7 research outputs found


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    Kerang hijau merupakan organisme laut yang terancam karena kontaminasi logam berat seperti timbal dan tembaga yang ada pada perairan Teluk Lampung. Selain mengancam organisme kerang, logam berat juga menjadi ancaman bagi organisme simbion. Bakteri yang terpapar logam berat secara terus menerus nantinya akan bisa beradaptasi (resistansi) dengan cemaran logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan bioakumulasi kerang hijau asal Teluk Lampung dan menguji kemampuan resistensi bakteri simbion terhadap logam berat timbal (Pb) dan tembaga (Cu) serta melakukan identifikasi molekular untuk mengetahui jenis dari bakteri simbion yang terpilih. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis kandungan logam berat pada sampel air dan kerang hijau kemudian diisolasi bakteri simbionnya dan diseleksi menggunakan media Luria Bertani agar dengan menambahkan konsentrasi logam berat, kemudian diuji tingkat ketahanannya terhadap logam berat Pb dan Cu yang ditambahkan terus menerus dari konsentrasi 100 ppm sampai 1000 ppm hingga bakteri tidak dapat tumbuh lagi secara maksimal. Setelah itu, dilakukan identifikasi molekular untuk mengetahui jenis bakteri dan direkonstruksi untuk melihat kedekatan molekular. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa air dan kerang hijau telah melebihi baku mutu dan isolat bakteri resisten terhadap logam berat Pb pada kisaran 100-1000 ppm dan logam berat Cu pada kisaran 100-700 ppm. Identifikasi molekular terhadap sampel terpilih yaitu STL09 dan STL11 menunjukkan bahwa bakteri simbion merupakan jenis dari spesies bakteri Bacillus sp.Green mussels are marine organisms that are threatened due to heavy metal pollution such as lead and copper in marine waters. In addition, to threatening shell organisms heavy metals are also a threat to symbiont organisms. Bacteria exposed to heavy metals continuously will later be able to adapt (resistance) to heavy metal contamination. This study aims to determine the concentration of heavy metals lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) in green mussels from Lampung Bay and to test the resistance of symbiotic bacteria to Pb and Cu as well as to conduct molecular identification to determine the type of selected symbiotic bacteria. This research was conducted by analyzing the content of heavy metals in water samples and green mussels then isolated the symbiotic bacteria and selected using Luria Bertani agar by adding heavy metal concentrations, then tested the level of resistance to Pb and Cu which were added continuously from concentrations of 100 ppm to 1000 ppm to bacteria can no longer grow optimally. After that, molecular identification was carried out to determine the type of bacteria and reconstructed to see the molecular proximity. The results showed that the water and green mussels had exceeded the quality standard and were classified as polluted. Bacterial isolates were resistant to Pb in the range of 100-1000 ppm and Cu in the range of 100-700 ppm. Molecular identification of the selected samples, namely STL09 and STL11, showed that the symbiont bacteria were a type of bacterial species Bacillus sp


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    Microplastics (MPs) have been found in various marine compartments especially in fish, and there is limited information regarding the accumulation of MPs in fish organs. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the presence of microplastics in economically important fish organs (Hemiramphus far, Siganus virgatus, and Lethrinus lentjan) at Barranglompo Island Waters, Makassar, and also to identify the characteristics of microplastics including color, shape, and size. Each organ was extracted using KOH 20% and the MPs characteristics were observed visually using a stereomicroscope. The result showed that MPs were found in gills, gastrointestinal tract, and flesh of three fish species. The detection rate of MPs in H. far, S. virgatus, and L. lentjan was 100%, 100%, and 82%, respectively. The most common MP color was blue, the shape was predominantly line, and the most abundant size range was 1–5 mm. Further studies are needed to investigate the accumulation of MPs in fish organs experimentally in the laboratory.Mikroplastik (MP) telah ditemukan di berbagai lingkungan laut khususnya pada ikan, dan informasi terkait akumulasi mikroplastik pada organ-organ ikan masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan keberadaan mikroplastik pada organ insang, saluran pencernaan, dan daging ikan ekonomis penting (Hemiramphus far, Siganus virgatus, dan Lethrinus lentjan) di perairan Pulau Barranglompo, Makassar, serta mengidentifikasi karakteristik mikroplastik meliputi warna, bentuk, dan ukuran. Setiap organ diekstraksi menggunakan KOH 20% dan pengamatan karakteristik MP dilakukan secara visual menggunakan mikroskop stereo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mikroplastik ditemukan di insang, saluran pencernaan, dan daging dari ketiga spesies ikan. Tingkat deteksi mikroplastik pada masing-masing H. far, S. virgatus, dan L. lentjan adalah 100%, 100%, dan 82%. Karakteristik warna mikroplastik didominasi oleh biru, bentuk mikroplastik didominasi oleh line, dan kisaran ukuran mikroplastik didominasi 1–5 mm. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk melihat akumulasi mikroplastik pada setiap organ secara eksperimental di laboratorium


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    Aaptos aaptos and Petrosia sp. sponges are known for their ability to produce potential marine bioactive compound. As a metazoan animal with simple body structure, the morphology and it association with symbiont-bacteria could influence their bioactive compound both type and activity, as much as their habitat adaptation. In order to determine morphology and its cell biomass of Aaptos aaptos dan Petrosia sp., samples were taken from the West Pari Island, at 7 m depth. Preserved samples (in 4% formaldehyde) were examined using a histological mounting and centrifugation method to separate the cells fraction of sponge’s tissues. A. aaptos sponge has a soft body structure with 55.9% skeleton-forming fraction, 14.2% sponge cell fraction and 29.9% bacteria fraction. Meanwhile, Petrosia sp. sponge has a rigid body with dominant skeleton-forming fraction (68.6%), and lesser sponge cell and bacteria associated (19.7% and 11.7%, respectively).Keywords: A. aaptos, Petrosia sp, morphology, cell biomas


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    A seagrass ecosystem has high productivity that supports many species of associated invertebrates, including sponges. However, seagrass beds with different habitat condition, including seagrass species composition and architectural morphotypes could affect the associative sponge in the ecosystem.   This study is aimed to find out about sponge species composition in different seagrass beds. The observation was conducted in two seagrass ecosystems at the east (site 1) and at the southeast (site 2) of Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu, near Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. The Belt Transect was used to assess the density of sponges on the seagrass ecosystem, which was placed parallel to the coastline. The sponges species has higher number at the east than the southeast, with both sites was dominated by Spirastrella sp. and Agelas conifera. Correspondence Analysis (CA) results showed that sponges community has close interaction with seagrass abundance especially Cymodocea rotundata and Enhalus acoroides and architectural characteristic (patchily or continues meadows). Antibacterial assay of sponges tissue showed that only 7 sponge species has activity against targeting bacteria. The CA results also showed that sponge antibacterial activity was not correlated with seagrass species, with low bactericide and bacteriastatic activities. The implication of this result showed that sponges community can grow up at seagrass ecosystem eventhough their potential secondary metabolite activities is very low probably due to lack of stimulus mechanisms in the environment.

    Effective DNA extraction method for metagenomic analysis of rhizosphere bacteria from mangrove sediments

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    Mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata, grows in the intertidal area, which contains much organic matter and varying salinity. The organic matter content is influenced by the bacterial community that inhabits the ecosystem, but information regarding the bacterial community, especially in the mangrove root system, is not widely available. There are several challenges in completing this information, one of which is that the method used is still in a conventional form. Developments in environmental DNA analysis can support and complement this information. However, this method must be optimized because the organic matter content and salt variations affect the extraction results. Thus, this study aimed to determine the optimal approach for extracting bacterial DNA from mangrove sediments. The analysis used two methodologies: manual DNA extraction techniques based on buffer modification and DNA extraction kits. There were four different treatments, namely the soil DNA isolation plus kit (M1), the fecal / soil microbial quick-DNA miniprep kit (M2), glass powder with charcoal (M3), and glass powder with skimmed milk (M4). DNA samples were obtained from each method and assessed for concentration and purity using a nanodrop. In addition, the resulting DNA's quality was analyzed using 1.5% agarose. The results obtained were in the M2 treatment, which showed optimal results compared to the others. M2 uses a bead-based beating and spin column method to achieve optimal DNA concentration through high molecular weight. The DNA obtained was also protein-free, and several samples were contaminated with humic acid, namely KL.S1, KL.S4, and T7.S4. Keywords: Bacteria 16S Bead beating DNA Extraction Sediment Spin colum

    Kontaminasi Mikroplastik pada Perna viridis di Teluk Lampung

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    Fisheries activity in Lampung Bay which has been very active in recent years is the cultivation of green mussels (P. viridis) for consumption. Located in Teluk Betung Timur sub-district, this is considered appropriate because of the environmental parameters that support the life of P. viridis. The location of P. viridis cultivation is not far from coastal settlements (±500-600 m from settlements). Anthropogenic activities of coastal residents as well as the use of plastic materials in the cultivation are concerned to be the source of microplastic contamination that found in P. viridis. This study aims to determine the presence and characteristics of microplastics in P. viridis as well as to compare the abundance of microplastics in the gills and digestive organs. Taking 30 P. viridis by purposive sampling with homogeneous size. The samples were analyzed by microplastics in chemical oceanography and biology micro Laboratory, FPIK, IPB University. P. viridis tissue was destructed by using 10% KOH solution at a ratio of 1:3 (m/v) at 60 °C for 24 hours and then filtered using a 1.6 µm Whatman GF/A filter paper. Abundance of microplastics in whole soft tissue were 0.53±0.7 mgl/g. The gill organs were found to be more microplastic than the digestive organs (p<0.05). The fragments microplastic is most commonly found in intact tissues and digestive organs, while fiber is mostly found in the gills of P. viridis. Blue color and size <100 µm were most commonly found in intact tissues, gills and digestive organs of P. viridis.  Kegiatan perikanan di Teluk Lampung yang sangat aktif dalam beberapa tahun ini yaitu kultivasi kerang hijau (P. viridis) konsumsi. Berlokasi di kecamatan Teluk Betung Timur, hal ini dinilai tepat karena parameter lingkungan yang menunjang kehidupan P. viridis. Lokasi pembesaran P. viridis tidak jauh dari pemukiman penduduk pesisir (±500-600 m dari pemukiman). Kegiatan antropogenik penduduk pesisir juga penggunaan material plastik pada sistem pembesaran dikhawatirkan dapat menjadi sumber cemaran mikroplastik yang terdapat pada P. viridis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan karakteristik mikroplastik pada P. viridis juga membandingkan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada insang dan organ pencernaan. Pengambilan 30 P. viridis secara purposive sampling dengan ukuran homogen. Analisis mikroplastik dilakukan di laboratorium oseanografi kimia dan biologi mikro, FPIK, Universitas Pertanian Bogor. Destruksi jaringan P. viridis dengan menggunakan larutan KOH 10% perbandingan 1:3 (m/v) pada suhu 60 °C selama 24 jam lalu difiltrasi menggunakan filter paper whatman GF/A 1,6 µm. Mikroplastik tubuh kerang utuh yaitu 0,53±0,7 mgl/g. Organ insang lebih banyak ditemukan mikroplastik dibandingkan organ pencernaan (p<0,05). Bentuk fragmen paling banyak ditemukan di jaringan utuh dan organ pencernaan, sedangkan fiber banyak ditemukan di insang P. viridis. Warna biru dan ukuran <100 µm paling banyak ditemukan di jaringan utuh, insang maupun organ pencernaan P. viridis

    eDNA metabarcoding of decapod crustaceans across Indonesian seas has implications for biodiversity conservation and fisheries sustainability

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods are increasingly viewed as alternate or complementary approaches to conventional capture-based surveys for marine conservation and fisheries management purposes, especially at large spatial scales in mega-biodiversity regions such as Indonesia. Decapod crustacean distribution and diversity across Indonesia are still poorly known, even for economically important fisheries commodities. This study assessed coral reef associated decapod diversity and distribution by sampling 40 sites in three regions (West, Central, East), representing 17 provinces and 10 Fisheries Management Areas (FMAs) across Indonesia, with a special focus on the blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus. DNA sequencing (Illumina iSeq100) data were analysed in mBRAVE (Multiplex Barcode Research And Visualization Environment) yielded 406 OTUs belonging to 32 families, with 47 genera and 51 species identified. The number of families identified was highest in the Central region (25), while the most genera (31) and species (36) were identified in the West region. Alpha diversity did not differ significantly between regions or provinces, while Beta diversity differed significantly between provinces but not between regions. Our results also showed 31 species are possibility native based on the distribution meanwhile 12 species do not appear to have been recorded based of SeaLifeBase or WorMS. While providing a reference for further exploration of Indonesian coastal and small island decapod biodiversity, the high proportion of unidentified taxa calls for concerted efforts to develop and maintain reference specimen and sequence repositories and expand species conservation status assessments. The economically important decapod crustaceans identified in this study included three crabs (Charybdis anisodon, Charybdis japonica, Portunus pelagicus), a freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense), a lobster (Panulirus stimpsoni) and two penaeid shrimps (Mierspenaeopsis hardwickii and Trachysalambria aspera). For most decapod taxa, observed patterns indicate management under existing provincial and/or FMA level management structures is appropriate. Furthermore, the data can inform science-based fisheries management strategies, in particular for P. pelagicus