51 research outputs found

    Investigating Glymphatic Function In Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology

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    Alzheimer’s disease is fast becoming the greatest healthcare challenge of our time, with no known cure to-date. Brought about by the toxic formation of plaques of amyloid-β and tangles of tau in the brain, much is still unknown about the precise mechanisms that initiate these protein accumulations, thought to occur decades before clinical manifestation of symptoms. One theory is that an imbalance between the production of these proteins and their removal from the brain promotes retention that eventually aggregates into entities that devastate molecular and cellular machinery. Thus, targeting waste clearance mechanisms responsible for removing cerebral metabolites, including amyloid-β and tau, present novel, enthralling research targets. The glymphatic system is one such pathway that has been recently characterised. Considered a surrogate for lymphatics which are largely lacking in the brain, this fluid network relies on the water channel aquaporin-4, expressed highly on glia, thus being named “glymphatics”. In this work, first, a surgical protocol was established in the mouse brain to facilitate the delivery of tracer molecules into the cerebrospinal fluid. Direct, single time-point, histological assessment of fluorescent tracer distribution was performed to check consistency with previous characterisation of glymphatics in the mouse brain. Glymphatics were then visualised dynamically across the whole brain using magnetic resonance imaging. Glymphatic patterns were investigated in real-time by imaging fluid dynamics in the brain alongside a potent blocker of aquaporin-4. Next, imaging was used to characterise glymphatic changes and aquaporin-4 profiles in mouse models of Alzheimer’s pathology. This revealed a time-dependant relationship between glymphatics and tau accumulation. Finally, the findings were extrapolated onto humans by studying aquaporin-4 modifications in subjects with and without cognitive deficits. Here, the crucial relationship between aquaporin-4 and pathological aggregates of tau and amyloid-β was determined. Furthermore, dystrobrevin, a membrane protein linked to aquaporin-4, was also profiled in the setting of aging and amyloid-β pathology. The work presented herein elucidates the role of glymphatic perturbances in the context of Alzheimer’s disease and clarifies the implications of aquaporin-4 mediated clearance in neurodegeneration

    Modeling Partial Monosomy for Human Chromosome 21q11.2-q21.1 Reveals Haploinsufficient Genes Influencing Behavior and Fat Deposition

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    Haploinsufficiency of part of human chromosome 21 results in a rare condition known as Monosomy 21. This disease displays a variety of clinical phenotypes, including intellectual disability, craniofacial dysmorphology, skeletal and cardiac abnormalities, and respiratory complications. To search for dosage-sensitive genes involved in this disorder, we used chromosome engineering to generate a mouse model carrying a deletion of the Lipi–Usp25 interval, syntenic with 21q11.2-q21.1 in humans. Haploinsufficiency for the 6 genes in this interval resulted in no gross morphological defects and behavioral analysis performed using an open field test, a test of anxiety, and tests for social interaction were normal in monosomic mice. Monosomic mice did, however, display impaired memory retention compared to control animals. Moreover, when fed a high-fat diet (HFD) monosomic mice exhibited a significant increase in fat mass/fat percentage estimate compared with controls, severe fatty changes in their livers, and thickened subcutaneous fat. Thus, genes within the Lipi–Usp25 interval may participate in memory retention and in the regulation of fat deposition

    Disruption of Mouse Cenpj, a Regulator of Centriole Biogenesis, Phenocopies Seckel Syndrome

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    Disruption of the centromere protein J gene, CENPJ (CPAP, MCPH6, SCKL4), which is a highly conserved and ubiquitiously expressed centrosomal protein, has been associated with primary microcephaly and the microcephalic primordial dwarfism disorder Seckel syndrome. The mechanism by which disruption of CENPJ causes the proportionate, primordial growth failure that is characteristic of Seckel syndrome is unknown. By generating a hypomorphic allele of Cenpj, we have developed a mouse (Cenpjtm/tm) that recapitulates many of the clinical features of Seckel syndrome, including intrauterine dwarfism, microcephaly with memory impairment, ossification defects, and ocular and skeletal abnormalities, thus providing clear confirmation that specific mutations of CENPJ can cause Seckel syndrome. Immunohistochemistry revealed increased levels of DNA damage and apoptosis throughout Cenpjtm/tm embryos and adult mice showed an elevated frequency of micronucleus induction, suggesting that Cenpj-deficiency results in genomic instability. Notably, however, genomic instability was not the result of defective ATR-dependent DNA damage signaling, as is the case for the majority of genes associated with Seckel syndrome. Instead, Cenpjtm/tm embryonic fibroblasts exhibited irregular centriole and centrosome numbers and mono- and multipolar spindles, and many were near-tetraploid with numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities when compared to passage-matched wild-type cells. Increased cell death due to mitotic failure during embryonic development is likely to contribute to the proportionate dwarfism that is associated with CENPJ-Seckel syndrome

    In Vivo Imaging of Tau Pathology Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Textural Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Non-invasive characterization of the pathological features of Alzheimer's disease (AD) could enhance patient management and the development of therapeutic strategies. Magnetic resonance imaging texture analysis (MRTA) has been used previously to extract texture descriptors from structural clinical scans in AD to determine cerebral tissue heterogeneity. In this study, we examined the potential of MRTA to specifically identify tau pathology in an AD mouse model and compared the MRTA metrics to histological measures of tau burden. METHODS: MRTA was applied to T2 weighted high-resolution MR images of nine 8.5-month-old rTg4510 tau pathology (TG) mice and 16 litter matched wild-type (WT) mice. MRTA comprised of the filtration-histogram technique, where the filtration step extracted and enhanced features of different sizes (fine, medium, and coarse texture scales), followed by quantification of texture using histogram analysis (mean gray level intensity, mean intensity, entropy, uniformity, skewness, standard-deviation, and kurtosis). MRTA was applied to manually segmented regions of interest (ROI) drawn within the cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus regions and the level of tau burden was assessed in equivalent regions using histology. RESULTS: Texture parameters were markedly different between WT and TG in the cortex (E, p < 0.01, K, p < 0.01), the hippocampus (K, p < 0.05) and in the thalamus (K, p < 0.01). In addition, we observed significant correlations between histological measurements of tau burden and kurtosis in the cortex, hippocampus and thalamus. CONCLUSIONS: MRTA successfully differentiated WT and TG in brain regions with varying degrees of tau pathology (cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus) based on T2 weighted MR images. Furthermore, the kurtosis measurement correlated with histological measures of tau burden. This initial study indicates that MRTA may have a role in the early diagnosis of AD and the assessment of tau pathology using routinely acquired structural MR images

    Generation of the Sotos syndrome deletion in mice

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    Haploinsufficiency of the human 5q35 region spanning the NSD1 gene results in a rare genomic disorder known as Sotos syndrome (Sotos), with patients displaying a variety of clinical features, including pre- and postnatal overgrowth, intellectual disability, and urinary/renal abnormalities. We used chromosome engineering to generate a segmental monosomy, i.e., mice carrying a heterozygous 1.5-Mb deletion of 36 genes on mouse chromosome 13 (4732471D19Rik-B4galt7), syntenic with 5q35.2–q35.3 in humans (Df(13)Ms2Dja(+/−) mice). Surprisingly Df(13)Ms2Dja(+/−) mice were significantly smaller for their gestational age and also showed decreased postnatal growth, in contrast to Sotos patients. Df(13)Ms2Dja(+/−) mice did, however, display deficits in long-term memory retention and dilation of the pelvicalyceal system, which in part may model the learning difficulties and renal abnormalities observed in Sotos patients. Thus, haploinsufficiency of genes within the mouse 4732471D19Rik–B4galt7 deletion interval play important roles in growth, memory retention, and the development of the renal pelvicalyceal system. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00335-012-9416-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The 2022 symposium on dementia and brain aging in low‐ and middle‐income countries: Highlights on research, diagnosis, care, and impact

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    Two of every three persons living with dementia reside in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs). The projected increase in global dementia rates is expected to affect LMICs disproportionately. However, the majority of global dementia care costs occur in high‐income countries (HICs), with dementia research predominantly focusing on HICs. This imbalance necessitates LMIC‐focused research to ensure that characterization of dementia accurately reflects the involvement and specificities of diverse populations. Development of effective preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for dementia in LMICs requires targeted, personalized, and harmonized efforts. Our article represents timely discussions at the 2022 Symposium on Dementia and Brain Aging in LMICs that identified the foremost opportunities to advance dementia research, differential diagnosis, use of neuropsychometric tools, awareness, and treatment options. We highlight key topics discussed at the meeting and provide future recommendations to foster a more equitable landscape for dementia prevention, diagnosis, care, policy, and management in LMICs. Highlights: Two‐thirds of persons with dementia live in LMICs, yet research and costs are skewed toward HICs. LMICs expect dementia prevalence to more than double, accompanied by socioeconomic disparities. The 2022 Symposium on Dementia in LMICs addressed advances in research, diagnosis, prevention, and policy. The Nairobi Declaration urges global action to enhance dementia outcomes in LMICs

    Data from: Non-invasive imaging of CSF-mediated brain clearance pathways via assessment of perivascular fluid movement with DTI MRI

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    The glymphatics system describes a CSF-mediated clearance pathway for the removal of potentially harmful molecules, such as amyloid beta, from the brain. As such, its components may represent new therapeutic targets to alleviate aberrant protein accumulation that defines the most prevalent neurodegenerative conditions. Currently, however, the absence of any non-invasive measurement technique prohibits detailed understanding of glymphatic function in the human brain and in turn, it's role in pathology. Here, we present the first non-invasive technique for the assessment of glymphatic inflow by using an ultra-long echo time, low b-value, multi-direction diffusion weighted MRI sequence to assess perivascular fluid movement (which represents a critical component of the glymphatic pathway) in the rat brain. This novel, quantitative and non-invasive approach may represent a valuable biomarker of CSF-mediated brain clearance, working towards the clinical need for reliable and early diagnostic indicators of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease

    Non-invasive MRI of brain clearance pathways using multiple echo time arterial spin labelling: an aquaporin-4 study

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    There is currently a lack of non-invasive tools to assess water transport in healthy and pathological brain tissue. Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels are central to many water transport mechanisms, and emerging evidence also suggests that AQP4 plays a key role in amyloid-β (Aβ) clearance, possibly via the glymphatic system. Here, we present the first non-invasive technique sensitive to AQP4 channels polarised at the blood-brain interface (BBI). We apply a multiple echo time (multi-TE) arterial spin labelling (ASL) MRI technique to the mouse brain to assess BBI water permeability via calculation of the exchange time ( the time for magnetically labelled intravascular water to exchange across the BBI. We observed a 31% increase in exchange time in AQP4-deficient (Aqp4−/−) mice (452 ± 90 ms) compared to their wild-type counterparts (343 ± 91 ms) (p = 0.01), demonstrating the sensitivity of the technique to the lack of AQP4 water channels. More established, quantitative MRI parameters: arterial transit time (δa), cerebral blood flow (CBF) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) detected no significant changes with the removal of AQP4. This clinically relevant tool may be crucial to better understand the role of AQP4 in water transport across the BBI, as well as clearance of proteins in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease