201 research outputs found


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    Sphenomorphus puncticentralis m.sp. is described based on a singlespecimen from Baturaden, Central Java, and is considered to belong to the variegatus species. The scincid lizard genus Sphenomorphus is represented by five species, i.e. S. temmincki, S. recopinatum, S. vanheurni, S. florensis and S. sanctum. The occurence of a new species in Java seems to be unlikely. However, during a field trip to Central Java in 1979, a skink specimen was collected, captured on a small tree in an open secondary forest during morning hours. The skink turned out to be an undescibed species of the genus Sphenomorphus. Effort to get additional specimens, a second trip to the same locality in 1986 failed since the original habitat has changed into' an Agathis forest. Despite of scarcity of specimens description is given hereunder based on a single specimen.This new skink is described as Sphenomorphus puncticentris based on thepresence of the black spot on the dorsal scales on the paravertebral line region

    Conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Indonesia: issues and problems

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    Indonesia is an archipelagic nation comprising some 17,000 islands of varying sizes and geological origins, as well as marked differences in composition of their floras and faunas. Indonesia is considered one of the megadiversity centers, both in terms of species numbers as well as endemism. According to the Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia, 16% of all amphibian and reptile species occur in Indonesia, a total of over 1,100 species. New research activities, launched in the last few years, indicate that these figures may be significantly higher than generally assumed. Indonesia is suspected to host the worldwide highest numbers of amphibian and reptile species. Herpetological research in Indonesia, however, has not progressed at a rate comparable to that of neighboring countries. As a result, the ratio of Indonesian species to the entirety of Southeast Asian and Malesian species has “declined” from about 60% in 1930 to about 50% in 2000, essentially a result of more taxa having been described from areas outside Indonesia. Many of these taxa were subsequently also found in Indonesia. In the last 70 years, 762 new taxa have been described from the Southeast Asia region of which only 262 were from Indonesia. In general, the herpetofauna of Indonesia is poorly understood compared to the herpetofauna of neighboring countries. This refers not only to the taxonomic status, but also to the basic biological and ecological characteristics of most of the species. Moreover, geographic distribution patterns for many species are only poorly known. In view of the alarming rate of forest loss, measures for more effective protection of the herpetofauna of Indonesia are urgently required. The status of virtually all of the Indonesian species, e.g. in terms of IUCN categories, remains unknown, and no action plans have been formulated to date. In addition, research results on Indonesia’s amphibian and reptile fauna have often not been made available in the country itself. Finally, there is a clear need to organize research activities in such a way that a larger segment of the Indonesian population becomes aware of the importance of the herpetofauna as an essential component of the country’s biodiversity. To address these issues, this paper (1) gives an overview of the herpetofauna as part of Indonesia’s biodiversity, (2) outlines the history of herpetological research in the region, (3) identifies major gaps in our knowledge of the Indonesian herpetofauna, and (4) uses this framework for discussing issues and problems of the conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Indonesia. In particular, the contents and shortcomings of compilations of lists of protected or threatened species by national and international authorities are discussed, major threats to the Indonesian herpetofauna or certain components thereof are described, and a set of measures for better longterm conservation is proposed.Abstrak.—Indonesia adalah suatu negara kepulauan yang terdiri dari sekitar 17.000 pulau dengan ukuran bervariasi dan mempunyai asal usul geologi yang kompleks seperti yang terlihat dalam komposisi tumbuhan dan hewannya. Indonesia, sebagai salah satu pusat keanekaragaman yang terbesar di dunia, baik dari segikekayaan alam jenisnya maupun dari segi tingkat endemisitasnya. Menurut Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia, 16% dari amfibi dan reptil dunia terdapat di sini, dengan jumlah lebih dari 1100 jenis. Kegiatan penelitian yang dilaksanakan pada masa yang baru lalu menunjukkan bahwa jumlah tersebut di atas masih jauh di bawah keadaan yang sebenarnya. Indonesia mungkin sekali sebuah negara yang mempunyai jumlah amfibi dan reptil terbesar di dunia. Yang patut menjadi pertimbangan ialah bahwa penelitian amfibi dan reptil di Indonesia jauh lebih lambat di bandingkan dengan kemajuan di negara tetangga. Sebagai gambaran, jumlah jenis di Indonesia apabila dibandingkan dengan jumlah jenis di seluruh Asia Tenggara dalam kurun waktu 70 tahun telah merosot dari 60% menjadi 50%. Hal ini terjadi karena jumlah taksa baru kebanyakan ditemukan di luar Indonesia. Banyak diantara jenis-jenis tersebut kemudian ditemukan di Indonesia. Dalam 70 tahun terakhir, 762 jenis taksa dipertelakan dari luar Indonesia dan hanya 262 pertelaan dari Indonesia. Pada umumnya herpetofauna Indonesia tidak banyak dikenal, baik dari segi taksonomi, ciri-ciri biologi maupun ciri-ciri ekologinya. Daerah penyebaran suatu jenis sangat sedikit diketahui. Meninjau dari cepatnya penebangan dan pengalihan fungsi hutan, usaha untuk melindungi komponen biologi (dalam hal ini amfibi dan reptil) sangat diperlukan. Hampir semua status perlindungan baik secara nasional maupun dengan mengikuti kategori IUCN atau CITES tidak banyak diketahui atau dipahami. Kebanyakan informasi mengenai organisme Indonesia sulit diperoleh di dalam eri. Sebagai akibat, maka diperlukan suatu mekanisme untuk mengatur kegiatan penelitian sedemikian rupa sehingga timbul kesadaran bahwa amfibi dan reptil merupakan salah satu komponen yang sangat berharga dari kekayaan keaneka-ragaman Indonesia. Makalah ini memberikan (1) gambaran komponen biodiversitas herpetofauna Indonesia, (2) memaparkan sejarah perkembangan herpetologi di Indonesia, (3) mengidentifikasi kekosongan dalam pengetahuan herpetologi di Indonesia, (4) memaparkan masalah dan jalan keluar dalam konseravsi keanekaragaman herpetofauna Indonesia. Daftar herpetofauna Indonesia yang dilindungi undang-undang, CITES dan IUCN dibahas, hewanhewan yang mulai terancam dan kiat untuk melindunginya dibahas

    Kanker Di Jawa Barat

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    Kanker merupakan penyakit yang paling ditakuti.Hal ini disebabkan karena belum ada obat yang bisa menyembuhkannya.Tidak adanya gejala-gejala tertentu pada stadium permulaan menyebabkan penderitanya datang setelah penyakitnya sukar diobati.Di mana-mana jumlah penderita kankermeningkat.Apakah ada hubungan antara kemajuan teknologi dengan digunakannya bermacam-macam senyawa kimia baru ke dalam alam lingkungan dengan meningkatnya jumlah penderita, belumlah dapat dipastikan.Meskipun jumlah penderita kanker terus meningkat, tetapi sampai berapa jauh Perubahanini, belumlah dapat diketahui dengan pasti. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya fasilitas kesehatan, belum adanya keharusan melakukan bedah jenazah dan juga karena tidak adanya peraturan untuk melaporkan adanya penderita ini.Data yang dapat diperoleh hanyalah data relatif hasil operasi dan biopsi. Dari data inilah dapat diperkirakan macam tumor, umur dan jenis kelamin penderita, dan ini umumnya dipakai untuk dapat menduga dan menggambarkan keadaan kanker di suatu daerah secara garis besarnya


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    Kanker merupakan penyakit yang paling ditakuti.Hal ini disebabkan karena belum ada obat yang bisa menyembuhkannya.Tidak adanya gejala-gejala tertentu pada stadium permulaan menyebabkan penderitanya datang setelah penyakitnya sukar diobati.Di mana-mana jumlah penderita kankermeningkat.Apakah ada hubungan antara kemajuan teknologi dengan digunakannya bermacam-macam senyawa kimia baru ke dalam alam lingkungan dengan meningkatnya jumlah penderita, belumlah dapat dipastikan.Meskipun jumlah penderita kanker terus meningkat, tetapi sampai berapa jauh perubahanini, belumlah dapat diketahui dengan pasti. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya fasilitas kesehatan, belum adanya keharusan melakukan bedah jenazah dan juga karena tidak adanya peraturan untuk melaporkan adanya penderita ini.Data yang dapat diperoleh hanyalah data relatif hasil operasi dan biopsi. Dari data inilah dapat diperkirakan macam tumor, umur dan jenis kelamin penderita, dan ini umumnya dipakai untuk dapat menduga dan menggambarkan keadaan kanker di suatu daerah secara garis besarnya

    Model Formulation for Estimating Oil Extraction Rate to Measure Oil Extraction Efficiency in Palm Oil Mill

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    FFB that has high HQE and FCI will determine the OER that will be obtained at POM, so that OER can be estimated using HQE and FCI, ie by calculating the oil content in FFB and the potential for oil loss in loose fruit that is not collected in the plantation area. The purpose of this study was to formulate an OER estimation model to determine the processing efficiency of POM. This research is a qualitative and quantitative analysis research, which is a scientific study to formulate an OER estimation model based on HQE and FCI parameters which will be used as the dependent variable. Based on the results and discussion it can be concluded that OER, which is a parameter of oil palm processing performance at POM, can be estimated using a model formulation developed from HQE and FCI variables, where these variables are indicators of FFB harvesting performance in oil palm plantations


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    Developing Non-Fiction Book on Animal Characteristics to Stimulate Cognitive Development of Early Childhood

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    Early childhood cognitive development can be performed by developing the listening skill which begins with capturing information and knowledge. This research is intended to develop a non-fiction book about animal characteristics that can stimulate early childhood cognitive development. The development model used was Dick & Carey model that has been modified into seven steps. The data collection instruments used were questionnaires of experts, peer responses as well as observations and interviews on children. The data was analyzed by using Likert and Rating Scale. Research data was obtained from material experts, product design experts, peers responses and experiments on children. The results of the research indicate that non-fiction books about animal characteristics are included in criteria that are very feasible to be used to stimulate early childhood cognitive development

    Developing electrical circuits flipbook using flip builder

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    The students learning outcome in electrical circuits topic are not satisfied. Then, researchers developed an interesting ebook using Flipbuilder that integrated with PhET Simulation software, called electric circuit flipbook. The objectives of this study are: (1) Describing the validity of flipbook based on three lecturers and three teachers; (2) Describing the practicality of flipbook from students respons questionnaire; and (3) Describing the effectiveness of the Electric Circuit Flipbook based on the improvement of student learning outcomes. The development of Electric Circuit Flipbook used ADDIE model. The instruments used are: material, media, and language validation sheet; questionnaire of student responses; and learning outcomes test. The results showed that: (1) The validity of the Electric Circuit Flipbook is very feasible; (2) The practicality of the flipbook is in very practical category; and (3) Flipbook effectiveness is in very effective category. Flipbook electrical circuits developed is eligible to use as a learning mediu

    The Use of Probing Prompting Learning (PPL) and Inside Outside Circle (IOC) Model to Learning Outcome of Plane Figure Material

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    This study aims to discover: (1) the difference of the learning outcomes of plane (geometry) material between the use of Probing Prompting Learning (PPL) model and Inside Outside Circle (IOC) model; (2) the difference of the learning outcomes of plane figure material between students with high prior knowledge and students with low prior knowledge; (3) the influence of the interaction between the models and students’ prior knowledge towards the learning outcomes of plane figure material. This study uses true experimental design as the research design. The population of the study consists of students from two elementary school in Surabaya in total of 134 students. The instruments used in this study are the prior knowledge test and the learning result test. The data analysis method used to test and to verify the hypotheses was two-way ANOVA test. The result of the study indicates that: (1) there is a difference in the learning outcomes of plane figure material between the PPL model and the IOC model; (2) there is a difference in the learning outcomes of plane figure material for students with high prior knowledge and low prior knowledge; (3) there is a correlation between the model and prior knowledge towards the learning outcomes of plane figure material


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    Dongkrak adalah sebuah alat mekanik yang berfungsi mengangkat barang berat,dongkrak digerakkan dengan tangan atau kaki. Dongkrak dirancang untuk mempermudah kerja manusia, biasanya alat ini digunakan untuk mobil. Fungsi dongkrak pada mobil adalah untuk mengangkat mobil pada waktu pemasangan jack stand dan juga biasanya digunakan untuk mengganti ban mobil, namun tujuan lain seperti melakukan inspeksi atau perbaikan sistem pengereman itu juga membutuhkan dongkrak sebagai sarana pendukung dalam melakukan aktivitas perbaikan mobil tersebut. Dongkrak yang digunakan saat ini masih menggunakan cara mekanik. Penggunaan dongkrak mekanik membutuhkan tenaga yang cukup besar. Salah satu alternatif untuk memudahkan pemakaian dongkrak mekanik dan mengurangi tenaga maka dikembangkan penggabungan dongkrak mekanik yang digerakkan oleh motor DC
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