17 research outputs found

    Timing rather than movement decisions explains age-related differences in wind support for a migratory bird

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    Migratory birds must make complex decisions to use wind to their advantage during flight and increasing flight performance is particularly important while crossing ecological barriers. Age-related differences in how birds deal with wind have suggested experience improves necessary skills in gaining positive wind support. However, differences in wind support between age groups over ecological barriers have rarely been tested, and our understanding of how birds acquire related skills is lacking. We compared wind support achieved by adult and subadult Caspian terns, Hydroprogne caspia, during southward and northward crossings of the Sahara Desert by quantifying air-to-groundspeed ratios (AGR). We also tested possible underlying causes of lower subadult wind support in comparison to adults by calculating optimal AGR altitudes and fitting step selection functions in response to wind direction and speed. We found no difference between age groups in autumn, when young were flying with adults, but subadults had lower wind support during their first solo northward crossings. Adults departed northwards from wintering areas earlier in the year and encountered more favourable wind conditions than subadults, yet both age groups made similar movement decisions in relation to wind. Consequently, differences in performance are better explained by timing of passage rather than movement skills. Our findings highlight the influence of wind seasonality over the Sahara on migratory behaviour and raise questions about the evolution and ontogeny of migratory timing in relation to wind patterns and other factors that may determine departure decisions.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/lice nses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Global environmental implications of atmospheric methane removal through chlorine-mediated chemistry-climate interactions

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    Atmospheric methane is both a potent greenhouse gas and photochemically active, with approximately equal anthropogenic and natural sources. The addition of chlorine to the atmosphere has been proposed to mitigate global warming through methane reduction by increasing its chemical loss. However, the potential environmental impacts of such climate mitigation remain unexplored. Here, sensitivity studies are conducted to evaluate the possible effects of increasing reactive chlorine emissions on the methane budget, atmospheric composition and radiative forcing. Because of non-linear chemistry, in order to achieve a reduction in methane burden (instead of an increase), the chlorine atom burden needs to be a minimum of three times the estimated present-day burden. If the methane removal target is set to 20%, 45%, or 70% less global methane by 2050 compared to the levels in the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario (RCP8.5), our modeling results suggest that additional chlorine fluxes of 630, 1250, and 1880 Tg Cl/year, respectively, are needed. The results show that increasing chlorine emissions also induces significant changes in other important climate forcers. Remarkably, the tropospheric ozone decrease is large enough that the magnitude of radiative forcing decrease is similar to that of methane. Adding 630, 1250, and 1880 Tg Cl/year to the RCP8.5 scenario, chosen to have the most consistent current-day trends of methane, will decrease the surface temperature by 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 °C by 2050, respectively. The quantity and method in which the chlorine is added, its interactions with climate pathways, and the potential environmental impacts on air quality and ocean acidity, must be carefully considered before any action is taken

    Preconditions to teach newly arrived pupils in regular classes – teachers® perspective

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    Studiens övergripande syfte var att utifrÄn ett lÀrarperspektiv undersöka vilka förutsÀttningar det finns för att undervisa nyanlÀnda elever i ordinarie klass. LÀrares erfarenheter kan ge en uppfattning i hur utbildningen av nyanlÀnda elever kan vara organiserad i den svenska skolan, och vilka förutsÀttningar det finns för att bedriva undervisningen med hÀnsyn till dessa elevers förkunskaper och bakgrund. FrÄgestÀllningarna undersökte om lÀrarna anser att resurser för att undervisa nyanlÀnda Àr tillrÀckliga, hur lÀrare upplever nyanlÀnda elevers förutsÀttningar för en framgÄngsrik skolgÄng och om lÀrarna anser att de har tillrÀcklig kompetens för att undervisa nyanlÀnda elever i ordinarie klass. Studien har genomförts pÄ en skola i en mellanstor svensk kommun, med lÀrare som undervisar i Ärskurs 4-9. En kvantitativ enkÀt, med en kvalitativ ansats dÀr nÄgra frÄgor gav utrymme för egenformulerade svar och semistrukturerade intervjuer anvÀndes som metod. Resultatet visade att lÀrarna ansÄg att det behövdes mer resurser och att samarbetet mellan yrkesgrupper som ansvarar för nyanlÀnda elevers utbildning mÄste förbÀttras. LÀrarna ansÄg inte att de hade tillrÀcklig kompetens för att undervisa nyanlÀnda elever, och bedömde att nyanlÀnda elever har sÀrskilt svÄrt att nÄ uppsatta kunskapsmÄl. Detta förklarades med att kraven pÄ sprÄklig förmÄga i den nya lÀroplanen Àr höga, vilket gör att nyanlÀnda elevers chans att nÄ högre betyg Àr begrÀnsad. Ett ytterligare resultat av studien visade att lÀrarna upplevde tidsbrist, och att nyanlÀnda elevers sprÄksvÄrigheter ansÄgs vara ett stort hinder vid undervisning i ordinarie klass

    Motivation till andrasprĂ„ksinlĂ€rning – könsskillnader : En forskningsöversikt om den senaste forskningen

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    Sammanfattning Det finns en tydlig samhÀllsnorm att flickor har större motivation Àn pojkar nÀr det kommer till andrasprÄksinlÀrning. Vi har gjort en forskningsöversikt om vad den senaste forskning skriver om skillnaderna mellan könens motivation inom andrasprÄksinlÀrning. Syfte VÄrt syfte med forskningsöversikten Àr att undersöka vad den senaste forskningen sÀger om motivation inom andrasprÄksinlÀrning och undersöka om flickor har högre motivation Àn pojkar. Metod VÄr metod Àr att vi har gjort en litteratursökning i olika databaser utifrÄn bestÀmda avgrÀnsningar. VÄr valda litteratur Àr vetenskapligt granskade studier frÄn olika delar av vÀrlden. Resultat Samtliga artiklar har anvÀnt sig av liknande metoder men har fÄtt olika resultat. Den senaste forskningen visar pÄ att det ej lÀngre finns ett generellt fenomen att flickor har högre motivation Àn pojkar nÀr det kommer till andrasprÄksinlÀrning

    Motivation till andrasprĂ„ksinlĂ€rning – könsskillnader : En forskningsöversikt om den senaste forskningen

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    Sammanfattning Det finns en tydlig samhÀllsnorm att flickor har större motivation Àn pojkar nÀr det kommer till andrasprÄksinlÀrning. Vi har gjort en forskningsöversikt om vad den senaste forskning skriver om skillnaderna mellan könens motivation inom andrasprÄksinlÀrning. Syfte VÄrt syfte med forskningsöversikten Àr att undersöka vad den senaste forskningen sÀger om motivation inom andrasprÄksinlÀrning och undersöka om flickor har högre motivation Àn pojkar. Metod VÄr metod Àr att vi har gjort en litteratursökning i olika databaser utifrÄn bestÀmda avgrÀnsningar. VÄr valda litteratur Àr vetenskapligt granskade studier frÄn olika delar av vÀrlden. Resultat Samtliga artiklar har anvÀnt sig av liknande metoder men har fÄtt olika resultat. Den senaste forskningen visar pÄ att det ej lÀngre finns ett generellt fenomen att flickor har högre motivation Àn pojkar nÀr det kommer till andrasprÄksinlÀrning

    Conservation measures for the Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspiaat the largest colony in Sweden

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    WE PRESENT CONSERVATI ON ACTI ONS during 2007–2020 as part of the national Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia species action plan at Stenarna in the Björn archipelago, Uppland, the largest colony in Sweden. We applied a combination of monitoring, research, and management measures conducted within an adaptive approach frame-work, using both established and novel techniques. The implementation of conservation measures led to increased breeding success, from 0 fledglings per pair in 2007 to 1.3 in 2020. A surveillance video camera installed in 2009 aided in monitoring efforts and also revealed predation by Herring Gull Larus argentatus and White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla, leading to species-specific control strategies. Management of the island and surrounding archi-pelago, including hunting of invasive American mink Mustela vison, vegetation removal, and habitat restoration after a severe storm, have also been instrumental to the success of the project. Implementation of projects such as this have the potential to improve conditions for continued viability of endangered species in a changing world and are likely to be useful to other conservation practitioners

    A mechanistic framework to inform the spatial management of conflicting fisheries and top predators

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    Conflicts of interest between resource extraction and conservation are widespread, and negotiating such conflicts, or trade-offs, is a key issue for ecosystem managers. One such trade-off is resource competition between fisheries and marine top predators. Managing this trade-off has so far been difficult due to a lack of knowledge regarding the amount and distribution of prey required by top predators.Here, we develop a framework that can be used to address this gap: a bio-energetic model linking top predator breeding biology and foraging ecology with forage fish ecology and fisheries management.We apply the framework to a Baltic Sea colony of common guillemots Uria aalge and razorbills Alca torda, two seabird species sensitive to local prey depletion, and show that densities of forage fish (sprat Sprattus sprattus and herring Clupea harengus) corresponding to the current fisheries management target B-MSY are sufficient for successful breeding. A previously proposed fisheries management target for conserving seabirds, 1/3 of historical maximum prey biomass (B-1/3), was also sufficient.However, the results highlight the importance of maintaining sufficient prey densities in the vicinity of the colony, suggesting that fine-scale spatial fisheries management is necessary to maintain high seabird breeding success.Despite foraging on the same prey, razorbills could breed successfully at lower prey densities than guillemots but needed higher densities for self-maintenance, emphasizing the importance of considering species-specific traits when determining sustainable forage fish densities for top predators.Synthesis and applications. Our bio-energetic modelling framework provides spatially explicit top predator conservation targets that can be readily integrated with current fisheries management. The framework can be combined with existing management approaches such as dynamic ocean management, marine spatial planning and management strategy evaluation to inform ecosystem-based management of marine resources

    Foraging behaviour of Razorbills Alca torda during chick-rearing at the largest colony in the Baltic Sea

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    Capsule: Foraging behaviour in the Razorbill Alca torda during breeding was similar to that found elsewhere, aside from dive shape. Aims: To investigate the foraging behaviour of Razorbills during the breeding season at the largest colony in the central Baltic Sea. Methods: A combination of global positioning system (GPS) and time-depth recorder (TDR) devices were used on Razorbills breeding on the island of Stora Karlsö, Baltic Sea, during the chick-rearing period. Results: Five GPS tracks and nine TDR logs were retrieved from 12 Razorbills, and 7399 dives were analysed. Razorbills foraged south and southwest of the colony. Maximum and mean (±sd) foraging range from the colony was 72.7 km and 13.1 ± 13.5 km, respectively. Mean dive depth (15.3 ± 2.4 m) and duration (53.1 ± 8.5 s) were similar to those of a more southern Baltic Sea Razorbill colony. Dive depth had a bimodal distribution, with 70% of dives deeper than 10 m and 30% shallower than 10 m. There was a clear diel foraging pattern with 89% of dives occurring during daytime and a higher proportion of shallow dives at night. Unexpectedly, dives were primarily U-shaped. The Razorbills spent 31% of their overall time activity budget flying or diving. Conclusion: Aside from dive shape, foraging behaviour was consistent with that reported at other colonies of Razorbills. Inconsistency in dive shape may be due to a bimodal foraging strategy, local prey behaviour or competition with the Common Guillemot Uria aalge

    Paternal transmission of migration knowledge in a long-distance bird migrant

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    While advances in biologging have revealed many spectacular animal migrations, it remains poorly understood how young animals learn to migrate. Even in social species, it is unclear how migratory skills are transmitted from one generation to another and what implications this may have. Here we show that in Caspian terns Hydroprogne caspia family groups, genetic and foster male parents carry the main responsibility for migrating with young. During migration, young birds stayed close to an adult at all times, with the bond dissipating on the wintering grounds. Solo-migrating adults migrated faster than did adults accompanying young. Four young that lost contact with their parent at an early stage of migration all died. During their first solo migration, subadult terns remained faithful to routes they took with their parents as young. Our results provide evidence for cultural inheritance of migration knowledge in a long-distance bird migrant and show that sex-biased (allo)parental care en route shapes migration through social learning