86 research outputs found

    Potret Hutan Adat di Desa Ewiri Kecamatan Leksula, Kabupaten Buru Selatan

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    The indigenous people of Ewiri Village are part of the ulayat (petuanan) Massarette in South Buru, which has local wisdom in Sasi (sihit), Enhamat, Tane Mehet, indigenous forests, Karamat/ Pamali, and Dusun. Indigenous peoples in Ewiri Village still have the structure and form of indigenous peoples, indigenous institutions, customary institutions, customary jurisdictions, customary law sanctions, and a very high dependence on indigenous forests. This study examines the management of customary forests in Ewiri Village, Leksula District, South Buru Regency. The research method used is descriptive research used to describe a human group's status or a particular data. Data is collected through interviews of respondents and key informants. The results showed that the management of indigenous forests in Ewiri Village has a relatively high dependence on forests. The community still maintains the customs, traditions of their ancestors, local wisdom, local knowledge, and other land-use practices. Customary Forest Ownership Rights are regulated based on the distribution of houses or soa indigenous peoples of Ewiri Village. The existing margas are Selsily Clan (Gefua), Solissa Clan (Mual), Lesnussa Clan (Masbait), Nustelu Clan (Marmau) and Behuku (Humboti). The pattern of utilization and management of customary forests by the indigenous people of Ewiri Village has stages, including land clearing, planting stage, maintenance stage, and harvesting and marketing stage. Forms of customary forest management include natural forests, gardens, and hamlets/air

    Nilai Ekonomi Objek Wisata Alam Pantai Lubang Buaya Di Negeri Morella Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    A natural tourism object is a form of tourism activity that utilizes the potential of natural resources and environmental management. The economic valuation of natural tourism needs to be done to see the value of the existence of nature tourism, which is sometimes valued. One method that can measure the economic value of a tourist area is the Travel Cost Method (TCM). Therefore this study aims to analyze the economic value of the natural tourism object of Lubang Buaya Beach in Negeri Morella, Central Maluku Regency. The results showed that the travel cost (Travel Cost) obtained 69,220 travel costs/person/visit, and the economic value of OWA Lubang Buaya Beach is Rp. 83,064,000 / year. OWA Lubang Buaya Beach in the perception of visitors is a safe place of recreation, beautiful natural beauty, and easy accessibility. It's just that the layout is not good, and tourism facilities are incomplete. So the need for additional facilities and better management. The results of the study of the attraction of beach attractions obtained only elements of beauty and comfort have all aspects of the assessment of the seven elements of the assessment criteria

    CART - a chemical annotation retrieval toolkit

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    MOTIVATION: Data on bioactivities of drug-like chemicals is rapidly accumulating in public repositories, creating new opportunities for research in computational systems pharmacology. However, integrative analysis of these data sets is difficult due to prevailing ambiguity between chemical names and identifiers and a lack of cross-references between databases. RESULTS: To address this challenge, we have developed CART, a Chemical Annotation Retrieval Toolkit. As a key functionality, it matches an input list of chemical names into a comprehensive reference space to assign unambiguous chemical identifiers. In this unified space, bioactivity annotations can be easily retrieved from databases covering a wide variety of chemical effects on biological systems. Subsequently, CART can determine annotations enriched in the input set of chemicals and display these in tabular format and interactive network visualizations, thereby facilitating integrative analysis of chemical bioactivity data

    Integrated transcriptome and proteome analyses reveal organ-specific proteome deterioration in old rats

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    Aging is associated with the decline of protein, cell, and organ function. Here, we use an integrated approach to characterize gene expression, bulk translation, and cell biology in the brains and livers of young and old rats. We identify 468 differences in protein abundance between young and old animals. The majority are a consequence of altered translation output, that is, the combined effect of changes in transcript abundance and translation efficiency. In addition, we identify 130 proteins whose overall abundance remains unchanged but whose sub-cellular localization, phosphorylation state, or splice-form varies. While some protein-level differences appear to be a generic property of the rats’ chronological age, the majority are specific to one organ. These may be a consequence of the organ’s physiology or the chronological age of the cells within the tissue. Taken together, our study provides an initial view of the proteome at the molecular, sub-cellular, and organ level in young and old rats

    Novel drug candidates for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer through global inverse gene-expression profiling

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    Drug-induced gene-expression profiles that invert disease profiles have recently been illustrated to be a starting point for drug repositioning. In this study, we validate this approach and focus on prediction of novel drugs for colorectal cancer, for which there is a pressing need to find novel antimetastatic compounds. We computationally predicted three novel and still unknown compounds against colorectal cancer: citalopram (an antidepressant), troglitazone (an antidiabetic), and enilconazole (a fungicide). We verified the compounds by in vitro assays of clonogenic survival, proliferation, and migration and in a subcutaneous mouse model. We found evidence that the mode of action of these compounds may be through inhibition of TGF{beta} signaling. Furthermore, one compound, citalopram, reduced tumor size as well as the number of circulating tumor cells and metastases in an orthotopic mouse model of colorectal cancer. This study proposes citalopram as a potential therapeutic option for patients with colorectal cancer, illustrating the potential of systems pharmacology

    The endosomal transcriptional regulator RNF11 integrates degradation and transport of EGFR

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    Stimulation of cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces internalization and partial degradation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) by the endo-lysosomal pathway. For continuous cell functioning, EGFR plasma membrane levels are maintained by transporting newly synthesized EGFRs to the cell surface. The regulation of this process is largely unknown. In this study, we find that EGF stimulation specifically increases the transport efficiency of newly synthesized EGFRs from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. This coincides with an up-regulation of the inner coat protein complex II (COPII) components SEC23B, SEC24B, and SEC24D, which we show to be specifically required for EGFR transport. Up-regulation of these COPII components requires the transcriptional regulator RNF11, which localizes to early endosomes and appears additionally in the cell nucleus upon continuous EGF stimulation. Collectively, our work identifies a new regulatory mechanism that integrates the degradation and transport of EGFR in order to maintain its physiological levels at the plasma membrane

    The landscape of viral associations in human cancers

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    Here, as part of the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, for which whole-genome and—for a subset—whole-transcriptome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumor types was aggregated, we systematically investigated potential viral pathogens using a consensus approach that integrated three independent pipelines. Viruses were detected in 382 genome and 68 transcriptome datasets. We found a high prevalence of known tumor-associated viruses such as Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papilloma virus (HPV; for example, HPV16 or HPV18). The study revealed significant exclusivity of HPV and driver mutations in head-and-neck cancer and the association of HPV with APOBEC mutational signatures, which suggests that impaired antiviral defense is a driving force in cervical, bladder and head-and-neck carcinoma. For HBV, HPV16, HPV18 and adeno-associated virus-2 (AAV2), viral integration was associated with local variations in genomic copy numbers. Integrations at the TERT promoter were associated with high telomerase expression evidently activating this tumor-driving process. High levels of endogenous retrovirus (ERV1) expression were linked to a worse survival outcome in patients with kidney cancer

    Network Neighbors of Drug Targets Contribute to Drug Side-Effect Similarity

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    In pharmacology, it is essential to identify the molecular mechanisms of drug action in order to understand adverse side effects. These adverse side effects have been used to infer whether two drugs share a target protein. However, side-effect similarity of drugs could also be caused by their target proteins being close in a molecular network, which as such could cause similar downstream effects. In this study, we investigated the proportion of side-effect similarities that is due to targets that are close in the network compared to shared drug targets. We found that only a minor fraction of side-effect similarities (5.8 %) are caused by drugs targeting proteins close in the network, compared to side-effect similarities caused by overlapping drug targets (64%). Moreover, these targets that cause similar side effects are more often in a linear part of the network, having two or less interactions, than drug targets in general. Based on the examples, we gained novel insight into the molecular mechanisms of side effects associated with several drug targets. Looking forward, such analyses will be extremely useful in the process of drug development to better understand adverse side effects

    Drug-Induced Regulation of Target Expression

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    Drug perturbations of human cells lead to complex responses upon target binding. One of the known mechanisms is a (positive or negative) feedback loop that adjusts the expression level of the respective target protein. To quantify this mechanism systems-wide in an unbiased way, drug-induced differential expression of drug target mRNA was examined in three cell lines using the Connectivity Map. To overcome various biases in this valuable resource, we have developed a computational normalization and scoring procedure that is applicable to gene expression recording upon heterogeneous drug treatments. In 1290 drug-target relations, corresponding to 466 drugs acting on 167 drug targets studied, 8% of the targets are subject to regulation at the mRNA level. We confirmed systematically that in particular G-protein coupled receptors, when serving as known targets, are regulated upon drug treatment. We further newly identified drug-induced differential regulation of Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase, Endoplasmin, DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha and Calmodulin 1. The feedback regulation in these and other targets is likely to be relevant for the success or failure of the molecular intervention

    Quantitative proteome landscape of the NCI-60 cancer cell lines

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    Here we describe a proteomic data resource for the NCI-60 cell lines generated by pressure cycling technology and SWATH mass spectrometry. We developed the DIA-expert software to curate and visualize the SWATH data, leading to reproducible detection of over 3,100 SwissProt proteotypic proteins and systematic quantification of pathway activities. Stoichiometric relationships of interacting proteins for DNA replication, repair, the chromatin remodeling NuRD complex, β-catenin, RNA metabolism, and prefoldins are more evident than that at the mRNA level. The data are available in CellMiner (discover.nci.nih.gov/cellminercdb and discover.nci.nih.gov/cellminer), allowing casual users to test hypotheses and perform integrative, cross-database analyses of multi-omic drug response correlations for over 20,000 drugs. We demonstrate the value of proteome data in predicting drug response for over 240 clinically relevant chemotherapeutic and targeted therapies. In summary, we present a novel proteome resource for the NCI-60, together with relevant software tools, and demonstrate the benefit of proteome analyses
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