413 research outputs found

    Cultivation and uses of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni): a review

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    Stevia [Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni; Family Asteraceae] is a natural sweetener plant that is grown commercially in many parts of Brazil, Paraguay, Central America, Thailand, Korea, China and India. The leaves of stevia are the source of sweet glycosides. It is mainly used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer in the food and beverage industry. The chemical compound obtained from stevia is considered to be the best alternative source of sugar especially for diabetes patients. Climatic factors and agronomical practices affect the quality and quantity of yield. The concentration of stevioside in the leaves is higher when the stevia plants are grown under long days and when these plants are harvested just prior to flowering. Time of harvesting depends on land type, type of stevia and growing season. The first harvest can be done four months after planting and subsequent harvest once after every 3 months. Such medicinal plants are becoming fairly popular for the treatment of different diseases all over the world. It could be suitable for diabetic and obese persons. It also showed antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fertility, hypotensive, diuretic and cardiotonic properties. Stevia is a small perennial shrub that has been used for centuries as a bio-sweetener and for other medicinal purposes. In addition, alternative sweeteners offer another benefit in maintaining good dental health. S. rebaudiana sweeteners are used sparingly and there seems to be no threat to public health. Stevia has been introduced to the Kenyan market as one of the cash crops for agro-based industry. The changes in leaf yield and accumulation of stevioside in response to different environmental conditions and nutritional variations might provide some leads to develop strategies for increasing the productivity of the stevia. Quality of the stevia product depends on drying temperature; high temperatures negatively affect quality, diminishing medicinal and commercial value. Multiple global regulatory organizations have determined that consumption of high quality stevia products within recommended doses is safe for all.Keywords: Stevia, Cultivation, Medicinal uses, Diabetes, Natural sweetener, Flavor enhancer, Glycoside

    Marketing System and Market Integration of Different Egg Markets in Bangladesh

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    The objectives of the study were to estimate costs and margins, seasonal price variation and to test market integration of egg. Primary and secondary data were used for this study. The higher marketing cost was incurred by aratdars and the lowest by retailer. On the other hand, retailers earned the highest net marketing margins. Analysis of market integration shows that egg market in Bangladesh was well integrated. The study identified some problems related to economic, technical, marketing, social and natural calamities aspects and suggested some measures for solving these problems. Key words:  Engle Granger co-integration, Marketing cost & Margin, Market integration, Egg

    Organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological aspects of the low cost tunnel dried fish products

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    Studies were conducted on the organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological aspects of three dried fish products produced from two different model of low cost solar tunnel dryer. The overall quality of the products obtained from both dryers was excellent. Sixty minutes soaking showed the maximum water reconstitution of the products with values between 66.82 to 75.28% and 71.98 to 78.09% in dryer 1 & 2 respectively. The highest reconstitution was obtained from Silver Jew fish (75.28-78.09%) and lowest from Bombay duck (66.86-71.98%) from both dryers. The average moisture, protein, lipid and ash content of the dried products were 11.8-15.0%, 57.32-68.49%, 6.08-8.62% and 12.25-14.88% respectively in fish in dryer 1 and dryer 2. The TVB-N values were in the range of 24.3 to 30.9 in dryer 1 and 22.1 to 28.2 mg/100 g samples in dryer 2. The highest values were obtained from Bombay duck and lowest value in Silver Jew fish in both dryers. The peroxide values varied from 14.1 to 16.9% in dryer 1 and 13.3 to 16.4% in dryer 2. The highest peroxide value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish. Total bacterial load varied in the range of 6.6x10⁴— 8.6x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 1 and 2.54x10⁴ to 4.9x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 2. The highest value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish

    Initial assessment of hot-melt extrusion for processing API with a wide range of physical properties to form consistent solid dispersion : HPMC-Affinisol paracetamol system

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    The aim of this work is to: (1) Determine the viable processing window of HPMC-Affinisol polymer to use in hot melt extrusion. (2) Use this polymer for oral formulations with Paracetamol over a wide range of physical grades and determine the effect of API particle size on the nature of the resulting formulated mixtures. (3) Assess if HME can be used to produce a consistent output with wide ranges in physical input API properties

    Redesain Pondok Pesantren Darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah Sragen Dengan Pendekatan Sistem Hijab

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    Pesantren adalah sebuah asrama pendidikan tradisional, dimana para siswanya semua tinggal bersama dan belajar dibawah bimbingan guru yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Kiai dan mempunyai asrama untuk tempat menginap santri. Santri tersebut berada dalam komplek yang juga menyediakan masjid untuk beribadah, ruang untuk belajar dan kegiatan keagamaan lainnya. Komplek ini biasanya dikelilingi oleh tembok untuk dapat mengawasi keluar masuknya para santri sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Hijab yang secara lughoh berarti tirai atau dinding, adalah satu terminologi yang bisa berarti perlindungan wanita dalam Islam dari pandangan laki-laki (terutama yang bukan Muhrim). Salah satu prinsip dasar Islam adalah pewujudan suatu sistem yang suci, sehingga Islam senantiasa berusaha mendidik setiap anggota masyarakat, pria maupun wanita, untuk menjadi manusia yang bertaqwa, disiplin, dan menjaga kesucian mereka. Pondok Pesantren Darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah yang terletak di kampung Pringan Rt 01, Rw 02, Desa Karang Tengah kecamatan Sragen, Kabupaten Sragen. Penelitian difokuskan pada area sekolah yaitu SMP darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah. Yang merupakan sekolah bersistem Boarding School. Pondok Pesantren Darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah ini merupakan jenis ponpes khalaf, yaitu bisa disebut juga ponpes modern. Karena telah memasukkan pelajaran umum dalam kurikulum madrasah yang dikembangkan, atau pesantren yang menyelenggarakan tipe sekolah-sekolah umum yaitu pada jenjang pendidikan SMP dan SMA. Didalam area ponpes ini juga terdapat beberapa fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi terkait penyelewengan kaidah-kaidah penataan sistem hijab yang diterapkan. Sehingga mendorong paneliti untuk membuat redesain yang baik sesuai dengan kaidah sistem hijab syar’i. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya redesain yang harus diterapkan pada area ponpes ini untuk mendapatkan sistem hijab yang baik serta mampu menampung penghuni serta seluruh kegiatan yang menunjang kegiatan ponpes. diharapkan dengan adanya perencanaan dan perancangan ini, mampu menghasilkan suatu desain yang dapat mengatasi problem-problem yang terjadi pada ponpes in

    Design of dualband antenna for RFID applications

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    This paper focuses on the design and fabrication of dual band antenna for UHF RFID and ISM RFID applications. The U-shaped patch loaded with dipole is introduced and investigated. The antenna can be performed dual-band frequencies at 0.915 GHz and 2.4 GHz required in RFID applications with reflection coefficient is less than -10 dB. The lower band can be varied by adjusting both dipole arms length and upper band is tuned by U-shaped patches. The gains of the design with a size 130   45  1.6 mm3  are performed 1.89 dB and 3.65 dB for single and dual band respectively. This compact and low cost dual band antenna also performed total efficiency greater than 80%. The design methodology and antenna measurement results are both presented and discussed in this letter

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) PPTQ (Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an) Mahasiswa (Penerapan Konsep Green Architechture di Surakarta)

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    Semakin banyaknya perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang menekankan pada kegiatan hafalan qur’an dengan sistem pondok pesantren sebagai tuntutan pemenuhan akan pendidikan Al Qur’an dan tenaga kerja yang mempunyai Sumber Daya Manusia yang berintelektual islam tinggi. Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Qur’an memberikan materi kepada para santri yang meliputi takhasus Al Qur’an, Tahfidz Al Qur’an, Kajian Tafsir Al Qur’an, Kajian Hadits, Kajian Fikih, Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Inggris, dan juga pembinaan entrepreneur. Sedangkan pembelajaran di Pondok Pesantren ini menggunakan sistematika Al Qur’an dan Hadits, menjadikan Al Qur’an dan sunnah rasul hidup berjalan seiring dengan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Al Qur’an adalah petunjuk tuntunan hidup yang didalamnya mengandung hukum-hukum yang mengikat dan wajib ditegakkan. Cara penerapan dan penyebarluasannya mengikuti teladan dari Nabiyullah Muhammad saw. serta dengan mengikuti millah Nabiyullah Ibrahim as. Setiap santri dididik untuk senantiasa memahami serta menerapkan Al Qur’an dan Al Hadits dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, serta dengan menyebarluaskannya. PPTQ ( Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an ) Mahasiswa dengan Penerapan Konsep Green Architecture di Surakarta adalah suatu wadah dalam sekelompok bangunan di Surakarta sebagai pusat pendidikan Al Qur’an yang setingkat perguruan tinggi , dengan penekanan konsep green architecture dengan tujuan melindungi dan memanfaatkan alam sehingga dapat meminimalkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan demi kenyamanan penghuni dalam proses pembelajaran

    Pigment coloration research published in the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1990 to 2020: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis

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    A systematic review and bibliometric study were undertaken utilizing the Science Citation Index Expanded database from 1990 to 2020 to obtain insights into the trajectory of pigment coloration research. The study focused on the publication performance in terms of the yearly production and citations, as well as mainstream journals, categories of the Web of Sciences, leading nations, well-known institutions, and research trends. The survey found that the yearly output of scholarly publications on pigment coloration research climbed gradually throughout the first quarter of the study period and then increased substantially in the latter five years. The present research emphasis and future trends were examined after summarizing the paper title and abstract analyses, author keyword analysis, and the most regularly used keywords derived from words in KeyWords Plus. To expand its reach in numerous application areas, pigment coloration research will continue to focus on improving pigment qualities

    Spatio-temporal variability of urban particulate matter using GIS: a lesson from COVID-19 restrictions

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Air pollution and its associated health impacts have become a major concern worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Anthropogenic activities were significantly reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing for the opportunity for source reduction of air pollutants. A number of studies have been conducted in Dhaka, but most of them are concentrated on a single ground-monitoring station, making it impossible to draw a comprehensive pollution scenario for the entire city. In contrast, this study evaluated the spatio-temporal changes of urban Particulate Matters (PM) in 70 locations from five different land use categories. Hence, this study investigated the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on PM1 (aerodynamic diameter ≤1 µm), PM2.5 (aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 µm) and PM10 (aerodynamic diameter ≤10 µm) concentration during three specific time frames: November 2019 (Pre-lockdown), April 2020 (During lockdown), and November 2020 (Post-lockdown).METHODS: The data were collected through portable air quality meter (AEROQUAL 500) during lockdown (April 2020) and post-lockdown (November 2020) period.  Data set of pre-lockdowns (November 2019) was collected from Center for Atmospheric Pollution Studies (CAPS). The Tukey’s Post Hoc Multiple Comparison Test was conducted using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSSv26) to address the significant changes in air quality between the periods. Additionally, the GIS (Geographical Information System) platform was used to see the spatial and temporal variations of PMs over the city.FINDINGS: The study found that average ground level PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentration reduced by 75.1, 75.4, 69.6% and 41.1, 32.6, 29.2% respectively during lockdown compared to pre-lockdown and post-lockdown periods. Moreover, the reduction during lockdown was significant at α=0.05 level. The highest reduction was seen in residential areas from the pre-lockdown to lockdown period, whereas in the lockdown to post-lockdown phase that was found in the industrial areas. Interestingly, the northern part of Dhaka city was less polluted than the southern part in all three studied periods. Besides, the Dhaka city dwellers enjoyed comparatively good quality air in lockdown.CONCLUSION: This study suggested that land use-based source apportionment is required to eliminate the particulate concentration from Dhaka city. Besides, 24 hours continuous data is also important to understand the interaction between particulate concentration and climatic forces. Promoting cleaner transportation options, such as electric vehicles and public transportation is recommended as a means of reducing vehicle emissions. Furthermore, governments could consider implementing emissions regulations, setting limits on emissions, or mandating the use of cleaner fuels and technologies to reduce industrial pollution

    Taman Baca Dan Rekreasi Di Kudus

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    Kehadiran taman baca ditengah masyarakat kota diharapkan menjadi solusi dalam pengelolaan informasi yang terus berkembang, hingga akhirnya informasi tersebut dapat dihimpun, diolah dan disebarkan kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Taman baca sendiri merupakan sarana umum yang didirikan untuk dapat membantu masyarakat dalam upaya menemukan informasi, aneka ragam tersebut bersumber dari buku, surat kabar, majalah dan berbagai jenis lainnya sesuai dengan tujuan didirikannya taman baca tersebut. Taman baca adalah sejenis perpustakaan sehingga pengunjung dapat beraktualisasi soal pustaka dengan para pengunjung lainnya, jadi para pengunjung dapat saling bertukar informasi satu dengan yang lainnya. Konsep minat membaca secara umum dapat dideskripsikan sebagai perhatian seseorang secara terus menerus dari seseorang terhadap kegiatan membaca karena adanya harapan mendapatkan manfaat dari kegiatan membaca tersebut. Proses penyusunan laporan DP3A ini dilakukan secara bertahap, yang pertama menyusun proposal dilakukan selama 3 bulan, yang kedua menyusun laporan DP3A dilakukan selama 3 bulan, yang ketiga melakukan proses menggambar yang dilaksanakan didalam studio arsitektur selama 3 bulan. Penyusunan laporan DP3A ini menggunakan metode pembahasan 1. Identifikasi permasalahan. 2. Pengumpulan data, survey langsung atau dengan studi literatur. 3. Reduksi data. 4. Sajian data. 5. Analisa. 6. Perumusan konsep. Hasil dari penyusunan laporan DP3A ini adalah 1. laporan yang sudah dijilid sebanyak tiga exsemplar. 2. Gambar yang dicetak dikertas kalkir dengan ukuran A1 sebanyak 15 lembar antara lain gambar situasi, siteplan, tampak keseluruhan, denah tampak dan potongan perpustakaan, denah tampak dan potongan penunjang, denah tampak dan potongan pengelola, denah tampak dan potongan cafe, denah tampak dan potongan mushola, denah tampak dan potongan kegiatan pengelola outbound, denah tampak dan potongan tempat baca dan pos satpam, denah tampak dan potongan kegiatan servis A, denah tampak dan potongan kegiatan servis B, rencana utilitas, detail kawasan, detail permainan outbound dan gambar yang dicetak di kertas HVS dengan ukuran A1 sebanyak 5 lembar antara lain transformasi desain pola pikir, transformasi desain data fisik dan non fisik, transformasi desain analisa ruang, transformasi desain analisa tapak, transformasi desain sketsa ide. 3. Maket