7,245 research outputs found

    Radiographic Study of Developmental Alteration in Tooth Number Among Children in IIUM Dental Clinic

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    Background: The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence, distribution and association of developmental alteration in tooth number with gender, location, and presence of delayed eruption of tooth among children who attended to Student's polyclinic of IIUM Kuantan, Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional study on total 727 Orthopanthomograms (OPGs) of 3-17 years old children from April 2009 to July 2012. OPGs with presence of alteration number were scrutinized to find out the prevalence, distribution and association. The data was analyzed comparing gender, location and presence of delayed eruption and tested using Chi-square test. Results: Out of 727 OPGs, 71 OPGs showed developmental alteration in tooth number. The prevalence was 98/1000 OPGs within 3 years. Among those 71 OPGs, the gender differences were: males (49.3%) and females (50.7%). Locations were found in maxilla (45.1%), mandible (40.8%) and both (14.0%). The finding of delayed eruption was (7.0%). There were significant differences between alteration in tooth number with location as (p<0.05) while there were no significant differences with gender and delayed eruption as (p>0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that hyperdontia was considerably lower than hypodontia. There was association between alteration in tooth number with location, but no association with gender and delayed eruption

    The Impact of Supervisory Inputs on Postgraduate Students

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    Pengawasan telah menjadi isu utama dalam studi di sekolah pascasarjana. Pengawasan dapat didefinisikan sebagai hubungan orang per orang secara intensif dan interpersonal. Pengawas dirancang untuk dapat memfasilitasi perkembangan akademik mahasiswa baik terkait dengan tugas maupun penelitian mereka. Paper ini menunjukkan betapa kompleksnya bidang pengawasan terhadap mahasiswa, yang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya latar belakang sosial, kepribadian pengawas dan mahasiswa, hubungan yang berkembang di antara mereka, keahlian pengawas, dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh para mahasiswa. Paper ini mendiskusikan pentingnya input-input kepengawasan dalam proses pengawasan, dan juga meneropong hakikat interaksi sosial antara pengawas dengan mahasiswa. Sasaran yang dituju dalam paper ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pengawasan yang efektif terhadap mahasiswa sekolah pascasarjana guna menghasilkan modal sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Kata kunci : pengawasan, mahasiswa pascasarjana, input kepengawasan, dan pengawasan efekti

    A Conceptual Framework of Service Quality and Patient Loyalty in Muslim Friendly Healthcare

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate equalize of service quality in friendly Muslim hospitals and establish a conceptual framework that shows the relationship between service quality, patient satisfaction and loyalty. This research is founded on a comprehensive study of current literature on quality of hospital care, patient satisfaction, and patient loyalty. Important reviews of these literature studies have resulted in the determination and interpretation of service quality dimensions and the development of a relationship between service quality, patient satisfaction and patient loyalty. This paper determined five main aspects through which patients service quality in Muslim friendly hospitals.Thesefiveareasaretangibles,empathy, assurance, reliability and responsiveness. The framework indicates a direct link between quality of care, patient satisfaction and patient loyalty. Although many studies have been carried out on thestandardofhospitalservices,neitherofthem would do project all the possible dimensions to calculate the same in a friendly hospital in Malaysia. The SERVQUAL Model adopted by this study determines all the potential dimensions of service quality in Muslim friendly healthcare

    Physico-chemical parameters and trophic status of an acidic lake in Hutan Simpan Ayer Hitam, Puchong

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    Relationship between physico-chemical parameters including pH, Temperature, total dissolved solid, dissolved oxygen, light intensity, ammonia, nitrate, silica, and phosphate with microalgae diversity were studied. Water sampling water was conducted biweekly for 4 months from October 2015 to February 2016 for 15 weeks in North Lake of Hutan Simpan Ayer Hitam Puchong. Physico-chemical parameters were determined at site and laboratory. Data analysis including Pearson Correlation Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, and Canonical Correspondence Analysis were carried out. Green algae, Staurastrum sp. and Chlamydomonas have a positive correlation with pH and total dissolved solid. Cosmarium spp. have a positive correlation with dissolved oxygen and have association with increased pH and ammonia. Diatom, Navicula sp. have high negative correlation with pH and have association with increased of silica. Dinoflagellates, Gymnodinium sp. and Gonyaulax apiculata both have high negative correlation with pH. Gymnodinium sp. have association with increased phosphate and temperature. Gonyaulax apiculata have a positive correlation with temperature. Based on research, this lake were slightly acidic but remains oligotrophic North Lake of Hutan Simpan Ayer Hitam Puchong are acidic but oligotrophic due to pH in range of acidic condition but below the boundary of phosphate concentration from 0.01mg/L to 0.075mg/L suggested by USEPA (2002) in aquatic systems

    Current status of algae biodiversity and succession in North Lake of Hutan Simpan Ayer Hitam, Puchong

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    This study presents data on the diversity and succession of algae in North Lake, Hutan Simpan Air Hitam (HSAH) as well as its relationship with chemical and physical factors. Algae samples were collected weekly from three different sites in North Lake started from October 2015 until January 2016 (15 weeks). Physico-chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, light, dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved solid (TDS) and nutrients statuses were measured simultaneously. A total of 18 species were recorded comprising Bacillariophyta (3 species), Charophyta (4 species), Chlorophyta (4 species), Cyanobacteria (2 species), Dinophyta (4 species), and Ochrophyta (1 species). The highest total density of algal cells were phyla Dinophyta (24%) followed by Charophyta (22%), Bacillariophyta (19%), Ochrophyta (18%), Cyanophyta (10%) and Chlorophyta (7%). Dinobryon sertularia was the most frequent species found throughout the 15 weeks of sampling and became dominant in week 3, 4, 6, 10 and 13; whereas Staurastrum sp. achieved the highest algal counts in week 1 and 2. Gonyaulax apiculata was dominant during week 5, 8, 14 and 15. The Shannon-Weaver diversity Index, H’ classified North Lake as being moderately polluted, whereas the pH values indicates that the lake was quite acidic by having pH lower than 7 and ranged between 4.28 and 5.57. The occurrence of some phytoplankton groups may be influenced by pH, as has been found in acidic natural lakes and also in extremely acidic lakes around the world. In addition, other physico-chemical factors may also give impact on algae structure and community

    Numerical Modelling of Slope Stability and Transient Seepage Analysis: Jalan Puncak Borneo Road Case Study

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    A slope failure event in 2015 at KM 6+500 of Jalan Puncak Borneo in Padawan, Kuching was modelled using Seep/w and Slope/w software of commercial geotechnical programme GEOSTUDIO. The failure was occurred after a prolonged three days of heavy rain. The state road which connected the villagers from Puncak Borneo was cut off and caused traffic congestion.  In this study, the slope stability was evaluated based on finite element and limit equilibrium method by considering the transient seepage analysis due to rainfall infiltration.  The slope failure was modelled based on ground investigation report and published data to replicate the field condition.  A hyetograph was plotted using daily rainfall data and cumulative rainfall depth was determined to obtain the total rainfall during the wet monsoon. As a result of numerical analyses, the factor of safety was observed to fluctuate with time of infiltration. Based on this case study, the factor of safety or FOS reduced with time and a perched water table also has been observed developed just below the pavement.  However, the factor of safety calculated from Slope/w could not replicate the actual failure.  Nevertheless, it can be observed that factor of safety had decreased with respect to infiltration in the analyses.  The steady state condition provided FOS 1.33 and had reduced to 1.27 after 110 days of rainfall event.  Thus, the analyses of this current study have illustrated that the transient analysis is essential to model the seepage behaviour and infiltration event that caused slope failure along Sarawak’s roads

    Numerical Modelling of Slope Stability and Transient Seepage Analysis: Jalan Puncak Borneo Road Case Study

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    A slope failure event in 2015 at KM 6+500 of Jalan Puncak Borneo in Padawan, Kuching was modelled using Seep/w and Slope/w software of commercial geotechnical programme GEOSTUDIO. The failure was occurred after a prolonged three days of heavy rain. The state road which connected the villagers from Puncak Borneo was cut off and caused traffic congestion.  In this study, the slope stability was evaluated based on finite element and limit equilibrium method by considering the transient seepage analysis due to rainfall infiltration.  The slope failure was modelled based on ground investigation report and published data to replicate the field condition.  A hyetograph was plotted using daily rainfall data and cumulative rainfall depth was determined to obtain the total rainfall during the wet monsoon. As a result of numerical analyses, the factor of safety was observed to fluctuate with time of infiltration. Based on this case study, the factor of safety or FOS reduced with time and a perched water table also has been observed developed just below the pavement.  However, the factor of safety calculated from Slope/w could not replicate the actual failure.  Nevertheless, it can be observed that factor of safety had decreased with respect to infiltration in the analyses.  The steady state condition provided FOS 1.33 and had reduced to 1.27 after 110 days of rainfall event.  Thus, the analyses of this current study have illustrated that the transient analysis is essential to model the seepage behaviour and infiltration event that caused slope failure along Sarawak’s roads

    Decolorization of reactive red-120 by using macrofungus and microfungus

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    The objectives of the study are to investigate the growth of Aspergillus sp. and Pleurotus sp. and decolorization of Reactive Red – 120 in Minimal Salt Solution (MSS). The growths of fungi were measured every 3 days by using spectrophotometer at 540 nm. For decolorization, the fungi were cultured in 10 mg/L and 20 mg/L of dye concentration. Furthermore, pH of 5, 7 and 9 were used to determine the optimum pH for dye decolorization. The 10 mg/L concentration and pH 5 were chosen as optimum conditions with the maximum performance of reactive dye decolorization ranging of 60%-70%. The Aspergillus sp. was more efficient todecolourize synthetic dye Reactive Red – 120 when compared to Pleurotus sp. This study contributes to the knowledge of mycoremediation and product of mycoremediation kit that could be developed and applied in industry.Keywords: aspergillus sp.; dye decolorization; mycoremediation; pleurotus sp.; reactive red – 120; synthetic dye

    Analisis Tingkat Pemanfaatan Fasilitas Dasar Dan Fungsional Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (Ppp) Tamperan, Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur

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    Kabupaten Pacitan memiliki wilayah laut sekitar 7.636 km2, dengan panjang pantai 70,709 km. Wilayah perairan laut termasuk wilayah perairan samudera Hindia, memiliki potensi sumberdaya ikan yang mencapai 34.483 ton/tahun. Potensi sumberdaya ikan terdiri atas berbagai jenis ikan pelagis besar, seperti Tuna dan Cakalang, pelagis kecil, demersal dan udang. Namun potensi perikanan yang besar belum didukung oleh fasilitas pelabuhan yang optimal serta pengelolaan yang maksimal. Kondisi fasilitas di PPP Tamperan beberapa diantaranya lumpuh atau tidak difungsikan seperti lumpuhnya cold storage, belum adanya pabrik es, serta lahan yang cukup besar yang belum termanfaatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi fasilitas di PPP Tamperan, menganalisa tingkat pemanfaatan dan kebutuhan fasilitas dasar dan fungsional, serta melakukan analisis strategi pengembangan PPP Tamperan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2015 di PPP Tamperan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif bersifat survei, analisis tingkat pemanfaatan digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas dan analisis SWOT digunakan untuk strategi pengembangan PPP Tamperan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa fasilitas dasar dan fungsional yang terdapat di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tamperan memiliki tingkat pemanfaatan luas kolam pelabuhan 79,87%, alur pelayaran 70%, panjang dermaga 78%, serta tingkat pemanfaatan TPI 0%. Hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan dan kebutuhan fasilitas dasar dan fungsional keseluruhan masih belum optimal untuk saat ini sehingga memerlukan penambahan kapasitas beberapa fasilitas untuk 13 tahun mendatang. Hasil analisis SWOT didapatkan hasil penerapan strategi S-O (Strength-opportunity) yang artinya Strategi dalam penerapannya digunakan Kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang dengan kebijakan yang bersifat agresif. Pacitan Regency has a sea area of approximately 7636 km2, with a length of 70.709 km beach. The sea area including the territorial waters of the Indian Ocean, has the potential of fish resources, which reached 34 483 tonnes / year. The potential of fish resources consist of various types of large pelagic fish, such as tuna and Cakalang, small pelagic, demersal and shrimp. However, the potential for great fishing port facilities have not been supported by optimal and maximum manageability. Tamperan PPP facility conditions in some of them crippled or not functioned as paralysis of cold storage, the lack of ice plants, as well as land sizeable untapped. This study aims to determine the condition of the facilities on PPP Tamperan, analyzing the level of utilization and the need for basic and functional facilities, as well as analyzing the development strategy of PPP Tamperan. The research was conducted in August 2015 in PPP Tamperan. The method used is descriptive method is a case study, the analysis of the utilization rate is used to determine the level of utilization of the facilities and SWOT analysis used for PPP development strategy Tamperan. The result showed that basic and functional facility located in Port Fisheries Tamperan Beach has an extensive utilization rate of 79.87% ports, shipping lanes of 70%, 78% long pier, as well as the utilization rate of TPI 0%. The results can be concluded that the rate of utilization and the need for basic facilities and functional whole is still not optimal for the moment so some facilities require additional capacity for the next 13 years. SWOT analysis results showed the application of S-O strategy (Strength-opportunity), which means in practice is used Strengths strategy to take advantage of opportunities with a policy that is aggressive

    Evaluasi Fungsi Taman Kampus Edu Park Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta sebagai Open Space Kampus

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah adanya fenomena disfungsi taman kampus Edu ParkUMS sebagai open space kampus yang fungsional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui hasil evaluasi fungsi taman kampus Edu Park Universitas MuhammadiyahSurakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengamatan aktivitas pengguna tamandan metode jajak pendapat dengan melalui penyebaran kuesioner untuk 40 responden.Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini disajikan dalam bentuk tabel, pemetaan,dokumentasi, dan diskripsi. Berdasarkan data pengamatan dan kuesioner terhadap aktivitas pengunjung yang ada, fungsi taman Edu Park sebagai open space sudah dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Hasil perhitungan kuesioner terhadap 40 responden adalah layak dengan prosentase 35% aktivitas olahraga, 12,5 % aktivitas jalan-jalan dan bermain, 32,5% kegiatan foto-foto, 2,5% kegiatan piknik dan 5% aktivitas bersepeda. Berdasarkan data kuesioner terhadap elemen pendukung aktivitas yang terdapat pada open space tersebut, menunjukan bahwa taman Edu Park Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta sudah digunakan secara maksimal, dibuktikan dengan hasil perhitungan kuesioner terhadap 40 responden bahwa prosentasi yang diperoleh adalah 40% untuk kategori sangat layak, 55% untuk kategori layak dan 5% untuk kategori tidak layak