384 research outputs found


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    Social cost of mining-related lead (Pb) pollution in Kabwe, Zambia, and potential remediation measures

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    Lead (Pb) pollution has been one of the major environmental problems of worldwide significance. It is a latent factor for several fatal illnesses, whereas the exposure to lead in early childhood causes a lifetime IQ loss. The social cost is the concept to aggregate various adverse effects in a single monetary unit, which is useful in describing the pollution problem and provides foundation for the design of interventions. However, the assessment of the social cost is scarce for developing countries. In this study, we focus on the lead pollution problem of a former mining town, Kabwe, Zambia, where mining wastes abandoned near residential areas has caused a critical pollution problem. We first investigated the social cost of lead pollution that future generations born in 2025–2049 would incur in their lifetime. As the channels of the social cost, we considered the lost income from the IQ loss and the lost lives from lead-related mortality. The results showed that the social cost would amount to 224–593 million USD (discounted to the present value). Our results can be considered conservative, lower bound estimates because we focused only on well-identified effects of lead, but the social cost was still substantial. Then we examined several engineering remediation measures. The results showed that the social cost can be reduced (the benefits of remediations) more than the costs of implementing remediation measures. This study is the first to investigate the social cost of mining-related lead pollution problem in developing countries. Our interdisciplinary approach utilises the micro-level economic, health and pollution data and integrates the techniques in economics, toxicology and engineering.publishedVersio

    Urinary neonicotinoids profiles in adults from Aveiro district, NW Portugal

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    Neonicotinoid insecticides (Neonics - NNs) are systemic insecticides widely used in agriculture to control insects. Due to their broad-spectrum insecticide activity, they are also used in the domestic environment and on animals, including household pets. Owing to their toxicity towards non-target organisms, particu-larly honeybees, the agricultural outdoor use of some neonics was already banned. Nevertheless, they can still be used in indoor activities. Neonics’ residues have been detected in food, water and indoor dust and, consequently, humans are exposed to these insecticides. However, human biomonitoring data is limited to a few studies worldwide, with no data for Portugal. In this study, levels of neonicotinoids namely ace-tamiprid (and its metabolite dm-acetamiprid), clothianidin, dinotefuran, imidacloprid, nitenpyran, thi-acloprid and thiamethoxan, were quantified in spot urine samples provided by 46 volunteers from Aveiro district. The volunteers were recruited from RESPIRA project, an ongoing study that aims to evaluate the role of environmental contaminants in the progression of respiratory diseases. Overall, the obtained re-sults disclose that 81.4% of the individuals were exposed to at least one neonicotinoid. Dinotefuran and dm-acetamiprid showed the highest detection frequencies (46.5%), followed by imidacloprid (41.9%), whereas nitenpyran and thiacloprid were never detected (bellow detection limit). The neonics with the highest concentrations were dm-acetamiprid (max: 1443 ug/g creatinine, average: 39.1 ug/g creatinine) and thiamethoxan (max: 152 ug/g creatinine, average: 6.9 ug/g creatinine). These results are in general accordance with previous reports that disclosed dm-acetamiprid as one of the most frequently detected NN in human urine samples.publishe

    Managing macropods without poisoning ecosystems

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    A recent review of the management of hyperabundant macropods in Australia proposed that expanded professional shooting is likely to lead to better biodiversity and animal welfare outcomes. While the tenets of this general argument are sound, it overlooks one important issue for biodiversity and animal health and welfare: reliance on toxic lead-based ammunition. Lead poisoning poses a major threat to Australia's wildlife scavengers. Current proposals to expand professional macropod shooting would see tons of an extremely toxic and persistent heavy metal continue to be introduced into Australian environments. This contrasts with trends in many other countries, where lead ammunition is, through legislation or voluntary programs, being phased out. Fortunately, there are alternatives to lead ammunition that could be investigated and adopted for improved macropod management. A transition to lead-free ammunition would allow the broad environmental and animal welfare goals desired from macropod management to be pursued without secondarily and unintentionally poisoning scavengers. Through this article, we hope to increase awareness of this issue and encourage discussion of this potential change.publishedVersio

    Mercury concentrations in primary feathers reflect pollutant exposure in discrete non-breeding grounds used by Short-tailed Shearwaters

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    We measured mercury concentrations ([Hg]) and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N) in the primary feathers of Short-tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) that were tracked year-round. The [Hg] were highest in 14 birds that used the Okhotsk and northern Japan Seas during the non-breeding period (2.5 ± 1.4 μg/g), lowest in nine birds that used the eastern Bering Sea (0.8 ± 0.2 μg/g), and intermediate in five birds that used both regions (1.0 ± 0.5 μg/g), with no effects of δ15N. The results illustrate that samples from seabirds can provide a useful means of monitoring pollution at a large spatial scale

    All-trans retinoic acid inhibits the recruitment of ARNT to DNA, resulting in the decrease of CYP1A1 mRNA expression in HepG2 cells

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    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and AHR nuclear translocator (ARNT) are well-conserved transcription factors among species. However, there are a very limited number of reports on the physiological function of AHR, particularly on the regulation of AHR by endogenous compounds. We hence investigated the effects of all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) on cytochrome P450 (CYP)1A1 gene transcription as a model of AHR-regulated transcription mechanisms in HepG2 cells, a human hepatoma cell line. Treatment with atRA significantly reduced transactivation and expression of CYP1A1 mRNA to less than half of its control value, and this inhibitory effect was mediated by RARα. The result of chromatin immunoprecipitation assay indicated that treatment with atRA at 1-100 nM drastically inhibited the recruitment of ARNT to DNA regions containing xenobiotic responsive elements. In conclusion, atRA at physiological concentrations could reduce AHR-mediated gene transcription via the inhibition of recruitment of ARNT to relevant DNA regions

    TCDD-induced chick cardiotoxicity is abolished by a selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor NS398

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    Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, including 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), are known to cause severe heart defects in avian species. However, the mechanism of TCDD-induced chick cardiovascular toxicity is unclear. In this study, we investigated cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) as a possible mechanism of TCDD-induced cardiotoxicity. Fertile chicken eggs were injected with TCDD and a COX-2 selective inhibitor, NS398, and we investigated chick heart failure on day 10. We found that the chick heart to body weight ratio and atrial natriuretic factor mRNA expression were increased, but this increase was abolished with treatment of NS398. In addition, the morphological abnormality of an enlarged ventricle resulting from TCDD exposure was also abolished with co-treatment of TCDD and NS398. Our results suggested that TCDD-induced chick heart defects are mediated via the nongenomic pathway and that they do not require the genomic pathway

    The CYP1D subfamily of genes in mammals and other vertebrates.

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    Members of the cytochrome P450 family 1 (CYP1s) are involved in the detoxification and bioactivation of numerous environmental pollutants and phytochemicals, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aromatic amines and flavonoids. The vertebrate CYP1 gene comprises four subfamilies, CYP1A, CYP1B, CYP1C and CYP1D. Recently, the CYP1D gene was identified in fish, and subsequently in the platypus. These findings indicate the possibility that all vertebrates have a functional CYP1D subfamily. However, there is no information on the mammalian CYP1D gene. In this study, we investigated the genomic location of CYP1D genes in mammals and other vertebrates in silico. We also performed phylogenetic analysis and calculated the identities and similarities of CYP1D sequences. The data from synteny and phylogenetic analyses of CYP1D genes demonstrated the evolutionary history of the CYP1 gene family. The results suggested that CYP1D became a non-functional pseudogene in human and bovine species; however, several other mammals possess functional CYP1D genes. The promoter regions of CYP1D genes were also examined. Unlike other CYP1 isoforms, few xenobiotic responsive element (XRE)-like sequences were found upstream of the CYP1D genes. Analysis of mammalian CYP1Ds also provided new insight into the relationship between CYP1 genes and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor