38 research outputs found
Perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat menghasilkan berbagai inovasi canggih salah satunya teknologi robot yang digunakan untuk membantu dalam perawatan pasien di ruang Ruang perawatan intensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perspektif perawat dalam penggunaan teknologi robot dalam perawatan pasien di ruang ruang perawatan intensif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Partisipan penelitian sebanyak 10 perawat ruang perawatan intensif yang ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara sesuai dengan pedoman wawancara yang telah dipersiapkan. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan metode Elo dan Kyngas. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan 3 tema yaitu efek positif penggunaan teknologi robot di ruang ruang perawatan intensif diantaranya teknologi robot membantu pekerjaan perawat, membantu dalam perawatan pasien dan bekerja sesuai dengan program, kemudian efek negatif penggunaan teknologi robot di ruang ruang perawatan intensif diantaranya caring perawat ke pasien berkurang, menimbulkan kecemasan pada pasien dan pengoperasian yang menjadi kendala. Kebutuhan perawat terkait pengoperasian teknologi robot di ruang ruang perawatan intensif. Penggunaan teknologi robot dalam perawatan pasien memberikan efek positif dan negatif. Penggunaan robot lebih dipentingkan untuk memaksimalkan peran perawat dalam memberikan perawatan pada pasien
Empowerment of Housewives in Processing Bawis Fish Chips in The Home Industry Abadi Rasa: Pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Pengolahan Keripik Ikan Bawis Pada Industri Rumahan Abadi Rasa
This study aims to describe the process of empowering the processing of bawis fish chips and the results of empowering housewives at the Abadi Rasa Home Industry, Gunung Telihan Village, Bontang City. This research uses a qualitative descriptive use of data carried out by observation methods, interviews, and documentation studies with the research subjects being the owners of the Abadi Rasa Home Industry and the mothers of members of the Abadi Rasa Home Industry. Data analysis techniques use data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data uses source tringulation and triangulation techniques. The results of the research in this study are the process of empowering housewives in the processing of bawis fish chips consisting of three stages, namely the awareness stage by means of socialization, the stage of knowledge transformation using training with a practical approach.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pemberdayaan pengolahan keripik ikan bawis dan hasil dari pemberdayaan ibu rumah tangga pada Home Industry Abadi Rasa, Kelurahan Gunung Telihan Kota Bontang. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif penggunaan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi dengan subjek penelitian adalah pemilik Home Industry Abadi Rasa dan ibu-ibu anggota Home Industry Abadi Rasa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data menggunakan tringulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah Proses pemberdayaan ibu rumah tangga dalam pengolahan keripik ikan bawis terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu tahap penyadaran dengan cara sosialisasi, tahap transformasi pengetahuan menggunakan pelatihan dengan pendekatan praktek. tahap pemandirian dengan pendampingan dan pemberian kuasa untuk mandiri
Perawatan Spiritual pada Pasien Kanker Payudara
This study aims to get an overview of Islamic spiritual interventions that can be applied to breast cancer patients. The research method used in this research is scoping review based on the Arksey and O'Malley way by searching articles through Databased: EBSCO, SpringerLink, Pubmed, ProQuest, Science Direct, and Scopus and using the keywords "spiritual care intervention" or "spiritual intervention" AND "nurse" AND "breast cancer." The results showed that the articles reviewed, namely articles published from 2017 to 2022 with the specified criteria, were found in 11 pieces. In conclusion, Islamic spiritual interventions that can be applied to breast cancer patients include dhikr therapy, spiritual counseling, nursing care based on support-based spiritual care models, religious-spiritual psychotherapy, and group spiritual interventions based on the Koran and Islam.
Keywords: Spiritual Care Intervention, Breast Cancer, Nurs
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Early Warning Score in Critical ill Patients: Scoping Review
Early Warning Score (EWS) systems can identify critical patients through the application of artificial intelligence (AI). Physiological parameters like blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate are encompassed in the EWS. One of AI's advantages is its capacity to recognize high-risk individuals who need emergency medical attention because they are at risk of organ failure, heart attack, or even death. The objective of this study is to review the body of research on the use of AI in EWS to accurately predict patients who will become critical. The analysis model of Arksey and O'Malley is employed in this study. Electronic databases such as ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, and SpringerLink were utilized in a methodical search. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA SR) guidelines were utilized in the creation and selection of the literature. This analysis included a total of 14 articles. This article summarizes the findings on several aspects: the usefulness of AI algorithms in EWS for critical patients, types of AI algorithm models, and the accuracy of AI in predicting the quality of life of patients in EWS. The results of this review show that the integration of AI into EWS can increase accuracy in predicting patients in critical condition, including cardiac arrest, sepsis, and ARDS events that cause inhalation until the patient dies. The AI models that are often used are machine learning and deep learning models because they are considered to perform better and achieve high accuracy. The importance of further research is to identify the application of AI with EWS in critical care patients by adding laboratory result parameters and pain scales to increase prediction accuracy to obtain optimal results
AbstrakICU merupakan suatu unit dengan pasien yang menerima perawatan intensif dan monitoring yang ketat. Untuk itu, diperlukan perawat yang terlatih secara khusus dengan menggunakan teknik yang canggih dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar dari pasien. Dengan membangun keseimbangan antara aspek perawatan pasien dan teknologi, perawat akan dapat memberikan perawatan yang lebih efisien dengan kualitas yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman perawat tentang caring berbasis teknologi pada pasien kritis di intensive care unit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologi. Penelitian dilakukan di Himpunan Perawat Critical Care Jawa Tengah. Partisipan penelitian sebanyak 10 perawat yang ditentukan dengan metode purpose sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam kepada partisipan selama 40-60 menit sesuai dengan pedoman wawancara yang telah disusun sebelum penelitian. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan tiga tema yaitu kompetensi penggunaan teknologi menjadi bagian dari caring yang harus dimiliki perawat, keseimbangan perilaku caring dan kompetensi teknologi perawat di ruang pelayanan kritis, serta maleficient dan beneficient. Perawat ICU harus berperilaku caring yang ditunjukkan dengan memiliki kompetensi yang tinggi pada penggunaan teknologi agar terciptanya perawatan yang lebih baik untuk pasien kritis. Kata kunci: Caring berbasis teknologi, perawat ICU, pasien kritis, intensive care unit AbstractThe nurses’ experiences of technology-based caring in critical patients in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a unit in which patients receive intensive care and strict monitoring. For this reason, nurses who are specifically trained to use sophisticated techniques and able to meet the basic needs of patients are needed. By developing a balance between the aspects of patient care and technology, nurses will be able to provide more efficient care with higher quality. This study aimed to describe the nurses’ experiences of technology-based caring in critical patients in the intensive care unit. This study was qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach conducted at the Critical Care Nurse Association of Central Java. The participants were ten nurses selected by using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with the participants for 40-60 minutes based on the prepared interview guidelines. The collected data were analyzed using the Colaizzi method.  The results showed three themes that technological competence to be part of the caring that nurses must have, the balance between nurses’ caring behaviors and technological competence in the critical area, then, maleficient and beneficient. Nurses should behave caring which is shown by having high competence using of technology to provide better care for critical patients. Keywords: Caring based on technology, critical nurse, critical patient, intensive care uni
AbstrakICU merupakan suatu unit dengan pasien yang menerima perawatan intensif dan monitoring yang ketat. Untuk itu, diperlukan perawat yang terlatih secara khusus dengan menggunakan teknik yang canggih dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar dari pasien. Dengan membangun keseimbangan antara aspek perawatan pasien dan teknologi, perawat akan dapat memberikan perawatan yang lebih efisien dengan kualitas yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman perawat tentang caring berbasis teknologi pada pasien kritis di intensive care unit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologi. Penelitian dilakukan di Himpunan Perawat Critical Care Jawa Tengah. Partisipan penelitian sebanyak 10 perawat yang ditentukan dengan metode purpose sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam kepada partisipan selama 40-60 menit sesuai dengan pedoman wawancara yang telah disusun sebelum penelitian. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan tiga tema yaitu kompetensi penggunaan teknologi menjadi bagian dari caring yang harus dimiliki perawat, keseimbangan perilaku caring dan kompetensi teknologi perawat di ruang pelayanan kritis, serta maleficient dan beneficient. Perawat ICU harus berperilaku caring yang ditunjukkan dengan memiliki kompetensi yang tinggi pada penggunaan teknologi agar terciptanya perawatan yang lebih baik untuk pasien kritis. Kata kunci: Caring berbasis teknologi, perawat ICU, pasien kritis, intensive care unit AbstractThe nurses’ experiences of technology-based caring in critical patients in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a unit in which patients receive intensive care and strict monitoring. For this reason, nurses who are specifically trained to use sophisticated techniques and able to meet the basic needs of patients are needed. By developing a balance between the aspects of patient care and technology, nurses will be able to provide more efficient care with higher quality. This study aimed to describe the nurses’ experiences of technology-based caring in critical patients in the intensive care unit. This study was qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach conducted at the Critical Care Nurse Association of Central Java. The participants were ten nurses selected by using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with the participants for 40-60 minutes based on the prepared interview guidelines. The collected data were analyzed using the Colaizzi method.  The results showed three themes that technological competence to be part of the caring that nurses must have, the balance between nurses’ caring behaviors and technological competence in the critical area, then, maleficient and beneficient. Nurses should behave caring which is shown by having high competence using of technology to provide better care for critical patients. Keywords: Caring based on technology, critical nurse, critical patient, intensive care uni
Islam-Based Caring for the Harmony of Life among Moslem Critically Ill Patients
Background: The application of more humanized approaches in the caring process of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients with the aim of improving the quality of care has been given a growing attention However, there are limited studies regarding the Islam-based caring for the Moslem populations in Indonesia. Aim: This study aimed to explore and describe the caring actions employed by nurses to enhance the harmony of critically ill Muslim patients. Method: This study was conducted on 24 nurses working in the ICU for a minimum of 2 years, as well as patients and their families and a physician. An action research approach was used to develop an Islam-based caring model for the ICU patients. The study population was selected through purposive sampling technique. The data were colected using in-depth interviews and three focus group discussions. Results: The analysis of the obtained data resulted in the emergence of two main themes, including outcomes of the caring practice and harmony of the life of Moslem critically ill patients. The caring actions aimed at promoting the harmony of life for the critically ill patients were presented and discussed. Implications for Practice: The findings of this study are valuable for nursing professionals in enhancing the harmony of life for critically ill patients
Background: Family involvement in the care of critically ill patients positively impacts treatment outcomes and patient well-being. Nursing technology has become an essential tool in facilitating family engagement
Aims: This study aims to conduct a systematic review of nursing technology that supports family involvement in critically ill patients.
Methods: This article utilized a systematic review method. Articles were assessed using the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist. The instruments were the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Randomized Controlled Trials and the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Cohort Studies. Literature from the past five years was obtained from four databases: Science Direct, Scopus, Springer Link, and ProQuest.
Results: Out of 148 articles, 15 were analyzed. Various technologies (such as web-based platforms, tablets, SMS tools, and video conferencing) were used to provide information, enhance decision-making, and provide virtual access to family conferences. Although interventions varied, "Information sharing" and "Activation and participation" were most commonly implemented in the family involvement model. In studies that discussed the components of family involvement more comprehensively, interventions allowed for information adjustment through two-way communication and active family participation in the decision-making process.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this systematic review, it can be concluded that nursing technology has great potential in supporting family involvement in critically ill patients. This technology can significantly improve family well-being, communication, and decision-making. Further research can focus on a deeper understanding of the emotional impact experienced by families of critically ill patients due to the use of technology
Risiko VAP pada pasien terintubasi ventilasi mekanik disebabkan oleh tabung endotrakeal yang terpasang invasive memungkinkan masuknya bakteri secara langsung ke saluran pernapasan bagian bawah. VAP Bundle Care terbukti dapat mengurangi VAP dan meningkatkan hasil positif bagi pasien. Pengetahuan perawat menjadi salah satu indikator keberhasilan VAP Bundle Care karena pengetahuan berpengaruh terhadap terbentuknya perilaku perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan perawat ICU tentang intervensi mandiri VAP Bundle Care. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode survey. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu total sampling. Sebanyak 100 perawat ICU berpartisipasi. Pengambilan data menggunakan critical care nurses’ knowledge of evidence based guidelines for preventing ventilator associated pneumonia: an evaluation questionnaire. Face validity dan item validity telah dilakukan. Hasil reliabilitas kuesioner memiliki koefisien alpha 0,529. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis univariate dengan bentuk distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 65% perawat ICU memiliki pengetahuan sedang tentang intervensi mandiri VAP Bundle Care. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah lebih banyak perawat ICU yang memiliki pengetahuan sedang daripada perawat dengan pengetahuan kurang. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi saran baik perawat, instansi rumah sakit, institusi pendidikan, peneliti selanjutnya untuk memaksimalkan pengetahuan tentang VAP Bundle Care. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan perawat, unit perawatan intensif, vap bundle care, ventilasi mekanik Abstract Analysis of nurse knowledge about mandiri intervention of associated pneumonia bundle care in patients with mechanical ventilation in intensive care units. Risks of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in intubated patients receiving mechanical ventilation is due to an invasive endotracheal tube that may enable bacteria to enter directly into the lower respiratory tract. VAP bundle care has been proven to reduce VAP and improve positive outcomes for patients. Nurses’ knowledge is one of the indicators of the success of VAP bundle care since it influences the formation of nurses’ behaviors. This study aimed to identify the knowledge level of ICU nurses about VAP bundle care independent intervention. This study employed a quantitative descriptive design with survey methods. A total of 100 ICU nurses recruited using total sampling participated in this study. The data were collected using the critical care nurses and ventilator-associated pneumonia: an evaluation questionnaire. The face validity and item validity tests were performed. The result of the reliability test obtained an alpha coefficient of 0.529. The collected data were analyzed using a univariate analysis in the form of frequency distribution. The results showed that 65% of the ICU nurses had a moderate level of knowledge about VAP bundle care independent intervention. This study concluded that more ICU nurses had a moderate level of knowledge than those who had an inadequate level of knowledge. This study is expected to be a suggestion for nurses, hospital agencies, educational institutions, and further researchers to optimize the knowledge of VAP bundle care Keywords: Intensive Care Unit, Nurses’ Knowledge, Mechanical Ventilation, VAP Bundle Care
Surgery is an actual or potential threat to someone’s integrity which can generate stress. Stress in pre-operative patients may occur due to the inability of patients to cope with psychological threats posed by the condition of their disease. Music intervention is able to help the body get relaxed to reduce stress. This study aimed to analyze the effects of music intervention on reducing stress in preoperative patients. The present study used a one group pretest posttest quasi-experimental design. The samples were 60 patients recruited using purposive sampling. An intervention of Indonesian pop music therapy, which had been analyzed by music experts, was given with a duration of 20 minutes. Data were collected using the Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire. The results showed that 63.3% of patients had a moderate level of stress prior to the intervention, and after the intervention, it was indicated that 73.3% of patients had mild stress. The results revealed that there was an effect of music intervention on reducing the stress level in pre-operative patients (p = 1.00 > 0.8). The intervention of music therapy with a duration of 20 minutes could reduce the stress level in preoperative patients. This study is expected to be a valuable input for patients, families, nurses, and hospitals to maximize the use of music intervention to reduce stress in patients.
Keyword: Music Intervention, Stress, Preoperative Patient