738 research outputs found

    Pengenalan Otomasi Perpustakaan di Pesantren Darul Falah Muhammadiyah Malua Kabupaten Enrekang

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    The school library is a supporting unit for teaching and learning activities, for this reason the library needs to provide various services that can be utilized by students and teachers. One of the services that is important to provide is library automation services. Library Automation is the utilization of information technology for activities in the library including procurement, processing, storage and dissemination of information. With the existence of an automation system in the library, it is hoped that the processing of library collection data will be faster and easier. This community service activity was carried out as an effort to introduce automation-based library services at the Darul Falah Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School library, Enrekang Regency. The activity was carried out for one (1) face-to-face day, namely Wednesday 13 July 2022. The participants in this activity were librarians, as well as all teaching and educational staff at the Darul Falah Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School, Enrekang Regency

    The Influence of Climatic Factors on Semen Parameters of Merino Rams in A Tropical Environment

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    Blended Learning Method to Optimize English Language Learning in Non-English Language Education Departments at Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang

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    Limited time to direct learning in class often made learning English less effective, especially for classes with various levels of English proficiency. In a higher education climate that demands active learning, English teachers often find it difficult to help students whose English competency was below average to catch up with their peers who had good competence. In general, this compulsory course was only held for one semester. In fact, the target of learning English on campus was generally quite high, namely to make students had sufficient English proficiency so that they could write academic papers in English as an international language. To help overcome these obstacles, this study offers the use of the blended language learning method, which was a learning method that complements direct learning with distant learning using the internet. Blended language learning was able to complement the lack of direct time in class with distance learning using internet media. This research was the result of writer's experience in applying this method for one academic year along with the results obtained from the application of the blended language learning method in the teaching process. With the application of the blended language learning method, the writer found that language learning at the college level could be more effective, efficient, and more student-centered even though the author still faces some obstacles in its application

    Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Pembelajaran Daring Media Whatsapp

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    Penelitian ini melibatkan komunikasi antar siswa SDK Serang Kecamatan Bungin Kabupaten Enrekang dalam pembelajaran daring melalui media WhatsApp. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis komunikasi antar siswa selama pembelajaran online melalui WhatsApp dan efektivitas komunikasi antar siswa selama pembelajaran online melalui WhatsApp. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan teknik wawancara informan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori difusi inovasi. . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa inovasi yang dilakukan oleh siswa SDK Serang di Kabupaten Bungin Kabupaten Enrekang dengan menerapkan pembelajaran online dengan media utama WhatsApp menciptakan pembelajaran interaktif dan komunikasi interpersonal yang dilakukan oleh siswa, guru dan orang tua dibangun menggunakan media whatsapp  dinilai cukup efektif


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    This scientific work aims to collect literature related to ethnomathematics models in elementary schools to provide mathematical literacy which is expected to be a learning reference for educators/teachers and students in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes which are managed from various kinds of information, such as: books, journals, articles, other scientific works. In this study, 5 (five) published journals were taken so that the data or theory presented was sufficiently strong and clear. The method used in this scientific work is library research where library research is used to collect various data sources or theories that support the formation of this scientific work

    Level of Testosterone, Libido, and Sperm Quality of Bligon, Kejobong, and Etawah Cross-Bred Bucks

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the comparison and correlation among testosterone concentrations, libido, and sperm quality of Bligon, Kejobong, and Etawah Cross-bred (PE) bucks at similar age, feed, and season. Samples used were 9 bucks (3 Bligon, 3 Kejobong, and 3 PE) of approximately 18 months of age. The testosterone was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Libido observation was quantified at the first time of sniffing, mounting, and finally ejaculation. Sperm was collected by using artificial vagina. The reesults showed that Kejobong’s testosterone in the morning (12.00±6.56 ng/ml) was significantly different compared to PE (6.82±4.18 ng/ml), whereas Bligon’s testosterone in the morning (9.23±4.73 ng/ml) was similar compared to Kejobong and PE. The best time of Kejobong’s libido was in the morning (6.77±5.96; 11.27±8.10, and 18.45±8.27 sec.) and in the afternoon (8.89±7.97; 11.03±8.74, and 21.05±9.60 sec.). The motility and concentrations of Kejobong’s spermatozoa (75.67±6.51% and 5838.67±140.90 x106/ml) were significantly different compared to Bligon (60.67±9.61% and 4625.33±129.72 x106/ml) and PE (63.13±8.33% and 3756.00±52.76 x106/ml. It could be concluded that Bligon and PE bucks have the similar testosterone concentration, and the libido and sperm quality of Kejobong is better than Bligon and PE bucks. Animal Production 15(2):76-82, May 201

    Persepsi Pemustaka Terhadap Sikap Pustakawan pada Layanan Sirkulasi di Perpustakaan Sekertariat Wilayah Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Hasil penelitian pada skripsi yaitu: Persepsi pemustaka terhadap sikap pustakawan yang berkaitan dengan aspek kehandalan bahwa pustakawan mempunyai daya tanggap yang cukup baik dalam pencarian judul buku, cepat dalam merespon pertanyaan pemustaka, serta kemampuan pustakawan dalam berkomunikasi sebagian besar sudah baik. Namun sebagian pustakawan kurang tanggap dalam merespon masalah pemustaka; Persepsi pemustaka yang berkaitandengan aspek empati bahwa sebagian pustakawan memiliki sikap simpatik yang baik dengan adanya sapa, senyum dan pelayanan dari pustakawan yang sudahditerapkan kepada pemustaka, pustakawan mempunyai standar kesopanan untuk pelayanan, pustakawan mempunyai tutur kata yang baik kepada pemustaka, namun masih ada juga beberapa pustakawan yang kurang memiliki sikap simpatik; Persepsi pemustaka yang berkaitan dengan aspek perhatian bahwa sikap peduli berkaitan dengan aspek perhatian dinilai mampu lebih dekat dan bersahabat, namun beberapa informan menganggap kepedulian pustakawan kurang baik, karena tidak semua pustakawan di layanan sirkulasi peduli dalam pencarian koleksi. Aspek perhatian yang berkaitan dengan tindak lanjut dapatdikatakan baik, hal ini dibuktikan dengan semua usulan atau pendapat pemustaka ditindak lanjuti dan di apresiasikan dengan baik oleh pustakawan. Sikap proaktif pustakawan di layanan sirkulasi kurangp roaktif, hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan kurang aktifnya pustakawan dalam melayani pemustaka

    Pelatihan Sempoa Jari di SD Negeri No. 172 Enrekang

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    Pembelajaran matematika merupakan mata pelajaran wajib di Sekolah Dasar. Bagi sebagian besar Siswa, mata pelajaran matematika merupakan mata pelajaran yang menyenangkan, namun tak jarang juga Siswa merasa anti dengan pelajaran ini. Tim dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang melakukan observasi terkait minat Siswa terhadap pelajaran matematika di SD Negeri No. 172 Enrekang, dan teramati bahwa masih banyak siswa yang merasa kurang tertarik dengan pembelajaran matematika. Menindak lanjuti hal tersebut, Tim kemudian melaksanakan pengabdian berupa pelatihan sempoa jari kepada Siswa Kelas empat (4). Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masayarakat ini dilaksanakan  di ruang kelas SD Negeri No. 172 Enrekang selama satu (1) hari, yaitu pada tanggal 17 April 2022. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu minat Siswa kelas 4 di SDN No. 172 sangat tertarik untuk menerapkan sistem sempoa jari dalam pembelajaran matematika

    In Vitro Motility, Velocity and Capacitation Status of Merino Ram Spermatozoa

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of Merino rams on the in vitro motility, velocity and capacitation status of ram spermatozoa. Four rams of proven fertility were used in this study. Semen was collected by electro ejaculation. The fresh semen was diluted at four dilutions in Hepes buffered synthetic oviduct fluid. A sample of semen was collected and the motility, velocity and capacitation status of spermatozoa determined and analyzed. The results study showed that motility and velocity of Merino rams spermatozoa were not significantly different. The mean average path velocity (VAP), straight-line velocity (VSL) and curvilinear velocity (VCL) were 91.2 µm/s, 72.2 µm/s and 134 µm/s, respectively. Amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH), beat cross frequency (BCF) and linearity (LIN) was 5.5 µm, 19.5 Hz, and 54.7%, respectively. During the incubation time, progressively more spermatozoa became capacitated such that at the end of the incubation, 40.9±0.9% was capacitated acrosome-intact and 29±2.5% was capacitated acrosome-reacted. In conclusion, the motility and velocity of Merino spermatozoa were similar among rams. There were differences among rams in the capacitation profile; however there was no significant effect of incubation time and dilution rate on the capacitation status
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