628 research outputs found

    Two methodological approaches to the study of production chains in tourism industry

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    In this article, two different methodological frameworks are applied to study the production chains in the tourism industry in Andalusia (Spain). Firstly, from a macroeconomic perspective, input-output techniques are used to identify tourism production chains from the regional input-output table. Secondly, from a microeconomic perspective, a different approach is taken based on the concept of Global Value Chains (GVC) (Gereffi 1999; Kaplinsky and Readman 2001). In this respect, the structure and main agents participating in the GVC in tourism are presented, and the role of SMEs in the tourist industry in Andalusia is put forward. Finally, the relationship between the two approaches is discussed, pointing out their main differences and complementing factors

    Dimensión empresarial y estructura espacial de los encadenamientos. Una tipología de los establecimientos industriales en Andalucía a partir de las tablas input-output regionales

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    Los encadenamientos productivos entre empresas y sectores en un ámbito espacial determinado representan una fuente de externalidades estáticas y dinámicas que impulsan el crecimiento económico. Por lo tanto, al analizar la estructura productiva de una economía regional, resulta interesante identificar patrones diversos de comportamiento económico de las organizaciones empresariales en función de sus pautas de articulación productiva. A este respecto, frecuentemente se asume la hipótesis de que la PYME, en comparación con la gran empresa, presenta un mayor grado de integración en el territorio y mantiene encadenamientos productivos más intensos con proveedores y clientes regionales (Garofoli, 1994; Florio, 1996). Sin embargo, no resulta infrecuente la presencia de PYMEs dinámicas que operan con proveedores externos y destinan su producción a la exportación, como respuesta a la ausencia de proveedores regionales eficientes y a la limitación que supone el tamaño del mercado regional para el crecimiento empresarial. Así mismo, los cambios en la organización de la gran empresa en algunos sectores a lo largo de las últimas décadas han supuesto el retroceso de las estrategias de carácter funcional, según las cuales el territorio era considerado simplemente el soporte físico de la actividad empresarial, en favor de estrategias territoriales, conforme a las cuales la gran empresa procura la integración de sus plantas en los entornos en los que se localizan (Piore y Sabel, 1990; Costa, 1988 y 1992; Barrow y May, 1995; Vázquez,1997 y 2002). En este trabajo, desde una perspectiva teórica, se propone una tipología de empresas basada en la estructura espacial de sus encadenamientos, como herramienta de utilidad para la caracterización del tejido empresarial en un ámbito espacial determinado. Desde una perspectiva empírica, a partir de datos obtenidos del Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía y procedentes de la encuesta utilizada para la estimación de las últimas tablas input-output regionales (IEA,1999), se contrasta, en primer lugar, la existencia de una relación significativa entre la dimensión empresarial y la importancia de los encadenamientos regionales y, en segundo lugar, se muestra un perfil cualitativo del tejido industrial regional empleando la tipología introducida en la parte teórica

    Tourism intermediaries and innovation in the hotel industry

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    This paper examines the influence of tourism intermediaries on innovationin SMEs in the hotel industry from the perspective of the global value chainapproach. The paper contributes towards characterizing the changingpatterns of governance in the tourism global value chains. In addition, itprovides useful information about SMEs’innovation for tourismdestination managers. The dataset for this study comes from a survey ofhotel SMEs in Spain. The results indicate that dependence on touroperators leads to lower levels of marketing innovation, whiledependence on on-line travel agencies stimulates it. Dependence ontraditional travel agencies is observed to be associated with less productinnovation. Overall, dependence on tourism intermediaries implies lowerautonomy in a hotel’s determination of rates and margins, but canfavour innovation by means of stimulating the introduction ofinformation and communication technologies and quality standards.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España ECO2013-42889-

    The conception and role of interdisciplinarity in the Spanish education system

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    This article provides an overview of the role that interdisciplinarity plays in the Spanish education system. With this aim, we first describe the main conception of the term interdisciplinarity in texts written in Spanish, including other terms that have similar meaning. Then we review the role of interdisciplinarity in the Spanish curriculum at different levels of education, focusing fundamentally on compulsory education. This serves as the basis from which later to analyze Spanish research on interdisciplinarity. Finally, through results of this research and some examples of interdisciplinary school practices, we extract conclusions about the role of interdisciplinarity in teaching practices in the classroom

    VIE Project: Cultural values and socioeconomic factors as determinants of entrepreneurial intentions

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    This paper describes a research project currently being developed by the authors. It aims to analyse the role played by psychosocial, cultural and socioeconomic factors in shaping the entrepreneurial intention. Survey methods will be used on a population of potential entrepreneurs (having not yet performed actual entrepreneurial behaviours). In this sense, undergraduate students and individuals contacting business support centres will be considered as part of the sample. We expect to get a clearer understanding of the psychosocial elements, socioeconomic factors and cultural values affecting the venture-creation decision. The results would be important to policy makers (showing them what to encourage), to practitioners (what to do better), and to researchers (what to clarify)

    Un cuento de Unamuno ignorado durante 120 años : “Un loco razonante”, historia y edición de un último hallazgo

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    En el año 2012 Salamanca celebró el “Año de Unamuno” al cumplirse el 75 aniversario de su muerte (31-diciembre-1936). Esta conmemoración estuvo revestida de gran brillantez intelectual, científica y mediática, dentro de un contexto de actos y publicaciones en el que pareció darse por cerrado, hasta donde ello se puede decir, el conocimiento del ingente repertorio literario de D. Miguel de Unamuno. Tal ocurre con sus Cuentos, cuyo acervo bibliográfico se juzgaba ya concluido, tras la amplia producción de compilaciones y de estudios producida sobre ellos. Por eso tiene gran interés que desde INFAD demos explicación de un olvido y recuperemos, al cumplirse el octavo centenario de la gran universidad de la que fue eximio Rector, lo que hasta aquel año 2012 era un último “cuento perdido” de Unamuno. Escrito a finales del siglo XIX, jamás volvió a ver la luz en los últimos 120 años. En aquel siglo fue publicado dos veces: en octubre de 1892, en “El Nervión” de Bilbao y, en noviembre del mismo año, en “La Libertad” de Valladolid. Pero nadie volvió a ver este cuento: ni en las sucesivas ediciones de las “Obras Completas” ni en las diferentes publicaciones en las que se recopilan las narraciones cortas unamunianas hasta aquel mismo año 2012 en el que hicimos pública su existencia en un estudio online que no gozó de transferencia hacia la comunidad científica ni supuso ampliación alguna del conocimiento unamuniano, como explicaremos a continuación. Era, por tanto, quizá la única obra de Unamuno que, casi hasta hoy, permanecía desconocida. En estos días, dentro del Congreso de INFAD, damos a conocer en papel y en un congreso científico, aquel estudio online “semiclandestino” y publicamos el texto que, venturosamente, acabamos de ver, casi de manera simultánea, ya incluido, y con cita de procedencia que agradecemos, en la última recientísima re-edición de los “Cuentos Completos” de Unamuno (Carrascosa, 2011 y 2017), que acaba de reimprimirse, aunque todavía no ha dado tiempo de ser incorporado a nuevas ediciones de las “Obras completas”.A story of Unamuno ignored during 120 years “a wise mad man” History and edition of a finding. A story of Unamuno ignored during 120 years “a wise mad man” History and edition of a finding. In 2012, Salamanca celebrated the “Year of Unamuno” on the 75th anniversary of his death (December 31, 1936). This commemoration was associated with great intellectual, scientific and media brilliance, within a context of events and publications. After this, it seemed we knew all of the enormous literary repertoire of Miguel de Unamuno. Such is the case of his Tales, whose bibliographical acumen was judged to be over, after the extensive production of compilations and studies they produced. That is why it is of great interest for us at INFAD to give an explanation of why it was forgotten for us at, upon the completion of the 800th anniversary of the great university of he was chancello. In 2012, the last “lost story” was recovered. Written at the end of the 19th century, it never saw the light of day in the last 120 years. In that century it was published twice: in October 1892, in “El Nervión” in Bilbao and, in November of the same year, in “La Libertad” in Valladolid. But nobody saw this story again: neither in the successive editions of the “Complete Works” nor in the different publications in which short stories from Unamuno are compiled up to that same year 2012 in which we made public its existence in an online study that did not reach the scientific community, nor did it suppose any extension of knowledge, about Unamuno. It was, therefore, perhaps the only work of Unamuno that, almost until today, remained unknown. In these days, within the INFAD Congress, we publish on paper and in a scientific congress, that online “semi-clandestine” study and publish the text that, we have just seen and almost simultaneously, with the recent re-edition of the “Complete Stories” of Unamuno (Carrascosa, 2011 and 2017), which has just been reprinted, although it has not yet had time to be incorporated into new editions of the “Complete Works”peerReviewe

    Massive glosso-cervical arteriovenous malformation: the rationale for a challenging surgical resection

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    Massive arterivenous malformations (AVM) in the cervico-facial area are rare but potentially life-threatening. Treatment protocols are not well-established. A 41-year old man presented large painless rubber-like mass within the entire neck, which also extended intraorally through the floor of the mouth, showing a slow growing pattern for 5 years. Angiography diagnosed it as cervicofacial AVM. Treatment approach consisted on the embolization of the right upper thyroid, lingual and facial arteries under intravenous sedation. Three days later, bilateral radical neck dissection and subtotal glossectomy was performed. A musculo-cutaneous pectoralis major pedicled flap was harvested to reconstruct the floor of the mouth. Treatment of massive AVMs in the cervico-facial area is challenging due to the associated disfigurement and frequent recurrence rate due to incomplete resection. Also, massive bleeding may be present despite pre-operative super-selective embolization. A new case is presented with focus on surgical treatment considerations

    Pyroclasts of the first phases of the explosive-effusive PCCVC volcanic eruption: physicochemical analysis

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    The morphology, texture, grain size and other physicochemical characteristics of pyroclastic material from the first phases of the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic complex (PCCVC) eruption, (Southern Andes, Chile), can be associated to the model recently reported for the magma storage and its ascent conditions. The eruption started June 4th 2011, and the studied volcanic material corresponds to that collected in Argentine territory at different distances from the source, between 4 and 12 June 2011. The explosive-effusive volcanic process of the first days occurred with the simultaneous emplacement of lava flows and the venting of pyroclastic material, ejecting two well differentiated types of particles. The more abundant was constituted by rhyolitic and light color pumice fragments, characterized by a typical vesicular texture, easy fragmentation and absence of occluded crystalline phases. Particles found in minor proportion were dark color, different in shape and texture and rich in Fe and Ti. They seemed to be more effective for the interaction with emitted gases in the upper part of the column, for this reason, they appeared partially covered by condensation products. The ascent conditions of the magma affected its rheological behavior through variations in the degassing, viscosity and fragmentation. On the other hand, distance to the source, depositional time, volcanic evolution and environmental conditions are factors that affect the chemical composition of collected ash. So, the SiO2/FeO ratio not only increases with the distance but also with the deposition time and volcanic activity. The work was done with the aid of several techniques such as a laser-sediment analyzer, X-ray diffraction (XRD), chemical analysis (bulk and surface), SEM microscopy and Raman “microprobe” spectroscopy. On the other hand, the physicochemical behavior of the pyroclastic material allows us to suggest eventual applications

    Toponimia de Ponteceso y de su municipio

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    El empresario turístico español: formación, motivaciones y orientación emprendedora

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    Las características personales de los empresarios condicionan el funcionamiento y los resultados de las pequeñas y medianas empresas a nivel microeconómico, determinando junto con otros factores (organizacionales, económicos y del entorno) su calidad emprendedora. A su vez, la calidad emprendedora en un ámbito territorial específico determina la capacidad del tejido empresarial para impulsar el crecimiento y el desarrollo económicos en dicho territorio. Por lo tanto, resulta de gran interés profundizar en el estudio de las características personales de los empresarios de las pymes en un sector como el turístico, que es clave para la economía española y donde la presencia de pymes es abrumadora. Este trabajo presenta resultados empíricos obtenidos a partir de una encuesta dirigida a 1.119 pymes turísticas españolas, de la que se derivan muestras representativas de las tres principales actividades turísticas: hotelería, intermediación turística y restauración. El trabajo proporciona un perfil personal de los pequeños y medianos empresarios turísticos españoles en relación con aspectos como su nivel formativo y experiencia previa, sus motivaciones, actitudes y orientación emprendedora, entre otros aspectos.The personal characteristics of entrepreneurs condition the activity and results of small and medium-sized enterprises at the micro level determining, together with other factors (organizational, economic and environmental), their entrepreneurial quality. In turn, the entrepreneurial quality in a specific geographical area determines the ability of the businesses to drive growth and economic development in the territory. Therefore, it is of great interest to deepen the study of personal characteristics of the entrepreneurs running SMEs in the tourism sector, a key sector in the Spanish economy in which the presence of SMEs is overwhelming. This paper presents some empirical results obtained from a survey of 1,119 Spanish tourism SMEs, which representative samples of the three main tourist activities -hotels, tourist mediation and restoration- were obtained. This work provides a personal profile of entrepreneurs running tourism SMEs in relation to aspects such as their education level and previous experience, motivations, entrepreneurial attitudes and orientation, among others