24 research outputs found

    Exploring Family Strength: Vulnerability Factors and the Role of Spirituality in Family Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research explores the relationship between family vulnerability, spirituality, and resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic. With a quantitative approach and cross-sectional study design, samples were taken randomly using a random sampling method, involving 189 husbands/wives willing to participate. Data collection was carried out through interviews (both online and offline) using a modified questionnaire based on the Sunarti (2021) scale to measure family resilience and family vulnerability, as well as Underwood's (2003) DSES (Daily Spiritual Experience Scale) scale to measure spirituality. The research results show that there is a significant negative relationship between family vulnerability and family resilience, while spirituality has a significant positive correlation with family resilience. In addition, family vulnerability and spirituality together contributed 17.2% to the variation in family resilience. These findings contribute to understanding family resilience in the COVID-19 era and indicate the need for further discussion in future research.Keywords: Family resiliency, family vulnerability, spirituality, COVID-1

    Spirituality and Family Vulnerability during The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic which brings uncertainty in various areas of life also has an impact on the family vulnerabilities. Family vulnerability includes physical-economic vulnerability, social vulnerability, and psychological vulnerability. This study aimed to determine the relationship between spirituality and family vulnerability, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research design is a cross-sectional study. The sample in this study consisted of 189 families who were taken using simple random sampling technique. Family vulnerability data were collected through questionnaires designed by Sunarti (2021), while spirituality was measured using DSES questionnaire by Underwood (2020). Data then were analysed using SPSS software. Results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between spirituality and family vulnerability. There is a tendency that the higher the spirituality, the lower the perceived vulnerability of the family. However, further studies are needed to discuss the link between spirituality and family vulnerabilit

    Family Matters: Understanding the Relationship Between Family Background, Parenting Style, and Youth Political Behavior

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    This study aimed to understand the relationship between family background and parenting style on youth political participation. By using quantitative methods, this research involved adolescents as the research sample. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Data collection was done using measuring tools such as the background scale family, parenting style scale, and political participation scale. Data were obtained and analyzed using multiple regression test with the help of SPSS 22.0 software for Windows. The results showed that there is a relationship between family background and parenting style on youth political participation. Furthermore, the relationship between parenting style and youth political participation are being discussed. Keywords: family background, parenting style, political behavio

    Hubungan Intimate Friendship Dan Motif Diversi Dengan Pengungkapan Diri Pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Instagram

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    Self-disclosure is an activity to convey information about oneself to others who are considered close and need at least one other person. One of the factors that influence self is intimate friendship and diversity of motives. This study aims to determine the relationship of friendship and diversion motives with self in students using Instagram. The hypothesis in this study is the relationship between intimate friendship and diversion motives with self in students. The population in this study were students of the Islamic Psychology Study Program, UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The sample in this study amounted to 90 respondents.The measuring instrument used is the self scale, intimate friendship scale and motive diversion scale. The analysis technique used is multiple regression with the help of JASP software ver for windows. The results of the study can be seen from the value of R = 0.514 and the value of F = 15.585 with a significance of p 0.001 and an effective contribution of 26.4%, which means that there is a significant relationship between intimate friendships and self-diversion motives for students using Instagram. Then the value (rx1-y) -0.344 and p 0.001, the effective contribution is 13.20%, so there is a negative and significant relationship between intimate friendships with oneself in students with. The value (rx2-y) is 0.343 and p 0.01, a contribution of 13.13%, so there is a positive and significant relationship between the diversion motive and self-effectiveness in students. Keywords: Intimate friendship, Diversion Motive, Self Disclosur

    Bukti Turnitin Jurnal Islamia

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    Youth nowadays are increasingly required to have a resiliency in order to prevent disturbance in their developmental task, quality of life, and their future. This research aimed to elaborate youth resiliency and influence of ecological factors on their resiliency. Using quantitative design, this research was conducted during September 2015 – January 2016. Total 120 teenagers were generated through multi-stage random sampling technique. Primary data was collected through survey using researcher-developed questionnaire. Results showed that youth ecological factors such as subjective well-being, internal protective factor (including self-acceptance, environment acceptance, self-confidence, achievement, discipline, self-ability), external protective factors (including parenting, family , school , peer group,  and society environment), involvement of children in juvenile delinquency, family income, father’s length of education, administrative areas, and types of schools were associated with youth resiliency. Furthermore, external protective factors (from school, and parenting), and youth internal protective factors have a positive significant effect on youth resiliency. Specific regression analysis the influence family protective factor on youth resiliency showed that moral-religious orientation, cohesion, and achievement orientation have a positive significant effect on youth resiliency

    Pengaruh Faktor Ekologi Terhadap Resiliensi Remaja

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    Youth nowadays are increasingly required to have a resiliency in order to prevent disturbance in their developmental task, quality of life, and their future. This research aimed to elaborate youth resiliency and influence of ecological factors on their resiliency. Using quantitative design, this research was conducted during September 2015 – January 2016. Total 120 teenagers were generated through multi-stage random sampling technique. Primary data was collected through survey using researcher-developed questionnaire. Results showed that youth ecological factors such as subjective well-being, internal protective factor (including self-acceptance, environment acceptance, self-confidence, achievement, discipline, self-ability), external protective factors (including parenting, family , school , peer group,  and society environment), involvement of children in juvenile delinquency, family income, father’s length of education, administrative areas, and types of schools were associated with youth resiliency. Furthermore, external protective factors (from school, and parenting), and youth internal protective factors have a positive significant effect on youth resiliency. Specific regression analysis the influence family protective factor on youth resiliency showed that moral-religious orientation, cohesion, and achievement orientation have a positive significant effect on youth resiliency

    Disaster Related to Mining: Causes, Impact, and Lesson Learned

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    This qualitative-descriptive study aimed to analyze the relationship among risk reduction , natural resource management and poverty as part of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) indicators. This research is part of a mandate research from government (Penelitian Unggulan Sesuai Mandat Pusat) which raised the case of illegal gold mining (PETI: Penambangan Emas Tanpa Izin) in Merangin Regency, primary and secondary data were being analyzed using content analysis and DPSIR. Results showed that illegal mining along the river moves from upstream to downstream and cause an increase in catastrophic events. Absence of law enforcement and disaster risk reduction contributed to environmental damage and increase the intensity of floods and flash floods. Disaster managers have not even performed disaster risk analysis therefore it is still far to get to its integration with the achievement of SDGs.   Keywords: Disaster, integration, risk reduction, SDGs, Merangi