menggunakan teknologi OFDM. Teknologi WiMAX dapat menjangkau area sejauh 50 kilometer, juga memungkinkan peralatan pengguna (customer premise equipment atau CPE) untuk mendapatkan hubungan broadband tanpa harus ada lintasan langsung (non line of sight, NLOS) ke base station (BS) dan menyediakan total data rate hingga 75 Mbps. Hasil Penelitian ini diasumsikan daerah yang akan jadi tempat perancangan adalah Kabupaten Banyumas. Maka dapat diperoleh nilai PRx sebesar -100,31 dB; nilai Total Margin sebesar 23,56 dB; Path loss sebesar 134,5 dB; gamma (?) sebesar 4,375; Faktor koreksi frekuensi (?PLf) sebesar 0,36; Faktor koreksi antena (?PLh) adalah -3,25; Radius Sel (d) adalah sebesar 1995 meter; Luas Sel adalah sebesar 10,34010495 km2  dan jumlah sel adalah 133.&nbsp