871 research outputs found

    Kreativitas Guru PAI dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to discover how PAI teachers' creativity in improving the quality of Islamic education at SD Negeri Edit. The method used in this discussion is a field study, to be precise at SD Negeri Sunting. The approach used is qualitative. namely a study aimed at describing and analyzing phenomena, events of social activity, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of thought. The results of the discussion show as follows. (1) The creativity of PAI teachers in improving the quality of Islamic education at SD Negeri Sunting is already in the good category. It can be seen that PAI teachers always participate in MGMP (Subject Teacher Deliberations) activities in improving Islamic Religious Education in schools. (2) The supporting factor for the creativity of PAI teachers in improving the quality of learning at SD Negeri Sunting is the support factor from the principal himself. Where the principal always provides the widest possible opportunity and support in developing the quality of PAI teachers. This support is in the form of moral and financial according to the ability of the school. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor is the lack of financial support provided in realizing teacher creativity in efforts to improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education learning in schools

    Pendidikan Pesantren Aceh Anti Radikalisme

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bahwa pendidikan pesantren di Aceh anti radikal. Pesantren di Aceh lebih dikenal dengan sebutan “Dayah” adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang secara khusus mengajarkan dasar-dasar keislaman (teologi) bagi santrinya. Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional yang berkembang luas di Indonesia. Pesantren atau Dayah pada umumnya, mengajarkan budaya damai dan lebih banyak menampakkan karakter Islam yang moderat dan bermartabat. Pesantren-pesantren yang ada di Aceh maupun lainnya, terutama yang bermazhab Syafi’i, menampilkan sikap akomodasi yang seimbang dengan budaya setempat sehingga pesantren mengalami pembauran dengan masyarakat secara baik. Pesantren dalam pandangan masyarakat dikenal sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang bersifat tradisional yang bertujuan untuk memahami, menghayati, dan mengamalkan ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari. Pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang tumbuh dari masyarakat, pesantren telah turut berperan menyelenggarakan proses pendidikan yang telah mentransmisikan ilmu holistik, sehingga jika tradisi pendidikan ini dijaga, maka pesantren akan mampu menghasilkan ilmuwan Muslim yang memiliki kompeten


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    The Leadership in the perspective of Islamic education is not only a discussion of how the implementation of one's leadership, but also includes the regeneration of leadership. Efforts to create and prepare prospective future leaders must begin from the educational process, how the authorities can embrace each component of education, starting from educators, parents, the community to practice Islamic values in order to realize the character of the leader to students. Most articles related to leadership tend to discuss the concept of behaviour and efforts or managerial of a leader in carrying out his leadership duties, while in the perspective of Islamic education, the researcher saw the importance of leadership education, through the building of the character of educators who are trustworthy, responsible, honest and fair in education. Models of leadership education in the classroom, school and among community based role models are believed can create the educational institution outputs which is not only individually useful, but also socially beneficial since they have been trained as potential leaders with Islamic values. Therefore that leadership training will be able to minimize and eliminate the crisis of trust and failure in achieving educational goals. Keyword: Islamic Education, Leadership.

    Some Notes On Literacy, Writing And Hegemonic Positioning

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    This article discusses the ideological meaning of literacy and how it should be considered before we attempt to develop various writing programs. Writing as one of main forms of human communication is prone to being ill-defined. This may lead to certain injustices in our education world, especially when literacy is not defined or seen as an ideological concept. The most familiar example of this in a learning context is that we tend to view literacy as reading and writing ignoring other values and potentials that a learner brings to a classroom such as her socio-cultural background. In the face of such challenges, this article therefore presents a conceptual framework which could serve as a reminder for educators before they attempt to develop their various education programs. The author hopes that the article would help educators determine where they should stand along this imaginary continuum of ideological literacy


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    This article discusses the ideological meaning of literacy and how it should be considered before we attempt to develop various writing programs. Writing as one of main forms of human communication is prone to being ill-defined. This may lead to certain injustices in our education world, especially when literacy is not defined or seen as an ideological concept. The most familiar example of this in a learning context is that we tend to view literacy as reading and writing ignoring other values and potentials that a learner brings to a classroom such as her socio-cultural background. In the face of such challenges, this article therefore presents a conceptual framework which could serve as a reminder for educators before they attempt to develop their various education programs. The author hopes that the article would help educators determine where they should stand along this imaginary continuum of ideological literacy.This article discusses the ideological meaning of literacy and how it should be considered before we attempt to develop various writing programs. Writing as one of main forms of human communication is prone to being ill-defined. This may lead to certain injustices in our education world, especially when literacy is not defined or seen as an ideological concept. The most familiar example of this in a learning context is that we tend to view literacy as reading and writing ignoring other values and potentials that a learner brings to a classroom such as her socio-cultural background. In the face of such challenges, this article therefore presents a conceptual framework which could serve as a reminder for educators before they attempt to develop their various education programs. The author hopes that the article would help educators determine where they should stand along this imaginary continuum of ideological literacy

    Comparison analysis on scaling the vertical and lateral NMOSFET in nanometer regime

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    Conventional lateral and vertical n-channel MOS transistors with channel length in the range of 100 nm to 50 nm have been systematically investigated by means of device simulation. The comparison analysis includes critical parameters that govern device performance. Threshold voltage VT roll-off, leakage current Ioff drain saturation current IDsat and sub-threshold swing S were analyze and compared between the device. Due to double gate (DG) structure over the side of silicon pillar a better electrostatics potential control of channel is obtained in vertical device shown by an analysis on VT roll-off. A two decade higher of Ioff in planar device is observed with Lg = 50 nm. A factor of three times larger IDsat is observed for vertical MOSFETs compared to planar device. The sub-threshold swing S remains almost the same when the Lg larger than 80 nm. It increased rapidly when the Lg is scaled down to 50 nm due to the short channel effect SCE. However, the vertical device has a steady increase whereas the planar device has suffered immediate enhance of SCE. The analysis results confirmed that vertical MOSFET with double-gate structure is a potential solution to overcome SCE when scaled the channel length to 50 nm and beyond

    Tanggung Jawab Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Perlindungan Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah dalam perlindungan alih fungsi lahan pertanian berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Pidie. Adapun masalah yang menjadi kajian adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah dalam perlindungan alih fungsi lahan pertanian berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Pidie?Secara metodologis, penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis empiris menggunakan Data Primer, yaitu data yang diperoleh dari sejumlah keterangan atau fakta di lapangan melalui wawancara dengan pejabat Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kabupeten Pidie, Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah di Kabupaten Pidie, Pejabat Dinas Pertanian dan pangan Kabupaten Pidie, serta pejabat yang betanggung jawab terhadap izin mendirikan bangunan di Kabupaten Pidie. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan tanggung jawab yuridis Pemerintah Kabupaten Pidie dalam perlindungan alih fungsi lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan belum terlaksana. Adanya Qanun tentang LP2B akan memberikan kepastian hukum tentang kewenangan Perlindungan Lahan pertanian Pangan pada tingkat SKPD dan terbentuknya pola koordinasi antar instansi sehingga dapat menjadi pedoman teknis dalam pengendalian alih fungsi lahan. Tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah berkaitan dengan kewajiban hukum secara administrasi terhadap publik dengan adanya akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, dan responsivita

    A model for knowledge portal to support communities of practice

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    Communities of practice (CoP) are groups of individuals with common interest who communicate and share knowledge among their respective group. The use of knowledge portals for CoP will assist the exchange of knowledge, thus it promotes the learning process. Nevertheless, such portals may encounter many challenges to draw the interest among the members in sharing their knowledge voluntarily. As the result, the portals face inactive participants among the members. Knowledge sharing system such as knowledge portal is useless without knowledge sharing activity among its members. In order to encourage users to share their knowledge, we first must uncover the underlying problems on why the users are reluctant to share their knowledge through the knowledge sharing system. This paper reviews the current obstacles in knowledge sharing among CoP and proposes a model to support the needs that software engineers may consider when designing a knowledge portal

    The diversity of moth fauna (lepidoptera: heterocera) according to altitudes of Taman Negara Johor, Gunung Ledang

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    A total of 1113 individuals of moths representing 167 species in 118 genera under 17 families have been recorded for Johore National Park, Gunung Ledang, based on five sampling occasions conducted on 28 May – 2 June 2014 (P1), 25 – 30 June 2014 (P2), 20 – 25 July 2014 (P3), 17 – 22 August 2014 (P4) and 17 – 22 September 2014 (P5). Samplings had been done at three locations based on different altitudes i.e. location L1 (1100 m), L2 (700 m) and L3 (310 m). The main objective of this research is to provide a preliminary inventory and faunistic aspect of moth in Gunung Ledang. At every sampling location L1, L2 and L3, passive sampling was conducted using light traps of 160 watt mercury vapour light. Samplings were conducted at 1900 to 2300 hours during a dark moon phase. The Margalef’s Species Richness Index (R’) according to the sampling month shows the highest species richness was in P5 (R’ = 12.55) and the lowest at P2 (R’ = 8.28). The R’ value based on altitude shows that the highest was at L1 (R’ = 15.67) and the lowest was at L2 (R’ = 11.50). Analysis of the Shannon Diversity Index (H’) and Evenness Index (E’) based on sampling month shows that the highest H’ was at P5 (H’ = 3.73) and the lowest at P2 (H’ = 3.02) The highest value of E’ was recorded at P5 (E’ = 0.67) and the lowest at P2 (E’ = 0.41).The highest H’ value following altitude was at L1 (H’ = 3.67) and the lowest was at L2 (H’ = 3.47), whereas the highest E’ value was recorded at L3 (E’ = 0.54) and the lowest at L1 (E’ = 0.38). As a whole, the plotted species accumulation curve plotted shows that the curve does not reach the asymptote meaning that further sampling must be done to reach the asymptote. Lyssa zampa (Butler) appeared as the most common species spatially (found in every altitudes) and temporally (found in 12 out of 15 subsamplings). The most abundance species in Gunung Ledang was Pogonopygia nigralbata Warren with total of 131 individuals recorded, whereas the totals of 78 species have been identified as rare species. The highest percentage of overlapping species following sampling month is between P3 and P4 (75%), whereas following altitude is between L2 and L3 (100%)

    Sleeping Habits and Academic Performance of Library and Information Science Undergraduates in Nigeria

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    Introduction: The workload of studying library and information science (LIS) at undergraduates in Nigeria often accompanieschallenging sleeping habits. Hence, this study examined the influence of sleeping habits on the academic performance of LIS undergraduates in Nigeria. Methods: The study adopts a mixed-methodsstrategy, using  concurrent triangulation. Data were collected using a Web-based questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Interview sessions were carried out with twelve participants using the Zoom application, and a total of 291 LIS undergraduates completed the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the research questions and test hypotheses, respectively. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the transcribed interview report. Results: It was revealed that most  LIS undergraduates (85.6%) had good sleep quality during the examination period compared to  no examination (14.1%). It was shown that there is a statistically significant effect of levels of study on students’ sleep duration (p-value = 0.02) and a statistically significant effect of types of institution on sleep quality (p-value = 0.03). The thematic analysisfound that sleep duration positively influences academic performance while sleep quality negatively influences academic performance. Conclusion: It was established that LIS undergraduates have adequate sleep duration and sleep only when there is no examination. This implies that their sleep quality and duration are inadequate during the examination period, indicating that they do not have a healthy sleep habit. Moreover, it was established that sleep duration and sleep quality affect theacademic performance of LIS undergraduates