112 research outputs found

    PReS-FINAL-2041: Macrophage activation syndrome in the children with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis during the course of tocilizumab

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    Background Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common among individuals with a mental disorder, but symptoms often go undetected and untreated. Methods The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of PTSD among a large sample of adults with psychiatric diagnoses and to establish factors associated with symptoms going undetected. Participants were 1,946 adults recruited by the National Centre for Mental Health. Structured interviews and validated self-report questionnaires were used to ascertain clinical and demographic information for analysis. Results The prevalence of participants screening positive for PTSD that had not been detected by clinical services was 13.9% [12.4–15.5%, 95% confidence interval]). Factors associated with undetected PTSD were female gender, younger age of first contact with psychiatric services, and lower household income. Especially, poor rates of detection were observed after traumatic events, such as child abuse and sexual assault. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate the need for routine assessment of trauma histories and symptoms of PTSD among individuals with anymental disorder

    Predictive age-groups modeling in a long-term perspective

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.In the current period, the demographic development of the Republic of Tatarstan is a very topical problem in calculating the rate of population growth, forecasting its size, and composition. Currently, the number of people planning specific age groups in the preparation of the federal and regional budgets is based on data analysis of state statistical reports on the number and mortality. However, the method of advancing age in our opinion is more accurate, allowing arguments to plan and predict future demographic situation. In this paper, this method is used to predict the number of pensioners in the Republic of Tatarstan

    The Role of Genetic Polymorphism in the Formation of Arterial Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and their Comorbidity

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    Background: Hereditary component plays a significant role in the formation of insulin resistance (IR) - one of the pathogenetic links of arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). However, the genetic predisposition to IR can not be realized and does not manifest itself clinically in the absence of appropriate factors of the environment (excessive nutrition, low physical activity, etc.). Objective: The review summarizes the results of studies which describe the contribution of genetic polymorphism to the formation and progression of AH, DM2 and their comorbidity in various populations. Results: In many studies, it has been established that genetic polymorphism of candidate genes is influenced by the formation, course and complication of AH and DM2. According to research data, the modulating effect of polymorphism of some genetic markers of AH and DM2 on metabolism and hemodynamics has been established. The results of numerous studies have shown a higher frequency of occurrence of AH and DM2, as well as their more severe course with adverse genetic polymorphisms. At the same time, the role of genetic polymorphism in the formation of AH and DM2 differs in different populations. Conclusion: Contradictory data on the influence of gene polymorphisms on the formation of AH and DM2 in different populations, as well as a small number of studies on the combined effects of several polymorphisms on the formation of comorbidity, determine the continuation of research in this direction

    Comparative dynamics of the level of cortisol during general anesthesia with the use of the laryngial mask and intubation of the trachea in patients operated for nodular thyroid gland formations

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    The results of the examination of the cortisol content in the blood during general anesthesia in 60 patients operated on for thyroid nodular formations are analyzed. The first group (main group) -40 patients in whom ALV was carried out using the laryngial mask (LM); The 2nd (control) group - Ventilation was performed with intubation of the trachea (IT). The level of cortisol in the blood in both groups was determined in 4 stages: 1- the day before the operation; 2- when applying LM and IT; 3- with stromectomy and 4 th stage - with the application of the last sutures to the wound of the neck. The results of the studies showed that in both methods of ventilation the sympathetic-adrenal system is adequately protected, however, anesthesia with LM causes less stress response; so if during the imposition of LM the level of cortisol increased by 33% from the initial index, then in the second group (intubation of the trachea) this reached up to 35.7% (P <0.05). Similar proportions were more or less characteristic in the 4th stage. However, during the peak of the operation (stage 3 of the examination) in both groups, the level of cortisol in the blood was approaching the baseline, which proved the adequacy of anesthesia in both groups. In addition, the use of LM in the replacement of tracheal intubation, along with the least response of the stressful response of the body, can reduce the occurrence of unwanted symptoms in the postoperative period in the upper respiratory tract.Анализируется результаты обследования содержание кортизола в крови в течении общей анестезии у 60 больных , оперированных по поводу узловыми образованиями щитовидной железы, которые распределены в две группы: первая (основная) группа -40 больных у которых ИВЛ проводилась с использованием ларенгиальной маски (ЛМ); 2-я (контрольная) группа – ИВЛ осуществлен с интубацией трахеи (ИТ).Уровень кортизола в крови в обеих группах определялись в 4 этапа: 1- за день до операции; 2- при наложении ЛМ и ИТ; 3- при струмэктомии и 4-й этап – при наложении последних швов на рану шеи. Результаты проведенных исследований доказали, что в обеих методах вентиляции легких в достаточном уровне оберегается симпатико-адренальовый система , однако проведение анестезии с ЛМ вызывает меньше стрессового ответа ; так если во время наложения ЛМ уровень кортизола повышалась на 33% от исходного показателя, то во второй группе (интубация трахеи) этот показатель достигала до 35,7%(P<0,05).Подобное соотношение в той или иной степени были характерными и в 4-м этапе . однако во время «пика» операции (3-й этап обследования) в обеих группах уровень кортизола в крови приближалась к исходному, что доказывал адекватности анестезии в обеих группах. кроме этого применение ЛМ в замен интубации трахеи наряду с наименьшей реакцией стрессого ответа организма , позволяет уменьшить появление нежелательных симптомов в послеоперационном периоде в верхних дыхательных путях

    Analysis of manual modeling skills teeth dental undergraduates of the faculty as a tool for quality training of future doctors

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    The article deals with the improvement of manual skills of teeth modeling by senior students of the faculty of dentistry and the analysis of the survey data. The results of the survey revealed a strong motivation of the study participants to conduct artistic modeling of teeth.В статье рассмотрены вопросы совершенствования мануальных навыков моделирования зубов старшекурсниками стоматологического факультета и анализ данных анкетирования. Результаты анкетирования выявили выраженную мотивацию участников исследования к проведению художественного моделирования зубов

    Внутрикостная химиотерапия в лечении инвазивного рака мочевого пузыря

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    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (CT) with cisplatin administered intraosseously into the pubic bone in patients with invasive bladder carcinoma (Т2—4N0M0) was most effective in patients with circular involvement of the bladder neck, even in large tumors of 5—7 cm. Out of 4 patients with this site of a tumor, full regression without further treatment was achieved in one patient, transurethral resection was performed in 3 patients with 75% tumor regression. In multiple bladder tumor lesions involving the bladder neck, the degree of regression was not greater than 40%. The therapeutic efficiency of intraosseous CT with cisplatin was 54% with acceptable toxicity.


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    The article is devoted to the development and evaluation of the effi ciency of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with photosensitizer photolon with additional interstitial laser irradiation in patients with head and  neck basal cell skin cancer (BCSC). Treatment was performed in 55  patients. On the fi rst stage, all patients underwent photodynamic  therapy with interstitial irradiation using fl exible optical fi bers with  cylindrical diffuser, on the second stage PDT with distant delivery of  laser at a dose of 50-300 J/cm2 was carried out. During the follow- up period of 6 months to 4 years in 13 (23.6%) of the 55 patients a  recurrence of the disease was diagnosed. A higher rate of recurrence was in the group of patients who underwent PDT for recurrent  neoplasms compared with patients with primary disease (37.5% and 4.3%, respectively), in patients with endophytic growth of the tumor compared to patients with exophytic component (30.0% and 16.0%,respectively) and in patients with large tumors (up to 2.0 cm – 14.3%, from 2.0 to 5.0 cm – 16.7% and more than 5.0 cm – 54.4%).Статья посвящена разработке методики и оценке эффективности фотодинамической терапии с фотосенсибилизатором фотолон с дополнительным внутритканевым воздействием  лазерного света у больных базальноклеточным раком кожи головы и шеи. Лечение проведено 55 больным. На 1-ом этапе всем больным была проведена  фотодинамическая терапия с внутритканевым облучением с использованием световодов с  гибким цилиндрическим диффузором (выходная мощность лазерного излучения – 200-400  мВт, время воздействия – 15-25 мин), на 2-ом этапе – фотодинамическая терапия с  дистанционным подведением лазерного света в дозе 50-300 Дж/см2. На сроках наблюдения  от 6 мес до 4 лет у 13 (23,6%) из 55 пациентов были диагностированы рецидивы  заболевания. Более высокий процент рецидивов был в группе больных, которым проводили  фотодинамическую терапию по поводу рецидива заболевания, чем у больных с первичными  новообразованиями (37,5% и 4,3% соответственно), у больных с эндофитным типом роста  опухоли по сравнению с больными с экзофитным компонентом образования (30,0% и  16,0%, соответственно) и у пациентов с большим размером опухолевого узла (до 2,0 см – 14,3%, от 2,1 до 5,0 см – 16,7% и более 5,0 см – 54,4%)