16 research outputs found

    Pengusaha kafe UiTM diberi dua pilihan

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    Shah Alam: Pengusaha kafe di Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) diberi dua pilihan sama ada mahu menikmati moratorium sewaan premis selama enam bulan atau sebaliknya

    Karakteristik Sarang dan Penetasan Telur Burung Mamoa (Eulipoa wallacei) di Galela Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik sarang mamoa dan penetasan eks-situ (penetasan diluar habitat) yang menggunakan mesin tetas (inkubator) dan in-situ (di dalam habitat) secara semi alami. Penelitian survei dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sarang dan percobaan laboratorium untuk menentukan tingkat keberhasilan penetasan di habitat semi-alami di pantai Uwo uwo Kecamatan Galela pada kedalaman yang berbeda (20, 40, 60, 80 dan 100 cm). Analisis data digunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis varian dalam program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik sarang peneluran pada habitat bertelur antara lain temperatur 31,88 ± 1,58 0C, dan kelembaban 67,00 ± 4,04%,. Diameter lubang 136,20 8,93 cm dan kedalaman lubang 58,17 ± 4,3 cm dan tebal timbunan 67,97 ± 4,33 cm, tingkat keberhasilan penetasan In-situ (semi alami) mencapai 100% pada kedalaman 20, 40, 60, 80 dan 100 cm dan Eks-situ (inkubator) hanya mencapai 75%. (Nest characteristics and hatching of mamoa bird egg (Eulipoa wallacei) in Galela District of North Halmahera) ABSTRACT. This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of mamoa’s nest as a basis for semi-natural and artificial hatching experiments. Survey study was to determine the characteristics of the nest (temperature, humidity) and experiments one was to determine the hatching success rate in semi-natural habitats on the beach of Uwo uwo Galela District where naturally Mamoa lays the eggs, at different depths (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 cm). Data analysis applied was descriptive analysis and multivariate test using SPSS computer program. Results of the study showed that in the natural nesting ground temperature of 31,88 ± 1,58 oC, and humidity of 67,00 ± 4,04%. The hole diameter of 136,20 ± 8,93 cm and hole depth of 58,17 ± 4,3 cm and the thick pile of 67,97 ± 4,33 cm, hatching success rate of In-situ reached 100% at depths of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 cm and ex-situ is only 75%


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    Tujuan dilakukannya kegiatan PPUPIK Broiler Organik adalah untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan limbah-limbah pertanian dan perikanan di wilayah Maluku Utara sebagai pakan broiler guna menekan harga pakan, serta memanfaatkan tanaman herbal seperti kunyit (Curcuma domestica), temu lawak  (Curcuma xantharrhiza Roxb), daun pala (Myristica frangrans Houtt) dan cengkeh  (Syzygium aromaticum L) sebagai fitobiotik pengganti antibiotik sehingga didapatkan broiler organik yang sehat dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Pemakaian antibiotik yang luas menyebabkan residu dalam produk ternak. Resistensi mikroba patogen pada manusia terhadap antibiotik merupakan masalah utama kesehatan masyarakat. Industri peternakan harus mengurangi penggunaan antibiotik pada hewan produksi dan mencari alternatif lain dalam pengendalian penyakit untuk menggantikan pemakaian antibiotik. Tanaman herbal dapat digunakan sebagai fitobiotik pengganti antibiotik. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan bahwa penggunaan limbah pertanian dan perikanan serta tanaman herbal dalam pakan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas broiler serta mengurangi biaya produksi

    Stability test for NaI(TI) scintillation detector

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    The objective of this endeavor is to present a brief description of a stability test performed on a NaI(TI) scintillation detector to determine its most suitable operating voltage range. The Chi-square test is used to check the reliability of the data obtained. Some test results are included

    Ability of Ceramic Tiles Waste as a Pre-treatment for Laundry Wastewater

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    The discharge of laundry of laundry wastewater (LWW) into rivers contaminates the water and exposes it to harmful chemicals present in detergents and fabric softeners. This draws attention to the need to implement treatment for LWW. This study focused on determining the ability of ceramic tiles to remove total phosphorus (TP) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from commercial LWW. The coarse aggregate of ceramic tile waste (CTW) was used as the adsorbent. The effectiveness of CTW as an adsorbent to remove TP and COD in LLW was determined by using different adsorbent dosages, contact times, and shaking speeds in a batch experiment. LWW samples were collected from the discharged point of commercial laundry shop. The results revealed that the highest TP removal was 71% with a dosage of 6 g/100 ml ceramic adsorbent, a contact time of 90 minutes, and a shaking speed of 100 rpm. Meanwhile, the highest removal of COD was 80% at a dosage of 6 g/100 mL of ceramic adsorbent, a contact time of 90 minutes, and a shaking speed of 300 rpm. The optimal value of removal for COD 60 mg/L and TP is 1.79 mg/L while pH value is 7.13. Thus, it can be concluded that the CTW aggregate as an adsorbent was effective in reducing TP and COD from LWW

    A review on the developments, potentials and challenges of application of metal products and in metal industry using process tomography system

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    This paper will provide an overall view of the developments, potentials and challenges of industrial applications involving metal products and in metal industry using process tomography system. The primary focus of the review is to highlight the differences occurred in process tomography in using metallic and non-metallic product especially involving the steel pipes which includes the differences in sensor arrangements (ERT, ECT, EIT), issues that arises in the use of metal and steel product besides in the metal production itself

    Magnetic induction tomography: a brief review

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    Magnetic Induction Tomography (MIT) is a contactless non-invasive imaging technique that interested in mapping the passive electrical properties of a material; conductivity, permittivity and permeability. This paper presents the criteria and previous functional specification involving the development of MIT, focusing in conductivity imaging. Various ways have been implemented from a simple electronic configuration of the front-end sensory circuit, data acquisition system, reconstruction algorithm and graphical user interfacing (GUI) tools. Induction sensors are paramount as it does provide the signal source for time varying magnetic field to the coils. The advantages and limitations of MIT are also presented. Many more advancement can be expected to enhance the lack of MIT especially in spatial resolution and dynamic response of the sensor

    IoT based bluetooth smart radar door system via mobile apps / Mohamad Yusri Ishak

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    In the last few decades, technology has improved a lot. Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key elements in Industrial Revolution 4.0 that uses smart phones as one of the best technological intelligent devices that allows us to have power over devices without people intervention, either through remote or voice control. Most doors are designed with key locks and they usually have some potential defects such as lost key, unauthorized key component, and forget to bring keys in order to provide door safety from unauthorized access. Therefore, the "Smart Radar Door "system uses a microcontroller and mobile Bluetooth module as an automation of smart door lock system. It improves security system integrated with an Android mobile phone that uses Bluetooth as a wireless connection protocol and processing software as a tool to detect any objects near a door. The mobile device requires a password an authentication method by using microcontroller to lock and unlock door remotely. The Bluetooth protocol is chosen as a method of communication between microcontroller and mobile devices which is integrated with many Android devices in a secured protocol. This project has been conducted in an experimental basis by evaluating Bluetooth signal measurement, ultrasonic distance measurement and object detection. The findings show that this prototype system has been visualized into line graph to obtain the consistency outcome of object detection and the maximum frequency of Bluetooth signal distance to lock and unlock the door automatically. To improve this project in the future, the author suggests that wireless cameras be used to recognize and detect images for better security, provide notification messages via smartphones in real time if there are intruders sneaking through the door, and perhaps to provide a better communication protocol to lock and unlock door in long-range distance

    Otorita Batam dan Reformasi Sistem Pemerintahan di Indonesia (1997-2004)

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    Otorita Batam is a New Order institution ( assumed ORBA) still deputize regime of otoritarian Soehartowith three especial activity namely economics, political and inseparable law. System governance reformUUD 1945 cannot give impact to existence of Otorita Batam and make product institute of ORBA thisremain to be strong as a self-supporting institution. This research aim (i). Analysing and explainingposition of Otorita Batam at reform era in system governance of Indonesia. ( ii) Identify and factorsformulation causing the increasing of independence power of Otorita Batam reform execution era of areaautonomy in Indonesia. This research use approach of political and political economics of law. ThisResearch type qualitative. Method data collecting research of field, circumstantial interview anddocumentation with informan. While method analyse data use analytical discriptioin. Result of researchget, (i) The actor or importance group maintaining existence of Otorita Batam in system governance ofIndonesia. That is why policy of Otorita Batam which only in the form of Decision of President remain tobe defended, even contradiction and weaker than law. Whereas, cause factors gain strength of OtoritaBatam era execution of decentralization (local autonomi) caused its strong (ii) Domicile power of CentralGovernment and weaken law him Governance of Area and Otorita Batam at variance with LocalGovernment. Both this factor show if institute made in this ORBA represent the part of regime ofotoritarian which remain ( Neo-Soehartois). This reality bear term which is on a period of ORBA referredas ' state in state' and reform era referred as with ' state in local gorvernment'.Keywords: Otorita Batam, local autonomy and reformatio

    An aortopulmonary tunnel as an extra-cardiac systemic to pulmonary shunt

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    Aortopulmonary window, one of the rarest congenital heart diseases, causes unrestricted left-to-right shunt and may lead to congestive heart failure, pulmonary vascular obstructive disease and low cardiac output. Echocardiogram and CT angiography are important non-invasive diagnostic tools. Surgical closure is indicated in all patients diagnosed with APW and is usually performed at the time of diagnosis to reduce the risk of developing early pulmonary vascular disease. We report on a term baby girl with variant of aortopulmonary window which manifest as a tunnel on CT angiography