1,389 research outputs found

    Shelter Truk Jl. Solo-Sragen

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    Transportasi adalah pemindahan barang dan manusia dari tempat asal ke tempat tujuan. Sedangkan pengertian lain, transportasi adalah perpindahan dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain dengan menggunakan alat pengangkutan, baik yang digerakkan oleh tenaga manusia, hewan (kuda, sapi, kerbau), atau mesin. Konsep transportasi didasarkan pada adanya perjalanan (trip) antara asal (origin) dan tujuan (destination). Jl. Solo-Sragen merupakan gerbang untuk masuk Propinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Dari perkembangan kendaraan dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat jumlah truck yang masuk di Kabupatebn Sragen cukup tinggi. Selain itu pengamatan lapangan juga banyak dijumpai di tepi Jl. Solo-Sragen di Kecamatan Masaran paling banyak digunakan untuk istirahat dan awak truck. Selain itu darah tersebut ada pabrik textil sering truck yang mau masuk ke pabrik itu berhenti di tepi jalan untuk antri masuk pabrik maka perlu disediakan kawasan istirahat untuk pengemudi truck dan armada trucknya. Memberikian tempat istirahat sebagai wadah bagi para pengemudi kendaraaan angkutan barang/truck. Untuk beris tirahat serta mengurangi gangguan arus lalu lintas yang di sebabkan oleh kendaraan angkutan barang yang parkir di tepi jalan. Menciptakan kawasan tempat istirahat yang nyaman khusus untuk para pengemudi, awak/kenek truck yang mampu membeikan fasilitas serta menampung aktifitas pengemudi dan kendaraan selama beristirahat

    Waste battery disposal and recycling behavior: a study on the Australian perspective.

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    Consumer behavior is a critical consideration for the development of sustainable waste management systems, including waste batteries, which pose a serious threat to human health and the environment if disposed of improperly. This study investigates the consumers' perspective on the waste battery collection and recycling behaviors in Australia, and analyses their implications for the development of recycling schemes. The results show that, although general awareness exists among consumers about the negative impacts of improper disposal, this awareness was not reflected during the disposal of waste batteries among the participants. Insufficient knowledge about the waste battery collection points and convenience were the most important factors affecting the inappropriate disposal behavior from most of the consumers. Over 50% of participants were unaware of the collection points for waste batteries. The most-preferred battery collection systems involved a deposit return system similar to that used for bottle recycling in the state of New South Wales (NSW) or collection at supermarkets/retailers. The most preferred methods for providing an incentive to recycle batteries were "old-for-new" battery swaps, "vouchers that could be used for other items in a store," and "cash payments." Several policy implications have been highlighted from this pioneering study that could shape the future development of sustainable waste battery management systems in Australia

    Offset-fed UWB antenna with multi-slotted ground plane

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    This paper presents the design and results of an offset feed Ultrawideband(UWB) antenna with a multiple-slotted ground plane. The antenna consists of a square shaped radiator, a feed slightly offset from the middle along the radiator side and a ground plane with multiple rectangular slots. Simulation results show that the antenna can achieve a wide bandwidth from 3.3 to 18 GHz. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 2011 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), Hong Kong, China, 7-9 March 2011. In Proceedings of iWAT, 2011, p. 432-43

    Subclinical mastitis in dairy cows: somatic cell counts and associated bacteria in Mymensingh, Bangladesh

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    Subclinical mastitis is an economically important disease of dairy cows and has a prominent place amongst the factors that limit milk production. This study was undertaken to determine the association of somatic cell counts (SCC) and occurrence of bacteria with SCM in smallholder dairy cows in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. A total number of 240 quarters milk samples from apparently healthy lactating cows were subjected to SCC using NucleoCounter® SCC-100 ™ (Chemo Metec). A quarter was considered SCM positive if the quarter had SCC>100 x 103 cells/ml. All subclinical mastitis positive quarter milk samples were subjected to bacteriological examination and isolates were classified into major, minor, uncommon and mixed pathogens. The overall quarter-level prevalence of subclinical mastitis of dairy cows in Mymensingh district was 25% (95% CI, 19.52% to 30.48%). The most frequently isolated bacterial species were Staphylococcus aureus (18.33%) followed by coagulase-negative staphylococci (10%), Enterobacter spp. (6.67%), Escherichia coli (5%), Bacillus spp. (5%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5%). Different bacterial isolates were associated with 90% cases of subclinical mastitis as mono infections or mixed infections. Mono and mixed infections significantly influenced SCC and were the most prominent factors responsible for increasing SCC. Mean SCC was the highest for Bacillus spp. (713.67 x 103 cells/ml) followed by Enterobacter spp. (395.75 x 103 cells/ml), Escherichia coli (386.00 x 103 cells/ml), Staphylococcus aureus (373.82 x 103 cells/ml), coagulase-negative staphylococci (182.67 x 103 cells/ml) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (138.67 x 103 cells/ml). Major pathogens induced higher SCC (380.72 x 103cells/ml) than minor and other pathogen groups

    The effect of MgO/TiO2 on structural and crystallization behavior of near invert phosphate-based glasses

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    Varying formulations in the glass system of 40P2 O5 ─(24 - x)MgO─(16 + x)CaO─(20 - y)Na2 O─yTiO2 (where 0 ≤ x ≤ 22 and y = 0 or 1) were prepared via melt-quenching. The structure of the glasses was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), micro Raman and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies. The thermal properties and the activation energy of crystallization (Ec ) were measured using thermal analysis and the Kissinger equation, respectively. The glass forming ability of the formulations investigated was seen to decrease with reducing MgO content down to 8 mol% and the glass stability region also decreased from 106 to 90°C with decreasing MgO content. The activation energy of crystallization (Ec ) values also decreased from 248 (for 24 mol% MgO glass) to 229 kJ/mol (for the 8 mol% MgO content) with the replacement of MgO by CaO for glasses with no TiO2 . The formulations containing less than 8 mol% MgO without TiO2 showed a strong tendency toward crystallization. However, the addition of 1 mol% TiO2 in place of Na2 O for these glasses with less than 8 mol% MgO content, inhibited their crystallization tendency. Glasses containing 8 mol% MgO with 1 mol% TiO2 revealed a 12°C higher glass transition temperature, a 14°C increase in glass stability against crystallization and a 38 kJ/mol increase in Ec in comparison to their non TiO2 containing counterpart. NMR spectroscopy revealed that all of the formulations contained almost equal percentages of Q1 and Q2 species. However, FTIR and Raman spectroscopies showed that the local structure of the glasses had been altered with addition of 1 mol% TiO2 , which acted as a network modifier, impeding crystallization by increasing the cross-linking between phosphate chains and consequently leading to increased Ec as well as their glass forming ability

    Lasia spinosa Chemical Composition and Therapeutic Potential: A Literature-Based Review

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    Lasia spinosa (L.) is used ethnobotanically for the treatment of various diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the lungs, bleeding cough, hemorrhoids, intestinal diseases, stomach pain, and uterine cancer. This review is aimed at summarizing phytochemistry and pharmacological data with their molecular mechanisms of action. A search was performed in databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar using the keywords: "Lasia spinosa,"then combined with "ethnopharmacological use,""phytochemistry,"and "pharmacological activity."This updated review included studies with in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo experiments with compounds of known concentration and highlighted pharmacological mechanisms. The research results showed that L. spinosa contains many important nutritional and phytochemical components such as alkanes, aldehydes, alkaloids, carotenoids, flavonoids, fatty acids, ketones, lignans, phenolics, terpenoids, steroids, and volatile oil with excellent bioactivity. The importance of this review lies in the fact that scientific pharmacological evidence supports the fact that the plant has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, antidiarrheal, antihelminthic, antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, and antinociceptive effects, while protecting the gastrointestinal system and reproductive. Regarding future toxicological and safety data, more research is needed, including studies on human subjects. In light of these data, L. spinosa can be considered a medicinal plant with effective bioactives for the adjuvant treatment of various diseases in humans.This work was supported by Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) PIA/APOYO CCTE AFB170007. N.C.-M. acknowledges the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the Horizon 2020 Program (PTDC/PSI-GER/28076/2017)

    Depression, sleeping pattern, and suicidal ideation among medical students in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional pilot study

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    © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Background: Depression is a major morbidity and the most common mental disorder among the medical students in medical schools globally. Undergraduate students suffer stress more due to their academic curriculum than the students of other faculties. In low-resource settings like Bangladesh, there is a dearth in research on the mental health of undergraduate medical students. This pilot study was conducted to add to the existing limited evidence by reporting the prevalence of depression and describing sleeping pattern and suicidal tendencies among medical students. Relevantly, we have investigated the overall mental health status among the medical students in Bangladesh. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in two medical colleges of Dhaka between July 2013 and December 2013, among 221 Bangladeshi medical students from first to fifth year. By the convenience sampling technique, data were collected by a pretested, structured, self-administered questionnaire and analysis was done by SPSS version 18.0. Depression was assessed by the validated Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) tool among the respondents. Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used for assessing overall mental health status. Results: Depression was found in 38.9% of participants, with 3.6%, 14.5%, and 20.8% being severe, moderate, and mild depression, respectively. 17.6% of medical students had suicidal tendency or attempted suicide at least once after attending medical school. The sleeping hours were inadequate and altered after starting this stressful academic course. 33.5% of medical students had poor mental health status. There was a statistically significant association between poor mental health status in the age group less than 22 years old and initial academic study year (1st to 3rd of MBBS). Conclusion: The findings are suggestive of a higher prevalence of depression among early-year medical students and marginal predominance in males. Suicidal tendency is also higher. This calls for further investigation with situation analysis, qualitative explorations, and surveys to explore the burden of such disorders in Bangladesh

    A decade of inequality in maternity care: antenatal care, professional attendance at delivery, and caesarean section in Bangladesh (1991–2004)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bangladesh is committed to the fifth Millennium Development Goal (MDG-5) target of reducing its maternal mortality ratio by three-quarters between 1990 and 2015. Since the early 1990s, Bangladesh has followed a strategy of improving access to facilities equipped and staffed to provide emergency obstetric care (EmOC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used data from four Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 1993 and 2004 to examine trends in the proportions of live births preceded by antenatal consultation, attended by a health professional, and delivered by caesarean section, according to key socio-demographic characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Utilization of antenatal care increased substantially, from 24% in 1991 to 60% in 2004. Despite a relatively greater increase in rural than urban areas, utilization remained much lower among the poorest rural women without formal education (18%) compared with the richest urban women with secondary or higher education (99%). Professional attendance at delivery increased by 50% (from 9% to 14%, more rapidly in rural than urban areas), and caesarean sections trebled (from 2% to 6%), but these indicators remained low even by developing country standards. Within these trends there were huge inequalities; 86% of live births among the richest urban women with secondary or higher education were attended by a health professional, and 35% were delivered by caesarean section, compared with 2% and 0.1% respectively of live births among the poorest rural women without formal education. The trend in professional attendance was entirely confounded by socioeconomic and demographic changes, but education of the woman and her husband remained important determinants of utilization of obstetric services.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite commendable progress in improving uptake of antenatal care, and in equipping health facilities to provide emergency obstetric care, the very low utilization of these facilities, especially by poor women, is a major impediment to meeting MDG-5 in Bangladesh.</p
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