308 research outputs found

    Funnel-web spider bite: a systematic review of recorded clinical cases

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia (09 January 2008). An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Objective: To investigate species-specific envenoming rates and spectrum of severity of funnel-web spider bites, and the efficacy and adverse effects of funnel-web spider antivenom. Data sources: Cases were identified from a prospective study of spider bite presenting to four major hospitals and three state poisons information centres (1999–2003); museum records of spider specimens since 1926; NSW Poisons Information Centre database; MEDLINE and EMBASE search; clinical toxinology textbooks; the media; and the manufacturer’s reports of antivenom use. Data extraction: Patient age and sex, geographical location, month, expert identification of the spider, clinical effects and management; envenoming was classified as severe, mild–moderate or minor/local effects. Data synthesis: 198 potential funnel-web spider bites were identified: 138 were definite (spider expertly identified to species or genus), and 77 produced severe envenoming. All species-identified severe cases were attributed to one of six species restricted to NSW and southern Queensland. Rates of severe envenoming were: Hadronyche cerberea (75%), H. formidabilis (63%), Atrax robustus (17%), Hadronyche sp. 14 (17%), H. infensa (14%) and H. versuta (11%). Antivenom was used in 75 patients, including 22 children (median dose, 3 ampoules; range, 1–17), with a complete response in 97% of expertly identified cases. Three adverse reactions were reported, all in adults: two early allergic reactions (one mild and one with severe systemic effects requiring adrenaline), and one case of serum sickness. Conclusions: Severe funnel-web spider envenoming is confined to NSW and southern Queensland; tree-dwelling funnel webs (H. cerberea and H. formidabilis) have the highest envenoming rates. Funnel-web spider antivenom appears effective and safe; severe allergic reactions are uncommon.Geoffrey K Isbister, Michael R Gray, Corrine R Balit, Robert J Raven, Barrie J Stokes, Kate Porges, Alan S Tankel, Elizabeth Turner, Julian White and Malcolm McD Fishe

    A game-based corpus for analysing the interplay between game context and player experience

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    Recognizing players’ affective state while playing video games has been the focus of many recent research studies. In this paper we describe the process that has been followed to build a corpus based on game events and recorded video sessions from human players while playing Super Mario Bros. We present different types of information that have been extracted from game context, player preferences and perception of the game, as well as user features, automatically extracted from video recordings. We run a number of initial experiments to analyse players’ behavior while playing video games as a case study of the possible use of the corpus.peer-reviewe

    The impact of a standardised intramuscular sedation protocol for acute behavioural disturbance in the emergency department

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    Background: Acute behavioural disturbance (ABD) is an increasing problem in emergency departments. This study aimed to determine the impact of a structured intramuscular (IM) sedation protocol on the duration of ABD in the emergency department. Methods: A historical control study was undertaken comparing 58 patients who required physical restraint and parenteral sedation with the structured IM sedation protocol, to 73 historical controls treated predominantly by intravenous sedation, according to individual clinician preference. The primary outcome was the duration of the ABD defined as the time security staff were required. Secondary outcomes were the requirement for additional sedation, drug related-adverse effects and patient and staff injuries. Results: The median duration of the ABD in patients with the new sedation protocol was 21 minutes (IQR: 15 to 35 minutes; Range: 5 to 78 minutes) compared to a median duration of 30 minutes (IQR: 15 to 50 minutes; Range: 5 to 135 minutes) in the historical controls which was significantly different (p = 0.03). With IM sedation only 27 of 58 patients (47%; 95% CI: 34% to 60%) required further sedation compared to 64 of 73 historical controls (88%; 95%CI: 77% to 94%). There were six (10%) drug-related adverse events with the new IM protocol [oxygen desaturation (5), oxygen desaturation/airway obstruction (1)] compared to 10 (14%) in the historical controls [oxygen desaturation (5), hypoventilation (4) and aspiration (1)]. Injuries to staff occurred with three patients using the new sedation protocol and in seven of the historical controls. Two patients were injured during the new protocol and two of the historical controls. Conclusion: The use of a standardised IM sedation protocol was simple, more effective and as safe for management of ABD compared to predominantly intravenous sedation

    Crop Updates 2000 - Cereals part 1

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    This session covers eleven papers from different authors: PLENARY PAPERS 1. New Wheat for a Secure, Sustainable Future, Timothy G. Reeves, Sanjaya Rajaram, Maarten van Ginkel, Richard Trethowan, Hans-Joachim Braun, and Kelly Cassaday, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) 2. Managing Cereal Rusts - a National Perspective, R.A. McIntosh, University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute, New South Wales 3. Managing Cereal Rusts in 2000 - a regional imperative, R. Loughman, Agriculture Western Australia 4. Is nutrition the answer to wheat after canola problems?Ross Brennan1, Bill Bowden1, Mike Bolland1, Zed Rengel2 and David Isbister2 1 Agriculture Western Australia 2University of Western Australia 5. Improved Sandplain Cropping Systems by Controlled Traffic, Dr Paul Blackwell, Agriculture Western Australia 6. Raised bed farming for improved cropping of waterlogged soils, Derk Bakker, Greg Hamilton, David Houlbrooke, Cliff Spann and Doug Rowe, Agriculture Western Australia 7. Banded Urea increased wheat yields, Patrick Gethin, Stephen Loss, Frank Boetel, and Tim O’Dea, CSBP futurefarm 8. Flexi N is as effective as Urea on wheat and canola, Frank Boetel, Stephen Loss, Patrick Gethin, and Tim O’Dea CSBP futurefarm 9. Why potassium may reduce cereal leaf disease, Noeleen Edwards, Agriculture Western Australia 10, Trace elements, Wayne Pluske CSBP futurefarm, and Ross BrennanAgriculture Western Australia 11. Historical Nutrient Balance at Paddock and Whole Farm scales for typical wheatbelt farms in the Dowerin - Wongan Hills area, M.T.F. Wong, K. Wittwer and H. Zhang Precision Agriculture Research Group, CSIRO Land and Wate

    Preclinical Evaluation of Caprylic Acid-Fractionated IgG Antivenom for the Treatment of Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) Envenoming in Papua New Guinea

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    articulo (arbitrado) -- Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones Clodomiro Picado, 2011Background: Snake bite is a common medical emergency in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The taipan, Oxyuranus scutellatus, inflicts a large number of bites that, in the absence of antivenom therapy, result in high mortality. Parenteral administration of antivenoms manufactured in Australia is the current treatment of choice for these envenomings. However, the price of these products is high and has increased over the last 25 years; consequently the country can no longer afford all the antivenom it needs. This situation prompted an international collaborative project aimed at generating a new, low-cost antivenom against O. scutellatus for PNG. Methodology/Principal Findings: A new monospecific equine whole IgG antivenom, obtained by caprylic acid fractionation of plasma, was prepared by immunising horses with the venom of O. scutellatus from PNG. This antivenom was compared with the currently used F(ab’)2 monospecific taipan antivenom manufactured by CSL Limited, Australia. The comparison included physicochemical properties and the preclinical assessment of the neutralisation of lethal neurotoxicity and the myotoxic, coagulant and phospholipase A2 activities of the venom of O. scutellatus from PNG. The F(ab’)2 antivenom had a higher protein concentration than whole IgG antivenom. Both antivenoms effectively neutralised, and had similar potency, against the lethal neurotoxic effect (both by intraperitoneal and intravenous routes of injection), myotoxicity, and phospholipase A2 activity of O. scutellatus venom. However, the whole IgG antivenom showed a higher potency than the F(ab’)2 antivenom in the neutralisation of the coagulant activity of O. scutellatus venom from PNG. Conclusions/Significance: The new whole IgG taipan antivenom described in this study compares favourably with the currently used F(ab’)2 antivenom, both in terms of physicochemical characteristics and neutralising potency. Therefore, it should be considered as a promising low-cost candidate for the treatment of envenomings by O. scutellatus in PNG, and is ready to be tested in clinical trials.This study was supported by Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Universidad de Costa Rica (project 741-A9-003); the PNG Office of Higher Education, CTP Limited (Milne Bay Estates), and the Australian Venom Research Unit (University of Melbourne), which is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, the Australia Pacific Science Foundation and Snowy Nominees. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto Clodomiro Picado (ICP

    A global core outcome measurement set for snakebite clinical trials.

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    Snakebite clinical trials have often used heterogeneous outcome measures and there is an urgent need for standardisation. A globally representative group of key stakeholders came together to reach consensus on a globally relevant set of core outcome measurements. Outcome domains and outcome measurement instruments were identified through searching the literature and a systematic review of snakebite clinical trials. Outcome domains were shortlisted by use of a questionnaire and consensus was reached among stakeholders and the patient group through facilitated discussions and voting. Five universal core outcome measures should be included in all future snakebite clinical trials-mortality, WHO disability assessment scale, patient-specific functional scale, acute allergic reaction by Brown criteria, and serum sickness by formal criteria. Additional syndrome-specific core outcome measures should be used depending on the biting species. This core outcome measurement set provides global standardisation, supports the priorities of patients and clinicians, enables meta-analysis, and is appropriate for use in low-income and middle-income settings

    Définition d’un jeu universel de critères de décision de base pour les essais cliniques sur les morsures de serpent: traduction par Jean-Philippe Chippaux de l’article de Abouyannis M, et al. A global core outcome measurement set for snakebite clinical trials

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    A global core outcome measurement set for snakebite clinical trials Background. Snakebite clinical trials have often used heterogeneous outcome measures and there is an urgent need for standardisation. Method. A globally representative group of key stakeholders came together to reach consensus on a globally relevant set of core outcome measurements. Outcome domains and outcome measurement instruments were identified through searching the literature and a systematic review of snakebite clinical trials. Outcome domains were shortlisted by use of a questionnaire and consensus was reached among stakeholders and the patient group through facilitated discussions and voting. Results. Five universal core outcome measures should be included in all future snakebite clinical trials: mortality, WHO disability assessment scale, patient-specific functional scale, acute allergic reaction by Brown criteria, and serum sickness by formal criteria. Additional syndrome-specific core outcome measures should be used depending on the biting species. Conclusion. This core outcome measurement set provides global standardisation, supports the priorities of patients and clinicians, enables meta-analysis, and is appropriate for use in low-income and middle-income settings. Définition d’un jeu universel de critères de décision de base pour les essais cliniques sur les morsures de serpent Contexte. Les essais cliniques sur les morsures de serpent ont souvent utilisé des critères de décision hétérogènes qui demandent à être standardisés. Méthode. Un groupe d’acteurs clés mondialement représentatifs s’est réuni pour parvenir à un consensus sur un jeu universel de critères de décision de base. Les domaines d’intérêt et les instruments d’évaluation des critères de décision ont été identifiés à partir d’une recherche documentaire et d’un examen systématique des essais cliniques concernant les envenimations par morsure de serpent. Les domaines d’intérêt ont été présélectionnés à l’aide d’un questionnaire et un consensus a été obtenu entre le groupe d’acteurs et un groupe représentatif de patients à la suite de discussions orientées et d’un vote. Résultats. Cinq critères de décision de base universels devraient être inclus dans tous les futurs essais cliniques sur les morsures de serpent : la mortalité, l’échelle d’évaluation du handicap de l’OMS, l’échelle fonctionnelle propre à chaque patient, la réaction allergique immédiate selon les critères de Brown et la maladie sérique en fonction de critères formels. D’autres critères de décision spécifiques aux différents syndromes observés lors des envenimations par morsure de serpent doivent être utilisés en fonction de l’espèce responsable de la morsure. Conclusion. Ce jeu universel de critères de décision de base permet une standardisation mondiale, répond aux priorités des patients et des cliniciens, favorise des méta-analyses et est compatible avec une utilisation dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire
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