37 research outputs found

    Time resolved structural dynamics of butadiyne-linked porphyrin dimers

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    In this work the timescales and mechanisms associated with the structural dynamics of butadiyne-linked porphyrin dimers are investigated through time resolved narrowband pump / broadband probe transient absorption spectroscopy. Our results confirm previous findings that the broadening is partly due to a distribution of structures with different (dihedral) angular conformations. Comparison of measurements with excitations on the red and blue sides of the Q-band unravel the ground and excited state conformational re-equilibration timescales. Further comparison to a planarized dimer, through addition of a ligand, provide conclusive evidence for the twisting motion performed by the porphyrin dimer in solution

    Spectral Filtering as a Tool for Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy: A Theoretical Model

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    Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the probing of coherent quantum superpositions. Recently, the finite width of the laser spectrum has been employed to selectively tune experiments for the study of particular coherences. This involves the exclusion of certain transition frequencies, which results in the elimination of specific Liouville pathways. The rigorous analysis of such experiments requires the use of ever more sophisticated theoretical models for the optical spectroscopy of electronic and vibronic systems. Here we develop a non-impulsive and non-Markovian model which combines an explicit definition of the laser spectrum, via the equation of motion-phase matching approach (EOM-PMA), with the hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM). This theoretical framework is capable of simulating the 2D spectroscopy of vibronic systems with low frequency modes, coupled to environments of intermediate and slower timescales. In order to demonstrate the spectral filtering of vibronic coherences, we examine the elimination of lower energy peaks fromthe 2D spectra of a zinc porphyrin monomer on blue-shifting the laser spectrum. The filtering of Liouville pathways is revealed through the disappearance of peaks from the amplitude spectra for a coupled vibrational mode

    One- to Two-Exciton Transitions in Perylene Bisimide Dimer Revealed by Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy

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    The excited-state energy levels of molecular dimers and aggregates play a critical role in their photophysical behavior and an understanding of the photodynamics in such structures is important for developing applications such as photovoltaics and optoelectronic devices. Here, exciton transitions in two different covalently bound PBI dimers are studied by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES), a powerful spectroscopic method, providing the most complete picture of vibronic transitions in molecular systems. The data are accurately reproduced using the equation of motion-phase matching approach. The unambiguous presence of one-exciton to two-exciton transitions are captured in our results and described in terms of a molecular exciton energy level scheme based on the Kasha model. Furthermore, the results are supported by comparative measurements with the PBI monomer and another dimer in which the interchromophore distance is increased

    Raman vibrational dynamics of hydrated ions in the low-frequency spectral region

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    The hydration structure of ions in aqueous environments can have a significant influence on their chemical and biological properties. Due to its inherent dynamical character, determination of the hydration shell around dissolved ions has proved challenging, mainly so for cations such as sodium and potassium which form diffuse and dynamic hydrating structures. The low frequency polarized Raman spectrum, as retrieved by time resolved isotropic optical Kerr effect measurements, is sensitive to structural fluctuations and can reveal information about ion-water interactions through their Raman active vibrational modes. Here we study a series of mixtures of sodium, potassium and lithium hydroxide solutions by changing cation concentration pairwise (namely, sodium/potassium or sodium/lithium) while keeping constant the hydroxide concentration. The hydroxide-water hydrogen bond vibration, which produces a well-defined isotropic Raman mode, appears at higher frequencies from the cation-water Raman active vibrations. In addition to previously reported lithium-water low frequency vibrations, clear spectral features could be resolved from the concentration studies and assigned to sodium-water hydration shell vibrations. However, potassium related low frequency spectral features remain elusive. The same method was applied to mixtures of the same cations with a halide anion (chloride) in order to rule out any specific features related to the dissolved hydroxide anion. Comparison between halide and hydroxide measurements confirmed the presence of the cation modes and further revealed a low frequency spectral feature related to hydroxide induced changes in water polarizability

    Resolving vibrational from electronic coherences in two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy: The role of the laser spectrum

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    The observation of coherent quantum effects in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes prompted the question whether quantum coherence could be exploited to improve the efficiency in new energy materials. The detailed characterization of coherent effects relies on sensitive methods such as two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2D-ES). However, the interpretation of the results produced by 2D-ES is challenging due to the many possible couplings present in complex molecular structures. In this work, we demonstrate how the laser spectral profile can induce electronic coherence-like signals in monomeric chromophores, potentially leading to data misinterpretation. We argue that the laser spectrum acts as a filter for certain coherence pathways and thus propose a general method to differentiate vibrational from electronic coherences

    Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy resolves relative excited-state displacements

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    Knowledge of relative displacements between potential energy surfaces (PES) is critical in spectroscopy and photochemistry. Information on displacements is encoded in vibrational coherences. Here we apply ultrafast two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy in a pump−probe half-broadband (HB2DES) geometry to probe the ground- and excited-state potential landscapes of cresyl violet. 2D coherence maps reveal that while the coherence amplitude of the dominant 585 cm−1 Raman-active mode is mainly localized in the ground- state bleach and stimulated emission regions, a 338 cm−1 mode is enhanced in excited-state absorption. Modeling these data with a three-level displaced harmonic oscillator model using the hierarchical equation of motion-phase matching approach (HEOM-PMA) shows that the S1 ← S0 PES displacement is greater along the 585 cm−1 coordinate than the 338 cm−1 coordinate, while Sn ← S1 displacements are similar along both coordinates. HB2DES is thus a powerful tool for exploiting nuclear wavepackets to extract quantitative multidimensional, vibrational coordinate information across multiple PESs

    Vibrational coherences in half-broadband 2D electronic spectroscopy: Spectral filtering to identify excited state displacements

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    Vibrational coherences in ultrafast pump-probe (PP) and 2D electronic spectroscopy (2DES) provide insights into the excited state dynamics of molecules. Femtosecond coherence spectra and 2D beat maps yield information about displacements of excited state surfaces for key vibrational modes. Half-broadband 2DES uses a PP configuration with a white light continuum probe to extend the detection range and resolve vibrational coherences in the excited state absorption (ESA). However, the interpretation of these spectra is difficult as they are strongly dependent on the spectrum of the pump laser and the relative displacement of the excited states along the vibrational coordinates. We demonstrate the impact of these convoluting factors for a model based upon cresyl violet. A careful consideration of the position of the pump spectrum can be a powerful tool in resolving the ESA coherences to gain insights into excited state displacements. This paper also highlights the need for caution in considering the spectral window of the pulse when interpreting these spectra

    Ultrafast dynamics in light-driven molecular rotary motors probed by femtosecond stimulated raman spectroscopy

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    Photochemical isomerization in sterically crowded chiral alkenes is the driving force for molecular rotary motors in nanoscale machines. Here the excited state dynamics and structural evolution of the prototypical light driven rotary motor are followed on the ultrafast timescale by femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) and transient absorption (TA). TA reveals a sub 100 fs blue shift and decay of the Franck-Condon bright state arising from relaxation along the reactive potential energy surface. The decay is accompanied by coherently excited vibrational dynamics which survive the excited state structural evolution. The ultrafast Franck-Condon bright state relaxation is to a dark excited state, which FSRS reveals to have a rich spectrum compared to the electronic ground state, with the most intense Raman active modes shifted to significantly lower wavenumber. This is discussed in terms of a reduced bond order of the central bridging bond and overall weakening of bonds in the dark state, which is supported by electronic structure calculations. The observed evolution in the FSRS spectrum is assigned to vibrational cooling accompanied by partitioning of the dark state between the product isomer and the original ground state. Formation of the product isomer is observed in real time by FSRS. It is formed vibrationally hot and cools over several picoseconds, completing the characterization of the light driven half of the photocycle