21 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Base Learning (PBL) pada Pembelajaran IPA

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    The study, entitled "Application of the Problem Base Learning Model in Science Lessons at SMPN 3 Selong" aims to determine the influence of students in  understanding  the  concept  of  learning  science  in  the  classroom.  The research subjects were students of class VIII at SMPN 3 Selong, namely class VIII A and class VIII B, with the data retrieval process using a written test of 5 items of description. The average value obtained in the control class is 65.48 while the experimental class is 85.48 with a difference of 20 points. For the hypothesis value   = 2.042 while   = 1.079 from the results of the calculation of the hypothesis test results of learning science students obtained    =, then the hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an influence in the application of the Problem Base Learning model in science learning at SMP 3 Selon

    Pengaruh Wawasan Kevokasionalan Siswa SMP di Kecamatan Selong Terhadap Minat Melanjutkan di SMK

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    This research aimed to describe (1) how much vocationalization insight that junior high school students had on vocational high school as a working world education (X1), understanding the types of skills (X2), and understanding of the working world (X3) on the interest to continue to vocational high school (Y); (2) how much is the vocationalization insight influence in junior high school students year IX comprised of vocational high school as a working world education (X1), understanding the types of skills (X2), and understanding of the working world (X3) on the interest to continue to vocational high school (Y). This research was survey research using a quantitative approach. The samples were 197 students that were determined using a proportionate random sampling technique. The sample size determination referred to the Isaac & Michael table with 5% error rate. The data collection used questionnaire, document, and observation. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic. The results showed that (1) X1, X2, and X3 variables entered the high category with the percentage values of 60%, 57%, and 51.2% or good variables for the interest to continue to vocational high school; (2) the X1, X2, X3 variables influenced the Y variable with the correlation coefficient of 0.580, 0.564, and 0.479 respectively, and together, X1, X2, and X3 variables influenced the Y variable with the correlation coefficient of 0.727.  

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa

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    A research has been conducted entitled the application of problem-based learning methods to the physics learning outcomes of class VIII students at SMPN 3 Selong. This study aims to see whether there is an effect of problem-based learning methods on student learning outcomes in the subject of motion in class VIII SMPN 3 Selong. This type of research is quantitative by measuring learning outcomes from the post test results given at the end of the lesson. The population used in this study was class VIII, which amounted to 320 people with a total sampling technique method of taking only two classes, namely class VIII D as the control class and class VIII E as the experimental class. The research hypothesis was carried out using the t-test with the results obtained  = 5.023  = 1.763 using a significant level of 5%. With this, the conclusion is  rejecte


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    Pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan konseling baik layanan bimbingan klasikal, bimbingan kelompok, konseling kelompok atau konseling individu tentunya akan lebih menarik jika pelaksanaan layanan dipadu dengan penggunaan teknologi sebagi media layanan. Salah satu platform yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan desain yaitu canva. Canva merupakan sebuah aplikasi desain grafis, selain canva saat ini banyak media dengan mengguanakan augmented reality (AR), salah satu platform yang dapat digunakan untuk merancang AR adalah Assemblr EDU. Namun kenyataannya tidak semua guru BK menguasai cara membuat media layanan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dilakukan pelatihan pembuatan media layanan bagi guru BK. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan bagi guru bimbingan konseling guna menguatkan kemampuan dalam pembuatan media layanan yang menarik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara daring berbantu google meet. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh bahwa pada pernyataan materi yang disampaikan jelas, data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa adanya keberhasilan pelaksanaan pelatihan pembuatan media layanan bagi guru BK dengan singkatan MELANI” (Media Layanan Konseling Kekinian), walaupun dalam proses pembuatan media ditemukan beberapa kendala baik berkaitan dari materi maupun dari sinyal disebabkan pelatihan dilaksanakan dengan metode daring

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Base Learning (PBL) dalam Pembelajaran Fisika

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    A study entitled the application of the PBL (Problem Base Learning) learning model to the physics learning outcomes of class VIII students at SMPN 3 Selong has been carried out. This study aims to see whether there is an influence of the PBL (Problem Base Learning) learning model on student learning outcomes in the subject of style and motion in class VIII SMPN 3 Selong. This type of research is quantitative by measuring learning outcomes from the post-test results given at the end of learning. The population used in this study was class VIII, totaling 100 people. The total sampling technique took only two classes, namely class VIII A as the experimental class and class VIII B as the control class. The research hypothesis was carried out using the t test with the results obtained ?ℎ????? = 7.023 ?????? = 1.763 ?0 rejected ?1 accepted using a significant level of 5%

    Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Diskusi Kelompok Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Peserta Didik

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    The study aimed to find out how the physics learning outcomes of class VII students of SMPN 3 Selong increase in terms of temperature and heat. The research subjects were class VII students at SMPN 3 Selong, namely Class VII B and VII C, with the data collection process using a cognitive test in the form of a written test in the form of an essay totaling 10 questions. The average value obtained in the experimental class using the group discussion method obtained an average value of 77.85, while in the control class using conventional methods obtained an average value of 55.60 with a difference in value of 22.25 points. The hypothesis calculation obtained a t_count value of 3.052 while a t_table of 1.092. From the results of the calculation of the hypothesis test for physics learning outcomes in the subject of temperature and heat for class VII students of SMPN 3 Selong, the value is ?ℎ???????????, then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an increase in physics learning outcomes for class VII students in implementing it using the group discussion method

    Rancang Bangun “Siwani” Media Pembelajaran Perakitan Komputer Di Masa Covid 19

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    Currently the world is facing a big problem, namely the emergence of corona virus disease (covid-19), the entry of this virus inhibits all human activities, including in the field of education. Based on interviews with teachers of computer subjects and basic networks, the subject of computer assembly in the learning process is still hampered by time when learning theory during the Covid-19 period, the application of current learning is using whatsapp groups, where the teacher provides material files and assignments. Online learning with this whatsapp group is considered less than optimal from both teachers and students resulting in students having difficulty understanding the material, based on these problems a solution is given by developing learning media with the name "SIWANI". The objectives of this research are: 1) to build SIWANI as a learning media for computer assembly; 2) determine the feasibility of SIWANI as a learning media for computer assembly; 3) knowing students' responses to SIWANI as a learning media for computer assembly. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model. The results showed that the material expert feasibility test obtained an average of 85% with a very feasible category. While the feasibility test by media experts obtained an average percentage of 81% with a very feasible category. While student responses obtained an average percentage of 83% with a very high category


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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan mitra dengan lomba penulisan karya ilmiah tingkat madrasah dan siswa yang belum memiliki prestasi karya ilmiah, seperti tips menulis proposal penelitian, hasil penelitian ilmiah yang belum dipublikasikan, atau siswa belum melakukannya dengan baik di Madrasah Young Researcher Supercamp (MYRES) dalam rangka Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Berikut ini adalah bagaimana pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan: 1) Teknik Pengajaran; 2) Metode Tanya Jawab; dan Metode Simulasi untuk menjelaskan kepada mahasiswa pentingnya kiat-kiat dalam menulis proposal penelitian dan karya ilmiah serta memotivasi mereka, maka dipilihlah metode ceramah. Baik saat menerima petunjuk cara melaksanakan karya ilmiah maupun saat praktik, format pertanyaan dan jawaban sangat penting bagi peserta pelatihan. Metode simulasi ini sangat penting bagi peserta pelatihan karena memberi mereka kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan apa yang telah mereka pelajari. Ini memungkinkan mereka melihat seberapa baik mereka dapat menerapkan kegiatan penulisan ilmiah teknis dan masalah apa yang perlu diperbaiki nanti. Penilaian latihan dilakukan pada saat interaksi dan menjelang akhir persiapan, pada bagian pencapaian target persiapan dan selanjutnya pada pelaksanaan persiapan. Penilaian siklus dan hasil (pencapaian penyusunan target) dilakukan dengan dokumentasi. Sementara itu, kuesioner digunakan untuk menilai berbagai aspek pelaksanaan pelatihan. Dua pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur keberhasilan pemberian bantuan penulisan karya ilmiah adalah: 1) Penilaian selama tindakan, dan (2) penilaian setelah tindakan selesai. Indikator penilaian rata-rata telah melampaui indikator keberhasilan pada pertemuan kedua, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pendampingan penulisan karya ilmiah dalam rangka persiapan Madrasah Young Researcher Supercamp (MYRES) berhasil ditetapkan sebesar 80%


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    Di era digital saat ini, kemampuan TIK dan literasi sangat dibutuhkan. Hal ini dikarenakan mudahnya masyarakat termakan berita bohong atau lebih dikenal dengan HOAX. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mendampingi dan meningkatkan kemampuan TIK dan literasi digital bagi siswa siswi SMK dan MA di Desa Tembeng Putik. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melalui pelatihan dan praktik langsung, serta penyampain materi melalui ceramah dan diskusi. Materi pelatihan berupa Photoshop dasar, Micrososft Words dasar, instalasi komputer, dan pemanfaatan teknologi dalam literasi digital. Secara keseluruhan hasil yang didapatkan yaitu terbentuknya pemahaman dan kemampuan peserta dalam memanfaatkan TIK, baik penggunaannya dalam literasi digital, instalasi komputer, maupun dalam penggunaan perangkat lunak yang diajarkan. Hampir semua peserta mampu mengoprasikan aplikasi yang diajarkan, sehingga tujuan dari kegiatan ini tercapai

    Pelatihan pembuatan dan editing video bagi guru SD untuk menghadapi Era Industri 4.0

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    The Industrial 4.0 Era encourages educators to be able to apply information technology in the learning process. One application of technology in the learning process is the use of learning videos. Especially during the current Covid 19 pandemic that applies online learning, videos can be an alternative source for learning. However, in reality, many teachers in Indonesia cannot make learning videos. Online learning is currently mostly only in the form of providing material from textbooks, discussions via WA, visiting students' homes to give assignments, and so on, so it is not optimal. Therefore, this training activity aims to train teachers in making learning videos so that teachers have other alternatives as a source of student learning. This activity is in the form of training in making and editing videos using the Bandicam application, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, and the Kinemaster application. The results of this activity are participants/teachers for the Bandicam application with a 100% success rate, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 100% success rate, Kinemaster the first stage success rate 70%, then the second stage 100%.Era Industri 4.0 mendorong para pendidik untuk dapat menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satu penerapan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran adalah penggunaan video pembelajaran. Apalagi pada masa pandemi Covid 19 saat ini yang menerapkan pembelajaran daring, video pembelajaran dapat menjadi alternatif sumber belajar. Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya banyak guru di Indonesia tidak memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat video pembelajaran. Pembelajaran daring saat ini kebanyakan hanya berupa pemberian materi dari buku pelajaran, diskusi melalui WA, mendatangi rumah siswa untuk memberikan tugas, dan lain-lain, sehingga belum maksimal. Oleh karena itu kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk melatih guru-guru dalam membuat video pembelajaran, sehingga guru memiliki alternatif lain sebagai sumber belajar siswa. Kegiatan ini berupa pelatihan pembuatan dan editing video menggunakan aplikasi bandicam, Microsoft power point 2013, dan aplikasi Kinemaster. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta/guru untuk aplikasi bandicam tingkat keberhasilan 100%, Microsoft power point 2013 tingkat keberhasilan 100%, kinemaster tingkat keberhasilan tahap pertama 70% selanjutnya tahap ke 2 100%