24 research outputs found
Penggunaan Fiqh Al-Maslahah Wa Al-Maqasid Dalam Fatwa-Fatwa Terpilih Negeri Perlis Dari Tahun 1998-2008
Maslahah is one of the sources of legislation in Islam. The acceptance of maslahah as a distinct concept either in al-fiqh in general or in maqasid al-syari‘ah in particular have made this concept be practiced by most scholars today. Even though there are pros and cons of this issue today as there are many different assumptions and views among the jurists/scholars when they referred to the usul al-fiqh at large. Hence, a misunderstanding about this concept had cause certain laws or views not in line with the syariah and even go against the syariah. The focus of this study is regarding maslahah and its connection with maqasid al-syari‘ah
The works of Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād by Nawawi al-Bantani and Sirāj al-Ṭālibīn by Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan al-Jampasi al-Kediri: a comparative research on the methods of writing the hadith
Kitab Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād oleh Nawawi al-Bantani dan Sirāj al-Ṭālibīn oleh Ihsan al-Jampasi merupakan antara beberapa kitab utama yang dirujuk di Nusantara dalam ilmu Islam berkaitan nasihat-nasihat agama dan tasawuf. Dalam kedua-dua kitab tersebut memuatkan banyak hadithhadith. Walau bagaimana pun, tidak dinyatakan tentang kedudukan hadith tersebut. Oleh kerana itu, kajian ini bertujuan melihat metodologi penulisan hadith oleh Nawawi al-Bantani dan Ihsan al-Jampasi dalam kitab Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād dan Sirāj al-Ṭālibīn. Selain itu, kajian ini juga menganalisis perbandingan metode kedua-dua kitab tersebut bagi mengetahui titik persamaan dan perbezaan di antara metode-metode tersebut. Metodologi kajian ini adalah kualitatif melalui kaedah kepustakaan dan reka bentuk analisis kandungan kitab Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād dan Sirāj al-Ṭālibīn. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa wujudnya persamaan metode penulisan hadith dalam kitab Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād dan Sirāj al- Ṭālibīn iaitu penulisan hadith tanpa sanad dan hanya menyatakan mukhrīj hadith sahaja. Selain itu, keduanya menggunakan lafaz (sighat) qāla pada awal permulaan hadith. Manakala perbezaanya pula ialah Nawawi al- Bantani menulis hadith tanpa sanad dengan menambah rāwī a‘lā di peringkat tabi’in dan sahabat. Beliau turut menggunakan metode riwayat bi al-lafẓi. Pendekatan Ihsan al-Jampasi pula menggunakan pelbagai sighat (format) untuk menyampaikan hadith, menyatakan sumber hadith dan kadang-kadang menggunakan metode riwayat bi al-ma‘nā
Situating Indonesian Pesantren within Literacy Practice and Religious Moderation in Post-Truth Era
This paper delves into the contemporary dynamics characterizing the educational practices of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in Indonesia, focusing on their intersection with literacy practices and the principles of religious moderation. Indonesia's pesantren system has been a cornerstone of Islamic education for centuries, and this study seeks to shed light on how these traditional institutions are adapting to modern contexts while preserving their core values. Through a comprehensive analysis of literature and theories, we argue on the multifaceted ways in which literacy practices are integrated into the curriculum of pesantren, enabling students to engage effectively with both religious texts and broader educational content. Moreover, we also explore how these literacy practices align with the principles of religious moderation, fostering an environment that promotes tolerance, dialogue, and ethical conduct among students in a modern world
Hukuman jenayah zina dalam Islam dan pelaksanaannya di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia / Faisal Husen Ismail and Jasni Sulong
Kesalahan zina adalah sebahagian daripada jenayah yang termasuk di bawah kesalahan hudud dalam Undang-undang Jenayah Islam. Pelaksanaannya diwajibkan ke atas pemerintah Islam bagi memelihara kesucian keturunan umat manusia daripada lahirnya generasi tanpa ikatan perkahwinan. Bagaimanapun, sejarah pelaksanaan hukuman zina tidak banyak direkodkan dalam sejarah perundangan Islam. Pada hari ini, pelaksanaannya ke atas masyarakat Islam khususnya di Aceh banyak dipengaruhi oleh hukum adat berbanding agama. Justeru, kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan mengkaji sejarah pelaksanaan hukuman jenayah zina pada masa pemerintahan Kerajaan Aceh dahulu dan menyelidik sejauh mana ia selaras dengan aturan dalam perundangan Islam. Seterusnya kajian akan menganalisis perkembangan pelaksanaannya pada masa kini di Wilayah Aceh, Indonesia menerusi perundangan semasa. Kaedah penyelidikan dilakukan dengan menganalisis dokumen seperti buku-buku ilmiah, peruntukan undang-undang, kes-kes yang berkaitan, jurnal dan artikel berkaitan. Kajian mendapati hukuman yang dikenakan ke atas kesalahan jenayah zina pada zaman Kesultanan Aceh tidaklah sepenuhnya merujuk kepada hukuman Islam tetapi mempunyai pengaruh hukum adat setempat seperti hukuman sula, dipijak gajah sampai mati dan sebagainya. Manakala dalam perlaksanaan semasa, hukuman zina yang dilaksanakan hanya melibatkan hukuman sebat 100 rotan tetapi tiada hukuman rejam sampai mati. Justeru, tiada perbezaan antara penzina yang muhsan dan ghayr muhsan sebagaimana dalam hukuman fekah di mana kesalahan ulangan ke atas zina ini hanya dikenakan hukuman takzir denda dan penjar
Development of A Positive Thinking Measuring Tool for Young Indonesian Muslims
A scale based on the Western version of the positive thinking construct can assess the positive thinking capacity of young Indonesian Muslims. However, it can produce biased data since adjusting to the culture is tricky. This research aims to develop a positive thinking measurement tool for young Indonesian Muslims. The research approach used was the exploratory sequential mix method, a qualitative and quantitative research design carried out in stages: 1) qualitative research: conducting a qualitative exploration of the positive thinking construct of young Indonesian Muslims and converting the results of qualitative data into scale items; 2) quantitative research: conducting content validation, selecting items, and performing exploratory factor analysis. The content validity test found an average value of V Aiken = 0.8. The dimensions of positive thinking for young Indonesian Muslims included critical thinking, mind control, objective thinking, good prejudice towards Allah, and any other occurrences. The final results of the psychometric analysis found that a positive thinking measuring tool for young Indonesian Muslims consisted of 23 items with a fit factor structure because they had a loading factor greater than 0.5 and reliability of α = 0.702. For future researchers, interventions based on positive thinking can be designed and applied to a sample of adolescents in various cultural contexts
Vigilantism among the Community in Aceh Against the Accused of Violating the Shariah Criminal Law
This article aims to study triggering factors to make vigilantism against perpetrators of jinayat sharia law violation in Aceh and analyze vigilantism based on the same law. This qualitative research uses literature study and field research as the approach methods. Relevant books, journals, newspapers, and laws and regulations are the primary references while the field study was conducted by interviewing respondents from Islamic criminal law enforcement officers in Aceh. This study found that the emotional attitude of the community, the attitude of joining in, the length of the trial process, the experience of freeing the perpetrators from punishment, and fights between the community and the perpetrators are factors that encourage people to take vigilante actions. The research also found that the punishment of being married off, being bathed in dirty water, as well as beating the accused before being tried in the court were acts that violated the procedures for the Aceh criminal law (Qanun Jinayat). It thus recommends further research related to the reflection of the implementation of Qanun Jinayat in Aceh for the sake of achieving the purpose beyond the qanun
Analysis of Da’if & Mawdu’ Hadith in the Book of Ta’lim Al-Muta’allim by Shaykh Al-Zarnuji
Ta’lim al-Muta’allim’s book by Sheikh al-Zarnuji is a turath book containing ethics and manners of learning and teaching between teachers and students. This book is famous and distributed in the Archipelago especially in Malaysia and Indonesia. It is also widely used in pesantran or pondok nowaday. Sheikh al-Zarnuji used hadiths of prophet Muhammad s.a.w as the main source and hujjah in Ta’lim al-Muta’allim’s book. He also included some other categories of hadith including da’if and mawdu’ hadiths. The issue is Ta’lim al-Muta’llim’s book contains many da’if and mawdu’ hadiths and have been referred by Muslim. This study is very important to understand the method and rule of practicing of da’if and mawdu’ hadiths. Hence, this study aimed to analyse da’if and mawdu’ hadiths contained in Ta’lim al-Muta’llim’s book. The methodology of this hadith is qualitative method by using content analysis approach toward Ta’lim al-Muta’llim’s book. Thus, the finding for the analysis of 40 hadiths in this book found that only 30% hadith can be used for fada’il al-amal if fulfilled the conditions by the ulama’s. Hence, thematic analysis is important to be done in order to ensure the quantity of da’if and mawdu’ hadiths in this book and also to ensure the da’if hadith can be practiced only for fada’il al-amal matter
Customary Practices of Sharing Inheritance: An Analysis of Society Practices in Pidie Aceh Darussalam
Handling inheritance from a deceased person is one of important matters that must be performed by the surviving heirs. However, the practice varies in communities, especially in areas affected by customary practices. The wealth of inheritance from the deceased is not only used as payment of funeral expenses and to be distributed to the heirs, but also used for the purpose of fidyah (compensation) for prayers left and others set in indigenous communities. The issue of tradition is important to study and clarify to society because it is not recognized in Islamic teachings and can even lead to diminishing the rights of others. Thus, this study aims to examine the extent of customary practices would affect the principle of inheritance distribution in the society of Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia
A Scientific Review on Disabled-Friendly Educational Environment for Disabilities Student in Malaysia
The increase in the number of Persons with Disabilities (OKU) in Malaysia as registered in the Department of Social Welfare (JKM) until the end of 2020 is estimated to be 570,000 and needs attention. People with disabilities are a part of Malaysian society and need to be given equal rights and given the opportunity to go through life easily. However, achieving the right to equality is not a simple thing to achieve today. There are many factors and challenges faced by people with disabilities due to negative attitudes and discrimination that have been ingrained in society. So, this study wants to explore facilities and equality in the field of disabled-friendly higher education. This study presents an exploratory study from selected past studies related to higher education for students with special needs in Malaysia. The research uses the choice approach of 10 selected articles to explore the problems, management, and implementation of efforts to create a friendly environment for people with disabilities. This study found that educational facilities at the higher education level have been created, such as facilities for parking spaces specially built for the disabled. This study suggests the need for improvements to other infrastructures, such as wheelchair access facilities, special pathways for the blind, and so on. The success of disabled-friendly higher education needs to involve a proactive environment in combating the neglect of disabled people in the current national development. Hopefully, this idea can contribute to building an inclusive environment in an educational institution. This study suggests future research related to aspects of community morality towards the disabled
Mata pelajaran alternatif dalam silibus pendidikan masyarakat Madinah pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW = Alternative subjects in the education curriculum of Medina's society during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Salah satu paksi yang penting dalam agama Islam adalah ilmu. Namun, kekeliruan timbul apakah ilmu yang dititikberatkan dalam Islam. Adakah hanya ilmu agama seperti Tauhid, Feqah dan juga Tasawwuf, ataupun pandangan Islam terhadap ilmu luas daripada skop tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti subjek-subjek alternatif yang diajar pada zaman Nabi Muhammad dan mengkaji kepelbagain subjek yang diajar pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW seterusnya membuat kesimpulan terhadap konsep mata pelajaran alternatif pada zaman Nabi Muhamamd SAW. Metodologi penyelidikan ini melibatkan kajian literatur daripada sumber-sumber primer dan sekunder yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW. Data-data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mencapai objektif kajian.Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa Nabi Muhammad memberikan penekanan yang besar kepada pembelajaran dan pendidikan dalam bidang selain agama untuk memperkukuhkan pemahaman masyarakat dalam membina masyarakt yang berpaksikan ilmu. Kajian ini memberikan pandangan baru mengenai pendekatan pendidikan pada zaman Nabi Muhammad. Dapatan kajian ini dapat memberikan panduan kepada sistem pendidikan masa kini dalam merangka kurikulum yang seimbang dan menyeluruh. Kesimpulannya, pengajaran subjek-subjek alternatif pada zaman Nabi Muhammad memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan intelektual masyarakat. Kajian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai pendekatan pendidikan pada masa itu dan memberikan panduan kepada sistem pendidikan masa kini.
***** One of the important axes in Islam is knowledge. However, there is a misconception about the focus of knowledge emphasized in Islam. Is it only religious knowledge such as Tauhid, Fiqh, and Sufism, or does Islam's view of knowledge extend beyond this scope? This study aims to examine the alternative subjects taught during the time of Prophet Muhammad and to study the various subjects taught during the Prophet Muhammad's era, thereby concluding the concept of alternative subjects during the Prophet Muhammad's era. The methodology of this research involves a literature review from primary and secondary sources related to education during the time of Prophet Muhammad. The data obtained will be analyzed using a qualitative approach to achieve the study's objectives. The results of this study show that Prophet Muhammad placed great emphasis on learning and education in fields outside of religion to strengthen the community's understanding in building a knowledge-based society. This study provides new insights into the educational approach during the time of Prophet Muhammad. The findings of this study can provide guidance to the current education system in framing a balanced and comprehensive curriculum. In conclusion, the teaching of alternative subjects during the time of Prophet Muhammad played a significant role in the intellectual development of the community. This study provides a better understanding of the educational approach at that time and offers guidance to the current education system