577 research outputs found

    Pyroclasts of the first phases of the explosive-effusive PCCVC volcanic eruption: physicochemical analysis

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    The morphology, texture, grain size and other physicochemical characteristics of pyroclastic material from the first phases of the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic complex (PCCVC) eruption, (Southern Andes, Chile), can be associated to the model recently reported for the magma storage and its ascent conditions. The eruption started June 4th 2011, and the studied volcanic material corresponds to that collected in Argentine territory at different distances from the source, between 4 and 12 June 2011. The explosive-effusive volcanic process of the first days occurred with the simultaneous emplacement of lava flows and the venting of pyroclastic material, ejecting two well differentiated types of particles. The more abundant was constituted by rhyolitic and light color pumice fragments, characterized by a typical vesicular texture, easy fragmentation and absence of occluded crystalline phases. Particles found in minor proportion were dark color, different in shape and texture and rich in Fe and Ti. They seemed to be more effective for the interaction with emitted gases in the upper part of the column, for this reason, they appeared partially covered by condensation products. The ascent conditions of the magma affected its rheological behavior through variations in the degassing, viscosity and fragmentation. On the other hand, distance to the source, depositional time, volcanic evolution and environmental conditions are factors that affect the chemical composition of collected ash. So, the SiO2/FeO ratio not only increases with the distance but also with the deposition time and volcanic activity. The work was done with the aid of several techniques such as a laser-sediment analyzer, X-ray diffraction (XRD), chemical analysis (bulk and surface), SEM microscopy and Raman “microprobe” spectroscopy. On the other hand, the physicochemical behavior of the pyroclastic material allows us to suggest eventual applications

    La exigencia y el carácter no reducible de la contingencia en Aristóteles

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    Se expone aquí una interpretación del estudio aristotélico de tò sumbebekós contenido en Metafísica VI 2-3 que, partiendo del examen de la noción de stéresis, y haciéndose cargo de la modalidad de la contingencia designada como tò endekhómenon, intenta acceder a una comprensión de la afirmación según la cual “es necesario que haya el ser katà sumbebekós” que permita acogerla no como una doctrina sino como algo pensado de manera esencial por un filósofo griego.Palabras clave: contingencia, necesidad, posibilidad, privación, saber, violencia.Abstract:Here is expounded an interpretation of Aristotle’s study of tò sumbebekós contained in Metaphysics VI 2-3. This interpretation starts from the examination of the notion of stéresis and deals with the modality of contingency named tò endekhómenon, trying thus to face up to the statement according to which “it is necessary that there is the katà sumbebekós being” with a view to grasping it not as a doctrine but as something thought in an essential way by a Greek philosopher.Keywords: contingency, knowledge, necessity, possibility, privation, violence.</p

    Estatutos de la Muy Ilustre Real e Imperial Cofradía del Milagroso Pendón de San Isidoro

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    An experimental analysis od the stability and the dynamics of asixymmetric liquid bridges between unequal disks

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    In this paper experimental results related to both stability an the dynamic of a asiximmetric liquid bridge between unequal disk are presented. Experiments have been performed by using a drop tower facility and the response of the liquid bridge to a sudden change of the acceleration level acting on it has bee obtained

    Choked flow in water/CO2 solutions on air-independent propulsion systems

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    We develop a simplified model of choked flow in pipes for CO2-water solutions as an important step in the modelling of a whole hydraulic system with the intention of eliminating the carbon dioxide generated in air-independent submarine propulsion. The model is based on an approximate fitting of the homogeneous isentropic solution upstream of a valve (or any other area restriction), for given fluid conditions at the entrance. The relative maximum choking back-pressure is computed as a function of area restriction ratio. Although the procedure is generic for gas solutions, numeric values for the non-dimensional parameters in the analysis are developed only for choking in the case of carbon dioxide solutions up to the pure-water limit

    Peroxidase expression in a cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) resistant hexaploid wheat line.

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    The incompatible interaction between plant and pathogen is often determined by the hypersensitive reaction (HR). This response is associated with accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which results in adverse growth conditions for pathogens. Two major mechanisms involving either NADPH oxidases or peroxidases have been proposed for generation of ROS. Peroxidases (PER, EC, present in all land plants, are members of a large multigenic family with high number of isoforms involved in a broad range of physiological processes. PER genes, which are expressed in nematode feeding sites, have been identified in several plant species (Zacheo et al. 1997). A strong correlation between HR and PER activities at four and seven days post nematode infection, was detected in roots of wheat lines carrying Cre2, Cre5 (from Ae. ventricosa) or Cre7 (from Ae. triuncialis) Heterodera avenae resistance genes (Andrés et al. 2001; Montes et al. 2003, 2004). We have studied changes in root of peroxidase mRNAs levels after infection by H. avenae of a wheat/Ae. ven¬tricosa introgression line (H-93-8) carrying Cre2 (Delibes et al. 1993). We also report and classify the predicted protein sequences derived from complete peroxidase transcripts

    Oestrid myiasis in European Mouflon from Spain

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    From February 1992 to March 1997, 245 European mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon) from Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park (southern Spain) were surveyed for oestrid larvae in order to estimate prevalence and mean intensity of parasitism by Oestrus ovis. Over 46 percent of the animals surveyed were infected, with a mean intensity of 9.6 larvae/host parasitized. No significant differences in prevalence rates between host sexes were observed, but older mouflons were infected with more larvae than younger ones.Peer Reviewe

    Radon behavior investigation based on cluster analysis and atmospheric modelling

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    Radon measurements were performed in Huelva, a city located near a phosphogypsum repository in the SW of the Iberian Peninsula, between March 2015 and March 2016. The mean values of this gas oscillate between 5.6 and 10.9 Bq m-3 and maximum ranges between 36.4 and 53.4 Bq m-3. Radon shows the expected monthly variation with higher levels in November and December. Typical daily evolutions were also observed, with maximum between 06:00 and 08:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and minimum around noon. To extract daily radon patterns, the cluster technique of K-means was applied. Based on this classification, four different case study periods were analyzed in detail, describing two events with high radon levels and two with low radon. Local meteorology, back-trajectories computed with the HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) model and meteorological fields from the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model, were used to analyze the four case study periods selected. Low radon periods are characterized by the occurrence of non-pure breezes and maritime air masses from the Atlantic Ocean, whereas high radon periods occur under pure sea-land breezes affected by Mediterranean air masses. Factors such as meteorology or local emission sources alone may not be enough to explain the high radon events in the area. Other factors could be playing a major role in the radon levels. The obtained results indicate the contribution of radon transported from medium-long range, suggesting that, under specific weather conditions, the Gulf of Cadiz could act as a radon trap and the continental areas around the Western Mediterranean Basin could act as a radon source.Postprint (author's final draft

    Descarte, reciclagem e logística reversa: análise do fim de vida útil dos painéis fotovoltaicos / Disposal, recycling and reverse logistics: end-of-life analysis of photovoltaic panels

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    A alta demanda por energias renováveis propiciou um crescimento exponencial da energia solar fotovoltaica. Entretanto, sabe-se que ao fim de sua vida útil, o módulo se torna obsoleto e na maioria das vezes é descartado de forma indevida.  A reciclagem se apresenta como uma alternativa para diminuir os impactos ambientais e o consumo de energia na produção. Dessa forma, cabe também a implementação de canais de logística reversa, a fim de conscientizar sobre a responsabilidade com o meio ambiente.