129 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Melalui Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran ( MGMP ) Bahasa Indonesia di SMPN 1 Labuhan Haji Tahun 2016/2017

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    The purpose of this study was to improve the performance of Indonesian language teachers in (1) learning planning, (2) the application of learning strategies, (3) classroom practice, and the implementation of MGMP learning (Subject Teacher Consultation) at Labuhan Haji 1 Junior High School in East Lombok Regency. The approach used is a quantitative approach to the type of action. The object of this study were 15 Indonesian Language teachers, 15 Indonesian Language teachers who were members of the Central Rayon Indonesian Language MGMP whose activities were centered at Labuhan Haji 1 Junior High School in East Lombok Regency. The data instruments used were knowledge tests, analysis, interviews, and portfolios. Hypothesis testing is done by looking at the improvement in the performance of the teacher's curriculum. The average score of the work score increased from 53.2 to reach 68.9 in cycle II. Because the performance score has reached 68.9 (rounded to 70), the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) which states the implementation of MGMP at Labuhan Haji 1 Public Middle School can improve teacher performance in learning planning, classroom management, and learning evaluation. The results of this study are that the implementation of MGMP in Labuhan Haji Middle School 1 can improve the performance of Indonesian Language teachers in learning planning, implementation of learning strategies, and learning. Thus the MGMP provisions that succeed in implementing the principles of human price management can improve the performance of Indonesian Language teachers in learning. Therefore, education teachers, school principals, and education supervisors are empowering the MGMP MGMP that exists mainly in schools because it can improve teacher professionalism.Keywords: teacher performance; MGMP; Indonesian language

    Peningkatan Kinerja Guru melalui Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran ( MGMP ) Bahasa Indonesia di SMPN 1 Labuhan Haji Tahun 2016/2017

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru Bahasa Indonesia dalam (1) merencanakan pembelajaran, (2) menerapkan strategi pembelajaran, (3) mengelola kelas, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran melalui pelaksanaan MGMP ( Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran ) di SMPN 1 Labuhan Haji Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian tindakan dengan dua siklus. Obyek penelitian ini adalah 15 guru Bahasa Indonesia 15 guru Bahasa Indonesia yang menjadi anggota MGMP Bahasa Indonesia Rayon Tengah yang kegiatannya dipusatkan di SMPN 1 Labuhan Haji Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes pengetahuan kinerja guru, pedoman observasi, wawancara, penilaian portofolio. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan melihat peningkatan kinerja guru persiklus. Rata-rata skor tes kinerja meningkat dari 53,2 hingga mencapai 68,9 pada siklus II. Karena skor kinerja telah mencapai 68,9 ( dibulatkan menjadi 70 ), maka Hipotesis alternatif (Ha) yang menyatakan pelaksanaan MGMP di SMPN 1 Labuhan Haji dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, menerapkan strategi pembelajaran, pengelolaan kelas, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran diterima. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pelaksanaan MGMP di SMP N 1 Labuhan Haji dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru Bahasa Indonesia dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, menerapkan strategi pembelajaran, mengelola kelas dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran. Dengan demikian pelaksanaan MGMP yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen sumberdaya manusia dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru Bahasa Indonesia dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, disarankan pada guru, kepala sekolah, dan pengawas pendidikan agar memberdayakan MGMP MGMP yang ada terutama di sekolah karena dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme guru

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Iklan Baris dan Sikap Kemandirian Menggunakan Media Iklan Kodek (Koran Lombok Post) pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Teks Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Selong Tahun 2018/2019

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis iklan baris dan sikap kemandirian dengan menggunakan media iklan kodek pada siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Selong tahun pembelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu 1) tahap perencanaan, 2) pelaksanaan, 3) Observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah berupa tes dan pedoman observasi. Keberhasilan tindakan ditentukan dengan melihat peningkatan nilai rata-rata kemampuan menulis iklan baris pada siklus I ke siklus II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata menulis iklan baris pada siklus I sebesar 75 menjadi 81 pada siklus II, skor sikap mandiri 76 pada siklus I, menjadi 88 pada siklus II. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan penggunaan media iklan kodek dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis iklan baris dan sikap kemandirian pada siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Selong Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019


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    This study aimed to describe texts that discussing about the image of women in the short story Kamboja di Atas Nisan karya Herman R.N by using a feminist literary criticism approach. The data of study are texts of the short story Kamboja di Atas Nisan karya Herman R.N. The data are collected through reading and noting. They are analysed by using the qualitative descriptive technique with reference to feminist literary criticism. The results of research shows that the image of women in the short story Kamboja di Atas Nisan are: 1) women's rights in education; 2) the struggle of a mother; 3) the struggle of Kamboja; and 4) the task of a woman in the view of men. In addition, the results of the study indicates that the image of women found in the short story Kamboja di Atas Nisan was in line with the view of feminist literary criticism aimed to obtain a just and equal position and role between women and men in society

    Staycation Inovasi Produk untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Industri Perhotelan di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Perspektif Manajemen Pendidikan

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    Pandemi COVID-19 telah mengubah paradigma wisatawan dalam mencari pengalaman liburan yang aman dan nyaman. Salah satu alternatif populer yang muncul adalah staycation di hotel, di mana wisatawan dapat menikmati pengalaman berbeda di dalam kota tempat tinggal mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi implementasi staycation sebagai strategi inovasi produk pada industri perhotelan di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, dengan perspektif manajemen pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap manajer hotel dan pelanggan yang menggunakan layanan staycation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa staycation dianggap sebagai strategi inovatif yang efektif dalam menarik pelanggan dan meningkatkan pendapatan hotel. Namun, implementasi staycation juga memerlukan perubahan dalam manajemen hotel dan pengembangan keterampilan karyawan untuk menyediakan layanan staycation yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, manajemen pendidikan dapat membantu industri perhotelan dalam mengembangkan kemampuan karyawan untuk menghadapi perubahan era adaptasi kebiasaan baru, termasuk pengembangan layanan staycation

    Diplomatic strategies of the Patani kingdom in Hikayat Patani: a sociology of literature study

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    Hikayat Patani is a saga that tells of the Patani kingdom and various diplomatic strategies contained in the Patani kingdom. The aim of this research is to describe various texts that discuss the diplomatic strategy of the Patani kingdom in Hikayat Patani by using a literary of sociology approach. This research is sourced from the data of Hikayat Patani. The data collection techniques using reading and noting techniques. The data analysis technique uses a qualitative descriptive technique accompanied by a theory of literary of sociology. The results of the study show that diplomatic strategies of Patani kingdom in Hikayat Patani namely: 1) political diplomacy with Siam; 2) war diplomacy with Siam and Palembang; 3) marital diplomacy with Pahang and Johor; 4) trade diplomacy with Cina and Melaka; 5) power diplomacy with Kelantan; and 6) religious diplomacy with Pasai. Moreover, the results of the research show that the diplomatic strategies of Patani kingdom contained in Hikayat Patani are aims to maintain and maintain the honor of the kingdom as a sovereign kingdom and a mirror of Patani society at the time the text was created

    The influence of leverage, density of fixed assets and independent commissioners on effective companies tax rate in Indonesia

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    This research aimed to test the influence of leverage, density of fixed assets, and independent commissioners on Effective Tax Rate in manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange year 2011-2015. Purposive sampling technique was utilized to select the study’s sample and 42 companies were taken for a total 210 data observation. Multiple linear regression analysis is employed to test the hypotheses within this research. The results of this study indicated that leverage, density of fixed assets, and independent commissioners simultaneously influence ETR. Partially, the result showed that leverage and independent commissioners do not affect ETR. Meanwhile, density of fixed assets had a negative effect on ETR.peer-reviewe

    Encouraging Humanism in the “Ponggol” Alms Distribution Procession of the Sacred Temple

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    This research was conducted to find the value of humanism in the distribution of Ponggol in the earth alms tradition in Keramat Bumiayu Village, Brebes. The aim is that these values ​​can become a guide to life for the community, especially the younger generation, as preparation for becoming entirely social human beings and continuing to carry out the tradition of giving charity to the Earth. This research uses a qualitative method with a narrative approach and uses content analysis techniques from Milles and Huberman. The study obtained historical data regarding traditions and implementation, processions, and humanistic values ​​in the Ponggol distribution procession in the earth alms tradition at the Keramat Temple, Brebes Regency. In the ponggol distribution procession, there are human values, namely the value of cooperation, the value of being willing to sacrifice, the importance of caring for others, the value of helping each other, and the value of solidarity