914 research outputs found

    Landscape for children to play and learn: A conceptual framework

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    Play and movement are at the very center of young children’s lives. Allowing the children to experience the natural and man-made elements in their living environments would generate cognitive, physical and social skills and developments. Children do not discriminate between playing and learning; to them both activities are attained in same time and space. To them natural forces such as rain and wind, natural features such as vegetation, animals and landform, and man-made elements such as building and road are ubiquitous elements in their living environments. Through play with the elements they learn to perceive their benefits or adversities. They learn through three modes of learning which are cognitive, affective and evaluative from the landscapes, either natural or nurtured. Such involvement would generate physiological and psychological well-being to them. This paper explains a conceptual framework on landscape for children to play and learn in direct mean rather than vicarious way. The landscape is described as an ecological dynamic entity that develops the cognitive, physical and social functioning of the children. In conclusion, it is important to design and develop landscapes for children that stimulate their senses, provide feedbacks and afford functional meanings to their cognitive, social and physical skills

    Affordance of garden towards restorative process of hospitalized children

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    This study investigates sense of affordance attains by hospitalized children participating in a pediatric-ward garden during their restoration in hospital. Affordances are the functional meanings generated when children play with the garden features, either alone or with peers. According to ecological perceptual psychology, the affordances are interrelated with stimulation and feedback when the children interact with the garden contents. The functional meanings of the garden can be seen in four different levels of affordances: potential, perceived, utilized and shaped affordances. The affordances generate movement through play and positive perceptual judgments such as attachment, affiliation, memory, bonding and affection toward the garden features. Responses from 31 patients, aged 6-12 years, are elicited by semi-structured interview. It is found that 84% (n=26) patients perceived and utilized the affordances of play equipment. However, less number of patients (52%; n=16) perceived the plant as significant element of the garden. This perception suggests the affordances of the play equipment are greater than the plant. Moreover, all patients recognized the affordances of microclimatic factors (rain, sunlight, temperature and wind). Thus through play participation with the garden elements afford the patients to increase their cognitive performances, improve performance tasks (i.e. play) and increased social performances. In healthcare delivery, these improvements are considered restoration. This seems to suggest that garden is an environmental intervention in affording hospitalized children to foster health recovery

    Recognition of Machined Features from Solid Database of Prismatic Components

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    The automation of process planning requires features to he recognized directly from a computer aided design (CAD) system. This paper presents a new technique for recognition of machined features using point classification technique with a logic-based approach. Boundary r~presentation of solid modelling is used to model a prismatic component. The system is developed entirely in the AutoCAD environment, and the AutoLISP language was used to build the recognition system as it has direct access to the database. Test results are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the feature recognition algorithm. This paper concentrates on depression and protrusion type machined features

    Hydrophobic silica thin films by sol-gel processing and spin coating technique at low temperature

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    Hydrophobic silica thin films were prepared by sol-gel processing and self-assembly by chemical vapor reaction with Trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) at low temperature. The sols were divided into Sol A with ethanol, Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and water (H2O) while Sol B were contain precursor of silica Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) hydrolyze with ethanol which was stirred for 15 minutes. HCl was added into the mixture and stirred for another 10 minutes. After deposition on 1 x 1 cm corning glass using spin coating technique (two-step timer), the films were heated at 60˚C for 10 minutes and finally annealed at 150°C for 1 hour. The films were characterized by using Rudolph/Auto EL Ellipsometer, Shimadzu Spectrophotometer, Perkin Elmer Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The results showed that the films thickness and refractive index were in the range of 105.2 to 112.4 nm and 1.35 to 1.38, respectively. The films were transmitted 70-80% of light (in visible range) with various bondings of C-H, Si-O-Si, Si-C and Si-OH. Surface roughness of the films was increased from 30.6 nm (silica thin film) to 140.5 nm (hydrophobic silica thin films) after modification have been done on the films by using TMCS (heated at 40˚C). It was found that the water contact angles increased when time of reaction increased from 109° to 124


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    Zakat merupakan salah satu dari Rukun Islam, maka dengan dikeluarkannya Undang-Undang No.38 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat oleh pemerintah, dibentuklah organisasi pengelolaan zakat yaitu Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ) yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah dan Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) yang dikukuhkan oleh pemerintah, namun kemudian pada tahun 2011 pemerintah merevisi UU No.38 Tahun 1999 dengan UU No.23 Tahun 2011 tentang pengelolaan zakat dan mengganti nama menjadi BAZNAS. Susunan Pengurus BAZNAS Kota Palopo terdiridari Dewan Pertimbangan, Komisi Pengawas dan Badan Pelaksana. Dalam hal pengumpulan zakat, hal ini dilakukan oleh UPZ di berbagai instansi, baik instansi pemerintah maupun swasta, setelah itu disetorkan kepada BASNAS Kota Palopo untuk didayagunakan. Di BAZNAS Kota Palopo, pendayagunaan hasil penerimaan zakat telah sesuai dengan ketentuan agama yaitu meliputi delapan ashnaf. Di dalam melakukan pengelolaan zakat, BAZNAS Kota Palopo menemui berbagai macam kendala yang dihadapi. Dengan adanya kendala-kendala di dalam pengelolaan zakat di BAZNAS Kota Palopo tersebut, BAZNAS Kota Palopo meresponnya dengan melakukan upaya-upaya untuk menanggulangi kendala-kendala tersebut.Kata Kunci: Zakat, BAZNAZ, Kota Palopo

    Study on Tensile Strength of SS304 Steel Weld Joint with Different Bevel Angles

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    Welding is one of the most universal type of joining method used in the industry especially oil and gas industry. Good welding of pipe is crucial as bad welding can lead to cracks and failures. One of the parameter that affects the quality of weld is the bevel angle for single V butt joint weld. This paper aims to analyse the effect of different included bevel angle of SS304 stainless steel pipe weld. Simulation was performed in ANSYS which showed that 50 degree bevel angle is the optimum bevel angle for single V butt joint for SS304 steel with 13mm thickness. To verify the simulation result, experiment was performed. The type of welding process that was used to perform the weld was Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), also known as Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding. The SS304 stainless steel was first sectioned and milled in order to achieve different bevel angle before being welded using TIG welding and machined again in order to perform tensile test. Tensile test was performed according to ASTM E8 standard in order to determine the strength of the welded pipe. Based on the values obtained from the tensile test such as Yield Strength and Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS), the optimum bevel angle for single V butt joint is 50 degree. Keywords: TIG welding process, SS 304 stainless steel plate, tensile test

    Silver Nanoclusters And Nanofractals In Natural Rubber Matrix.

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    Silver nanocrystals were synthesized in natural rubber matrix via UV irradiation technique. A high intensity UV light with a wavelength below 300 nm was used to reduce the silver ions in the natural rubber matrix

    Simulation and Development of Instrumental Setup to Be Used for Cement Grouting of Sand Soil

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    Most of Arab countries areas are occupied with deserts that is covered with sandy soil. Thus, it is necessary to make use of this huge volume of sand to be as construction materials. It is proven that, sand is initially uneven and unstable. It requires pre-modifications of its primer properties in order to be used as construction materials. One of the common techniques is injecting the sand with binders. Many grouting techniques has been implanted to modify or rehabilitate the structure of soil but for sandy soil the methods has not yet been introduced Therefore, this study aimed at developing simulation and instrumental setup to be used for cement grouting. The simulation has been custom made and utilized to form grouted samples for further investigation. The method of injecting sand is by applying pressure to produce force flow in order to be injected into the sand. After the formation of injected sand samples, an experimental investigation was carried out to determine the basic properties. Shear strength of the sand was recorded before and after grouting. It was found that, the shear strength has increased after injecting the sand with cement and the setup has produced accurate grouted samples with even distribution of the cement mix. The results of the various investigations conclusively proved that grouting can be used as an effective way to improve the strength characteristics significantly and can also contribute to the stabilization of sand

    Reporting practices of Malaysian public universities: The extent of accountability disclosure

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    The study intends to evaluate the extent to which Malaysian public universities disclose accountability information in their annual report and on their website. It also compares the degree of annual report and website disclosure between established and new universities in Malaysia. Content analysis was undertaken using the disclosure index that was developed based on the items listed in the Malaysian Government Treasury Circular (MGTC) 4/2007 and selected items from the Modified Accountability Disclosure (MAD) index. Mean disclosure index was computed to examine the disclosure levels.There is evidence that Malaysian public universities have to some extent disclosed relevant information in their annual report but the level of information published on the website is considered very low. Additionally, established universities’ group is better off in terms of information disclosure for both channels of communication. The number of universities that participated in the analysis is relatively small, and the study mainly considers the extent of disclosure but not the quality of the information disclosed. Greater enforcement from the government is required to ensure greater disclosure of information in the universities’ annual report and on the website. This study offers some insights into the current reporting practices of Malaysian public universities using two reporting mediums, the annual report and website